Copyright Ó 1991, 1992, 1993 by Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved.
Christian Jacobi, March 21, 1991 10:07 am PST
Christian Jacobi, February 12, 1993 1:03 pm PST
This module uses the ICCCM selection and clipboard conventions to implement improved cut and paste. It registers those procedures with XlCutBuffersBackdoor.
Atom, Rope, X11SelectionOwner, X11SelectionRequestor, Xl, XlCutBuffers, XlCutBuffersBackdoor, XlPredefinedAtoms, XTk, XTkShellWidgets;
X11SelectionsCuttingImpl: CEDAR MONITOR
IMPORTS Rope, X11SelectionOwner, X11SelectionRequestor, Xl, XlCutBuffers, XlCutBuffersBackdoor, XTkShellWidgets
~ BEGIN OPEN Atom, Xl, XlCutBuffers, XlCutBuffersBackdoor;
ToRope: PROC [value: LIST OF REF ANY] RETURNS [r: Rope.ROPE ¬ NIL] = {
FOR l: LIST OF REF ANY ¬ value, l.rest WHILE l#NIL DO
rr: Rope.ROPE => r ¬ Rope.Concat[r, rr];
ENDCASE => {};
GetReceive: X11SelectionRequestor.SelectionReceivedProc = {
container: REF Rope.ROPE ~ NARROW[clientData];
IF result=ok THEN container­ ¬ ToRope[value];
GetPrimary: PROC [c: Connection, convention: ATOM ¬ NIL] RETURNS [Rope.ROPE] = {
container: REF Rope.ROPE ~ NEW[ROPE ¬ NIL];
X11SelectionRequestor.GetSelection[c: c, selection: XlPredefinedAtoms.primary, timeStamp: Xl.currentTime,
request: [target: XlPredefinedAtoms.string, callback: GetReceive, clientData: container, setUp: NIL],
tq: NIL
RETURN [container­];
GetClipboard: PROC [c: Connection, convention: ATOM ¬ NIL] RETURNS [Rope.ROPE] = {
cd: ConnectionData ~ GetConnectionData[c];
container: REF Rope.ROPE ~ NEW[ROPE¬NIL];
X11SelectionRequestor.GetSelection[c: c, selection: cd.clipboardXatom, timeStamp: Xl.currentTime,
request: [target: XlPredefinedAtoms.string, callback: GetReceive, clientData: container, setUp: NIL],
tq: NIL
RETURN [container­];
GetHWR: PROC [c: Connection, convention: ATOM ¬ NIL] RETURNS [Rope.ROPE] = {
container: REF Rope.ROPE ~ NEW[ROPE¬NIL];
key: Xl.XAtom ¬ Xl.MakeAtom[c, "PARC←HWR←SELECTION"];
X11SelectionRequestor.GetSelection[c: c, selection: key, timeStamp: Xl.currentTime,
request: [target: XlPredefinedAtoms.string, callback: GetReceive, clientData: container, setUp: NIL],
tq: NIL
RETURN [container­];
ConnectionData: TYPE = REF ConnectionDataRec;
ConnectionDataRec: TYPE = RECORD [
connection: Xl.Connection,
poh: X11SelectionOwner.OwnershipHandle ¬ NIL,
coh: X11SelectionOwner.OwnershipHandle ¬ NIL,
hwrOh: X11SelectionOwner.OwnershipHandle ¬ NIL,
pValue: Rope.ROPE ¬ NIL,
cValue: Rope.ROPE ¬ NIL,
hwrValue: Rope.ROPE ¬ NIL,
dummyWidget: XTk.Widget,
lengthXAtom: XAtom ¬ [0],
textXAtom: XAtom ¬ [0],
clipboardXatom: XAtom ¬ [0]
myPropertyKey: REF ATOM ¬ NEW[ATOM ¬ $selections];
cachedConnectionData: ConnectionData ¬ NEW[ConnectionDataRec];
GetConnectionData: PROC [c: Xl.Connection] RETURNS [ConnectionData] = {
--Return cached (or eventually created) per connection data
cd: ConnectionData ¬ cachedConnectionData;
IF cd.connection=c THEN RETURN [cd];
cachedConnectionData ¬ cd ¬ NARROW[Xl.GetConnectionPropAndInit[c, myPropertyKey, InitConnection]];
RETURN [cd];
InitConnection: Xl.InitializeProcType = {
--Initializes the per connection data
cd: ConnectionData ¬ NEW[ConnectionDataRec ¬ [connection: c]];
InitCD: PROC [cd: ConnectionData] = {
c: Xl.Connection ~ cd.connection;
dummyShell: XTk.Widget ¬ XTkShellWidgets.CreateShell[deletionProtocol: FALSE, focusProtocol: FALSE];
dummyShell.attributes.overrideRedirect ¬ true;
XTkShellWidgets.BindScreenShell[dummyShell, c];
