Tioga->XC mapping components
asciiExceptions: PartialMap
-- irregular ASCII characters
Maps differently a few ASCII characters that do not behave normally with all Tioga fonts
XC['$, CS0, 244B], -- 044B: $ is mapped to dollar, not ASCII currency sign
XC['\047, CS0, 271B], -- 047B: ' is mapped to right quote, not ASCII apostrophy
XC['-, CS0, 055B], -- Minus (or use one of the other dashes? )
XC['^, CS0, 255B], -- 136B: is mapped to up arrow, not ASCII spacing circumflex
XC['←, CS0, 254B], -- 137B: is mapped to left arrow, not ASCII underscore
XC['\140, CS0, 251B] -- 140B: ` is mapped to left quote, not ASCII spacing grave accent
hyphens: PartialMap
Defines the various standard dash/hyphens (in a single place to facilitate changes...)
XC['\023, GTS1, 045B], -- 023B: Em dash
XC['\026, GTS1, 044B], -- 026B: En dash
XC['\030, GTS1, 046B] -- 030B: Figure dash (OldDash for TEditFormatImpl)
tiogaExtras: PartialMap
-- special for Tioga10
Extension of ASCII for Tioga family
Overlay asciiExceptions, tiogaExtras
Maps [001B .. 017B], [200B .. 376B] with plenty of holes
XC[', GTS1, 064B], -- 001B: Start of field (NOT IN Classic/Modern)
XC[', GTS1, 065B], -- 002B: End of field (NOT IN Classic/Modern)
XC[', CS0, 000B], -- 003B: not in XC1-2-2
XC[', CS0, 260B], -- 004B: Degree
XC[' , CS0, 301B], -- 005B: Grave accent, non-spacing
XC[', CS0, 000B], -- 007B: not in XC1-2-2
XC[' , CS0, 302B], -- 013B: Acute accent, non-spacing
XC[', ALC, 050B], -- 017B: Angstrom (use A circle accented letter)
XC[', CS0, 261B], -- 020B: PlusOrMinus
XC[', GR, 156B], -- 024B: lambda
XC[', GR, 157B], -- 025B: mu (in fact micron, but absent from classic/modern)
XC[', GR, 135B], -- 026B: Omega
XC['—, GTS1, 045B], -- 030B: Em dash (xOldDash for TEditFormatImpl)
XC[', CS0, 000B], -- 032B: not in XC1-2-2
XC[', ALC, 047B], -- 200B: A trema
XC[', ALC, 124B], -- 201B: O trema
XC[', ALC, 247B], -- 240B: a trema
XC[', ALC, 324B], -- 241B: o trema
XC[', ALC, 345B], -- 243B: u trema
XC[', ALC, 255B], -- 244B: c cedilla
XC[', CS0, 251B], -- 251B: Left quote
XC[', CS0, 252B], -- 252B: Left double quote
XC[', CS0, 253B], -- 253B: Left brackets
XC[', CS0, 254B], -- 254B: Left arrow (variant graphics)
XC[', CS0, 255B], -- 255B: Up arrow (variant graphics)
XC[', CS0, 256B], -- 256B: Right arrow
XC[', CS0, 257B], -- 257B: Down arrow
XC[', JIS1, 172B], -- 265B: Star
XC[', GTS1, 146B], -- 267B: Bullet
XC[', CS0, 271B], -- 271B: Right quote
XC[', CS0, 272B], -- 272B: Right double quote
XC[', CS0, 273B], -- 273B: Right brackets
XC[' , CS0, 301B], -- 301B: Grave accent, non-spacing (variant graphics)
XC[' , CS0, 302B], -- 302B: Acute accent, non-spacing (variant graphics)
XC[' , CS0, 303B], -- 303B: Circumflex accent, non-spacing (variant graphics)
XC[', CS0, 323B] -- 323B: Copyright
apl: PartialMap
All non-identity characters in APL font
Do NOT merge with any other map ...
amTeX: PartialMap
All non-identity characters in AMTeX fonts
Do NOT merge with any other map ...
