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 * CirioNubLocalProcs.h
 * Demers, August 5, 1992 5:36:21 pm PDT
 * CirioNub local procedure descriptions.


#include <cirio/CirioNubTypes.h>


extern bool

extern void
CirioNubLocalSetIgnoreLockFailure(/* bool ignore */);
    TRUE => local procs ignore failure to acquire load state lock and
      forge ahead anyway.

extern unsigned
CirioNubLocalNull(/* unsigned desiredVersion */);
    Return the "best" Cirio nub version number exported by this nub.

extern int
CirioNubLocalGetThread(/* int index, CirioNubThreadData buf */);
    Get data about specified thread.
    Return 0 on success, (-1) on failure (specified thread inactive).

extern int
CirioNubLocalPCtoInfo(/* XR←Pointer pc, CirioNubPCInfo buf */);
    Map absolute pc to info.
    Return 0 on success, (-1) on failure.

 * For the following procs, consult IncrementalLoad.h

extern int
CirioNubLocalGetFileEntry(/* unsigned seqNum, CirioNubFileEntry buf */);
    Get file entry with largest seqNum <= the specified one.
    Return 0 on success, -1 on failure.

extern int
    unsigned symID,
    char *pattern,
    bool caseSensitive,
    unsigned wantedTypes,
    unsigned ignoredClasses,
    int numToSkip,
    CirioNubSymEntry buf
    Like XR←ILGetMatchingSymEntryByName.
    Returns 0 on success, (-1) on error.

extern int
    unsigned symID,
    unsigned val,
    unsigned wantedTypes,
    unsigned ignoredClasses,
    int numToSkip,
    CirioNubSymEntry buf
    Like XR←ILGetMatchingSymEntryByValue.
    Returns 0 on success, (-1) on error.

 * Replace a patch area ... OBSOLETE

extern int
    XR←Pointer pc,
    XR←Pointer newPatchArea,
    unsigned long newSize
    Replace the patch area associated with given pc value.
    If newPatchArea is NIL, CirioNubLocalReplacePatchArea will allocate
      a new patch area of the requested size.
    Return 0 on success, (-1) on failure.

 * Remote debugging listener query

extern int
    Return port at which local debugnub is listening.
    Return 0 if no local debugnub is running.
    Return (-1) on other failure.

extern int
    char *sym,
    bool caseSensitive,
    bool externOnly,
    int numToSkip,
    CirioNubSymEntry buf
    Lookup symbol by name,
      then skip backward the specified number of symbols.
    Return 0 on success, (-1) on error.

extern int
    unsigned val,
    int numToSkip,
    CirioNubSymEntry buf
    Lookup symbol entry by value -- get most-recently-loaded symbol
      of highest value <= val.
    Then skip forward (numToSkip > 0) or backward (numToSkip < 0).
    Return 0 on success, (-1) on failure.

extern int
    unsigned symID,
    CirioNubSymEntry buf
    Lookup symbol entry by ID.
    This is included for completeness; it is equivalent to

        CirioNubLocalSkipSymEntryByValue(symID, 0, buf)

    See below.

extern int
    unsigned symID,
    bool caseSensitive,
    bool externOnly,
    int numToSkip,
    CirioNubSymEntry buf
    Skip forward/backward specified number of symbols by name.
    Return 0 on success, (-1) on failure.

extern int
    unsigned symID,
    int numToSkip,
    CirioNubSymEntry buf
    Skip forward/backward specified number of symbols by value.
    Return 0 on success, (-1) on failure.

extern int
    Return max number of threads supported.

extern int
CirioNubLocalGetThreadIndex(/* XR←CT t */);
    Return thread index of thread t.
    If t == NIL interpret as current thread.
    Return (-1) on error (t invalid).

 * Fetch / Store procs for local world ...
 *   able to store into text segment.

extern int
CirioNubLocalGetBytes(/* char *buf, char *addr, int nBytes */);

extern int
CirioNubLocalPutBytes(/* char *buf, char *addr, int nBytes */);

extern int
CirioNubLocalGetWords16(/* short *buf, short *addr, int nBytes */);

extern int
CirioNubLocalPutWords16(/* short *buf, short *addr, int nBytes */);

extern int
CirioNubLocalGetWords32(/* long *buf, long *addr, int nBytes */);

extern int
CirioNubLocalPutWords32(/* long *buf, long *addr, int nBytes */);

#endif /* ←CIRIO←NUB←LOCAL←PROCS← */