Copyright Ó 1986, 1988, 1992 by Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved.
Jean-Marc Frailong, February 8, 1989 9:27:17 pm PST
Rick Beach, June 7, 1988 9:11:00 am PDT
Last changed by Pavel on December 2, 1988 7:16:54 pm PST
Philip James, March 9, 1990 9:59 am PST
This module contains all the printing mechanism and formatters for XTSetter
Kenneth A. Pier, June 11, 1990 3:17 pm PDT
Weiser, September 1, 1992 9:14 pm PDT
Willie-s, April 7, 1992 4:33 pm PDT
Atom USING [GetPropFromList, PropList, PutPropOnList],
Basics USING [Comparison],
BasicTime USING [GMT, Now],
CommanderOps USING [DoCommand],
Convert USING [AppendCard],
Imager USING [black, ClipRectangleI, <<ConcatT,>> Context, DoSaveAll, MaskRectangleI, metersPerInch, pointsPerInch, RotateT, ScaleT, SetColor, SetFont, <<SetPriorityImportant,>> SetXYI, ShowText, Trans, Transformation, TranslateT, VEC, white],
ImagerInterpress USING [Close, CreateFromStream, DoPage, Ref],
ImagerTransformation USING [PreRotate, PreTranslate, Scale],
ImagerXCMap USING [FilterFonts, tiogaAndPressToXC],
InterminalBackdoor USING [terminal],
IO USING [PutF1, PutF, PutFR, PutRope, STREAM, int, card, rope],
IPConverters USING [InterpressToCompressedIP, ProgressProc<<, AISToInterpress, PressToInterpress>>],
IPMaster USING [currentVersion, Version],
List USING [CompareProc, Sort],
NodeProps USING [DoSpecs, GetProp, GetSpecs, PutProp],
NodeStyle USING [GetReal, Ref],
NodeStyleOps USING [Alloc, ApplyAll, GetStyleParam, nonNumeric],
PieViewers USING [Set],
Process USING [Detach, Pause, CheckForAbort, SecondsToTicks],
Real USING [Round],
RefText USING [AppendChar, AppendRope, New, ObtainScratch, ReleaseScratch, TrustTextAsRope],
Rope USING [Cat, Concat, Equal, Find, FromRefText, IsEmpty, Length, ROPE, Run, SkipTo, Substr],
SF USING [Box, SizeF, SizeS],
Snapshot USING [BWSnapshot, ColorSnapshot],
TextEdit USING [ChangeStyle],
TextNode USING [Location, LastLocWithin, LocNumber, Ref, StepForward],
TiogaAccess USING [CopyNode, Create, DoneWith, EndOf, FromFile, Reader, WriteNode, Writer],
TiogaAccessViewers USING [FromViewer],
TiogaImager USING [Destroy, FormatPage, FormattedPage, Render],
TJaM USING [Stop],
VFonts USING [defaultFont, Font, StringWidth],
ViewerClasses USING [Column, ViewerClass<<, ViewerRec>>],
ViewerLocks USING [CallUnderWriteLock],
ViewerOps USING [ChangeColumn, CloseViewer, ComputeColumn, DestroyViewer, EnumerateViewers, EnumProc, FetchProp, FetchViewerClass, OpenIcon],
ViewerPrivate USING [DrawMenu],
ViewerSpecs USING [bwScreenHeight, bwScreenWidth, captionHeight, colorScreenHeight, colorScreenWidth, messageWindowHeight, menuBarHeight, menuHeight, openBottomY, openLeftLeftX, openRightLeftX, scrollBarW, windowBorderSize],
XNSPrint USING [Context, Error, GetDefaults, GetPaperDimensions, PaperDimensions, PrintFromFile, Problem],
XTSetterPrintImpl: CEDAR MONITOR LOCKS tool USING tool: Tool
IMPORTS Atom, BasicTime, CommanderOps, Convert, Imager, ImagerInterpress, ImagerTransformation, ImagerXCMap, <<InterminalBackdoor, >>IPConverters, IO, List, NodeProps, NodeStyle, NodeStyleOps, PieViewers, PFS, PFSNames, Process, Real, RefText, Rope, SF, <<Snapshot,>> TextEdit, TextNode, TiogaAccess, TiogaAccessViewers, TiogaImager, TJaM, VFonts, ViewerLocks, ViewerOps, ViewerPrivate, ViewerSpecs, XNSPrint, XTSetter, XTSetterPrivate
OPEN XTSetterPrivate;
ToolRep: PUBLIC TYPE ~ XTSetterPrivate.ToolRep;
initialWorkingDirectory: <<ROPE>> PFS.PATH ¬ PFS.GetWDir[]; -- from which XTSetter was ran
Printing machinery
Extension: PROC [file, ext: ROPE] RETURNS [BOOL] ~ {
Return TRUE iff file extension matches ext
cp: ComponentPositions = ExpandName[file].cp;
IF cp.ext.length = 0 THEN RETURN [Rope.IsEmpty[ext]]
ELSE RETURN [Rope.Equal[Rope.Substr[file, cp.ext.start, cp.ext.length], ext, FALSE]];
PrintFile: PUBLIC ENTRY PROC [tool: Tool, file: ROPE, options: Options ¬ NIL] ~ {
Print a file within the context of a tool, options settings may be overrided
info: Info ¬ NEW [InfoRep];
file ¬ ExpandName[file].fullFName;
info.date ¬ PFS.FileInfo[PFS.PathFromRope[file]].uniqueID.egmt.gmt;
info.title ¬ file;
info.keptFile ¬ MakeIPFileName[tool, file]; -- build presumed IP file name
Extension[file, "ip"] OR
Extension[file, "4050ip"] OR
Extension[file, "interpress"] => ExecutePrintRequest[tool, options, info, NIL, file];
Extension[file, "press"] => ExecutePrintRequest[tool, options, info, FromPressFile, file];
Extension[file, "ais"] => ExecutePrintRequest[tool, options, info, FromAISFile, file];
Extension[file, "pd"] => tool.feedBack.PutRope["Error: XTSetter does not print pd files\n"];
ENDCASE => ExecutePrintRequest[tool, options, info, FromTiogaFile, file];
PrintViewer: PUBLIC ENTRY PROC [tool: Tool, v: Viewer, options: Options ¬ NIL] ~ {
Print any kind of viewer. Whatever the viewer passed, it is first transformed into it's top-level parent. The viewer IP producer will be used to print it.
