Copyright Ó 1990, 1991, 1992 by Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved.
Christian Jacobi, November 12, 1990 5:42 pm PST
Christian Jacobi, February 21, 1992 5:48 pm PST
Rope, RopeList, Xl, XlDispatch, XlPredefinedAtoms, XlTQOps, X11SelectionOwner, X11SelectionOwnerPrivate, X11SelectionPrivate, XTk;
X11SelectionOwnerImpl: CEDAR MONITOR
IMPORTS RopeList, X11SelectionPrivate, Xl, XlDispatch, XlTQOps, XTk
EXPORTS X11SelectionOwner ~
BEGIN OPEN X11SelectionOwner, X11SelectionOwnerPrivate, X11SelectionPrivate;
check all the threads
what happens before widget is realized; could some things happen beforee?. PreEstablishServiceTQ, EstablishOwnership do make sense before realization
IgnoreErrors: Xl.EventProcType = {};
detailsForSynchronous: Xl.Details ~ NEW[Xl.DetailsRec ¬ [synchronous: TRUE]];
detailsForIgnoreErrors: Xl.Details ~ NEW[Xl.DetailsRec ¬ [errorMatch: NEW[Xl.MatchRep ¬ [proc: IgnoreErrors, handles: NIL, tq: Xl.CreateTQ[]]]]];
propertyNotifyEvents: Xl.EventFilter ~ Xl.CreateEventFilter[propertyNotify];
selectionEvents: Xl.EventFilter ~ Xl.CreateEventFilter[selectionRequest, selectionClear];
myPropertyKey: REF ~ NEW[INT];
WidgetOData: TYPE = REF WidgetODataRec; --per Widget selection Owner Data (for all selections)
WidgetODataRec: PUBLIC TYPE = X11SelectionOwnerPrivate.ImplWidgetODataRec;
GetWidgetOData: PROC [w: XTk.Widget] RETURNS [wod: WidgetOData] = {
EntryGetWidgetOData: ENTRY PROC [w: XTk.Widget] RETURNS [wod: WidgetOData] = {
WITH XTk.GetWidgetProp[w, myPropertyKey] SELECT FROM
ok: WidgetOData => wod ¬ ok;
wod ¬ NEW[WidgetODataRec];
XTk.PutWidgetProp[w, myPropertyKey, wod];
WITH XTk.GetWidgetProp[w, myPropertyKey] SELECT FROM
ok: WidgetOData => wod ¬ ok;
ENDCASE => wod ¬ EntryGetWidgetOData[w];
IF wod.cd=NIL OR wod.cd.connection#w.connection THEN {
c: Xl.Connection ¬ w.connection;
IF Xl.Alive[c] THEN wod.cd ¬ GetConnectionData[c];
AssertServiceMatch: ENTRY PROC [wod: WidgetOData, w: XTk.Widget] = {
IF ~wod.matchEstablished THEN {
wod.matchEstablished ¬ TRUE;
IF wod.serviceTQ=NIL THEN wod.serviceTQ ¬ Xl.CreateTQ[];
XTk.AddPermanentMatch[w, [proc: ServiceEventProc, handles: selectionEvents, tq: wod.serviceTQ, data: wod]];
XTk.RegisterNotifier[w, XTk.bindScreenKey, BindScreen, wod];
BindScreen: XTk.WidgetNotifyProc = {
wod: WidgetOData ~ NARROW[registerData];
FOR list: LIST OF OwnershipHandle ¬ wod.selections, list.rest WHILE list#NIL DO
list.first.selection ¬ Xl.MakeAtom[widget.connection, list.first.ac.selection];
PreEstablishServiceTQ: PUBLIC PROC [w: XTk.Widget, serviceTQ: Xl.TQ ¬ NIL] = {
Establishes code handling selections; for all selections. Optional, but if used it must be called before first call of EstablishSelectionOwnerProtocol.
In a first try we handle ownership of all selections in the same serviceTQ. This would allows us to register a single event matcher for SelectionRequestEvents. I'm not yet sure whether this is an advantage.
