DIRECTORY XlPredefinedAtoms, XlRGBColorMaps, Xl; XlRGBColorMapsImpl: CEDAR MONITOR IMPORTS Xl EXPORTS XlRGBColorMaps ~ BEGIN OPEN XlRGBColorMaps; GetRGBColorMaps: PUBLIC PROC [c: Xl.Connection, w: Xl.Window, mapKey: Xl.XAtom ¬ XlPredefinedAtoms.rgbDefaultMap] RETURNS [list: LIST OF StandardColorMap ¬ NIL] = { pr: Xl.PropertyReturnRec; pr ¬ Xl.GetProperty[c: c, w: w, property: mapKey, supposedType: XlPredefinedAtoms.rgbColorMap, delete: FALSE, supposedFormat: 32]; WITH pr.value SELECT FROM s: REF Xl.Card32Sequence => { wordsForCMap: INT = 10; idxForVisualId: INT = 8; idxForKillId: INT = 9; restStart: INT ¬ 0; restLeng: INT ¬ s.leng; WHILE restLeng >= wordsForCMap-2 DO cm: StandardColorMap ¬ NEW[StandardColorMapRec]; cm.colormap ¬ [s[restStart+0]]; cm.redMax ¬ s[restStart+1]; cm.redMult ¬ s[restStart+2]; cm.greenMax ¬ s[restStart+3]; cm.greenMult ¬ s[restStart+4]; cm.blueMax ¬ s[restStart+5]; cm.blueMult ¬ s[restStart+6]; cm.basePixel ¬ s[restStart+7]; IF idxForVisualId < restLeng THEN cm.visualId ¬ [s[restStart+idxForVisualId]] ELSE cm.visualId ¬ Xl.QueryScreen[c, w].rootVisual; IF idxForKillId < restLeng THEN cm.killId ¬ s[restStart+idxForKillId] ELSE cm.killId ¬ Xl.nullID; restLeng ¬ restLeng-wordsForCMap; restStart ¬ restStart+wordsForCMap; list ¬ CONS[cm, list]; ENDLOOP }; ENDCASE => {}; }; END. ΒXlRGBColorMapsImpl.mesa Copyright Σ 1993 by Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved. Created by Christian Jacobi, May 26, 1993 12:16:31 pm PDT Christian Jacobi, May 26, 1993 3:09 pm PDT ΚΔ•NewlineDelimiter –(cedarcode) style˜™Icodešœ Οeœ1™