Before that, a series of atrocious heuristics is used to try to fill in the Info structure.
info: Info ¬ NEW [InfoRep];
hasName, hasFile: BOOL;
WHILE v.parent#NIL DO v ¬ v.parent ENDLOOP; -- go to the root
IF v.destroyed THEN RETURN; -- v is vanishing
hasName ¬ Rope.Length[v.name] # 0;
hasFile ¬ Rope.Length[v.file] # 0;
info.date ¬ BasicTime.Now[]; -- default value
Try to find a reasonable value for the title
SELECT TRUE FROM -- try to fill in correctly info structure
hasName AND hasFile AND Rope.Find[s1: v.file, s2: v.name, case: FALSE]=0 => {
Try getting info from backing file, method from ViewerPaint
info.title ¬ ExpandName[v.file].fullFName; -- simulate PrintFromFile
info.keptFile ¬ info.title;
SELECT TRUE FROM -- Fix details in name, force known creation date
v.newFile => info.title ¬ Rope.Concat[info.title, " [New File]"];
v.newVersion => info.title ¬ Rope.Concat[info.title, " [Edited]"];
ENDCASE => info.date ¬ PFS.FileInfo[PFS.PathFromRope[v.file]].uniqueID.egmt.gmt;
hasName AND hasFile => {
info.title ¬ Rope.Concat["Viewer ", v.name];
info.keptFile ¬ v.file;
hasName AND ~hasFile => {
info.title ¬ Rope.Concat["Viewer ", v.name];
info.keptFile ¬ v.name;
hasFile AND ~hasName => {
info.title ¬ Rope.Concat["Unnamed viewer on ", v.file];
info.keptFile ¬ v.file;
info.title ¬ "Unnamed viewer";
info.keptFile ¬ "UnnamedViewer";
info.keptFile ¬ MakeIPFileName[tool, info.keptFile]; -- expand produced IP file name hint
ExecutePrintRequest[tool, options, info, GetGenerator[v], v];
PrintScreen: PUBLIC ENTRY PROC [tool: Tool, screen: Screen, options: Options ¬ NIL] ~ {
Print the B&W or color screen according to argument
info: Info ¬ NEW [InfoRep];
screenTitle: ARRAY Screen OF ROPE ¬ ["B&W screen", "Left column", "Right column", "Color screen"];
screenFile: ARRAY Screen OF ROPE ¬ ["BWScreen", "LeftColumn", "RightColumn", "ColorScreen"];
info.date ¬ BasicTime.Now[];
info.title ¬ screenTitle[screen];
info.keptFile ¬ MakeIPFileName[tool, screenFile[screen]];
ExecutePrintRequest[tool, options, info, FromScreen, NEW [Screen ¬ screen]];
ExecutePrintRequest: INTERNAL PROC [tool: Tool, options: Options, info: Info, producer: IPProducer, source: REF] ~ {
Just copy the options to prevent side-effects, then fork off the real stuff and return to caller.
optionsCopy: Options;
IF options=NIL THEN optionsCopy ¬ GetOptionsInternal[tool, TRUE]
ELSE optionsCopy ¬ NEW [OptionsRep ¬ options­];
FORK PrintRequestProcess[tool, optionsCopy, info, producer, source]
NewTmpMaster: ENTRY PROC [tool: Tool, version: IPMaster.Version, compressed: BOOL] RETURNS [master: ImagerInterpress.Ref, fileName: ROPE] ~ {
Open a new temporary IP master with specified version. Suffix will be:
.4050ip if compressed is TRUE (also forces version to [2, 0])
.ip if version < 3.0
.interpress if version >=3.0
outStream: IO.STREAM;
suffix, header: ROPE;
compressed => {suffix ¬ "4050ip"; version ¬ [2, 0]};
version.major<3 => suffix ¬ "ip";
ENDCASE => suffix ¬ "interpress";
header ¬ IO.PutFR["Interpress/Xerox/%g.%g ", IO.int[version.major], IO.int[version.minor]];
fileName ¬ IO.PutFR["/tmp/IP%x%g.%g", IO.card[id], IO.int[tool.unique], IO.rope[suffix]];
tool.unique ¬ tool.unique + 1;
outStream ¬ PFS.StreamOpen[PFS.PathFromRope[fileName], create];
fileName ¬ PFS.RopeFromPath[PFS.GetName[PFS.OpenFileFromStream[outStream]].fullFName];
master ¬ ImagerInterpress.CreateFromStream[outStream, header];
MakeIPMaster: PROC [tool: Tool, status: StatusReport, options: Options, info: Info, producer: IPProducer, source: REF] RETURNS [ipName: ROPE, temp: BOOL, pages: INT] ~ {
Produce the final required IP master. Return number of pages, IP file name & whether the master is temporary or was user-provided
IPStatusUpdate: ProductionProgressProc ~ {
Reflect the current progress of the IP producer in the status window
IF status.pie=NIL OR status.pie.destroyed THEN RETURN [FALSE]; -- proceed smoothly if viewer destroyed
PieViewers.Set[status.pie, 100.0-percent];
RETURN [status.stopRequired];
Compress: PROC [from: ROPE] ~ {
Transform from to a compressed IP master. Setup ipName, temp, pages
BeginPage: IPConverters.ProgressProc ~ { }; -- does nothing at all
EndPage: IPConverters.ProgressProc ~ {
IF totalPages<=0 OR pageNumber<=0 OR pageNumber>totalPages THEN RETURN;
pages ¬ pageNumber;
IF IPStatusUpdate[(100.0*pageNumber)/totalPages] THEN stop ¬ TRUE;
master: ImagerInterpress.Ref;
failed: BOOL;
pageWidth, pageHeight: REAL;
[length: pageHeight, width: pageWidth] ¬ PaperSizeMeters[options.mediumHint];
[master, ipName] ¬ NewTmpMaster[tool, [2, 0], TRUE];
temp ¬ TRUE;
[] ¬ IPStatusUpdate[0.00]; -- to reset the pie to black...
IF Install["InterpressToCompressedIP", tool.feedBack] THEN failed ← IPConverters.InterpressToCompressedIP[from, master, BeginPage, EndPage, tool.feedBack, pageWidth, pageHeight]
ELSE failed ← TRUE;
failed ¬ IPConverters.InterpressToCompressedIP[from, master, BeginPage, EndPage, tool.feedBack, pageWidth, pageHeight];
IF failed THEN pages ¬ -1; -- indicate failure to caller
temp ¬ FALSE; -- presume this is the case
producer#NIL => { -- Create the IP master
master: ImagerInterpress.Ref;
version: IPMaster.Version ¬ IF options.compress THEN IPMaster.currentVersion ELSE tool.version.version;
[master, ipName] ¬ NewTmpMaster[tool, version, FALSE];
temp ¬ TRUE;
pages ¬ producer[source, options, info, master, tool.feedBack, IPStatusUpdate];
IF status.stopRequired OR pages<=0 THEN RETURN; -- let caller handle the problem
IF options.compress THEN {
intermediateIP: ROPE = ipName;
PFS.Delete[PFS.PathFromRope[intermediateIP] ! PFS.Error => CONTINUE]; -- don't bother if delete fails
options.compress AND NOT Extension[NARROW[source], "4050ip"] => Compress[NARROW[source]];
ENDCASE => {ipName ¬ NARROW [source]; pages ¬ 1} -- dummy number of pages ...