WARNING: Selection requests with large side effects have to use the INSERT←SELECTION convention. ICCCM As I want to hide this knowledge from selection requestors (Do I want to?) ownership could be established hiddenly)
wod: WidgetOData ~ GetWidgetOData[w];
IF wod.serviceTQ=NIL THEN {
IF serviceTQ=NIL THEN serviceTQ ¬ Xl.CreateTQ[];
wod.serviceTQ ¬ serviceTQ;
AssertServiceMatch[wod, w]
GetOwnership: PROC [wod: WidgetOData, selection: Xl.XAtom] RETURNS [OwnershipHandle ¬ NIL] = {
FOR list: LIST OF OwnershipHandle ¬ wod.selections, list.rest WHILE list#NIL DO
IF list.first.selection=selection THEN RETURN [list.first];
AppendOwnership: ENTRY PROC [wod: WidgetOData, oh: OwnershipHandle] RETURNS [error: BOOL ¬ FALSE] = {
--Careful ordering: GetOwnership is not monitored for speed
newTail: LIST OF OwnershipHandle ~ LIST[oh];
p: LIST OF OwnershipHandle ¬ wod.selections;
IF p=NIL THEN {wod.selections ¬ newTail; RETURN};
--Assert: p#NIL
IF p.first.selection=oh.selection THEN RETURN [error¬TRUE];
IF p.rest=NIL THEN {p.rest ¬ newTail; RETURN};
p ¬ p.rest;
RemoveOwnership: ENTRY PROC [wod: WidgetOData, oh: OwnershipHandle] = {
IF wod.selections=NIL THEN RETURN;
IF wod.selections.first=oh THEN {wod.selections ¬ wod.selections.rest; RETURN};
FOR l: LIST OF OwnershipHandle ¬ wod.selections, l.rest WHILE l#NIL AND l.rest#NIL DO
IF l.rest.first=oh THEN {l.rest ¬ l.rest.rest; RETURN};
AcknowledgeConversion: PROC [e: Xl.SelectionRequestEvent, property: Xl.XAtom] RETURNS [failed: BOOL ¬ FALSE] = INLINE {
--send acknowledging SendSelectionNotifyEvent; use only if no event handlers need un-registration
--careful about catching errors; this is not our window; it could have been destroyed
Xl.SendSelectionNotifyEvent[c: e.connection, destination: e.requestor, selection: e.selection, target: e.target, property: property, timeStamp: e.timeStamp, details: detailsForSynchronous ! Xl.XError => {failed ¬ TRUE; CONTINUE}];
RefuseConversion: PROC [e: Xl.SelectionRequestEvent] = {
--send denying SendSelectionNotifyEvent; use only if no event handlers need un-registration
[] ¬ AcknowledgeConversion[e, [0]];
ReleaseConversion: --transferTQ-- PROC [r: Request, success: BOOL] = {
--unregisters event handlers and send final SendSelectionNotifyEvent
IF ~Xl.Alive[r.event.connection] THEN RETURN;
IF r.transferMatch#NIL THEN
XlDispatch.RemoveMatch[c: r.event.connection, w: r.event.requestor, match: r.transferMatch, details: detailsForIgnoreErrors <<asynchronously destroyed connection>>];
IF success
THEN success ¬ ~AcknowledgeConversion[r.event, r.event.property]
ELSE RefuseConversion[r.event];
IF ~success THEN r.anyFailed ¬ TRUE;
r.timeOutData ¬ $allDone;
IF r.oh.sharedTransferTQ#NIL --so transferTQ is shared-- THEN {
FOR n: Request ¬ r.next, n.next WHILE n#NIL DO
IF n.event.requestor=r.event.requestor AND n.isDelayed THEN {
n.isDelayed ¬ FALSE; [] ¬ WakeUp[n];
FindTargetIdx: PROC [r: Request, property: Xl.XAtom] RETURNS [idx: INT ¬ -1] = {
FOR i: NAT IN [0..r.length) DO
IF r[i].property=property THEN RETURN [i];
PropertyDeletedEvent: --transferTQ-- Xl.EventProcType = {
--requestor acknowledges by deleting property
e: Xl.PropertyNotifyEvent => {
r: Request => {
idx: INT ~ FindTargetIdx[r, e.atom];
IF idx>=0 AND idx=r.index THEN [] ¬ WakeUp[r];
ENDCASE => {};
ENDCASE => {};
TimeoutCheckEvent: --transferTQ-- Xl.EventProcType = {
--Called when the time ticks. Use right transferTQ to protect r.timeOutData and for reporting timeout.
r: Request ~ NARROW[clientData];
SELECT r.timeOutData FROM
$reset => {
--Start new timeslice, as we didn't know when in the last timeslice was started.
r.timeOutData ¬ $alert;
XlTQOps.EnqueueSoon[ms: r.oh.timeoutMsec, tq: tq --is transferTQ--, proc: TimeoutCheckEvent, data: r, event: event];
$alert => {
--A whole timeslice was inactive; do the timing out.
