Copyright Ó 1993 by Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved.
Michael Plass, October 28, 1993 2:29 pm PDT
DIRECTORY CII, CIIPrivate, ImagerPrintContext, PrintColor, ImagerRaster, ImagerDeviceInterchange, Vector2, Imager, ImagerDevice, ImagerSample, ImagerTransformation, ImagerManhattan, ImagerDeviceVector, ImagerPrintDevice, UnsafeStorage;
IMPORTS CII, CIIPrivate, Imager, ImagerDeviceInterchange, ImagerManhattan, ImagerPrintContext, ImagerRaster, ImagerSample, ImagerTransformation, ImagerPrintDevice, UnsafeStorage
ExternalNames: PROC = MACHINE CODE {
SetDefaults CII←HTD←SetDefaults
Create  CII←HTD𡤌reate
SetBitmap CII←HTD←SetBitmap
Destroy  CII←HTD�stroy
Defaults CII←HTD�ults
DefaultsDestroy CII←HTD�ultsDestroy
Handle: TYPE ~ CII.Handle;
sSizeDevice: CARDINAL ¬ 0,
fSizeDevice: CARDINAL ¬ 0,
scanMode: CIIPrivate.ScanMode ¬ slowRightFastUp,
surfaceUnitsPerInch: Vector2.VEC ¬ [1, 1],
logicalDevice: PrintColor.LogicalDevice ¬ 0,
raster: POINTER TO CII.RasterRep ¬ NIL
SetDefaults: PUBLIC PROC [paramRepResult: POINTER TO HTDParamRep] RETURNS [res: CII.RES¬ok] ~ {
paramRepResult­ ¬ [];
Defaults: PUBLIC PROC [paramResult: POINTER TO POINTER TO HTDParamRep] RETURNS [res: CII.RES] ~ {
res ¬ SetDefaults[paramResult­ ¬ UnsafeStorage.GetSystemUZone[].NEW[HTDParamRep]];
DefaultsDestroy: PUBLIC PROC [p: POINTER TO HTDParamRep] RETURNS [res: CII.RES ¬ ok] ~ {
MakeBlackOnly: PROC RETURNS [PrintColor.TonerUniverse] ~ INLINE {
u: PrintColor.TonerUniverse ¬ [];
u[black] ¬ TRUE;
Create: PUBLIC PROC [param: POINTER TO HTDParamRep, hResult: POINTER TO Handle] RETURNS [res: CII.RES¬ok] ~ {
ENABLE Imager.Error => {res ¬ CII.RESFromErrorCode[error.code]; CONTINUE};
hResult­ ¬ NIL;
context: Imager.Context ~ ImagerPrintContext.SimpleCreate[
deviceSpaceSize: [s: param.sSizeDevice, f: param.fSizeDevice],
scanMode: CIIPrivate.ScanModeTranslate[param.scanMode],
surfaceUnitsPerInch: param.surfaceUnitsPerInch,
logicalDevice: param.logicalDevice,
pixelsPerHalftoneDot: 5.657,
toners: MakeBlackOnly[]
ImagerPrintContext.SetSeparation[context, $black];
[] ¬ ImagerPrintContext.SetBitmap[context, CIIPrivate.MakeSampleMap[param.raster]];
iState: ImagerDeviceInterchange.InterchangeState ~ ImagerRaster.GetInterchangeState[context];
device: ImagerDevice.Device ~ iState.device;
state: REF CIIPrivate.StateRep ~ NEW[CIIPrivate.StateRep ¬ [
device: iState.device,
color: Imager.MakeGray[1.0],
dcolor: NIL,
transformation: ImagerTransformation.Scale[1],
viewClipper: NEW[ImagerDevice.DeviceClipperRep ¬ [clipBox: device.state.bounds, clipMask: ImagerManhattan.CreateFromBox[device.state.bounds]]],
clientClipper: NIL,
cp: NEW[ImagerDeviceVector.DVecRep]
iState.device ¬ NIL;
hResult­ ¬ CII.MakeHandle[data: state, SetOutputBuffers: SetOutputBuffers];
Destroy: PUBLIC PROC [h: CII.Handle] RETURNS [res: CII.RES¬ok] ~ {};
SetBitmap: PROC [h: Handle, raster: POINTER TO CII.RasterRep] RETURNS [res: CII.RES¬ok] ~ {
ENABLE Imager.Error => {res ¬ CII.RESFromErrorCode[error.code]; CONTINUE};
state: REF CIIPrivate.StateRep = NARROW[];
[] ¬ ImagerPrintDevice.SetDeviceBitmap[state.device, CIIPrivate.MakeSampleMap[raster]];
SetOutputBuffers: PROC [h: Handle, nBuffers: INT, outputBuffers: POINTER TO ARRAY [0..0) OF CII.RasterRep] RETURNS [res: CII.RES¬ok] = {
IF nBuffers # 1 THEN RETURN [CII.RESFromErrorCode[$wrongShape]] ELSE {
state: REF CIIPrivate.StateRep = NARROW[];
old: ImagerSample.SampleMap = ImagerPrintDevice.GetDeviceBitmap[state.device];
new: ImagerSample.SampleMap = CIIPrivate.MakeSampleMap[@(outputBuffers[0])];
IF old = NIL OR old.GetBox # new.GetBox THEN RETURN [CII.RESFromErrorCode[$wrongShape]];
[] ¬ ImagerPrintDevice.SetDeviceBitmap[state.device, new];