Position: TYPE = XTSetter.Position;
ComponentPositions: TYPE = XTSetter.ComponentPositions;
CopyWithSuffix: PROC [from, to: ROPE] RETURNS [msg: ROPE, failed: BOOL] ~ {
Rename from into to. Use from's suffix to replace to's. Return resulting file name in msg if OK, otherwise FS error explanation.
ENABLE PFS.Error, XTError => {msg ¬ error.explanation; GOTO fsError};
fromCP, toCP: ComponentPositions;
toFName: Rope.ROPE;
[from, fromCP] ¬ ExpandName[from, "/tmp"];
[to, toCP] ¬ ExpandName[to, "/tmp"];
toFName ¬ ConstructFName[[
server: to.Substr[toCP.server.start, toCP.server.length],
dir: to.Substr[toCP.dir.start, toCP.dir.length],
subDirs: to.Substr[toCP.subDirs.start, toCP.subDirs.length],
base: to.Substr[toCP.base.start, toCP.base.length],
ext: from.Substr[fromCP.ext.start, fromCP.ext.length],
ver: NIL],
msg ¬ PFS.RopeFromPath[PFS.PathFromRope[toFName]];
PFS.Copy[from: PFS.PathFromRope[from], to: PFS.PathFromRope[toFName],
confirmProc: NIL];
failed ¬ FALSE;
fsError => failed ¬ TRUE;
ComponentRopes: TYPE = RECORD [server, dir, subDirs, base, ext, ver: ROPE ¬ NIL];
ConstructFName: PROC [cr: ComponentRopes, omitDir: BOOL]
RETURNS [fName: Rope.ROPE] = {
scratch: REF TEXT ~ RefText.ObtainScratch[100];
text: REF TEXT ¬ scratch;
text ¬ RefText.AppendChar[text, '/ ];
IF NOT Rope.IsEmpty[cr.server] THEN {
text ¬ RefText.AppendRope[text, cr.server];
text ¬ RefText.AppendChar[text, '/ ];
IF NOT omitDir AND NOT Rope.IsEmpty[cr.dir] THEN {
text ¬ RefText.AppendRope[text, cr.dir];
text ¬ RefText.AppendChar[text, '/ ];
IF NOT Rope.IsEmpty[cr.subDirs] THEN {
text ¬ RefText.AppendRope[text, cr.subDirs];
text ¬ RefText.AppendChar[text, '/ ];
text ¬ RefText.AppendRope[text, cr.base];
IF NOT Rope.IsEmpty[cr.ext] THEN {
text ¬ RefText.AppendChar[text, '. ];
text ¬ RefText.AppendRope[text, cr.ext];
IF NOT Rope.IsEmpty[cr.ver] THEN {
text ¬ RefText.AppendChar[text, '! ];
text ¬ RefText.AppendRope[text, cr.ver];
fName ¬ Rope.FromRefText[text];
XTError: ERROR [error: PFS.ErrorDesc] = CODE;
RaiseError: PROC [pfs: PFS.ErrorDesc] ~ {
group: SELECT pfs.group FROM
ok => ok,
bug => bug,
environment => environment,
client => client,
user => user,
ENDCASE => bug,
code: pfs.code,
explanation: pfs.explanation
Wrap: PROC [inner: PROC, wDir: ROPE] = {
ENABLE PFS.Error => { RaiseError[error] };
IF wDir = NIL THEN inner[] ELSE PFS.DoInWDir[PFS.PathFromRope[wDir], inner];
ExpandName: PUBLIC PROC[name: ROPE, wDir: ROPE ¬ NIL]
RETURNS [fullFName: ROPE ¬ NIL, cp: ComponentPositions, dirOmitted: BOOL] = {
path: PFS.PATH;
scratch: REF TEXT ~ RefText.ObtainScratch[100];
text: REF TEXT ¬ scratch;
nullPos: Position = [start: 0, length: 0];
nullCP: ComponentPositions = [server: nullPos, dir: nullPos, subDirs: nullPos, base: nullPos, ext: nullPos, ver: nullPos];
GetPath: PROC ~ {
path ¬ PFS.AbsoluteName[PFS.PathFromRope[name]];
serverComponent: BOOL ¬ TRUE;
state: {start, doingComponent, doingSeparator, done} ¬ start;
lastVersion: PFSNames.Version ¬ [none];
EachComponent: PFSNames.ComponentProc ~ {
IF serverComponent THEN {serverComponent ¬ FALSE; RETURN};
start => NULL;
doingComponent => NULL;
doingSeparator => {
text ¬ RefText.AppendRope[text, "<"];
cp.dir.start ¬ text.length;
state ¬ done };
done => NULL;
cp.base.start ¬ text.length;
text ¬ RefText.AppendRope[text, comp.name.base, comp.name.start, comp.name.len];
cp.base.length ¬ text.length-cp.base.start;
lastVersion ¬ comp.version;
EachSeparator: PFSNames.SeparatorProc ~ {
IF serverComponent THEN {
IF separatorPresent THEN RETURN ELSE serverComponent ¬ FALSE;
start => {
IF separatorPresent THEN {
text ¬ RefText.AppendRope[text, "["];
cp.server.start ¬ text.length;
state ¬ doingComponent }
ELSE state ¬ done;
doingComponent => {
cp.server.length ¬ text.length-cp.server.start;
text ¬ RefText.AppendRope[text, "]"];
state ¬ doingSeparator };
done => IF separatorPresent THEN {
IF cp.subDirs = nullPos
THEN {cp.dir.length ¬ text.length-cp.dir.start; cp.subDirs.start ¬ text.length+1 }
ELSE cp.subDirs.length ¬ text.length-cp.subDirs.start;
text ¬ RefText.AppendRope[text, ">"];
cp.base ¬ nullPos;
Wrap[GetPath, wDir];
dirOmitted ¬ FALSE;
cp ¬ nullCP;
PFSNames.Map[path, EachComponent, EachSeparator];
IF lastVersion.versionKind # none THEN {
text ¬ RefText.AppendRope[text, "!"];
cp.ver.start ¬ text.length;
text ¬ SELECT lastVersion.versionKind FROM
lowest => RefText.AppendRope[text, "L"],
highest => RefText.AppendRope[text, "H"],
all => RefText.AppendRope[text, "*"],
numeric => Convert.AppendCard[text, lastVersion.version],
ENDCASE => text;
cp.ver.length ¬ text.length-cp.ver.start;
FOR i: NAT DECREASING IN [cp.base.start..cp.base.start+cp.base.length) DO
IF text[i] = '. THEN {
cp.ext.start ¬ i+1;
cp.ext.length ¬ cp.base.start+cp.base.length-(i+1);
cp.base.length ¬ i-cp.base.start;
IF cp.dir = nullPos THEN { cp.dir.start ¬ cp.server.start+cp.server.length; IF cp.dir.start = text.length THEN cp.dir.start ¬ cp.dir.start+1 };
IF cp.subDirs = nullPos THEN { cp.subDirs.start ¬ cp.dir.start+cp.dir.length; IF cp.subDirs.start = text.length THEN cp.subDirs.start ¬ cp.subDirs.start+1 };
