.\" viewtioga .TH VIEWTIOGA 1 "11 June 1991" .SH NAME viewtioga \- Examine a Tioga file under X .SH SYNOPSIS .B viewtioga [ filename ... ] .SH DESCRIPTION .B Viewtioga allows an X user to examine a Tioga file without running Cedar. The file is read-only, as .B viewtioga is not smart enough to convert the file back into Tioga format when done. It also cannot display any figures embedded within the document. .PP .B Viewtioga is actually a shell script that runs the .B ez editor of the Andrew Tool Kit. Most of the commands are similar to .BR emacs . The scroll bars are similar to but not the same as Cedar or Bravo scroll bars. Left click moves the current line to the top of the screen. Right click moves the top line to the cursor position. To thumb, use the left mouse button to drag the white "elevator" region to the desired spot. Left clicking on the top and bottom regions of the scrollbar move you to the beginning and end of the file, respectively. .PP The middle button brings up a set of menus. Use the "Quit" command or type ^X^C to exit. .SH ADVICE Tioga users are also Cedar users; therefore they sometimes will tell you Cedarish file names instead of Unix file names. If a file is in someone's home directory (or a subdirectory of it), it will usually be a Unix file name you see. However file names that start with "/cedar10.1" or "/cedar" are Cedar file names and must be translated to Unix before use. For non-wizards, the best solution is to ask a Cedar user to make a copy of the file for you. .SH EXAMPLES .LP viewtioga /tilde/welch/homework/HomeWork1.tioga .PD .SH "SEE ALSO" .BR .../andrew/bin/ez (1) .BR $XeroxCedar/cedarname/cedarname (1) .SH AUTHOR David Nichols, Xerox PARC