XC['\000, CS0, 000B], -- 000B: Little square - Cancelled as control code (NUL)
XC[', CS0, 257B], -- 001B: Down arrow
XC[', GR, 141B], -- 002B: alpha
XC[', GR, 142B], -- 003B: beta
XC[', GTS1, 266B], -- 004B: Logical And
XC[', GTS1, 152B], -- 005B: Logical Not
XC[', GTS1, 112B], -- 006B: Member of
XC[', GR, 163B], -- 007B: pi
XC[', GR, 156B], -- 010B: lambda
XC['\011, CS0, 257B], -- 011B: lambda - Cancelled as control code (TAB)
XC['\012, GR, 145B], -- 012B: delta - Cancelled as control code (LF)
XC[', CS0, 255B], -- 013B: Up arrow
XC[', CS0, 261B], -- 014B: PlusOrMinus
XC['\015, GTS1, 142B], -- 015B: Absolute Sum - Cancelled as control code (CR)
XC[', JIS1, 147B], -- 016B: Infinity
XC[', GTS1, 272B], -- 017B: Partial derivative
XC[', GTS1, 133B], -- 020B: Contained in
XC[', GTS1, 132B], -- 021B: Contains
XC[', GTS1, 126B], -- 022B: Intersection
XC[', GTS1, 127B], -- 023B: Union
XC[', GTS1, 265B], -- 024B: For all
XC[', GTS1, 264B], -- 025B: There exists
XC[', GTS1, 144B], -- 026B: Absolute product
XC[', GTS1, 121B], -- 027B: Twin arrows
XC['—, CS0, 254B], -- 030B: Left arrow
XC[', CS0, 256B], -- 031B: Right arrow
XC[', JIS1, 142B], -- 032B: Different
XC[', JIS1, 176B], -- 033B: Diamond (not in Classic/Modern)
XC[', JIS1, 145B], -- 034B: Less than or equal
XC[', JIS1, 146B], -- 035B: Greater than or equal
XC[', GTS1, 162B], -- 036B: Identical
XC[', GTS1, 267B], -- 037B: Logical Or
XC['$, CS0, 244B], -- 044B: $ is mapped to dollar, not ASCII currency sign
XC[', GTS1, 165B], -- 177B: Integral
XC[', CS0, 244B], -- 244B: Dollar (variant graphics)
XC[', CS0, 251B], -- 251B: Left quote (variant graphics)
XC[', CS0, 252B], -- 252B: Left double quote (variant graphics)
XC[', CS0, 253B], -- 253B: Left brackets (variant graphics)
XC[', CS0, 254B], -- 254B: Left arrow (variant graphics)
XC[', CS0, 255B], -- 255B: Up arrow (variant graphics)
XC[', CS0, 256B], -- 256B: Right arrow (variant graphics)
XC[', CS0, 257B], -- 257B: Down arrow (variant graphics)
XC[', CS0, 271B], -- 271B: Right quote (variant graphics)
XC[', CS0, 272B], -- 272B: Right double quote (variant graphics)
XC[', CS0, 273B], -- 273B: Right brackets (variant graphics)
XC[', CS0, 323B] -- 323B: Copyright (variant graphics)
cream: PartialMap
Adjuncts to asciiExceptions for Cream font
Maps [001B .. 037B] only
XC[', JIS1, 145B], -- 001B: Less than or equal
XC[', CS0, 000B], -- 003B: not in XC1-2-2
XC[', CS0, 000B], -- 005B: not in XC1-2-2
XC[', GTS1, 162B], -- 006B: Identical
XC[', GTS1, 162B], -- 007B: Degree (approximation only...)