IF cp.base = nullPos THEN { cp.base.start ¬ cp.subDirs.start+cp.subDirs.length; IF cp.base.start = text.length THEN cp.base.start ¬ cp.base.start+1};
IF cp.ext = nullPos THEN {cp.ext.start ¬ cp.base.start+cp.base.length; IF cp.ext.start = text.length THEN cp.ext.start ¬ cp.ext.start+1};
IF cp.ver = nullPos THEN {cp.ver.start ¬ cp.ext.start+cp.ext.length; IF cp.ver.start = text.length THEN cp.ver.start ¬ cp.ver.start+1};
fullFName ¬ Rope.FromRefText[text];
DoWithStatus: PROC [tool: Tool, status: StatusReport, inner: PROC [] RETURNS [BOOL]] ~ {
ViewerOps.DestroyViewer[viewer: status.viewer, paint: FALSE];
status.tool ¬ NIL; -- Avoid circularities
IF inner[] THEN {
ViewerOps.DestroyViewer[viewer: status.viewer, paint: FALSE];
status.tool ¬ NIL; -- Avoid circularities
PrintRequestProcess: PROC [tool: Tool, options: Options, info: Info, producer: IPProducer, source: REF] ~ {
Execute a generic print request: create window, Create the IP in a temporary file, then send it over.
WithStatus: PROC [] RETURNS [destroyStatus: BOOL] ~ {
pages: INT;
temp: BOOL;
ipName: ROPE;
destroyStatus ¬ FALSE;
[ipName, temp, pages] ¬ MakeIPMaster[tool, status, options, info, producer, source];
status.stopRequired => { -- IP master cancelled by STOP button
tool.feedBack.PutF1["Print request for %g cancelled\n", IO.rope[info.title]];
destroyStatus ¬ TRUE;
pages>0 => { -- IP master correctly produced and not cancelled
problemRope: ARRAY XNSPrint.Problem OF ROPE ¬ ["Connection", "File", "Name", "Protocol", "Service", "ServiceRetry", "Stream", "Unknown"];
context: XNSPrint.Context ¬ XNSPrint.GetDefaults[];
context.copyCount ¬ options.copyCount;
context.mediumHint ¬ options.mediumHint;
context.pageFirst ¬ options.pageFirst;
context.pageLast ¬ options.pageLast;
context.printerName ¬ tool.printerName;
context.printObjectCreateDate ¬ info.date;
context.printObjectName ¬ info.title;
context.stapled ¬ options.stapled;
context.telephone ¬ options.telephone;
context.twoSided ¬ options.twoSided;
IF temp AND options.keepIP AND NOT Rope.IsEmpty[info.keptFile] THEN {
finalName: ROPE;
copyFailed: BOOL;
[finalName, copyFailed] ¬ CopyWithSuffix[ipName, info.keptFile];
IF copyFailed THEN tool.feedBack.PutF["Failed to keep master for %g : %g\n", IO.rope[info.title], IO.rope[finalName]]
ELSE tool.feedBack.PutF["IP master for %g kept as %g\n", IO.rope[info.title], IO.rope[finalName]];
[] ¬ XNSPrint.PrintFromFile[ipName, context, PrintStatusUpdate, status !
XNSPrint.Error => {
this retry code was lifted from XNSPrintCommandsImpl.SendMasterProc
IF problem=serviceRetry OR
(problem=service AND Rope.Equal[s1: explanation, s2: "Spooling Queue Full"]) OR
(problem=connection AND Rope.Equal[s1: explanation, s2: "communication failure"])
tool.feedBack.PutF[" ... %lRETRY%l", [rope["k"]], [rope["K"]]];
tool.feedBack.PutF["%g error trying to print %g: %g\n",
IO.rope[info.title], IO.rope[explanation]];
destroyStatus ¬ TRUE;
ENDCASE => { -- failed to produce IP master ???
tool.feedBack.PutF1["Failed to create IP master for %g\n", IO.rope[info.title]];
destroyStatus ¬ TRUE;
IF temp THEN PFS.Delete[PFS.PathFromRope[ipName] ! PFS.Error => CONTINUE]; -- don't bother if delete fails
status: StatusReport ¬ CreateStatusReport[tool, info.title];
DoWithStatus[tool, status, WithStatus];
Viewers IPProducer management
ipProducerProp: ATOM = $IPProducer;
SetClassGenerator: PUBLIC PROC [class: ViewerClasses.ViewerClass, producer: IPProducer] ~ {
Set the IPProducer property for a viewer class
class.props ← Atom.PutPropOnList[class.props, ipProducerProp, NEW [IPProducer ← producer]];
SetGenerator: PUBLIC PROC [v: Viewer, producer: IPProducer] ~ {
Set the IPProducer property for a specific viewer
ViewerOps.AddProp[v, ipProducerProp, NEW [IPProducer ← producer]];
GetGenerator: PUBLIC PROC [v: Viewer] RETURNS [producer: IPProducer] ~ {
Return the IPProducer property inherited by a specific viewer
rp: REF IPProducer ¬ NARROW [ViewerOps.FetchProp[v, ipProducerProp]];
IF rp=NIL THEN rp ¬ NARROW [Atom.GetPropFromList[v.class.props, ipProducerProp]];
ELSE RETURN [DefaultViewerIPProducer];
Tioga IP Producer
FromTiogaViewer: IPProducer ~ {
IP Producer for Tioga/Typescript viewers. Does some preprocessing before using FromTiogaNode producer.
v: Viewer ¬ NARROW [source];
pages ¬ FromTiogaNode[TiogaAccessViewers.FromViewer[v], options, info, master, err, progress];
FromTiogaFile: IPProducer ~ {
IP Producer for Tioga files. Does some preprocessing before using FromTiogaNode producer.
file: ROPE ¬ NARROW [source];
pages ¬ FromTiogaNode[TiogaAccess.FromFile[file], options, info, master, err, progress];
FromTiogaNode: PROC [source: TiogaAccess.Reader, options: Options, info: Info, master: ImagerInterpress.Ref, err: IO.STREAM, progress: ProductionProgressProc] RETURNS [pages: INT ¬ 0] ~ {
Creates an Interpress stream from a Tioga node. Follows closely TiogaToInterpress, buts starts from a TiogaAccess reader. This procedure is declared exactly like an IPProducer, but with a TiogaAccess.Reader as the source because NARROW of opaque types is not supported.
