<<>> <> <> <> <> <> DIRECTORY CrRPC, TimeP15V2, FilingAttributesP10V5, CHNameP2V0, AuthenticationP14V2, BulkDataP0V1, Rope; FilingP10V5: CEDAR DEFINITIONS ~ { ROPE: TYPE ~ Rope.ROPE; UndefinedProblem: TYPE ~ CARD16; LogoffType: TYPE ~ PROC [h: CrRPC.Handle, session: Session]; Logoff: LogoffType; Filter: TYPE ~ REF FilterObject; FilterObject: TYPE ~ RECORD [ SELECT type: FilterType FROM less => [less: RelationFilter], lessOrEqual => [lessOrEqual: RelationFilter], equal => [equal: RelationFilter], notEqual => [notEqual: RelationFilter], greaterOrEqual => [greaterOrEqual: RelationFilter], greater => [greater: RelationFilter], and => [and: EmptyRecord], or => [or: EmptyRecord], not => [not: EmptyRecord], none => [none: EmptyRecord], all => [all: EmptyRecord], matches => [matches: PatternFilter] ENDCASE ]; TransferProblem: TYPE ~ MACHINE DEPENDENT { aborted(0), checksumIncorrect(1), formatIncorrect(2), noRendevous(3), wrongDirection(4)}; CloseType: TYPE ~ PROC [h: CrRPC.Handle, file: Handle, session: Session]; Close: CloseType; AttributeValueErrorType: TYPE ~ ERROR [problem: ArgumentProblem, type: CARD32]; AttributeValueError: AttributeValueErrorType; SerializeType: TYPE ~ PROC [h: CrRPC.Handle, file: Handle, serializedFile: CrRPC.BulkDataSink, session: Session]; Serialize: SerializeType; Timeout: TYPE ~ CARD16; SecondaryType: TYPE ~ REF SecondaryTypeObject; SecondaryTypeObject: TYPE ~ MACHINE DEPENDENT RECORD [ body: PACKED SEQUENCE length: CARDINAL OF CARD32 ]; HandleProblem: TYPE ~ MACHINE DEPENDENT { invalid(0), nullDisallowed(1), directoryRequired(2)}; Secondary: TYPE ~ REF SecondaryObject; SecondaryObject: TYPE ~ MACHINE DEPENDENT RECORD [ body: PACKED SEQUENCE length: CARDINAL OF SecondaryItem ]; SecondaryItemType: TYPE ~ CARD32; ServiceErrorType: TYPE ~ ERROR [problem: ServiceProblem]; ServiceError: ServiceErrorType; CreateType: TYPE ~ PROC [h: CrRPC.Handle, directory: Handle, attributes: FilingAttributesP10V5.AttributeSequence, controls: ControlSequence, session: Session] RETURNS [file: Handle]; Create: CreateType; CopyType: TYPE ~ PROC [h: CrRPC.Handle, file: Handle, destinationDirectory: Handle, attributes: FilingAttributesP10V5.AttributeSequence, controls: ControlSequence, session: Session] RETURNS [newFile: Handle]; Copy: CopyType; ByteAddress: TYPE ~ CARD32; ControlType: TYPE ~ MACHINE DEPENDENT { lock(0), timeout(1), access(2)}; Verifier: TYPE ~ AuthenticationP14V2.SeqWords; FilterType: TYPE ~ MACHINE DEPENDENT { less(0), lessOrEqual(1), equal(2), notEqual(3), greaterOrEqual(4), greater(5), and(6), or(7), not(8), none(9), all(10), matches(11)}; Time: TYPE ~ CARD32; ControlTypeSequence: TYPE ~ REF ControlTypeSequenceObject; ControlTypeSequenceObject: TYPE ~ MACHINE DEPENDENT RECORD [ body: PACKED SEQUENCE length: CARDINAL OF ControlType ]; AccessErrorType: TYPE ~ ERROR [problem: AccessProblem]; AccessError: AccessErrorType; ConnectionErrorType: TYPE ~ ERROR [problem: ConnectionProblem]; ConnectionError: ConnectionErrorType; RelationFilter: TYPE ~ RECORD [ attribute: FilingAttributesP10V5.Attribute, interpretation: FilingAttributesP10V5.Interpretation]; ListType: TYPE ~ PROC [h: CrRPC.Handle, directory: Handle, types: AttributeTypeSequence, scope: ScopeSequence, listing: CrRPC.BulkDataSink, session: Session]; List: ListType; Attribute: TYPE ~ FilingAttributesP10V5.Attribute; allAttributeTypes: READONLY AttributeTypeSequence; ByteCount: TYPE ~ CARD32; endOfFile: CARD32 ~ 4294967295; ServiceProblem: TYPE ~ MACHINE DEPENDENT { cannotAuthenticate(0), serviceFull(1), serviceUnavailable(2), sessionInUse(3), serviceUnknown(4)}; Handle: TYPE ~ ARRAY [0..2) OF CARD16; ControlValueErrorType: TYPE ~ ERROR [problem: ArgumentProblem, type: ControlType]; ControlValueError: ControlValueErrorType; SecondaryItem: TYPE ~ RECORD [ type: CARD32, value: SecondaryValueType]; SecondaryValueType: TYPE ~ REF SecondaryValueTypeObject; SecondaryValueTypeObject: TYPE ~ MACHINE DEPENDENT RECORD [ body: PACKED SEQUENCE length: CARDINAL OF CARD16 ]; ChangeControlsType: TYPE ~ PROC [h: CrRPC.Handle, file: Handle, controls: ControlSequence, session: Session]; ChangeControls: ChangeControlsType; DeleteType: TYPE ~ PROC [h: CrRPC.Handle, file: Handle, session: Session]; Delete: DeleteType; PatternFilter: TYPE ~ RECORD [ attribute: FilingAttributesP10V5.Attribute]; SessionProblem: TYPE ~ MACHINE DEPENDENT { tokenInvalid(0), serviceAlreadySet(1)}; SecondaryCredentials: TYPE ~ REF SecondaryCredentialsObject; SecondaryCredentialsObject: TYPE ~ RECORD [ SELECT type: Strength FROM none => [none: EmptyRecord], simple => [simple: Secondary], strong => [strong: EncryptedSecondary] ENDCASE ]; OpenType: TYPE ~ PROC [h: CrRPC.Handle, attributes: FilingAttributesP10V5.AttributeSequence, directory: Handle, controls: ControlSequence, session: Session] RETURNS [file: Handle]; Open: OpenType; SessionToken: TYPE ~ ARRAY [0..2) OF CARD16; ControlSequence: TYPE ~ REF ControlSequenceObject; ControlSequenceObject: TYPE ~ MACHINE DEPENDENT RECORD [ body: PACKED SEQUENCE length: CARDINAL OF Control ]; RetrieveType: TYPE ~ PROC [h: CrRPC.Handle, file: Handle, content: CrRPC.BulkDataSink, session: Session]; Retrieve: RetrieveType; PrimaryCredentials: TYPE ~ AuthenticationP14V2.Credentials; ControlTypeErrorType: TYPE ~ ERROR [problem: ArgumentProblem, type: ControlType]; ControlTypeError: ControlTypeErrorType; GetAttributesType: TYPE ~ PROC [h: CrRPC.Handle, file: Handle, types: AttributeTypeSequence, session: Session] RETURNS [attributes: FilingAttributesP10V5.AttributeSequence]; GetAttributes: GetAttributesType; UndefinedErrorType: TYPE ~ ERROR [problem: CARD16]; UndefinedError: UndefinedErrorType; EmptyRecord: TYPE ~ RECORD [null: CARDINAL ¬ 0]; SpaceProblem: TYPE ~ MACHINE DEPENDENT { allocationExceeded(0), attributeAreaFull(1), mediumFull(2)}; nullTime: CARD32 ~ 2114294400; StoreType: TYPE ~ PROC [h: CrRPC.Handle, directory: Handle, attributes: FilingAttributesP10V5.AttributeSequence, controls: