Copyright (c) 1993 Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved. 15a16,20 > PUB←PROC(PCR←Base←NYI) > PUB←PROC(PCR←Base←Panic) > PUB←PROC(PCR←Base←Start) > PUB←PROC(PCR←Base←←NYI) > PUB←PROC(PCR←Base←←Panic) 19a25 > PUB←PROC(PCR←Dbg←AwaitCall) 20a27 > PUB←PROC(PCR←Dbg←Restart) 35a43 > PUB←PROC(PCR←ILRdr←RunExportRdr) 37a46 > PUB←PROC(PCR←ILRdr←SetupExportRdr) 79d87 < PUB←PROC(PCR←IO←CloseDir) 81a90 > PUB←PROC(PCR←IO←EnumDir) 98d106 < PUB←PROC(PCR←IO←OpenDir) 102d109 < PUB←PROC(PCR←IO←ReadDir) 104d110 < PUB←PROC(PCR←IO←RewindDir) 111a118 > PUB←PROC(PCR←MM←Enumerate) 112a120 > PUB←PROC(PCR←MM←Install) 133a142 > PUB←PROC(PCR←ThCrSec←Oops) 191a201 > PUB←PROC(PCR←atexit) 231d240 < PUB←PROC(PCR←fileno) 280d288 < PUB←PROC(PCR←perror) 297c305,306 < PUB←PROC(PCR←seterr) --- > PUB←PROC(PCR←setenv) > PUB←PROC(PCR←seterr) 302a312 > PUB←PROC(PCR←sigaction) 317d326 < PUB←PROC(PCR←strerror) 322a332 > PUB←PROC(PCR←system) 349,352d358 < PUB←PROC(abs) < PUB←PROC(atof) < PUB←PROC(bsearch) < PUB←PROC(labs) 354,355d359 < PUB←PROC(mbstowcs) < PUB←PROC(mbtowc) 361d364 < PUB←PROC(qsort) 379,380d381 < PUB←PROC(wcstombs) < PUB←PROC(wctomb) 383a385 > PUB←SCALAR(PCR←Bool←false) 385a388,391 > PUB←SCALAR(PCR←EmuData←atexitCleanup) > PUB←SCALAR(PCR←EmuData←stdioCleanup) > PUB←SCALAR(PCR←ILRdr←defaultRdrID) > PUB←SCALAR(PCR←ILRdr←exportRdrID) 393a400,401 > PUB←SCALAR(PCR←ILRdr←runDefaultRdr) > PUB←SCALAR(PCR←ILRdr←setupDefaultRdr) 408d415 < PUB←SCALAR(PCR←SigGlue←msecSinceBoot) 416a424,431 > PUB←SCALAR(PCR←ThData←emuDataDestroy) > PUB←SCALAR(PCR←ThData←emuIDataCreate) > PUB←SCALAR(PCR←ThData←ioDataCreate) > PUB←SCALAR(PCR←ThData←ioDataDestroy) > PUB←SCALAR(PCR←ThData←propDataCreate) > PUB←SCALAR(PCR←ThData←propDataDestroy) > PUB←SCALAR(PCR←ThData←sigDataCreate) > PUB←SCALAR(PCR←ThData←sigDataDestroy) 418d432 < PUB←SCALAR(PCR←ThPvt←tfd) PCR←Base←NYI, PCR←Base←Panic, PCR←Base←Start, PCR←Base←←Panic: all become public. PCR←BaseArgs: change the interface? PCR←Dbg←AwaitCall, PCR←Dbg←Restart: public. PCR←ILRdr←SetupExportRdr, PCR←ILRdr←RunExportRdr: should be private in PCR←ILRdrGlue.h. PCR←IO←EnumDir: Public. CloseDir, OpenDir, ReadDir and RewindDir are withdrawn. PCR←MM: Install and Enumerate are funny -- is there enough stuff there to let a GC work with only public symbols? If so, let these be public. PCR←ThCrSec: Oops has to be public if there are any macro references to it; otherwise it should be withdrawn. PCR←Th: PCR←ThPvt←tfd must be public void * because of macros. Put this in PCR←Th. ansi/stdlib.h PCR←atexit is missing from AJD version, should be public. PCR←perror occurs in both errno.h and stdio.h! PCR←setenv is missing from AJD version, should be public. PCR←sigaction is missing from AJD version posix/signal.h, should be public PCR←strerror: is in both ansi/string.h and ansi/errno.h ??? PCR←system: missing from AJD, should be public in ansi/stdlib.h abs, atof, bsearch, labs ???? PCR←Bool←false: should be public, from config/PCR←StdDefs.h PCR←EmuData←atexitCleanup, PCR←EmuData←stdioCleanup: should be private, create a new file emu/PCR←EmuDataGlue.h ??? PCR←ILRdr←defaultRdrID, PCR←ILRdr←exportRdrID (?) should be public?! PCR←ILRdr←runDefaultRdr, PCR←ILRdr←setupDefaultRdr: should be private in il/PCR←ILRdrGlue.h PCR←SigGlue←msecSinceBoot must be public since it's used in macros. Change the name and put it in PCR←???? PCR←ThData←emuIDataCreate, PCR←ThData←ioDataCreate, PCR←ThData←ioDataDestroy, PCR←ThData←propDataCreate, PCR←ThData←propDataDestroy, PCR←ThData←sigDataCreate, PCR←ThData←sigDataDestroy all move to th/PCR←ThDataGlue.h and become private. ??? What about PCR←VD.h ???