AppendFix: PROC [node: TextNode.Ref, name: ATOM, value: ROPE] ~ {
old: ROPE ~ NodeProps.GetSpecs[name: name, value: NodeProps.GetProp[n: node, name: name]];
new: ROPE ~ Rope.Cat[old, " ", value];
NodeProps.PutProp[n: node, name: name, value: NodeProps.DoSpecs[name: name, specs: new]];
SetDevice: PROC [node: TextNode.Ref, device: ROPE] ~ {
prop: ATOM = $Prefix;
old: ROPE ~ NodeProps.GetSpecs[name: prop, value: NodeProps.GetProp[n: node, name: prop]];
new: ROPE ~ Rope.Cat[old, " (", device, ") device"];
NodeProps.PutProp[n: node, name: prop, value: NodeProps.DoSpecs[name: prop, specs: new]];
LandscapeStyle: PROC [root: TextNode.Ref] RETURNS [rotate: BOOL, xTranslate: REAL] ~ {
Find out whether the current style requires landscape format (page rotation) or not. This function should be done by TiogaImager, but it's not... xTranslate is ok only if rotate is TRUE
nodeStyle: NodeStyle.Ref ¬ NodeStyleOps.Alloc[];
pageRotation: REAL ¬ 0.0;
NodeStyleOps.ApplyAll[nodeStyle, root, print];
pageRotation ¬ NodeStyleOps.GetStyleParam[
s: nodeStyle, name: $pageRotation, styleName: nodeStyle.name[style], kind: print !
TJaM.Stop, NodeStyleOps.nonNumeric => CONTINUE];
rotate ¬ pageRotation#0.0;
xTranslate ¬ NodeStyle.GetReal[nodeStyle, pageLength];
root: TextNode.Ref;
writer: TiogaAccess.Writer ¬ TiogaAccess.Create[];
rotate: BOOLEAN; xTranslate: REAL;
marks: Atom.PropList ¬ NIL;
loc: TextNode.Location;
totalSize: INT;
pageCount: INT ¬ 0;
UNTIL TiogaAccess.EndOf[source] DO
[] ¬ TiogaAccess.CopyNode[writer, source];
root ¬ TiogaAccess.WriteNode[writer];
IF Rope.Length[options.tiogaStyle]#0 THEN
TextEdit.ChangeStyle[node: root, name: options.tiogaStyle];
IF options.device # NIL AND Rope.Length[options.device] > 0 THEN SetDevice[root, options.device];
AppendFix[root, $Prefix, " (xcc) device"]; -- force XC1-2-2 characters...
loc ¬ [node: TextNode.StepForward[root], where: 0];
totalSize ¬ TextNode.LocNumber[TextNode.LastLocWithin[root]];
[rotate, xTranslate] ¬ LandscapeStyle[root];
WHILE loc.node#NIL DO
Paint: PROC [context: Imager.Context] ~ {
Imager.ScaleT[context, options.tiogaScale * (Imager.metersPerInch/Imager.pointsPerInch)];
IF rotate THEN { -- landscape format, rotate 90 degrees and translate origin
Imager.TranslateT[context, [xTranslate, 0.0]];
Imager.RotateT[context, 90.0];
TiogaImager.Render[page.box, context, [0, 0]];
page: TiogaImager.FormattedPage;
IF progress[(100.0*TextNode.LocNumber[loc])/totalSize] THEN EXIT; -- stop requested
page ¬ TiogaImager.FormatPage[pageCounter: pageCount, startLoc: loc, marks: marks];
IF progress[(100.0*TextNode.LocNumber[loc])/totalSize] THEN EXIT; -- stop requested
ImagerInterpress.DoPage[master, Paint];
pageCount ¬ pageCount + 1;
marks ¬ page.marks;
loc ¬ page.nextLoc;
[] ¬ progress[100.0]; -- completely finished...
RETURN [pages: pageCount];
<< Press to IP not yet implemented in the PWorld
Press IP producer
FromPressFile: IPProducer ~ {
IP producer for press files. Uses IPConverters interface.
BeginPage: IPConverters.ProgressProc ~ { }; -- does nothing at all
EndPage: IPConverters.ProgressProc ~ {
IF totalPages<=0 OR pageNumber<=0 OR pageNumber>totalPages THEN RETURN;
pages ¬ pageNumber;
IF progress[(100.0*pageNumber)/totalPages] THEN stop ¬ TRUE;
file: ROPE ¬ NARROW [source];
failed: BOOL;
useXCFonts: BOOL ¬ options.device = "xcc";
IF Install["InterpressToPress", err] THEN failed ¬ IPConverters.PressToInterpress[file, master, BeginPage, EndPage, err, useXCFonts, FALSE]
ELSE failed ¬ TRUE;
IF failed THEN pages ¬ -1; -- indicate failure to caller
<< AIS not yet implemented in the PWorld
AIS IP producer
FromAISFile: IPProducer ~ {
IP producer for press files. Uses IPConverters interface.
BeginPage: IPConverters.ProgressProc ~ { }; -- does nothing at all
EndPage: IPConverters.ProgressProc ~ {
IF totalPages<=0 OR pageNumber<=0 OR pageNumber>totalPages THEN RETURN;
pages ¬ pageNumber;
IF progress[(100.0*pageNumber)/totalPages] THEN stop ¬ TRUE;
file: ROPE ¬ NARROW [source];
failed: BOOL;
pageWidth, pageHeight: REAL;
[length: pageHeight, width: pageWidth] ¬ PaperSizeMeters[options.mediumHint];
IF Install["AISToInterpress", err] THEN failed ¬ IPConverters.AISToInterpress[file, master, BeginPage, EndPage, err, pageWidth, pageHeight, file]
ELSE failed ¬ TRUE;
IF failed THEN pages ¬ -1; -- indicate failure to caller
Generic viewer IP producer
DoWhileViewerHidden: PROC [viewer: Viewer, action: PROC] ~ {
Hide the viewer, adjust is to desired h & w, perform action under write lock and then restore viewer to a reasonable state.