ControlSequence, content: CrRPC.BulkDataSource, session: Session] RETURNS [file: Handle]; Store: StoreType; LogonType: TYPE ~ PROC [h: CrRPC.Handle, service: CHNameP2V0.ThreePartName, credentials: AuthenticationP14V2.Credentials, verifier: AuthenticationP14V2.SeqWords] RETURNS [session: Session]; Logon: LogonType; Credentials: TYPE ~ AuthenticationP14V2.Credentials; FindType: TYPE ~ PROC [h: CrRPC.Handle, directory: Handle, scope: ScopeSequence, controls: ControlSequence, session: Session] RETURNS [file: Handle]; Find: FindType; Control: TYPE ~ REF ControlObject; ControlObject: TYPE ~ RECORD [ SELECT type: ControlType FROM lock => [lock: Lock], timeout => [timeout: CARD16], access => [access: FilingAttributesP10V5.AccessSequence] ENDCASE ]; ContinueType: TYPE ~ PROC [h: CrRPC.Handle, session: Session] RETURNS [continuance: CARD16]; Continue: ContinueType; RangeErrorType: TYPE ~ ERROR [problem: ArgumentProblem]; RangeError: RangeErrorType; defaultTimeout: CARD16 ~ 65535; MoveType: TYPE ~ PROC [h: CrRPC.Handle, file: Handle, destinationDirectory: Handle, attributes: FilingAttributesP10V5.AttributeSequence, session: Session]; Move: MoveType; SessionErrorType: TYPE ~ ERROR [problem: SessionProblem]; SessionError: SessionErrorType; ScopeSequence: TYPE ~ REF ScopeSequenceObject; ScopeSequenceObject: TYPE ~ MACHINE DEPENDENT RECORD [ body: PACKED SEQUENCE length: CARDINAL OF Scope ]; RetrieveBytesType: TYPE ~ PROC [h: CrRPC.Handle, file: Handle, range: ByteRange, sink: CrRPC.BulkDataSink, session: Session]; RetrieveBytes: RetrieveBytesType; Count: TYPE ~ CARD16; nullFilter: READONLY Filter; AttributeTypeSequence: TYPE ~ REF AttributeTypeSequenceObject; AttributeTypeSequenceObject: TYPE ~ MACHINE DEPENDENT RECORD [ body: PACKED SEQUENCE length: CARDINAL OF CARD32 ]; ScopeTypeErrorType: TYPE ~ ERROR [problem: ArgumentProblem, type: ScopeType]; ScopeTypeError: ScopeTypeErrorType; SpaceErrorType: TYPE ~ ERROR [problem: SpaceProblem]; SpaceError: SpaceErrorType; DeserializeType: TYPE ~ PROC [h: CrRPC.Handle, directory: Handle, attributes: FilingAttributesP10V5.AttributeSequence, controls: ControlSequence, serializedFile: CrRPC.BulkDataSource, session: Session] RETURNS [file: Handle]; Deserialize: DeserializeType; AttributeType: TYPE ~ CARD32; Lock: TYPE ~ MACHINE DEPENDENT { lockNone(0), share(1), exclusive(2)}; Depth: TYPE ~ CARD16; ArgumentProblem: TYPE ~ MACHINE DEPENDENT { illegal(0), disallowed(1), unreasonable(2), unimplemented(3), duplicated(4), missing(5)}; GetControlsType: TYPE ~ PROC [h: CrRPC.Handle, file: Handle, types: ControlTypeSequence, session: Session] RETURNS [controls: ControlSequence]; GetControls: GetControlsType; ChangeAttributesType: TYPE ~ PROC [h: CrRPC.Handle, file: Handle, attributes: FilingAttributesP10V5.AttributeSequence, session: Session]; ChangeAttributes: ChangeAttributesType; unlimitedCount: CARD16 ~ 65535; ReplaceType: TYPE ~ PROC [h: CrRPC.Handle, file: Handle, attributes: FilingAttributesP10V5.AttributeSequence, content: CrRPC.BulkDataSource, session: Session]; Replace: ReplaceType; AttributeSequence: TYPE ~ FilingAttributesP10V5.AttributeSequence; Interpretation: TYPE ~ FilingAttributesP10V5.Interpretation; LogicFilter: TYPE ~ REF LogicFilterObject; LogicFilterObject: TYPE ~ MACHINE DEPENDENT RECORD [ body: PACKED SEQUENCE length: CARDINAL OF Filter ]; Scope: TYPE ~ REF ScopeObject; ScopeObject: TYPE ~ RECORD [ SELECT type: ScopeType FROM count => [count: CARD16], depth => [depth: CARD16], direction => [direction: Direction], filter => [filter: Filter] ENDCASE ]; AccessProblem: TYPE ~ MACHINE DEPENDENT { accessRightsInsufficient(0), accessRightsIndeterminate(1), fileChanged(2), fileDamaged(3), fileInUse(4), fileNotFound(5), fileOpen(6)}; TransferErrorType: TYPE ~ ERROR [problem: TransferProblem]; TransferError: TransferErrorType; Direction: TYPE ~ MACHINE DEPENDENT { forward(0), backward(1)}; HandleErrorType: TYPE ~ ERROR [problem: HandleProblem]; HandleError: HandleErrorType; ScopeValueErrorType: TYPE ~ ERROR [problem: ArgumentProblem, type: ScopeType]; ScopeValueError: ScopeValueErrorType; AttributeTypeErrorType: TYPE ~ ERROR [problem: ArgumentProblem, type: CARD32]; AttributeTypeError: AttributeTypeErrorType; SetServiceType: TYPE ~ PROC [h: CrRPC.Handle, service: CHNameP2V0.ThreePartName, session: Session]; SetService: SetServiceType; Strength: TYPE ~ MACHINE DEPENDENT { none(0), simple(1), strong(2)}; allDescendants: CARD16 ~ 65535; EncryptedSecondary: TYPE ~ REF EncryptedSecondaryObject; EncryptedSecondaryObject: TYPE ~ MACHINE DEPENDENT RECORD [ body: PACKED SEQUENCE length: CARDINAL OF AuthenticationP14V2.Block ]; ConnectionProblem: TYPE ~ MACHINE DEPENDENT { noRoute(0), noResponse(1), transmissionHardware(2), transportTimeout(3), tooManyLocalConnections(4), tooManyRemoteConnections(5), missingCourier(6), missingProgram(7), missingProcedure(8), protocolMismatch(9), parameterInconsistency(10), invalidMessage(11), returnTimedOut(12), otherCallProblem(65535)}; UnifyAccessListsType: TYPE ~ PROC [h: CrRPC.Handle, directory: Handle, session: Session]; UnifyAccessLists: UnifyAccessListsType; InsertionProblem: TYPE ~ MACHINE DEPENDENT { positionUnavailable(0), fileNotUnique(1), loopInHierarchy(2)}; AuthenticationErrorType: TYPE ~ ERROR [problem: AuthenticationP14V2.Problem]; AuthenticationError: AuthenticationErrorType; ReplaceBytesType: TYPE ~ PROC [h: CrRPC.Handle, file: Handle, range: ByteRange, source: CrRPC.BulkDataSource, session: Session]; ReplaceBytes: ReplaceBytesType; InsertionErrorType: TYPE ~ ERROR [problem: InsertionProblem]; InsertionError: InsertionErrorType; ScopeType: TYPE ~ MACHINE DEPENDENT { count(0), direction(1), filter(2), depth(3)}; AccessSequence: TYPE ~ FilingAttributesP10V5.AccessSequence; Session: TYPE ~ RECORD [ token: SessionToken, verifier: AuthenticationP14V2.SeqWords]; nullHandle: Handle ~ [0, 0]; ByteRange: TYPE ~ RECORD [ firstByte: CARD32, count: CARD32]; }...