ReleaseConversion[r, FALSE];
IF r.oh.ac.done#NIL THEN r.oh.ac.done[r];
ENDCASE => {--e.g. after a timeout--};
EnqueueOrCall: PROC [selfTQ, callTQ: Xl.TQ, proc: Xl.EventProcType, data: REF ¬ NIL, event: Xl.Event ¬ NIL] = INLINE {
IF selfTQ=callTQ
THEN proc[event, data, callTQ]
ELSE Xl.Enqueue[callTQ, proc, data, event]
ServiceEventProc: --serviceTQ-- Xl.EventProcType = {
--Received a request; initiate handling it.
wod: WidgetOData ~ NARROW[clientData];
e: Xl.SelectionRequestEvent => {
oh: OwnershipHandle ~ GetOwnership[wod, e.selection];
IF oh#NIL --otherwise not ours-- THEN {
transferTQ: Xl.TQ ¬ NIL;
getTransferTQ: GetTQProc ~ oh.ac.getTransferTQ;
IF getTransferTQ#NIL THEN transferTQ ¬ getTransferTQ[oh, e];
IF transferTQ=NIL THEN {
transferTQ ¬ oh.sharedTransferTQ;
IF transferTQ=NIL THEN transferTQ ¬ Xl.CreateTQ[];
EnqueueOrCall[tq, transferTQ, StartConversion, oh, e];
e: Xl.SelectionClearEvent => {
oh: OwnershipHandle ~ GetOwnership[wod, e.selection];
IF oh#NIL --otherwise not ours-- THEN {
EnqueueOrCall[tq, oh.initiateTQ, NotifyLostOwnership, oh, e];
ENDCASE => {};
EnqueueServicing: --shared transferTQ-- PROC [r: Request] = {
--Enqueue this request into queue of requests currently in works...
--Set delay if conflicting request is in progreass
tail: Request ¬ r.oh.serviceQueue;
IF tail=NIL
THEN r.oh.serviceQueue ¬ r
IF tail.event.requestor=r.event.requestor THEN r.isDelayed ¬ TRUE;
WHILE tail.next#NIL DO
tail ¬ tail.next;
IF tail.event.requestor=r.event.requestor THEN r.isDelayed ¬ TRUE;
tail.next ¬ r
r.isInQueue ¬ TRUE;
RemoveServicing: --shared transferTQ-- PROC [r: Request] = {
--Remove this request from queue of requests currently in works...
--If there was a conflicting request, continue its servicing
front: Request ¬ r.oh.serviceQueue;
IF front=r
THEN r.oh.serviceQueue ¬ r.next
WHILE front.next#NIL DO
IF front.next=r THEN {
front.next ¬ r.next;
ReviveDelayed[front.next, r.event.requestor];
front ¬ front.next;
ReviveDelayed: --shared transferTQ-- PROC [front: Request, requestor: Xl.Window] = {
--Checks queue for a request whose servicing ought to be continued and do it
FOR r: Request ¬ front, r.next WHILE r#NIL DO
IF r.isDelayed AND r.event.requestor=requestor THEN {
Dont do it this way but use queue
r.isDelayed ← FALSE;
[] ← WakeUp[r]; --possibly infinite tail recursion
Xl.Enqueue[r.oh.sharedTransferTQ, DelayedTailRecursion, r, r.event];
DelayedTailRecursion: --shared transferTQ-- Xl.EventProcType = {
r: Request ~ NARROW[clientData];
r.isDelayed ¬ FALSE;
[] ¬ WakeUp[r];
StartConversion: Xl.EventProcType = {
--Service the request
--Use a per selection thread (transferTQ) to enable re-entrant calling on other selections or other requests
oh: OwnershipHandle ~ NARROW[clientData];
e: Xl.SelectionRequestEvent ~ NARROW[event];
r: Request;
failed, somefailed: BOOL ¬ FALSE;
IF oh.ac.checkTime AND Xl.Period[from: oh.ownedSince, to: e.timeStamp]<0 AND oh.ownedSince#Xl.currentTime THEN {
--See note about Xl.currentTime in NotifyLostOwnership
RefuseConversion[e]; RETURN
IF e.target=oh.wod.cd.multipleXAtom
pr: Xl.PropertyReturnRec;
IF e.property=XlPredefinedAtoms.nullNotAnAtom THEN {
RefuseConversion[e]; RETURN
pr ¬ Xl.GetProperty[c: e.connection, w: e.requestor, property: e.property !