The viewer is assumed to be a top-level viewer !!!
HideViewer: PROC [] ~ {
ListColumn: ViewerOps.EnumProc ~ {
IF v.column=viewer.column AND NOT v.iconic THEN state ¬ CONS [v, state];
CompareYPos: List.CompareProc = {RETURN[IF NARROW[ref1, Viewer].wy >
NARROW[ref2, Viewer].wy THEN less ELSE greater]};
IF NOT viewer.iconic THEN { -- close the target viewer if not already done
Compute column structure (list of opened viewers in column sorted by y position)
TRUSTED {state ¬ LOOPHOLE[List.Sort[LOOPHOLE[state], CompareYPos]]};
ViewerOps.CloseViewer[viewer, FALSE];
ViewerOps.ChangeColumn[viewer, static]; -- hide the viewer out of sight ...
CallClientUnderLock: PROC [] ~ {
ENABLE UNWIND => UnHideViewer[];
ViewerLocks.CallUnderWriteLock[action, viewer]; -- call back client
UnHideViewer: PROC [] ~ {
ViewerOps.ChangeColumn[viewer, wasColumn];
IF NOT wasIconic THEN { -- restore column structure ...
FOR vl: LIST OF Viewer ¬ state, vl.rest UNTIL vl=NIL DO
v: Viewer = vl.first;
v.destroyed => NULL; -- lost during the work ...
v=viewer => ViewerOps.OpenIcon[icon: viewer, bottom: TRUE, paint: FALSE];
v.iconic => NULL; -- became iconic during the work...
v.column#wasColumn => NULL; -- changed column during the work
ENDCASE => { -- move viewer to bottom position
ViewerOps.CloseViewer[v, FALSE];
ViewerOps.OpenIcon[icon: v, bottom: TRUE, paint: FALSE];
ViewerOps.ComputeColumn[wasColumn]; -- and recompute the column
wasIconic: BOOL = viewer.iconic;
wasColumn: ViewerClasses.Column = viewer.column;
state: LIST OF Viewer ¬ NIL; -- open viewers sorted by increasing y position
CallClientUnderLock[]; -- call under lock, but be cautious to unhide at UNWIND time
RecursivelyPaintViewers: PROC [viewer: Viewer, context: Imager.Context] ~ {
Similar to ViewerPaintImpl.RecursivelyPaintViewers, which cannot be used since the context is not passed ... Also, the details of the implementation of ViewerPaintImpl cannot be used as IP contexts do not provide the view facility.
When this procedure is entered, the context transformation is right for the viewer.
PaintWindow: PROC [] ~ {
Paint the border, as well as caption and menu if necessary.
The context is assumed to be setup properly for the current viewer.
IF viewer.border THEN { -- paint border
w: INTEGER = viewer.ww;
h: INTEGER = viewer.wh;
Imager.SetColor[context, Imager.black];
Imager.MaskRectangleI[context, 0, 0, wbs, h];
Imager.MaskRectangleI[context, w, 0, -wbs, h];
Imager.MaskRectangleI[context, 0, 0, w, wbs];
Imager.MaskRectangleI[context, 0, h, w, -wbs];
IF viewer.parent#NIL THEN RETURN; -- neither caption nor menu is painted
IF viewer.class.caption#NIL THEN { -- class paints caption, just prepare context
x: INTEGER ~ wbs;
y: INTEGER ~ viewer.wh-ViewerSpecs.captionHeight;
w: INTEGER ~ viewer.ww-wbs*2;
h: INTEGER ~ ViewerSpecs.captionHeight-wbs;
Imager.SetXYI[context, x, y];
Imager.ClipRectangleI[context, 0, 0, w, h];
viewer.class.caption[viewer, context];
ELSE { -- default caption drawing
name: ROPE = viewer.name;
nameLen: INT = Rope.Length[name];
file: ROPE = viewer.file;
fileLen: INT = Rope.Length[file];
font: VFonts.Font = VFonts.defaultFont;
headerW: INTEGER ¬ 0;
header: REF TEXT ¬ RefText.New[100];
header ¬ RefText.AppendRope[to: header, from: name];
IF fileLen>nameLen AND Rope.Run[s1: name, s2: file, case: FALSE]=nameLen THEN {
The intent of this crock is to show the file version for $Text viewers: if name is a prefix of file, show the remainder of file (presumably "!n") in parentheses
header ¬ RefText.AppendRope[to: header, from: " ("];
header ¬ RefText.AppendRope[to: header, from: file, start: nameLen];
header ¬ RefText.AppendRope[to: header, from: ")"];
viewer.saveInProgress =>
header ¬ RefText.AppendRope[to: header, from: " [Saving...]"];
viewer.newFile =>
header ¬ RefText.AppendRope[to: header, from: " [New File]"];
viewer.newVersion =>
header ¬ RefText.AppendRope[to: header, from: " [Edited]"];
IF viewer.link#NIL THEN header ¬ RefText.AppendRope[to: header, from: " [Split]"];
headerW ¬ VFonts.StringWidth[RefText.TrustTextAsRope[header], font];
headerW ¬ MIN[headerW, viewer.ww-wbs*2];
Imager.SetColor[context, Imager.black];
Imager.MaskRectangleI[context, 0, viewer.wh, viewer.ww, -ViewerSpecs.captionHeight];
Imager.SetColor[context, Imager.white];
Imager.SetXYI[context, (viewer.ww-headerW)/2, viewer.wh-captionAscent];
Imager.SetFont[context, font];
Imager.ShowText[context, header];
IF viewer.menu#NIL THEN { -- paint menu
x: INTEGER = wbs;
w: INTEGER = viewer.ww-wbs*2;
h: INTEGER = viewer.menu.linesUsed*ViewerSpecs.menuHeight;
y: INTEGER = viewer.wh-ViewerSpecs.captionHeight-h;
Imager.SetColor[context, Imager.black];
Imager.MaskRectangleI[context, x, y, w, -ViewerSpecs.menuBarHeight];
ViewerPrivate.DrawMenu[viewer.menu, context, x, y+h, NIL];
PaintClient: PROC [] ~ {
Paint the client area, except the children
quit ¬ viewer.class.paint[viewer, context, NIL, TRUE];
captionAscent: NAT = 9; -- copied from ViewerPainImpl, not exported ...