XC[', JIS1, 142B], -- 016B: Different
XC[', CS0, 000B], -- 017B: not in XC1-2-2
XC[', GTS2, 252B], -- 021B: Double up arrow (not in Classic/Modern)
XC[', JIS1, 146B], -- 022B: Greater than or equal
XC[', CS0, 000B], -- 023B: not in XC1-2-2
XC[', CS0, 000B], -- 024B: not in XC1-2-2
XC[', ELA, 303B], -- 025B: Overline (not in Classic/Modern)
XC[', CS0, 000B], -- 026B: not in XC1-2-2
XC[', CS0, 000B], -- 027B: not in XC1-2-2
XC['—, GTS1, 045B], -- 030B: Em dash (xOldDash for TEditFormatImpl)
XC[', CS0, 000B], -- 031B: not in XC1-2-2
XC[', GTS1, 117B], -- 033B: Implies
XC[', JIS2, 042B], -- 035B: Square
XC[', CS0, 000B] -- 036B: not in XC1-2-2
cyrillic: PartialMap
Full map for Cyrillic family
eightBitExtras: PartialMap
Adjuncts to asciiExceptions for EightBitTimesRoman font
Maps [001B .. 017B], [200B..376B] with plenty of holes
XC[', CS0, 317B], -- 001B: Hacheck, non-spacing instead of spacing
XC[', CS0, 277B], -- 002B: Spanish question mark
XC[', ALC, 255B], -- 003B: c cedilla
XC[', CS0, 310B], -- 004B: Trema, non-spacing instead of spacing
XC[', CS0, 301B], -- 005B: grave accent, non-spacing instead of spacing
XC[', LIG, 041B], -- 006B: ff ligature
XC[', CS0, 251B], -- 007B: Left quote (alternate)
XC[', CS0, 241B], -- 010B: Inverted bang
XC[', CS0, 302B], -- 013B: acute accent, non-spacing instead of spacing
XC[', CS0, 305B], -- 016B: long accent, non-spacing instead of spacing
XC[', CS0, 304B], -- 020B: tilda accent, non-spacing instead of spacing
XC[', LIG, 042B], -- 021B: ffi ligature
XC[', LIG, 043B], -- 022B: ffl ligature
XC['\023, GTS1, 045B], -- 023B: Em dash - Defined in hyphens
XC[', LIG, 044B], -- 024B: fi ligature
XC[', LIG, 045B], -- 025B: fl ligature
XC['\026, GTS1, 044B], -- 026B: En dash - Defined in hyphens
XC[', CS0, 306B], -- 027B: Breve, non-spacing instead of spacing
XC['\030, GTS1, 046B], -- 030B: Figure dash (OldDash) - Defined in hyphens
XC[', ELA, 326B], -- 035B: Dot below accent, non-spacing instead of spacing (??)
XC[', CS0, 304B], -- 036B: Tilda, non-spacing instead of spacing
XC[', CS0, 312B], -- 037B: Ring, non-spacing instead of spacing
XC[', ALC, 047B], -- 200B: A trema
XC[', ALC, 124B], -- 201B: O trema
XC[', ALC, 050B], -- 202B: A with ring accent
XC[', LIG, 041B], -- 220B: ff ligature
XC[', LIG, 042B], -- 221B: ffi ligature
XC[', LIG, 043B], -- 222B: ffl ligature
XC[', LIG, 044B], -- 223B: fi ligature
XC[', LIG, 045B], -- 224B: fl ligature
XC[', GTS1, 044B], -- 233B: En dash
XC[', GTS1, 045B], -- 234B: Em dash
XC[', GTS1, 046B], -- 235B: Figure dash
XC[', ELA, 326B], -- 235B: UnderDot accent, non-spacing instead of spacing
XC[', ALC, 247B], -- 240B: a trema
XC[', ALC, 324B], -- 241B: o trema
XC[', ALC, 250B], -- 242B: a with ring accent
XC[', ALC, 345B], -- 243B: u trema
XC[', ALC, 255B], -- 244B: c cedilla
XC[', CS0, 310B], -- 250B: Trema, non-spacing instead of spacing
XC[', CS0, 312B], -- 251B: Ring accent, non-spacing instead of spacing
XC[', CS0, 301B], -- 252B: Grave accent, non-spacing instead of spacing
XC[', CS0, 302B], -- 253B: Acute accent, non-spacing instead of spacing
XC[', CS0, 303B], -- 254B: Circumflex accent, non-spacing instead of spacing
XC[', CS0, 304B], -- 255B: Tilda, non-spacing instead of spacing
XC[', CS0, 306B], -- 256B: Breve accent, non-spacing instead of spacing
XC[', CS0, 305B], -- 257B: Macron accent, non-spacing instead of spacing
XC[', CS0, 242B], -- 261B: Cent
XC[', CS0, 243B], -- 262B: Pound
XC[', JIS1, 172B], -- 265B: Star
XC[', CS0, 247B], -- 266B: Section
XC[', GTS1, 146B], -- 267B: Bullet
XC[', GTS1, 060B], -- 270B: Dag
XC[', GTS1, 061B], -- 271B: Ddag
XC[', CS0, 266B], -- 272B: Paragraph
XC[', CS0, 261B], -- 274B: PlusOrMinus
XC[', CS0, 241B], -- 275B: Inverted bang
XC[', CS0, 277B], -- 276B: Inverted question mark
XC[', CS0, 137B], -- 277B: Underscore
XC[', GTS1, 43B], -- 337B: Discretionary hyphen (??)
