Copyright (c) 1993 Xerox Corporation.  All rights reserved.

 * PCR←ThCtlTypes -- Datatypes for "Thread Control" interface.
 * Nearly machine independent.
 * Mostly for use by GC and Debugger.

#ifndef	←←PCR←ThCtlTypes←h
#define ←←PCR←ThCtlTypes←h 1

#include <config/PCR←StdTypes.h>
#include <th/PCR←ThTypes.h>

#include <limits.h>

 * public scheduling state

typedef enum {

    /* idle: used internally, should not be seen by clients */
    PCR←ThCtl←State←null = 0,

    /* ready to run */
    PCR←ThCtl←State←ready = 1,

    /* waiting for ml or cv */
    PCR←ThCtl←State←waitML = 2,
    PCR←ThCtl←State←waitCV = 3,

    /* terminated */
    PCR←ThCtl←State←finished = 4,

    PCR←ThCtl←State←last = LONG←MAX

} PCR←ThCtl←State;

 * public thread info

typedef struct PCR←ThCtl←FrameDataRep * PCR←ThCtl←FrameDataPtr;

typedef struct PCR←ThCtl←FrameDataRep {

    void * frame←sp;
    void * frame←fp;
    void * frame←pc;

} PCR←ThCtl←FrameData;

typedef struct PCR←ThCtl←TInfoRep * PCR←ThCtl←TInfoPtr;

typedef struct PCR←ThCtl←TInfoRep {

    /* scheduling state */
    PCR←ThCtl←State ti←state;
    union {
        struct {
            PCR←Th←ML * tiwm←ml;
            PCR←sigset←t tiwm←sigMask;
            PCR←Msec tiwm←wakeup;
        } tiw←mlInfo;
        struct {
            PCR←Th←CV * tiwc←cv;
            PCR←sigset←t tiwc←sigMask;
            PCR←Msec tiwc←wakeup;
        } tiw←cvInfo;
    } ti←waitInfo;
    PCR←Th←Pri ti←pri;
    PCR←Bool ti←ignoreRunExclusive;

    /* thread stack in use */
    void * ti←stkLow;
    void * ti←stkHi;

    /* stack limit */
    void * ti←stkLim;

    /* hottest saved frame in stack */
    PCR←ThCtl←FrameData ti←frame;

    /* other machine-dependent context */
    void * ti←mdContext;
    unsigned long ti←mdContextBytes;

} PCR←ThCtl←TInfo;

#endif /* ! ←←PCR←ThCtlTypes←h */