wbs: INTEGER = IF viewer.border THEN ViewerSpecs.windowBorderSize ELSE 0;
quit: BOOL ¬ FALSE;
FOR v: Viewer ¬ viewer, v.parent UNTIL v=NIL DO -- visibility test
IF v.parent#NIL THEN {
IF (v.wy+v.wh < 0) OR (v.wy > v.parent.ch) THEN RETURN;
IF (v.ww+v.ww < 0) OR (v.wx > v.parent.cw) THEN RETURN;
Imager.DoSaveAll[context, PaintWindow]; -- paint the outside
Imager.TranslateT[context, [viewer.cx, viewer.cy]]; -- establish translation
IF viewer.parent=NIL THEN { -- additional translation for caption & menu (???)
h: INTEGER ← ViewerSpecs.captionHeight+2*wbs;
IF viewer.menu#NIL THEN h ← h+viewer.menu.linesUsed*ViewerSpecs.menuHeight;
Imager.TranslateT[context, [0, -h]]; -- adjust vertically only
Imager.ClipRectangleI[context, 0, 0, viewer.cw, viewer.ch]; -- and future clipping
IF viewer.class.paint#NIL THEN Imager.DoSaveAll[context, PaintClient]; -- paint the inside, except children
IF quit THEN RETURN; -- if we don't need to paint any of the children
FOR v: Viewer ¬ viewer.child, v.sibling UNTIL v=NIL DO
PaintChild: PROC [] ~ {
Imager.TranslateT[context, [v.wx, IF v.parent.class.topDownCoordSys THEN v.parent.ch-(v.wy+v.wh) ELSE v.wy]];
Imager.ClipRectangleI[context, 0, 0, viewer.ww, viewer.wh];
RecursivelyPaintViewers[v, context];
Imager.DoSaveAll[context, PaintChild];
SetViewerPosition: PROC [viewer: Viewer, x, y, w, h: INTEGER] ~ {
Modify the position of a viewer. This a copy of ViewerOpsImplA.SetViewerPosition except that icons are handled differently bevause the viewer we are painting is iconic and we yet want borders/captions/menus to be offsetted correctly...
This procedure should be called only after the viewer has been moved to hyperspace...
oldcw: INTEGER = viewer.cw;
oldch: INTEGER = viewer.ch;
xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax: INTEGER;
IF w<0 THEN w ¬ 0; IF h<0 THEN h ¬ 0;
viewer.wx ¬ x;
viewer.wy ¬ y;
viewer.ww ¬ w;
viewer.wh ¬ h;
xmin ¬ 0; xmax ¬ w;
ymin ¬ 0; ymax ¬ h;
IF viewer.border THEN {
size: INTEGER ~ ViewerSpecs.windowBorderSize;
xmin ¬ xmin+size; xmax ¬ xmax-size;
ymin ¬ ymin+size; ymax ¬ ymax-size;
IF viewer.caption THEN
ymax ¬ h-ViewerSpecs.captionHeight;
IF viewer.menu#NIL THEN {
lines: NAT ~ viewer.menu.linesUsed;
ymax ¬ ymax-lines*ViewerSpecs.menuHeight;
ymax ¬ ymax-ViewerSpecs.menuBarHeight;
IF viewer.scrollable THEN
xmin ¬ xmin+ViewerSpecs.scrollBarW;
IF viewer.hscrollable THEN
ymin ¬ ymin+ViewerSpecs.scrollBarW;
IF xmax<xmin THEN xmin ¬ xmax ¬ 0;
IF ymax<ymin THEN ymin ¬ ymax ¬ 0;
viewer.cx ¬ xmin; viewer.cw ¬ xmax-xmin;
viewer.cy ¬ ymin; viewer.ch ¬ ymax-ymin;
IF viewer.class.adjust#NIL AND (viewer.cw#oldcw OR viewer.ch#oldch) THEN
[] ¬ viewer.class.adjust[viewer];
DefaultViewerIPProducer: IPProducer ~ {
Creates an Interpress stream from a given viewer.
The method is to close the viewer, put it into the static column, re-adjust its size, paint it and then restore the size & the initial column.
Paint: PROC [context: Imager.Context] ~ {
Inner: PROC [] ~ {
SetViewerPosition[viewer: viewer, x: 2000, y: 2000, w: pixelsXperPage, h: pixelsYperPage];
Imager.TranslateT[context, [pixelsPerInch, pixelsPerInch]]; -- for margins on paper
Imager.TranslateT[context, [viewer.wx, viewer.wy]]; -- for viewer offset
context ¬ ImagerXCMap.FilterFonts[context, ImagerXCMap.tiogaAndPressToXC, err, FALSE];
RecursivelyPaintViewers[viewer, context];
DoWhileViewerHidden[viewer, Inner];
pixelsPerInch: REAL = 100.0; -- Horribile visu
pixelsPerMeter: REAL = pixelsPerInch/Imager.metersPerInch;
pixelsXperPage, pixelsYperPage: INT;
viewer: Viewer = NARROW [source];
length, width: REAL;
[length, width] ¬ PaperSizeMeters[options.mediumHint];
pixelsXperPage ¬ Real.Round[width*0.8*pixelsPerMeter]; -- use 10% margin on all sides
pixelsYperPage ¬ Real.Round[length*0.8*pixelsPerMeter];
ImagerInterpress.DoPage[self: master, action: Paint, scale: Imager.metersPerInch/pixelsPerInch];
RETURN [pages: 1];
Screen IP producer
FromScreen: IPProducer ~ {
Creates an Interpress stream from the B&W screen. Uses Snapshot, but fits the screen image vertically on the paper and centers it.