XC[', CS0, 306B], -- 350B: Breve, non-spacing instead of spacing
XC[', ELA, 326B] -- 351B: UnderDot accent, non-spacing instead of spacing
gacha: PartialMap
Remove apostrophy and left quote hacks for gacha (fixed-pitch terminal emulation)
XC['\047, CS0, 047B], -- 047B: apostrophy remains apostrophy
XC['\140, CS0, 140B] -- 140B: spacing grave accent remains spacing grave accent
hebrew: PartialMap
Full map for Hebrew family
helvetica: PartialMap
Full map for Helvetica/TimesRoman font (XC Helvetica/TimesRoman are not strictly kosher for codes in asciiExceptions)
Maps [001B .. 017B] with plenty of holes
XC[', CS0, 277B], -- 002B: Spanish question mark
XC[', ALC, 255B], -- 003B: c cedilla
XC[', LIG, 041B], -- 006B: ff ligature
XC[', CS0, 251B], -- 007B: Left quote (alternate)
XC[', CS0, 241B], -- 010B: Inverted bang
XC[', LIG, 042B], -- 021B: ffi ligature
XC[', LIG, 043B], -- 022B: ffl ligature
XC['\023, GTS1, 045B], -- 023B: Em dash - Defined in hyphens
XC[', LIG, 044B], -- 024B: fi ligature
XC[', LIG, 045B], -- 025B: fl ligature
XC['\026, GTS1, 044B], -- 026B: En dash - Defined in hyphens
XC['\030, GTS1, 046B], -- 030B: Figure dash (OldDash) - Defined in hyphens
XC['\047, LIG, 047B] -- 047B: ' is mapped
hippo: PartialMap
-- For greek fonts
Greek alphabet, on top as asciiExceptions & hyphens
XC[', CS0, 251B], -- 007B: Left quote (alternate)
XC['A, GR, 101B], XC['a, GR, 141B], -- Alpha, alpha
XC['B, GR, 102B], XC['b, GR, 142B], -- Beta, beta (word middle missing)
XC['G, GR, 104B], XC['g, GR, 144B], -- Gamma, gamma
XC['D, GR, 105B], XC['d, GR, 145B], -- Delta, delta
XC['E, GR, 106B], XC['e, GR, 146B], -- Epsilon, epsilon
XC['Z, GR, 111B], XC['z, GR, 151B], -- Zeta, zeta
XC['H, GR, 112B], XC['h, GR, 152B], -- Eta, eta
XC['Q, GR, 113B], XC['q, GR, 153B], -- Theta, theta
XC['I, GR, 114B], XC['i, GR, 154B], -- Iota, iota
XC['K, GR, 115B], XC['k, GR, 155B], -- Kappa, kappa
XC['L, GR, 116B], XC['l, GR, 156B], -- Lambda, lambda
XC['M, GR, 117B], XC['m, GR, 157B], -- Mu, mu
XC['N, GR, 120B], XC['n, GR, 160B], -- Nu, nu
XC['C, GR, 121B], XC['c, GR, 161B], -- Xi, xi
XC['O, GR, 122B], XC['o, GR, 162B], -- Omicron, omicron
XC['P, GR, 123B], XC['p, GR, 163B], -- Pi pi
XC['R, GR, 125B], XC['r, GR, 165B], -- Rho, rho
XC['S, GR, 126B], XC['s, GR, 166B], XC['j, GR, 167B], -- Sigma, sigma, sigma end
XC['T, GR, 130B], XC['t, GR, 170B], -- Tau, tau
XC['U, GR, 131B], XC['u, GR, 171B], -- Upsilon, upsilon
