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  endcopyright */

 * RDTProcs.h
 * Demers, February 25, 1992 12:08:46 pm PST
 * RemoteDebugTool procedure descriptions.

#ifndef ←RDT←PROCS←
#define ←RDT←PROCS←

#include <cirio/CirioNubProtocol.h>

/* WARNING -- needs to be updated for non-SPARC-SunOS debuggees */

extern int /* -err */
RDT←Null(/* unsigned desiredVersion, unsigned *resultVersionPtr */);
    Set *resultVersionPtr to "best" Cirionub version number exported by nub.

extern int /* 0, 1, -err */
RDT←WaitSig(/* unsigned timeoutMsec, int *dbStatP */);
    Wait at most timeoutMsec milliseconds for signal from debugee to nub.
    Set *dbStatP to debuggee's dbStat value.
    Return 0 (got sig), 1 (timed out), <0 (err)

extern int /* -err */
RDT←SetDBStat (/* int dbStat, unsigned timeoutMsec */);
    Set DBStat of debuggee world (all processors).
    Debuggee may refuse; try for no more than the specified time.
    Return 0 (okay), 1 (timeout), <0 (fatal error)

extern int /* bytesRead or -err */
RDT←GetBytes(/* unsigned addr, unsigned nBytes, char *buf */);
    Read from debuggee address space.

extern int /* bytesWritten or -err */
RDT←PutBytes (/* unsigned addr, unsigned nBytes, char *buf */);
    Write into debuggee address space.

extern int /* bytesRead or -err */
RDT←GetWords16 (/* unsigned addr, int nBytes, unsigned short *buf */); 
    Read from debuggee address space.

extern int /* bytesWritten or -err */
RDT←PutWords16 (/* unsigned addr, unsigned nBytes, unsigned short *buf */); 
    Write into debuggee address space.

extern int /* bytesRead or -errno */
RDT←GetWords32 (/* unsigned addr, int nBytes, unsigned *buf */); 
    Read from debuggee address space.

extern int /* bytesWritten or -errno */
RDT←PutWords32 (/* unsigned addr, int nBytes, unsigned *buf */); 
    Write into debuggee address space.

extern int /* -err */
RDT←GetThread(/* int index, CirioNubThreadData *dataPtr */);
    Get data about thread of specified index.
    Allocate a CirioNubThreadDataRep and store its address in *dataPtr. 
    Return 0 (success), 1 (index out of range), <0 (fatal err)

extern void
RDT←FreeThreadData(/* CirioNubThreadData *dataPtr */);
    Free the object **dataPtr and its descendants.
    Set *dataPtr = NIL.

extern int /* -err */
RDT←PCtoInfo (/* unsigned pc, CirioNubPCInfo *infoPtr */);
    Map absolute pc to info.
    Allocate a CirioNubPCInfoRep and store its address in *infoPtr.

extern void
RDT←FreePCInfo(/* CirioNubPCInfo *infoPtr */);
    Free the object **dataPtr and its descendants.
    Set *dataPtr = NIL.

extern int /* -err */
RDT←KillWorld ( );
    Kill the debuggee PCR world, cleaning up as much as possible.
    Break the connection after returning.

extern int /* -err */
RDT←IssueThreadCommand (/*
    int threadIndex,
    bool setFreeze, bool freeze,
    bool setMsg, int msg
    Set dbFreeze and dbMsg fields of specified thread.
    Return ( success ? 0 : nonzero ).

extern int /* 0, 1, -err */
RDT←GetDBStat (/* unsigned timeoutMsec, int *indexPtr, int *dbStatPtr */); 
    Return system dbStat value and index of thread currently being
      examined (for dbx).  Index < 0 ==> no thread being examined.
    Wait for the values to change from the initial values, or for timeout.
    Return 0 (okay), 1 (timeout), <0 (fatal err)

 * For the following procs, consult IncrementalLoad.h

extern int /* -err */
RDT←GetFileEntry(/* unsigned seqNum, CirioNubFileEntry *fileEntryPtr */);
    Get file entry with largest seqNum <= the specified one.
    Allocate a CirioNubFileEntryRep and store its address in *fileEntryPtr.

extern void
RDT←FreeFileEntry(/* CirioNubFileEntry *fileEntryPtr */);
    Free the object **fileEntryPtr and its descendants.
    Set *fileEntryPtr = NIL.

extern int /* -err */
    unsigned symID,
    char *pattern,
    bool caseSensitive,
    unsigned wantedTypes,
    unsigned ignoredClasses,
    int numToSkip,
    CirioNubSymEntry *symEntryPtr
    Like XR←ILGetMatchingSymEntryByName
    Allocates a CirioNubSymEntryRep and stores it in *symEntryPtr.
    If symbol not found, sets *symEntryPtr = NIL.

extern int /* -err */
    unsigned symID,
    unsigned val,
    unsigned wantedTypes,
    unsigned ignoredClasses,
    int numToSkip,
    CirioNubSymEntry *symEntryPtr
    Like XR←ILGetMatchingSymEntryByValue.

extern void
RDT←FreeSymEntry(/* CirioNubSymEntry *symEntryPtr */);
    Free the object **symEntryPtr and its descendants.
    Set *symEntryPtr = NIL.

#endif /* ←RDT←PROCS← */