Xl.XError => {failed ¬ TRUE; CONTINUE}
IF failed OR pr.format#32 OR pr.bytesAfter>0--nobody will do that-- THEN {
RefuseConversion[e]; RETURN
ms: REF Xl.Card32Sequence => {
IF ms.leng MOD 2 # 0 THEN {RefuseConversion[e]; RETURN};
r ¬ NEW[RequestSequence[ms.leng / 2]];
r.multiSeq ¬ ms;
FOR i: INT IN [0..r.length) DO
r[i].target ¬ [ms[2*i]];
r[i].property ¬ [ms[2*i+1]];
r[i].num ¬ INT.LAST;
RefuseConversion[e]; RETURN;
property: Xl.XAtom ¬ e.property;
IF property=XlPredefinedAtoms.nullNotAnAtom THEN {
property ¬ e.target;
IF property=XlPredefinedAtoms.nullNotAnAtom THEN {
RefuseConversion[e]; RETURN;
r ¬ NEW[RequestSequence[1]];
r[0].target ¬ e.target;
r[0].property ¬ property;
r[0].num ¬ INT.LAST;
r.oh ¬ oh;
r.event ¬ e;
r.transferTQ ¬ tq;
IF r.refuse OR (r.multiSeq=NIL AND r[0].response=$Failed) THEN {
RefuseConversion[e]; RETURN;
FOR i: NAT IN [0..r.length) DO
IF r[i].response=$Failed
somefailed ¬ TRUE;
IF r.multiSeq#NIL THEN r.multiSeq[i*2+1] ¬ 0;
r[i].remain ¬ 0;
num: INT;
[num, r[i].unit] ¬ Xl.XPropInfo[r[i].response];
r[i].remain ¬ MIN[num-r[i].start, r[i].num];
IF somefailed THEN {
IF r.multiSeq=NIL
THEN failed ¬ TRUE
--is it ok to do this before transmitting the real answers?
Xl.ChangeProperty[c: e.connection, w: e.requestor, property: e.property, data: r.multiSeq, type: XlPredefinedAtoms.atom, details: detailsForSynchronous
! Xl.XError => {failed ¬ TRUE; CONTINUE;}
IF failed THEN {RefuseConversion[e]; RETURN};
--start funny loop transmittinmg real answers
IF ~r.isInQueue AND r.oh.sharedTransferTQ#NIL THEN EnqueueServicing[r];
IF ~r.isDelayed THEN [] ¬ WakeUp[r];
WakeUp: --transferTQ-- PROC [r: Request] RETURNS [allDone: BOOL ¬ FALSE] = {
--Funny loop; all loop control state is stored in r.
