Copyright (c) 1993 Xerox Corporation.  All rights reserved.

 * PCR Debugger public interface.

#ifndef ←←PCR←Dbg←h
#define ←←PCR←Dbg←h 1

#include <config/PCR←StdDefs.h>
#include <th/PCR←Th.h>

 * Debugger client (debuggee)

extern long
PCR←Dbg←Call(PCR←Any key, PCR←Any arg);
    Invoke the debugger.
    The value of key identifies the (real) type of arg.
    Caller is suspended in such a way that its state may be examined
      (or even modified) by the debugger.

 * Debugger

struct PCR←Dbg←CallInfoRep {
    PCR←Th←T *ci←t;
    PCR←Any ci←key;
    PCR←Any ci←arg;

typedef struct PCR←Dbg←CallInfoRep PCR←Dbg←CallInfo;

extern PCR←ERes
    PCR←Dbg←CallInfo **cip,
    const PCR←sigset←t *sigMask,
    PCR←Msec wakeup
    Wait for a thread to call debugger, fill in *cip.


extern PCR←ERes
PCR←Dbg←Restart(PCR←Dbg←CallInfo *ci, long ans);
    Restart the debuggee represented by ci, returning ans as the
      result of his invocation of PCR←Dbg←Call.
    The callinfo ci must have been acquired using PCR←Dbg←AwaitCall.

#endif /* ! ←←PCR←Dbg←h */
