Changes for Cedar 10.0 There were a number of operations in Basics that were never implemented (and so presumablu never used): MixedMul, IntMul, IntDiv, IntMod, CardMul, CardDiv, CardMod, and a bunch of operations on REALs that the compiler does for you anyway. These have been consigned to a new interface, BasicArithmetic. Removed the ERROR declarations; they were unused and redundant with RuntimeError. Added a new interface, CStrings, which gives access to c operations on c-style strings (null terminated strings, all relevant caveats apply; stktok is NOT supported). Here is where the basic definition for CString lives. CHARPtr is being phased out; it should be a pointer to a CHAR, not to a sequence of CHAR. Added a new interface, Char, which defines a 32-bit character type.  Ês•NewlineDelimiter ™˜J˜JšœhÏnœœœœœœœ‹˜®J˜code˜QK˜—J˜ºJ˜J˜C——…——