XC['F, GR, 132B], XC['f, GR, 172B], -- Phi, phi
XC['X, GR, 133B], XC['x, GR, 173B], -- Chi, chi
XC['Y, GR, 134B], XC['y, GR, 174B], -- Psi, psi
XC['W, GR, 135B], XC['w, GR, 175B] -- Omega, omega
math: PartialMap
-- complete mapping for Math family
Stand alone
XC[', GTS1, 173B], -- 001B: Product sign
XC[', GTS1, 062B], -- 002B: Bra
XC[', GTS1, 063B], -- 003B: Ket
XC[', CS0, 243B], -- 005B: Pound sign
XC[', GTS1, 165B], -- 005B: Integral
XC[', GTS1, 166B], -- 006B: Path integral
XC[', CS0, 266B], -- 013B: Paragraph sign
XC[', CS0, 000B], -- 017B: No equivalent symbol in XC1-2-2
XC[', GTS1, 172B], -- 023B: Sum sign
XC[', GTS1, 157B], -- 026B: Because sign
XC['#, LIG, 376B], -- 040B: Visible space (not in Classic/Modern)
XC[' , GTS1, 060B], -- 041B: Dag
XC[', CS0, 260B], -- 042B: Degree sign
XC[', JIS1, 147B], -- 043B: Infinity sign
XC[', CS0, 242B], -- 044B: Cent sign
XC[', CS0, 270B], -- 045B: Divide sign
XC['', GTS1, 266B], -- 046B: Logical AND
XC['P, GTS1, 163B], -- 047B: Define symbol
XC['`, CS0, 047B], -- 050B: Prime symbol, replace with regular ASCII quote (no equivalent) ??
XC[', GTS1, 174B], -- 051B: Radical symbol
XC[', CS0, 047B], -- 052B: Small dot, replace with regular ASCII quote (no equivalent) ??
XC[', CS0, 261B], -- 053B: PlusOrMinus symbol
XC[', GTS1, 114B], -- 054B: Such that symbol
XC[', GTS1, 175B], -- 055B: MinusOrPlus symbol
XC['+, JIS1, 150B], -- 056B: Therefore symbol
XC[', GTS1, 145B], -- 057B: Absolute division symbol
XC[', JIS1, 173B], -- 060B: Circle (not in Classic/Modern)
XC[', JIS2, 042B], -- 061B: Square
XC[', GR, 105B], -- 062B: Triangle (use greek Delta, normal not in Classic/Modern)
XC['., JIS1, 176B], -- 063B:Diamond (not in Classic/Modern)
XC[', GTS1, 142B], -- 064B: Absolute sum symbol
XC[', GTS1, 143B], -- 065B: Absolute difference symbol
XC[', GTS1, 144B], -- 066B: Absolute product symbol
XC[' , GTS1, 154B], -- 067B: Angle symbol
XC[', JIS1, 172B], -- 070B: Star
XC['", CS0, 047B], -- 071B: Medium dot, replace with regular ASCII quote (no equivalent) ??
XC[', CS0, 247B], -- 072B: Section symbol
XC[', GTS2, 273B], -- 073B: Black filler (not in Classic/Modern)
XC['d, JIS1, 145B], -- 074B: Less than or equal to symbol
XC['`, JIS1, 142B], -- 075B: Different symbol
XC['e, JIS1, 146B], -- 076B: Greater than or equal to symbol
XC[', CS0, 277B], -- 077B: Reverse question mark
XC[', GTS1, 100B], -- 100B: Care of symbol