<< Snapshot not yet implemented for the PWorld
Paint: PROC [context: Imager.Context] ~ {
m: Imager.Transformation ¬ FitInPage[options.mediumHint, box];
Imager.SetPriorityImportant[context, TRUE];
Imager.ConcatT[context, m];
IF screen­=color THEN Snapshot.ColorSnapshot[context: context, vt: InterminalBackdoor.terminal]
ELSE Snapshot.BWSnapshot[context: context, vt: InterminalBackdoor.terminal, s0: box.min.s, f0: box.min.f, s1: box.max.s, f1: box.max.f];
screen: REF Screen = NARROW [source];
box: SF.Box;
bw => {
box ¬ [
min: [s: 0, f: 0],
max: [s: ViewerSpecs.bwScreenHeight, f: ViewerSpecs.bwScreenWidth]];
left => { -- beware, 0 is top of screen !!!
box ¬ [
min: [s: ViewerSpecs.messageWindowHeight, f: ViewerSpecs.openLeftLeftX],
max: [s: ViewerSpecs.bwScreenHeight-ViewerSpecs.openBottomY, f: ViewerSpecs.openRightLeftX]];
right => { -- beware, 0 is top of screen !!!
box ¬ [
min: [s: ViewerSpecs.messageWindowHeight, f: ViewerSpecs.openRightLeftX],
max: [s: ViewerSpecs.bwScreenHeight-ViewerSpecs.openBottomY, f: ViewerSpecs.bwScreenWidth]];
color => {
box ¬ [
min: [s: 0, f: 0],
max: [s: ViewerSpecs.colorScreenHeight, f: ViewerSpecs.colorScreenWidth]];
<< Snapshot not yet implemented for the PWorld
IF Install["Snapshot", err] THEN {
ImagerInterpress.DoPage[self: master, action: Paint];
pages ¬ 1;
ELSE>> pages ¬ -1; -- to notify of failure
FitInPage: PROC [paper: ROPE, box: SF.Box] RETURNS [m: Imager.Transformation] ~ {
Computes adequate imager transformation to be applied to map the source box (client coordinates) into the specified paper size with default margins (10 mm on each side). The Imager context is assumed to be in meters and unrotated at the beginning (happens to be just the right stuff for IP masters...).
margin: REAL = 0.8; -- % of the page is used for the bits (10% margin on each side)
boxSz, boxOrg, pageSz, pageSzAvl, offset: Imager.VEC;
rotate: BOOL;
scale: REAL;
Compute boxOrg (base of box) and boxSz (size of box)
boxOrg ¬ [x: box.min.f, y: box.min.s];
boxSz ¬ [x: SF.SizeF[box], y: SF.SizeS[box]];
Compute pageSz and pageSzAvl, page size and available (excl margins) page size
[length: pageSz.y, width: pageSz.x] ¬ PaperSizeMeters[paper];
pageSzAvl.x ¬ margin*pageSz.x;
pageSzAvl.y ¬ margin*pageSz.y;
Find out if a rotation will be required or not, compute transformation parameters from it.
IF (pageSzAvl.x-pageSzAvl.y)*(boxSz.x-boxSz.y)>=0 THEN { -- no need to rotate
rotate ¬ FALSE;
scale ¬ MIN [pageSzAvl.x/boxSz.x, pageSzAvl.y/boxSz.y];
offset ¬ [x: (pageSz.x/scale-boxSz.x)/2, y: (pageSz.y/scale-boxSz.y)/2];
ELSE { -- must rotate to fit aspect ratios
rotate ¬ TRUE;
scale ¬ MIN [pageSzAvl.x/boxSz.y, pageSzAvl.y/boxSz.x];
offset ¬ [x: (pageSz.x/scale+boxSz.y)/2, y: (pageSz.y/scale-boxSz.x)/2];
Compute effective transformation
m ¬ ImagerTransformation.Scale[scale];
m ¬ ImagerTransformation.PreTranslate[m, offset];
IF rotate THEN m ¬ ImagerTransformation.PreRotate[m, 90.0];
Various utilities
PaperSize: PUBLIC PROC [paper: ROPE] RETURNS [length: REAL, width: REAL] ~ {
A reformating of the results of XNSPrint.GetPaperDimensions to reals.
size: XNSPrint.PaperDimensions ¬ XNSPrint.GetPaperDimensions[paper];
length ¬ size.length; width ¬ size.width;
PaperSizeMeters: PROC [paper: ROPE] RETURNS [length: REAL, width: REAL] ~ {
Returns paper size in meters, with default being usLetter.
[length, width] ¬ PaperSize[paper];
IF width=0 THEN [length, width] ¬ PaperSize["usLetter"]; -- if unknown
IF width=0 THEN ERROR; -- This should never happen - call implementor
length ¬ 0.001*length;
width ¬ 0.001*width;
IF length=0 THEN length ¬ width; -- use square for roll paper...
MakeIPFileName: PROC [tool: Tool, source: ROPE] RETURNS [ip: ROPE] = {
Generates some Interpress file name from source. The idea is to trim source to first whitespace, then check if it looks like a file. If the resulting file doesn't make sense, an FName into XTSetter's temporary directory is used instead.
cp: ComponentPositions;
server, dir, subDirs, base: ROPE;
source ¬ Rope.Substr[source, 0, Rope.SkipTo[s: source, skip: " \t"]];
IF source=NIL THEN source ¬ "Unknown";
[source, cp] ¬ ExpandName[source, "/tmp" ! PFS.Error, XTError => GOTO Failed];
server ¬ source.Substr[cp.server.start, cp.server.length];
dir ¬ source.Substr[cp.dir.start, cp.dir.length];
subDirs ¬ source.Substr[cp.subDirs.start, cp.subDirs.length];
IF cp.base.length = 0
base ¬ "tmp";
base ¬ source.Substr[cp.base.start, cp.base.length];
IF server.Length[]#0 THEN { -- build temporary file name
server ¬ NIL; dir ¬ "/tmp"; subDirs ¬ "";
ip ¬ ConstructFName[[server, dir, subDirs, base, "", NIL], FALSE];
ip ¬ IO.PutFR["/tmp/IP%x%g.ip", IO.card[LOOPHOLE [tool]], IO.int[tool.unique]];
EXITS Failed => ip ¬ IO.PutFR["/tmp/StrangeFile%g%g.ip", IO.card[LOOPHOLE [tool]], IO.int[tool.unique]];
Install: PROC [packageName: ROPE, err: IO.STREAM] RETURNS [installed: BOOL ¬ FALSE] ~ {
Install the specified package, message on typescript if failure.
Tries the directory from which XTsetter was ran, then []<>@>Commands.
DoInstall: PROC ~ {
res ¬ CommanderOps.DoCommand[Rope.Concat ["Install", packageName], NIL];
res: REF ¬ NIL;
PFS.DoInWDir[initialWorkingDirectory, DoInstall];
IF res = $Failure THEN
err.PutF["%lUnable to install %g%l\n", IO.rope["b"], IO.rope[packageName], IO.rope["B"]]
ELSE installed ¬ TRUE;
XTSetter.SetClassGenerator[ViewerOps.FetchViewerClass[$Text], FromTiogaViewer];
XTSetter.SetClassGenerator[ViewerOps.FetchViewerClass[$Typescript], FromTiogaViewer];
Rick Beach, June 6, 1988 5:38:22 pm PDT
changes to: WithStatus (local of PrintRequestProcess) added retry if serviceRetry