cpMode: Xl.ChangePropertyMode ¬ replace;
thisNum, thisStart: INT; response: REF; type: Xl.XAtom;
e: Xl.SelectionRequestEvent ¬ r.event;
idx: INT ¬ r.index; --expected index; but might be all done and need increment
newStep: BOOL; --first time we visit index
DO --until we find one which did not fail (? ICCCM doesn't really say what to do)
newStep ¬ FALSE;
r.timeOutData=$timedOut => RETURN;
idx<0 => {
--synchrounous first call
r.index ¬ idx ¬ 0; newStep ¬ TRUE;
r.transferMatch ¬ NEW[Xl.MatchRep ¬ [
proc: PropertyDeletedEvent,
handles: propertyNotifyEvents,
tq: r.transferTQ,
data: r
XlDispatch.AddMatch[c: e.connection, w: e.requestor, match: r.transferMatch, generate: [propertyChange: TRUE <<possibility of destroyed connection not interesting as this is first call>>]];
XlTQOps.EnqueueSoon[ms: r.oh.timeoutMsec, tq: r.transferTQ, proc: TimeoutCheckEvent, data: r, event: e];
idx<r.length => {
--called from an event (or previous response was failed)
SELECT r[idx].state FROM
$waitForAck => {
r.index ¬ idx ¬ idx + 1; newStep ¬ TRUE;
IF idx>=r.length THEN {
ReleaseConversion[r, TRUE];
IF r.oh.ac.done#NIL THEN r.oh.ac.done[r];
allDone ¬ TRUE;
$startIncr => cpMode ¬ replace;
$continueIncr => cpMode ¬ append;
response ¬ r[idx].response;
IF response#$Failed
ELSE {--similar to $waitForAck
r.index ¬ idx ¬ idx + 1; newStep ¬ TRUE;
IF idx>=r.length THEN {
ReleaseConversion[r, TRUE];
IF r.oh.ac.done#NIL THEN r.oh.ac.done[r];
allDone ¬ TRUE;
type ¬ r[idx].type;
thisNum ¬ MIN[r[idx].remain, 1000, Xl.Info[e.connection].maxRequestLength];
thisStart ¬ r[idx].next;
IF newStep
IF thisNum<r[idx].remain AND thisNum>0
--start an incr
cs: REF Xl.Card32Sequence ¬ response ¬ NEW[Xl.Card32Sequence[1]];
cs[0] ¬ r[idx].remain;
r[idx].state ¬ $startIncr;
thisNum ¬ 1; thisStart ¬ 0;
type ¬ r.oh.wod.cd.incrXAtom;
--use single request
r[idx].state ¬ $waitForAck;
--continue incr
r[idx].next ¬ thisStart+thisNum;
r[idx].remain ¬ r[idx].remain-thisNum;
IF r[idx].remain<=0
THEN r[idx].state ¬ $waitForAck --note incr is terminated by appending zero bytes
ELSE r[idx].state ¬ $continueIncr;
Xl.ChangeProperty[c: e.connection, w: e.requestor,
property: r[idx].property, type: type, mode: cpMode,
data: response, start: thisStart, num: thisNum,
details: detailsForIgnoreErrors--this is NOT our window--
details: detailsForSynchronous--this is NOT our window--
! Xl.XError => {ReleaseConversion[r, FALSE]; --?? ought to really report failure --GOTO oops}
r.timeOutData ¬ $reset;
EstablishSelectionOwnerProtocol: PUBLIC PROC [w: XTk.Widget, ac: ApplicationClass, initiateTQ: Xl.TQ ¬ NIL, transferTQ: Xl.TQ ¬ NIL, ownershipData: REF ¬ NIL] RETURNS [oh: OwnershipHandle] = {
Install ownership duties for a particular selection. This does not actually aquire ownership but registers the procedures necessary to aquire it. Must not be called more then once per widget and selection tuple.
c: Xl.Connection ~ w.connection;
selection: Xl.XAtom ¬ [0];
wod: WidgetOData ~ GetWidgetOData[w];
IF Xl.Alive[c] THEN selection ¬ Xl.MakeAtom[c, ac.selection];
IF initiateTQ=NIL THEN {
initiateTQ ¬ transferTQ;
IF initiateTQ=NIL THEN initiateTQ ¬ Xl.CreateTQ[];
oh ¬ NEW[OwnershipRec ¬ [
ac: ac,
initiateTQ: initiateTQ,
sharedTransferTQ: transferTQ,
w: w,
selection: selection,
timeoutMsec: ac.defaultTimeoutMsec,
ownershipData: ownershipData,
wod: wod
PreEstablishServiceTQ[w, NIL];
IF AppendOwnership[wod, oh].error THEN ERROR;
DeEstablishSelectionOwnerProtocol: PUBLIC PROC [oh: OwnershipHandle] = {
w: XTk.Widget ¬ oh.w;
wod: WidgetOData ~ GetWidgetOData[w];
RemoveOwnership[wod, oh];
ChangeTimeOut: PUBLIC PROC [oh: OwnershipHandle, timeoutMsec: INT] = {
oh.timeoutMsec ¬ timeoutMsec
NotifyLostOwnership: --initiateTQ-- Xl.EventProcType = {
oh: OwnershipHandle ~ NARROW[clientData];
e: Xl.SelectionClearEvent ~ NARROW[event];
--We do not test "IF oh.iHaveIt THEN" for robustness reasons: if an errounous state happens, loosing the selection the next time will automatically put us into a correct state again.