cd.clipboardXatom ¬ Xl.MakeAtom[c, "CLIPBOARD"];
cd.lengthXAtom ¬ Xl.MakeAtom[c, "LENGTH"];
cd.textXAtom ¬ Xl.MakeAtom[c, "TEXT"];
XTkShellWidgets.RealizeShell[shell: dummyShell, mapping: unmapped];
Xl.DecRefCount[c, dummyShell];
cd.poh ¬ X11SelectionOwner.EstablishSelectionOwnerProtocol[w: dummyShell, ac: primaryOwner, ownershipData: cd];
cd.coh ¬ X11SelectionOwner.EstablishSelectionOwnerProtocol[w: dummyShell, ac: clipboardOwner, ownershipData: cd];
cd.hwrOh ¬ X11SelectionOwner.EstablishSelectionOwnerProtocol[w: dummyShell, ac: hwrOwner, ownershipData: cd];
cd.dummyWidget ¬ dummyShell;
primaryOwner: X11SelectionOwner.ApplicationClass ¬ NEW[X11SelectionOwner.ApplicationClassRec ¬ [
selection: "PRIMARY",
convert: MyConvert,
classData: $PRIMARY,
targets: LIST["LENGTH", "TEXT", "STRING"],
checkTime: FALSE
clipboardOwner: X11SelectionOwner.ApplicationClass ¬ NEW[X11SelectionOwner.ApplicationClassRec ¬ [
selection: "CLIPBOARD",
convert: MyConvert,
classData: $CLIPBOARD,
targets: primaryOwner.targets,
checkTime: FALSE
hwrOwner: X11SelectionOwner.ApplicationClass ¬ NEW[X11SelectionOwner.ApplicationClassRec ¬ [
selection: "PARC←HWR←SELECTION",
convert: MyConvert,
classData: $HWR,
targets: LIST["LENGTH", "TEXT", "STRING"],
checkTime: FALSE
MyConvert: X11SelectionOwner.RequestProc = {
cd: ConnectionData ~ NARROW[request.oh.ownershipData];
c: Xl.Connection ¬ cd.connection;
value: Rope.ROPE ¬ SELECT request.oh.ac.classData FROM
$PRIMARY => cd.pValue,
$CLIPBOARD => cd.cValue,
$HWR => cd.hwrValue
FOR n: INT IN [0..request.length) DO
SELECT request[n].target FROM
XlPredefinedAtoms.string => {
request[n].response ¬ value;
request[n].type ¬ XlPredefinedAtoms.string;
cd.lengthXAtom => {
request[n].response ¬ NEW[INT32 ¬ Rope.Length[value]];
request[n].type ¬ XlPredefinedAtoms.integer;
cd.textXAtom => {
request[n].response ¬ value;
request[n].type ¬ XlPredefinedAtoms.string;
[] ¬ X11SelectionOwner.FillSomeTargets[request, n, TRUE];
PrimaryPut: PROC [c: Connection, data: ROPE, convention: ATOM ¬ NIL] = {
cd: ConnectionData ¬ GetConnectionData[c];
cd.pValue ¬ data;
[] ¬ X11SelectionOwner.AquireOwnership[cd.poh, Xl.LastTime[c]];
ClipboardPut: PROC [c: Connection, data: ROPE, convention: ATOM ¬ NIL] = {
cd: ConnectionData ¬ GetConnectionData[c];
cd.cValue ¬ data;
[] ¬ X11SelectionOwner.AquireOwnership[cd.coh, Xl.LastTime[c]];
HWRPut: PROC [c: Connection, data: ROPE, convention: ATOM ¬ NIL] = {
cd: ConnectionData ¬ GetConnectionData[c];
cd.hwrValue ¬ data;
[] ¬ X11SelectionOwner.AquireOwnership[cd.hwrOh, Xl.LastTime[c]];
DefaultGet: PROC [c: Connection, convention: ATOM ¬ NIL] RETURNS [r: Rope.ROPE] = {
r ¬ XlCutBuffers.Get[c, $PRIMARY];
IF Rope.IsEmpty[r] THEN r ¬ XlCutBuffers.Get[c, $CLIPBOARD];
IF Rope.IsEmpty[r] THEN r ¬ XlCutBuffers.Get[c, $CutBuffer0];
DefaultPut: PROC [c: Connection, data: ROPE, convention: ATOM ¬ NIL] = {
XlCutBuffers.Put[c, data, $CutBuffer0];
XlCutBuffers.Put[c, data, $PRIMARY];
XlCutBuffers.Put[c, data, $CLIPBOARD];
XlCutBuffersBackdoor.RegisterGetProc[$PRIMARY, GetPrimary];
XlCutBuffersBackdoor.RegisterGetProc[$CLIPBOARD, GetClipboard];
XlCutBuffersBackdoor.RegisterGetProc[$Handwriting, GetHWR];
XlCutBuffersBackdoor.RegisterGetProc[NIL, DefaultGet];
XlCutBuffersBackdoor.RegisterPutProc[$PRIMARY, PrimaryPut];
XlCutBuffersBackdoor.RegisterPutProc[$CLIPBOARD, ClipboardPut];
XlCutBuffersBackdoor.RegisterPutProc[$Handwriting, HWRPut];
XlCutBuffersBackdoor.RegisterPutProc[NIL, DefaultPut];