--We do let Xl.currentTime through: Some clients which don't use the connection for any other purpose as to state selection-ownership might not have a timeStamp when aquiring the selection (and Xl.LastTime might not have a reasonable value either). Those clients have to watch themself for race conditions.
IF (Xl.Period[from: oh.ownedSince, to: e.timeStamp]>=0 OR oh.ownedSince=Xl.currentTime) AND e.owner=oh.w.window THEN {
notify: LostOwnershipNotifyProc ¬ oh.ac.lostOwnership;
previousTime: Xl.TimeStamp ¬ oh.ownedSince;
oh.iHaveIt ¬ FALSE;
IF notify#NIL THEN notify[oh: oh, timeStamp: e.timeStamp, event: e, previousTime: previousTime];
AquireOwnership: PUBLIC PROC [oh: OwnershipHandle, time: Xl.TimeStamp] RETURNS [success: BOOL ¬ FALSE] = {
--Aquires active selection ownership.
--OwnershipHandle must have been previously established.
--Do not use Xl.currentTime.
IF oh.w.state=realized AND oh.w.fastAccessAllowed=ok THEN {
action: PROC = {
window: Xl.Window;
--Helpful X protocol twist: Noop in buggy situation of time in the future
Xl.SetSelectionOwner[c: oh.w.connection, owner: oh.w.window, selection: oh.selection, time: time];
window ¬ Xl.GetSelectionOwner[oh.w.connection, oh.selection];
success ¬ window=oh.w.window;
IF success THEN {
notify: GotOwnershipNotifyProc ¬ oh.ac.gotOnwership;
previouslyOwned: BOOL ¬ oh.iHaveIt;
previousTime: Xl.TimeStamp ¬ oh.ownedSince;
oh.iHaveIt ¬ TRUE;
oh.ownedSince ¬ time;
IF notify#NIL THEN notify[oh, time, previouslyOwned, previousTime];
IF time=Xl.currentTime THEN time ¬ Xl.LastTime[oh.w.connection];
Xl.CallWithLock[tq: oh.initiateTQ, proc: action];
ReleaseOwnership: PUBLIC PROC [oh: OwnershipHandle, time: Xl.TimeStamp ¬ Xl.currentTime] = {
--Voluntarily releases selection ownership.
--OwnershipHandle must have been previously established
IF oh.w.fastAccessAllowed#ok THEN RETURN;
Xl.SetSelectionOwner[c: oh.w.connection, owner: Xl.nullWindow, selection: oh.selection, time: time]
FillSomeTargets: PUBLIC PROC [request: Request, targetIdx: NAT, assignFailed: BOOL ¬ FALSE] RETURNS [success: BOOL ¬ TRUE] = {
wod: WidgetOData ~ request.oh.wod;
cd: X11SelectionPrivate.ConnectionData ~ wod.cd;
SELECT request[targetIdx].target FROM
cd.timeStampXAtom => {
t: Xl.TimeStamp ~ request.oh.ownedSince;
request[targetIdx].response ¬ NEW[CARD32 ¬ t];
request[targetIdx].type ¬ XlPredefinedAtoms.integer;
cd.targetsXAtom => {
ConsIfMissing: PROC [r: Rope.ROPE, list: LIST OF Rope.ROPE] RETURNS [LIST OF Rope.ROPE] = {
IF ~RopeList.Memb[list, r] THEN list ¬ RopeList.Cons[list, r];
RETURN [list];
count: INT; n: NAT ¬ 0;
targetSeq: REF Xl.Card32Sequence;
list: LIST OF Rope.ROPE ¬ request.oh.ac.targets;
list ¬ ConsIfMissing["TARGETS", list];
list ¬ ConsIfMissing["MULTIPLE", list];
list ¬ ConsIfMissing["TIMESTAMP", list];
count ¬ RopeList.Length[list];
targetSeq ¬ NEW[Xl.Card32Sequence[count]];
FOR l: LIST OF Rope.ROPE ¬ list, l.rest WHILE l#NIL AND n<count DO
targetSeq[n] ¬ Xl.MakeAtom[request.oh.w.connection, l.first]; n ¬ n+1;
request[targetIdx].response ¬ targetSeq;
request[targetIdx].type ¬ XlPredefinedAtoms.atom;
success ¬ FALSE;
IF assignFailed THEN request[targetIdx].response ¬ $Failed;