DIRECTORY Atom, Basics, ForkOps, IO, Process, Rope, RuntimeError, SafeStorage, Xl, XlDispatch, XlEndianPrivate, XlExtensions, XlKeyButPrivate, XlPrivate, XlPrivateErrorHandling, XlPrivateSplit, XlPrivateTypes, XlRecycleMotionEvents, XlService, XlSpeedHacks, XlPrivateDebug; XlImplMainLoop: CEDAR MONITOR LOCKS c USING c: Connection IMPORTS Atom, Basics, ForkOps, IO, Process, RuntimeError, SafeStorage, Xl, XlDispatch, XlExtensions, XlKeyButPrivate, XlPrivate, XlPrivateErrorHandling, XlRecycleMotionEvents, XlService EXPORTS Xl, XlSpeedHacks, XlPrivate, XlPrivateSplit, XlPrivateDebug SHARES XlDispatch, XlPrivateTypes = BEGIN OPEN Xl, XlPrivate; ConnectionPrivateImplRec: TYPE = XlPrivateTypes.ConnectionPrivateImplRec; <>ConnectionPrivate: PUBLIC TYPE = XlPrivateTypes.ConnectionPrivateImplRec; ReplyGotProc: TYPE = XlPrivate.ReplyGotProc; weAreDebugging: BOOL ~ TRUE; --manifest constant for evential compile time code omissions! maxReplyLeng: CARD32 = LAST[INT16]; replyTimeout: Process.Ticks ¬ Process.MsecToTicks[10000]; untracedZone: ZONE; RRead16: PROC [r: Reply] RETURNS [CARD16] = { RETURN [Read16[r]]; }; RRead32: PROC [r: Reply] RETURNS [CARD32] = { RETURN [Read32[r]] }; IReadTime: PROC [c: Connection, r: Reply] RETURNS [t: TimeStamp] = INLINE { t ¬ [Read32[r]]; c.lastTimeStamp ¬ t; }; ReadWindow: PROC [r: Reply] RETURNS [Window] ~ { RETURN [ToWindow[NIL, Read32[r]]] }; InlineReadWindow: PROC [r: Reply] RETURNS [Window] ~ INLINE { RETURN [ToWindow[NIL, Read32[r]]] }; InlineReadINT16: PROC [r: Reply] RETURNS [INT16] = INLINE { RETURN [LOOPHOLE[Read16[r], INT16]] }; ReadINT16: PROC [r: Reply] RETURNS [INT16] ~ { RETURN [LOOPHOLE[Read16[r], INT16]] }; ReadGeometry: PROC [r: Reply] RETURNS [g: Geometry] ~ { g.pos.x ¬ ReadINT16[r]; g.pos.y ¬ ReadINT16[r]; g.size.width ¬ RRead16[r]; g.size.height ¬ RRead16[r]; g.borderWidth ¬ RRead16[r]; }; CheckReplyPos: PROC [r: Reply, i: INT¬0] ~ INLINE { IF THEN ERROR; }; FreeExts: PROC [replyStuff: REF ImplReplyStuffRep] = { IF replyStuff#NIL THEN { replyStuff.freeVarPart1 ¬ NIL; replyStuff.freeVarPart2 ¬ NIL; replyStuff.freeVarPart3 ¬ NIL; replyStuff.freeReply1 ¬ NIL; replyStuff.freeReply2 ¬ NIL; replyStuff.freeReply3 ¬ NIL; }; }; NewExt: PROC [replyStuff: REF ImplReplyStuffRep, reply: Reply, sz: CARD32] = TRUSTED { t: REF Basics.RawBytes; leng: CARD; t ¬ replyStuff.freeVarPart1; IF t#NIL THEN { IF (leng ¬ LOOPHOLE[t, REF CARD]­) >= sz THEN { replyStuff.freeVarPart1 ¬ NIL; reply.varLength ¬ leng; reply.varPart ¬ t; RETURN }; }; t ¬ replyStuff.freeVarPart2; IF t#NIL THEN { IF (leng ¬ LOOPHOLE[t, REF CARD]­) >= sz THEN { replyStuff.freeVarPart2 ¬ NIL; reply.varLength ¬ leng; reply.varPart ¬ t; RETURN }; }; t ¬ replyStuff.freeVarPart3; IF t#NIL THEN { IF (leng ¬ LOOPHOLE[t, REF CARD]­) >= sz THEN { replyStuff.freeVarPart3 ¬ NIL; reply.varLength ¬ leng; reply.varPart ¬ t; RETURN }; }; leng ¬ sz+8; -- increase size for higher probability of reuse reply.varPart ¬ untracedZone.NEW[Basics.RawBytes[leng]]; reply.varLength ¬ leng; }; DisposeReply: PUBLIC PROC [c: Connection, r: Reply] = { rp: REF ImplReplyStuffRep ~ c.replyStuff; IF r#NIL THEN { vp: REF Basics.RawBytes ¬ r.varPart; IF vp#NIL AND r.varLength>3 THEN { FreeVarpart: PROC [rp: REF ImplReplyStuffRep, vp: REF Basics.RawBytes, bytes: CARD] = TRUSTED { t: REF Basics.RawBytes; t ¬ rp.freeVarPart3; IF t#NIL AND LOOPHOLE[t, POINTER TO CARD]­ < bytes THEN { rp.freeVarPart3 ¬ vp; RETURN }; t ¬ rp.freeVarPart2; IF t#NIL AND LOOPHOLE[t, POINTER TO CARD]­ < bytes THEN { rp.freeVarPart2 ¬ vp; RETURN }; rp.freeVarPart1 ¬ vp; --give cache a chance to shrink in size }; TRUSTED { LOOPHOLE[vp, POINTER TO CARD]­ ¬ r.varLength }; SELECT TRUE FROM rp.freeVarPart1=NIL => rp.freeVarPart1 ¬ vp; rp.freeVarPart2=NIL => rp.freeVarPart2 ¬ vp; rp.freeVarPart3=NIL => rp.freeVarPart3 ¬ vp; ENDCASE => FreeVarpart[rp, vp, r.varLength]; }; r.varPart ¬ NIL; r.varLength ¬ 0; SELECT TRUE FROM rp.freeReply1=NIL => rp.freeReply1 ¬ r; rp.freeReply2=NIL => rp.freeReply2 ¬ r; rp.freeReply3=NIL => rp.freeReply3 ¬ r; ENDCASE => {}; }; }; SafeNewReply: PROC [] RETURNS [r: Reply] = { r ¬ NEW[ReplyRec]; }; NewReply: PROC [rp: REF ImplReplyStuffRep] RETURNS [r: Reply] = INLINE { r ¬ rp.freeReply1; IF r#NIL THEN {rp.freeReply1 ¬ NIL; RETURN}; r ¬ rp.freeReply2; IF r#NIL THEN {rp.freeReply2 ¬ NIL; RETURN}; r ¬ rp.freeReply3; IF r#NIL THEN {rp.freeReply3 ¬ NIL; RETURN}; r ¬ SafeNewReply[]; }; DispatchDead: PROC [c: Connection] = { dispatchHandle: XlDispatch.DispatchHandle ¬ XlDispatch.GetDispatchHandle[c]; ev: REF EventRep.local ~ NEW[EventRep.local]; ev.connection ¬ c; ev.who ¬ $XlImpl; ev.key ¬ $ConnectionDead; ¬ $ConnectionDead; XlDispatch.Dispatch[dispatchHandle, ev]; }; MarkDead: PROC [c: Connection] = { IF c#NIL THEN { cPriv: REF ConnectionPrivateImplRec ¬ c.cPriv; FreeExts[c.replyStuff]; c.alive ¬ FALSE; IF c.bufProblem=NIL THEN c.bufProblem ¬ $dead; IF cPriv#NIL THEN { x: REF Connection ¬ cPriv.refRefSelf; IF x#NIL THEN x­ ¬ NIL; }; TRUSTED {Process.Detach[FORK DispatchDead[c]]}; --forked so wedge wouldn't matter }; }; HandleKeyPress: PROC [c: Connection, reply: Reply] RETURNS [e: REF EventRep.keyPress ¬ NEW[EventRep.keyPress]] = { e.keyCode ¬ VAL[Read8[reply]]; e.seq ¬ RRead16[reply]; e.timeStamp ¬ IReadTime[c, reply]; e.root ¬ ReadWindow[reply]; e.eventWindow ¬ ReadWindow[reply]; e.dispatchDrawable ¬ e.eventWindow.drawable; e.child ¬ ReadWindow[reply]; e.rootP.x ¬ ReadINT16[reply]; e.rootP.y ¬ ReadINT16[reply]; e.pos.x ¬ ReadINT16[reply]; e.pos.y ¬ ReadINT16[reply]; e.state ¬ XlKeyButPrivate.SetFromWire[Read16[reply]]; e.sameScreen ¬ Read8[reply]#0 ; CheckReplyPos[reply, 1]; }; HandleKeyRelease: PROC [c: Connection, reply: Reply] RETURNS [e: REF EventRep.keyRelease ¬ NEW[EventRep.keyRelease]] = { e.keyCode ¬ VAL[Read8[reply]]; e.seq ¬ RRead16[reply]; e.timeStamp ¬ IReadTime[c, reply]; e.root ¬ ReadWindow[reply]; e.eventWindow ¬ ReadWindow[reply]; e.dispatchDrawable ¬ e.eventWindow.drawable; e.child ¬ ReadWindow[reply]; e.rootP.x ¬ ReadINT16[reply]; e.rootP.y ¬ ReadINT16[reply]; e.pos.x ¬ ReadINT16[reply]; e.pos.y ¬ ReadINT16[reply]; e.state ¬ XlKeyButPrivate.SetFromWire[Read16[reply]]; e.sameScreen ¬ Read8[reply]#0 ; CheckReplyPos[reply, 1]; }; HandleButtonPress: PROC [c: Connection, reply: Reply] RETURNS [e: REF EventRep.buttonPress ¬ NEW[EventRep.buttonPress]] = { e.button ¬ Read8[reply]; e.seq ¬ RRead16[reply]; e.timeStamp ¬ IReadTime[c, reply]; e.root ¬ ReadWindow[reply]; e.eventWindow ¬ ReadWindow[reply]; e.dispatchDrawable ¬ e.eventWindow.drawable; e.child ¬ ReadWindow[reply]; e.rootP.x ¬ ReadINT16[reply]; e.rootP.y ¬ ReadINT16[reply]; e.pos.x ¬ ReadINT16[reply]; e.pos.y ¬ ReadINT16[reply]; e.state ¬ XlKeyButPrivate.SetFromWire[Read16[reply]]; e.sameScreen ¬ Read8[reply]#0 ; CheckReplyPos[reply, 1]; }; HandleButtonRelease: PROC [c: Connection, reply: Reply] RETURNS [e: REF EventRep.buttonRelease ¬ NEW[EventRep.buttonRelease]] = { e.button ¬ Read8[reply]; e.seq ¬ RRead16[reply]; e.timeStamp ¬ IReadTime[c, reply]; e.root ¬ ReadWindow[reply]; e.eventWindow ¬ ReadWindow[reply]; e.dispatchDrawable ¬ e.eventWindow.drawable; e.child ¬ ReadWindow[reply]; e.rootP.x ¬ ReadINT16[reply]; e.rootP.y ¬ ReadINT16[reply]; e.pos.x ¬ ReadINT16[reply]; e.pos.y ¬ ReadINT16[reply]; e.state ¬ XlKeyButPrivate.SetFromWire[Read16[reply]]; e.sameScreen ¬ Read8[reply]#0 ; CheckReplyPos[reply, 1]; }; HandleEnterNotify: PROC [c: Connection, reply: Reply] RETURNS [e: REF EventRep.enterNotify ¬ NEW[EventRep.enterNotify]] = { x: BYTE; e.detail ¬ VAL[Read8[reply]]; e.seq ¬ RRead16[reply]; e.timeStamp ¬ IReadTime[c, reply]; e.root ¬ ReadWindow[reply]; e.eventWindow ¬ ReadWindow[reply]; e.dispatchDrawable ¬ e.eventWindow.drawable; e.child ¬ ReadWindow[reply]; e.rootP.x ¬ ReadINT16[reply]; e.rootP.y ¬ ReadINT16[reply]; e.eventP.x ¬ ReadINT16[reply]; e.eventP.y ¬ ReadINT16[reply]; e.state ¬ XlKeyButPrivate.SetFromWire[Read16[reply]]; e.mode ¬ VAL[Read8[reply]]; x ¬ Read8[reply]; e.sameScreen ¬ (x/2) MOD 2 # 0; e.focus ¬ x MOD 2 # 0; CheckReplyPos[reply, 0]; }; HandleLeaveNotify: PROC [c: Connection, reply: Reply] RETURNS [e: REF EventRep.leaveNotify ¬ NEW[EventRep.leaveNotify]] = { x: BYTE; e.detail ¬ VAL[Read8[reply]]; e.seq ¬ RRead16[reply]; e.timeStamp ¬ IReadTime[c, reply]; e.root ¬ ReadWindow[reply]; e.eventWindow ¬ ReadWindow[reply]; e.dispatchDrawable ¬ e.eventWindow.drawable; e.child ¬ ReadWindow[reply]; e.rootP.x ¬ ReadINT16[reply]; e.rootP.y ¬ ReadINT16[reply]; e.eventP.x ¬ ReadINT16[reply]; e.eventP.y ¬ ReadINT16[reply]; e.state ¬ XlKeyButPrivate.SetFromWire[Read16[reply]]; e.mode ¬ VAL[Read8[reply]]; x ¬ Read8[reply]; e.sameScreen ¬ (x/2) MOD 2 # 0; e.focus ¬ x MOD 2 # 0; CheckReplyPos[reply, 0]; }; HandleFocusIn: PROC [reply: Reply] RETURNS [e: REF EventRep.focusIn] = { e ¬ NEW[EventRep.focusIn]; e.detail ¬ VAL[Read8[reply]]; e.seq ¬ RRead16[reply]; e.eventWindow ¬ ReadWindow[reply]; e.dispatchDrawable ¬ e.eventWindow.drawable; e.mode ¬ VAL[Read8[reply]]; CheckReplyPos[reply, 23]; }; HandleFocusOut: PROC [reply: Reply] RETURNS [e: REF EventRep.focusOut ¬ NEW[EventRep.focusOut]] = { e.detail ¬ VAL[Read8[reply]]; e.seq ¬ RRead16[reply]; e.eventWindow ¬ ReadWindow[reply]; e.dispatchDrawable ¬ e.eventWindow.drawable; e.mode ¬ VAL[Read8[reply]]; CheckReplyPos[reply, 23]; }; HandleKeymapNotify: PROC [reply: Reply, lastEvent: Event] RETURNS [e: REF EventRep.keymapNotify ¬ NEW[EventRep.keymapNotify]] = { e.dispatchDrawable ¬ nullDrawable; FOR i: INT IN [1..31] DO e.keys[i] ¬ Read8[reply] ENDLOOP; e.previousEvent ¬ lastEvent; CheckReplyPos[reply, 0]; }; HandleExpose: PROC [reply: Reply] RETURNS [e: REF EventRep.expose ¬ NEW[EventRep.expose]] = { [] ¬ Read8[reply]; e.seq ¬ RRead16[reply]; e.window ¬ ReadWindow[reply]; e.dispatchDrawable ¬ e.window.drawable; e.pos.x ¬ ReadINT16[reply]; e.pos.y ¬ ReadINT16[reply]; e.size.width ¬ RRead16[reply]; e.size.height ¬ RRead16[reply]; e.count ¬ RRead16[reply]; CheckReplyPos[reply, 14]; }; HandleGraphicsExposure: PROC [reply: Reply] RETURNS [e: REF EventRep.graphicsExposure ¬ NEW[EventRep.graphicsExposure]] = { Skip[reply, 1]; e.seq ¬ RRead16[reply]; e.drawable ¬ e.dispatchDrawable ¬ [RRead32[reply]]; e.pos.x ¬ ReadINT16[reply]; e.pos.y ¬ ReadINT16[reply]; e.size.width ¬ RRead16[reply]; e.size.height ¬ RRead16[reply]; e.minorOpcode ¬ RRead16[reply]; e.count ¬ RRead16[reply]; e.majorOpcode ¬ Read8[reply]; CheckReplyPos[reply, 11]; }; HandleNoExposure: PROC [reply: Reply] RETURNS [e: REF EventRep.noExposure ¬ NEW[EventRep.noExposure]] = { Skip[reply, 1]; e.seq ¬ RRead16[reply]; e.drawable ¬ e.dispatchDrawable ¬ [RRead32[reply]]; e.minorOpcode ¬ RRead16[reply]; e.majorOpcode ¬ Read8[reply]; CheckReplyPos[reply, 21]; }; HandleVisibilityNotify: PROC [reply: Reply] RETURNS [e: REF EventRep.visibilityNotify ¬ NEW[EventRep.visibilityNotify]] = { Skip[reply, 1]; e.seq ¬ RRead16[reply]; e.window ¬ ReadWindow[reply]; e.dispatchDrawable ¬ e.window.drawable; e.state ¬ VAL[Read8[reply]]; CheckReplyPos[reply, 23]; }; HandleCreateNotify: PROC [reply: Reply] RETURNS [e: REF EventRep.createNotify ¬ NEW[EventRep.createNotify]] = { Skip[reply, 1]; e.seq ¬ RRead16[reply]; e.parent ¬ ReadWindow[reply]; e.dispatchDrawable ¬ e.parent.drawable; e.window ¬ ReadWindow[reply]; e.geometry ¬ ReadGeometry[reply]; e.overrideRedirect ¬ Read8[reply]#0; CheckReplyPos[reply, 9]; }; HandleDestroyNotify: PROC [reply: Reply] RETURNS [dne: REF EventRep.destroyNotify ¬ NEW[EventRep.destroyNotify]] = { Skip[reply, 1]; dne.seq ¬ RRead16[reply]; dne.eventWindow ¬ ReadWindow[reply]; dne.dispatchDrawable ¬ dne.eventWindow.drawable; dne.window ¬ ReadWindow[reply]; CheckReplyPos[reply, 20]; }; HandleUnmapNotify: PROC [reply: Reply] RETURNS [e: REF EventRep.unmapNotify ¬ NEW[EventRep.unmapNotify]] = { Skip[reply, 1]; e.seq ¬ RRead16[reply]; e.eventWindow ¬ ReadWindow[reply]; e.dispatchDrawable ¬ e.eventWindow.drawable; e.window ¬ ReadWindow[reply]; e.fromConfigure ¬ Read8[reply]#0; CheckReplyPos[reply, 19]; }; HandleMapNotify: PROC [reply: Reply] RETURNS [e: REF EventRep.mapNotify ¬ NEW[EventRep.mapNotify]] = { Skip[reply, 1]; e.seq ¬ RRead16[reply]; e.eventWindow ¬ ReadWindow[reply]; e.dispatchDrawable ¬ e.eventWindow.drawable; e.window ¬ ReadWindow[reply]; e.overrideRedirect ¬ Read8[reply]#0; CheckReplyPos[reply, 19]; }; HandleMapRequest: PROC [reply: Reply] RETURNS [e: REF EventRep.mapRequest ¬ NEW[EventRep.mapRequest]] = { Skip[reply, 1]; e.seq ¬ RRead16[reply]; e.parent ¬ ReadWindow[reply]; e.dispatchDrawable ¬ e.parent.drawable; e.window ¬ ReadWindow[reply]; CheckReplyPos[reply, 20]; }; HandleReparentNotify: PROC [reply: Reply] RETURNS [e: REF EventRep.reparentNotify ¬ NEW[EventRep.reparentNotify]] = { Skip[reply, 1]; e.seq ¬ RRead16[reply]; e.eventWindow ¬ ReadWindow[reply]; e.dispatchDrawable ¬ e.eventWindow.drawable; e.window ¬ ReadWindow[reply]; e.parent ¬ ReadWindow[reply]; e.pos.x ¬ ReadINT16[reply]; e.pos.y ¬ ReadINT16[reply]; e.overrideRedirect ¬ Read8[reply]#0; CheckReplyPos[reply, 11]; }; HandleConfigureNotify: PROC [reply: Reply] RETURNS [e: REF EventRep.configureNotify ¬ NEW[EventRep.configureNotify]] = { Skip[reply, 1]; e.seq ¬ RRead16[reply]; e.eventWindow ¬ ReadWindow[reply]; e.dispatchDrawable ¬ e.eventWindow.drawable; e.window ¬ ReadWindow[reply]; e.aboveSibling ¬ ReadWindow[reply]; e.geometry ¬ ReadGeometry[reply]; e.overrideRedirect ¬ Read8[reply]; CheckReplyPos[reply, 5]; }; HandleConfigureRequest: PROC [reply: Reply] RETURNS [cre: REF EventRep.configureRequest ¬ NEW[EventRep.configureRequest]] = { cre.stackMode ¬ VAL[Read8[reply]]; cre.seq ¬ RRead16[reply]; cre.parent ¬ ReadWindow[reply]; cre.dispatchDrawable ¬ cre.parent.drawable; cre.window ¬ ReadWindow[reply]; cre.sibling ¬ ReadWindow[reply]; cre.geometry ¬ ReadGeometry[reply]; cre.valueMask ¬ RRead16[reply]; CheckReplyPos[reply, 4]; }; HandleGravityNotify: PROC [reply: Reply] RETURNS [e: REF EventRep.gravityNotify ¬ NEW[EventRep.gravityNotify]] = { Skip[reply, 1]; e.seq ¬ RRead16[reply]; e.eventWindow ¬ ReadWindow[reply]; e.dispatchDrawable ¬ e.eventWindow.drawable; e.window ¬ ReadWindow[reply]; e.pos.x ¬ ReadINT16[reply]; e.pos.y ¬ ReadINT16[reply]; CheckReplyPos[reply, 16]; }; HandleResizeRequest: PROC [reply: Reply] RETURNS [rre: REF EventRep.resizeRequest ¬ NEW[EventRep.resizeRequest]] = { Skip[reply, 1]; rre.seq ¬ RRead16[reply]; rre.window ¬ ReadWindow[reply]; rre.dispatchDrawable ¬ rre.window.drawable; rre.size.width ¬ RRead16[reply]; rre.size.height ¬ RRead16[reply]; CheckReplyPos[reply, 20]; }; HandleCirculateNotify: PROC [reply: Reply] RETURNS [e: REF EventRep.circulateNotify ¬ NEW[EventRep.circulateNotify]] = { Skip[reply, 1]; e.seq ¬ RRead16[reply]; e.eventWindow ¬ ReadWindow[reply]; e.dispatchDrawable ¬ e.eventWindow.drawable; e.window ¬ ReadWindow[reply]; [] ¬ ReadWindow[reply]; ¬ VAL[Read8[reply]]; CheckReplyPos[reply, 15]; }; HandleCirculateRequest: PROC [reply: Reply] RETURNS [cre: REF EventRep.circulateRequest ¬ NEW[EventRep.circulateRequest]] = { Skip[reply, 1]; cre.seq ¬ RRead16[reply]; cre.parent ¬ ReadWindow[reply]; cre.dispatchDrawable ¬ cre.parent.drawable; cre.window ¬ ReadWindow[reply]; [] ¬ RRead32[reply]; ¬ VAL[Read8[reply]]; CheckReplyPos[reply, 15]; }; HandlePropertyNotify: PROC [reply: Reply] RETURNS [e: REF EventRep.propertyNotify ¬ NEW[EventRep.propertyNotify]] = { Skip[reply, 1]; e.seq ¬ RRead16[reply]; e.window ¬ ReadWindow[reply]; e.dispatchDrawable ¬ e.window.drawable; e.atom.a ¬ RRead32[reply]; e.timeStamp.t ¬ RRead32[reply]; e.state ¬ VAL[Read8[reply]]; CheckReplyPos[reply, 15]; }; HandleSelectionClear: PROC [c: Connection, reply: Reply] RETURNS [e: REF EventRep.selectionClear ¬ NEW[EventRep.selectionClear]] = { Skip[reply, 1]; e.seq ¬ RRead16[reply]; e.timeStamp ¬ IReadTime[c, reply]; e.owner ¬ ReadWindow[reply]; e.dispatchDrawable ¬ e.owner.drawable; e.selection.a ¬ RRead32[reply]; CheckReplyPos[reply, 16]; }; HandleSelectionRequest: PROC [c: Connection, reply: Reply] RETURNS [e: REF EventRep.selectionRequest ¬ NEW[EventRep.selectionRequest]] = { Skip[reply, 1]; e.seq ¬ RRead16[reply]; e.timeStamp ¬ IReadTime[c, reply]; e.owner ¬ ReadWindow[reply]; e.dispatchDrawable ¬ e.owner.drawable; e.requestor ¬ ReadWindow[reply]; e.selection.a ¬ RRead32[reply]; ¬ RRead32[reply]; ¬ RRead32[reply]; CheckReplyPos[reply, 4]; }; HandleSelectionNotify: PROC [c: Connection, reply: Reply] RETURNS [e: REF EventRep.selectionNotify ¬ NEW[EventRep.selectionNotify]] = { Skip[reply, 1]; e.seq ¬ RRead16[reply]; e.timeStamp ¬ IReadTime[c, reply]; e.requestor ¬ ReadWindow[reply]; e.dispatchDrawable ¬ e.requestor.drawable; e.selection.a ¬ RRead32[reply]; ¬ RRead32[reply]; ¬ RRead32[reply]; CheckReplyPos[reply, 8]; }; HandleColormapNotify: PROC [reply: Reply] RETURNS [e: REF EventRep.colorMapNotify ¬ NEW[EventRep.colorMapNotify]] = { Skip[reply, 1]; e.seq ¬ RRead16[reply]; e.window ¬ ReadWindow[reply]; e.dispatchDrawable ¬ e.window.drawable; e.colorMap ¬ [RRead32[reply]]; ¬ Read8[reply]#0; e.installed ¬ Read8[reply]=1; CheckReplyPos[reply, 18]; }; HandleClientMessage: PROC [reply: Reply] RETURNS [e: REF EventRep.clientMessage ¬ NEW[EventRep.clientMessage.b]] = { e.format ¬ Read8[reply]; e.seq ¬ RRead16[reply]; e.window ¬ ReadWindow[reply]; e.dispatchDrawable ¬ e.window.drawable; e.typeAtom.a ¬ RRead32[reply]; SELECT e.format FROM 16 => FOR i: [0..10) IN [0..10) DO e.h[i] ¬ RRead16[reply] ENDLOOP; 32 => FOR i: [0..5) IN [0..5) DO e.w[i] ¬ RRead32[reply] ENDLOOP; ENDCASE => FOR i: [0..20) IN [0..20) DO e.b[i] ¬ Read8[reply] ENDLOOP; CheckReplyPos[reply, 0]; }; HandleMapping: PROC [c: Connection, reply: Reply] RETURNS [mne: REF EventRep.mappingNotify ¬ NEW[EventRep.mappingNotify]] = { cp: REF ConnectionPrivateImplRec ~ c.cPriv; mne.dispatchDrawable ¬ nullDrawable; Skip[reply, 1]; mne.seq ¬ RRead16[reply]; mne.request ¬ VAL[Read8[reply]]; mne.firstKeycode ¬ Read8[reply]; mne.count ¬ Read8[reply]; CheckReplyPos[reply, 25]; SELECT mne.request FROM modifier => { XlService.PutServiceProp[c, $x11PrivateMMappings, NIL]; --order! cp.mMappings ¬ NIL; }; keyboard => { XlService.PutServiceProp[c, $x11PrivateKMappings, NIL]; --order! cp.kMappings ¬ NIL; }; pointer => { BEGIN -- because the keyboard mapping might include some buttons XlService.PutServiceProp[c, $x11PrivateKMappings, NIL]; cp.kMappings ¬ NIL; END; XlService.PutServiceProp[c, $x11PrivatePMappings, NIL]; --order! cp.pMappings ¬ NIL; }; ENDCASE => { }; }; PartialIOError: ERROR = CODE; --Raised when stream stops with only partial information on it ConnectionReader: PROC [data: REF] ~ { ENABLE { UNWIND => {MarkDead[NARROW[data]]}; ABORTED => {MarkDead[NARROW[data]]}; IO.EndOfStream => { c: Connection ~ NARROW[data]; MarkDead[c]; IF c.recv=stream OR c.recv=IO.noInputStream OR c.recv=NIL THEN GOTO exitQuietly; }; IO.Error => { c: Connection ~ NARROW[data]; MarkDead[c]; IF c.recv=stream OR c.recv=IO.noInputStream OR c.recv=NIL THEN GOTO exitQuietly; }; PartialIOError => { c: Connection ~ NARROW[data]; MarkDead[c]; GOTO exitQuietly; }; RuntimeError.UNCAUGHT => { c: Connection ¬ NARROW[data]; c.alive ¬ FALSE }; }; DetachReply: PROC [] RETURNS [r: Reply] = INLINE { r ¬ reply; reply ¬ NewReply[c.replyStuff]; }; c: Connection ¬ NARROW[data]; dispatchHandle: XlDispatch.DispatchHandle ¬ XlDispatch.GetDispatchHandle[c]; event, lastEvent: REF EventRep ¬ NIL; reply: Reply ¬ SafeNewReply[]; mEventCache: REF XlRecycleMotionEvents.EventCache ¬ XlRecycleMotionEvents.GetCache[c, [[LAST[CARD]]]]; readyExtEvent: REF EventRep.extension ¬ NEW[EventRep.extension]; DO TRUSTED { cnt: INT = IO.UnsafeGetBlock[c.recv, [base: LOOPHOLE[@reply.fix], count: 32]]; IF cnt#32 THEN { c.alive ¬ FALSE; IF cnt=0 AND IO.EndOf[c.recv] THEN GOTO exitQuietly ELSE ERROR PartialIOError; }; }; SetPos[reply, 1]; SELECT (Get8[reply, 0] MOD 128) FROM 1 => {--Reply; should be fast detached: Reply ~ DetachReply[]; sequenceNumber: Xl.SequenceNo ~ Get16[detached, 2]; more: CARD32 ~ Get32[detached, 4]; IF more>0 THEN { nBytesRead: CARD32; replyBytes: CARD32 ~ more*4; NewExt[c.replyStuff, detached, replyBytes]; TRUSTED { nBytesRead ¬ IO.UnsafeGetBlock[self: c.recv, block: [base: LOOPHOLE[detached.varPart], startIndex: 0, count: replyBytes] ]; }; IF nBytesRead#replyBytes THEN { --ByteCountWrong c.alive ¬ FALSE; ERROR PartialIOError; }; }; QueueReply[c, sequenceNumber, detached]; LOOP }; ORD[EventCode[motionNotify]] => {--should be fast HandleMotion: PROC [reply: Reply] RETURNS [mne: REF EventRep.motionNotify] = INLINE { mne ¬ mEventCache.m1; mEventCache.m1 ¬ NIL; IF mne=NIL THEN { mne ¬ mEventCache.m2; mEventCache.m2 ¬ NIL; IF mne=NIL THEN mne ¬ NEW[EventRep.motionNotify]; }; mne.detail ¬ VAL[Read8[reply]]; mne.seq ¬ Read16[reply]; mne.timeStamp ¬ [Read32[reply]]; mne.root ¬ InlineReadWindow[reply]; mne.eventWindow ¬ InlineReadWindow[reply]; mne.dispatchDrawable ¬ mne.eventWindow.drawable; mne.child ¬ InlineReadWindow[reply]; mne.rootP.x ¬ InlineReadINT16[reply]; mne.rootP.y ¬ InlineReadINT16[reply]; mne.pos.x ¬ InlineReadINT16[reply]; mne.pos.y ¬ InlineReadINT16[reply]; mne.state ¬ XlKeyButPrivate.SetFromWire[Read16[reply]]; mne.sameScreen ¬ Read8[reply]#0; CheckReplyPos[reply, 1]; RETURN [mne] }; event ¬ HandleMotion[reply]; }; ORD[EventCode[keyPress]] => event ¬ HandleKeyPress[c, reply]; ORD[EventCode[keyRelease]] => event ¬ HandleKeyRelease[c, reply]; ORD[EventCode[buttonPress]] => event ¬ HandleButtonPress[c, reply]; ORD[EventCode[buttonRelease]] => event ¬ HandleButtonRelease[c, reply]; ORD[EventCode[enterNotify]] => event ¬ HandleEnterNotify[c, reply]; ORD[EventCode[leaveNotify]] => event ¬ HandleLeaveNotify[c, reply]; ORD[EventCode[focusIn]] => event ¬ HandleFocusIn[reply]; ORD[EventCode[focusOut]] => event ¬ HandleFocusOut[reply]; ORD[EventCode[keymapNotify]] => event ¬ HandleKeymapNotify[reply, lastEvent]; ORD[EventCode[expose]] => event ¬ HandleExpose[reply]; ORD[EventCode[graphicsExposure]] => event ¬ HandleGraphicsExposure[reply]; ORD[EventCode[noExposure]] => event ¬ HandleNoExposure[reply]; ORD[EventCode[visibilityNotify]] => event ¬ HandleVisibilityNotify[reply]; ORD[EventCode[createNotify]] => event ¬ HandleCreateNotify[reply]; ORD[EventCode[destroyNotify]] => { dne: REF EventRep.destroyNotify ~ HandleDestroyNotify[reply]; event ¬ dne; event.originalCodeByte ¬ Get8[reply, 0]; event.connection ¬ c; XlDispatch.Dispatch[dispatchHandle, event]; IF dne.window=dne.eventWindow AND event.originalCodeByte=ORD[EventCode[destroyNotify]] THEN { --we are not interested in inferiors nor in clients sending this event XlDispatch.RemoveWindow[c, dne.window]; --NOT eventWindow! }; lastEvent ¬ dne; LOOP }; ORD[EventCode[unmapNotify]] => event ¬ HandleUnmapNotify[reply]; ORD[EventCode[mapNotify]] => event ¬ HandleMapNotify[reply]; ORD[EventCode[mapRequest]] => event ¬ HandleMapRequest[reply]; ORD[EventCode[reparentNotify]] => event ¬ HandleReparentNotify[reply]; ORD[EventCode[configureNotify]] => event ¬ HandleConfigureNotify[reply]; ORD[EventCode[configureRequest]] => event ¬ HandleConfigureRequest[reply]; ORD[EventCode[gravityNotify]] => event ¬ HandleGravityNotify[reply]; ORD[EventCode[resizeRequest]] => event ¬ HandleResizeRequest[reply]; ORD[EventCode[circulateNotify]] => event ¬ HandleCirculateNotify[reply]; ORD[EventCode[circulateRequest]] => event ¬ HandleCirculateRequest[reply]; ORD[EventCode[propertyNotify]] => event ¬ HandlePropertyNotify[reply]; ORD[EventCode[selectionClear]] => event ¬ HandleSelectionClear[c, reply]; ORD[EventCode[selectionRequest]] => event ¬ HandleSelectionRequest[c, reply]; ORD[EventCode[selectionNotify]] => event ¬ HandleSelectionNotify[c, reply]; ORD[EventCode[colorMapNotify]] => event ¬ HandleColormapNotify[reply]; ORD[EventCode[clientMessage]] => event ¬ HandleClientMessage[reply]; ORD[EventCode[mappingNotify]] => event ¬ HandleMapping[c, reply]; 0 => {--error detached: Reply ~ DetachReply[]; sequenceNumber: Xl.SequenceNo ¬ Get16[detached, 2]; QueueReply[c, sequenceNumber, detached]; LOOP }; ENDCASE => { readyExtEvent.dispatchDrawable ¬ nullDrawable; readyExtEvent.bytes ¬ reply.fix; readyExtEvent.originalCodeByte ¬ Get8[reply, 0]; readyExtEvent.connection ¬ c; lastEvent ¬ readyExtEvent; IF ~XlExtensions.ProcessExtensionEvent[readyExtEvent].reuse THEN { readyExtEvent ¬ NEW[EventRep.extension]; }; LOOP; }; event.originalCodeByte ¬ Get8[reply, 0]; event.connection ¬ c; lastEvent ¬ event; XlDispatch.Dispatch[dispatchHandle, event]; ENDLOOP; EXITS exitQuietly => {}; }; QueueError: INTERNAL PROC [c: Connection, sequenceNumber: Xl.SequenceNo, replyText: Reply] ~ { err: REF EventRep.errorNotify ¬ XlPrivateErrorHandling.NewErrorEvent[replyText, c, sequenceNumber]; Enqueue[c.errorMatch.tq, c.errorMatch.proc,, err]; }; KillReplies: PUBLIC PROC [c: Connection, wedged: BOOL ¬ TRUE] = TRUSTED { rp: REF ImplReplyStuffRep ~ c.replyStuff; IF rp#NIL THEN { p: Acceptor ¬ rp.dequeuePoint; rp.enqueuePoint ¬ NIL; --not monitored, but this procedure is idempotent rp.dequeuePoint ¬ NIL; WHILE p#NIL DO next: Acceptor ¬; p.replyText ¬ NewFakeErrorReply[p.sequenceNo, (IF wedged THEN connectionWedged ELSE requestFromDeadConnection)]; p.mayContinue ¬ TRUE; p ¬ next; ENDLOOP }; }; NewReplyStuff: PROC [] RETURNS [rp: REF ImplReplyStuffRep] = TRUSTED { rp ¬ NEW[ImplReplyStuffRep]; Process.InitializeCondition[@rp.gotGeneralReply, replyTimeout]; }; sequenceHalf: Xl.SequenceNo = LAST[CARD16]/2; --half of used range; independent on container InOrderStrictly: PROC [s1, s2: SequenceNo] RETURNS [BOOL] = INLINE { IF s2>s1 THEN RETURN [(s2-s1) < sequenceHalf] ELSE RETURN [(s1-s2) > sequenceHalf] }; InOrderOrSame: PROC [s1, s2: SequenceNo] RETURNS [BOOL] = INLINE { IF s2>=s1 THEN RETURN [(s2-s1) < sequenceHalf] ELSE RETURN [(s1-s2) > sequenceHalf] }; ArrivalExpected: PROC [c: Connection, s: SequenceNo] RETURNS [BOOL] = INLINE { rp: REF ImplReplyStuffRep ~ c.replyStuff; IF InOrderStrictly[rp.lastAnswerdSeq, s] THEN { RETURN [ InOrderOrSame[s, c.sequenceNumber] ] }; RETURN [FALSE] }; ReportedSequenceNumber: PUBLIC PROC [c: Connection] RETURNS [SequenceNo] = { rp: REF ImplReplyStuffRep ~ c.replyStuff; RETURN [rp.lastAnswerdSeq] }; WaitInitiatedRange: PUBLIC PROC [c: Connection, s: SequenceNo, flush: BOOL ¬ TRUE] = { Enter: ENTRY PROC [c: Connection, rp: REF ImplReplyStuffRep] = INLINE { rp.generalWaiters ¬ rp.generalWaiters+1; }; Leave: ENTRY PROC [c: Connection, rp: REF ImplReplyStuffRep] = INLINE { rp.generalWaiters ¬ MAX[rp.generalWaiters-1, 0]; }; Wait: ENTRY PROC [c: Connection, rp: REF ImplReplyStuffRep] = { WAIT rp.gotGeneralReply; }; Flush: ENTRY PROC [c: Connection] = { XlPrivate.HardFlushBuffer[c]; }; rp: REF ImplReplyStuffRep ~ c.replyStuff; flushed: BOOL ¬ FALSE; IF rp=NIL THEN RETURN; Enter[c, rp]; WHILE ArrivalExpected[c, s] AND c.alive AND c.bufProblem=NIL DO IF flush THEN {Flush[c]; flush ¬ FALSE}; Wait[c, rp]; ENDLOOP; Leave[c, rp]; }; InitiateRoundTrip: PUBLIC ENTRY PROC [c: Connection, flush: BOOL] RETURNS [seq: SequenceNo ¬ 0] = { rp: REF ImplReplyStuffRep ~ c.replyStuff; p: Acceptor ¬ NewAcceptor[rp, ignoreAndFree]; BInit[c, 43, 0, 1]; --GetInputFocus seq ¬ c.sequenceNumber; ActivateAcceptor[rp, p, seq]; FinishRequest[c]; IF flush THEN XlPrivate.HardFlushBuffer[c]; DontWaitForReplies[c, p]; }; ReplyStuffRep: PUBLIC TYPE = ImplReplyStuffRep; ImplReplyStuffRep: TYPE = RECORD [ freeReply1, freeReply2, freeReply3: Reply ¬ NIL, --free'd unprotected freeVarPart1, freeVarPart2, freeVarPart3: REF Basics.RawBytes ¬ NIL, --free'd unprotected freeAcceptors: Acceptor, enqueuePoint: Acceptor, --youngest element of queue for new requests dequeuePoint: Acceptor, --oldest element of queue not yet notified Acceptor generalWaiters: INT ¬ 0, --count of waiters without explicit Acceptor lastAnswerdSeq: SequenceNo ¬ 0, gotGeneralReply: CONDITION ]; AcceptingCase: TYPE = {normalSingle, errorsAndOver, multiple, ignoreAndFree, specialDebugSingle}; Acceptor: TYPE = REF AcceptorRec; AcceptorRec: TYPE = RECORD [ next: PRIVATE Acceptor ¬ NIL, sequenceNo: Xl.SequenceNo, case: AcceptingCase, inQueue, doneWaiting: BOOL ¬ FALSE, --acceptor may be put on free list only if inQueue=FALSE and doneWaiting=TRUE mayContinue: BOOL ¬ FALSE, condition: CONDITION ¬ [], errorMatch, overMatch: Xl.Match ¬ NIL, replyText: Reply ¬ NIL,--used for requests with single replys reportPartOfMultiple: ReplyGotProc ¬ NIL, --used for requests with multiple replies data: REF ¬ NIL --used for requests with multiple replies ]; NewAcceptor: INTERNAL PROC [i: REF ImplReplyStuffRep, case: AcceptingCase] RETURNS [Acceptor] = { p: Acceptor ¬ i.freeAcceptors; IF p=NIL THEN { p ¬ NEW[AcceptorRec]; TRUSTED {Process.InitializeCondition[@p.condition, replyTimeout]}; } ELSE { i.freeAcceptors ¬; ¬ NIL; p.doneWaiting ¬ FALSE; p.mayContinue ¬ FALSE; }; ¬ case; RETURN [p]; }; FreeAcceptor: INTERNAL PROC [i: REF ImplReplyStuffRep, p: Acceptor] = { ¬ i.freeAcceptors; i.freeAcceptors ¬ p; p.replyText ¬ NIL; ¬ NIL; p.overMatch ¬ p.errorMatch ¬ NIL; }; ActivateAcceptor: INTERNAL PROC [i: REF ImplReplyStuffRep, p: Acceptor, seq: Xl.SequenceNo] = { prev: Acceptor ¬ i.enqueuePoint; IF weAreDebugging AND p.inQueue THEN ERROR; IF weAreDebugging AND THEN ERROR; p.inQueue ¬ TRUE; p.sequenceNo ¬ seq; IF prev = NIL THEN i.dequeuePoint ¬ p ELSE ¬ p; i.enqueuePoint ¬ p; }; DeActivateAcceptor: INTERNAL PROC [i: REF ImplReplyStuffRep, p: Acceptor] = { IF weAreDebugging AND ~p.inQueue THEN ERROR; IF weAreDebugging AND i.dequeuePoint#p THEN ERROR; p.inQueue ¬ FALSE; IF (i.dequeuePoint ¬ THEN i.enqueuePoint ¬ NIL; IF p.doneWaiting THEN FreeAcceptor[i, p]; }; WaitForReplies: INTERNAL PROC [c: Xl.Connection, p: Acceptor] RETURNS [replyText: Reply] = <> { WHILE ~p.mayContinue AND c.alive DO IF weAreDebugging THEN { i: REF ImplReplyStuffRep ~ c.replyStuff; IF InOrderOrSame[p.sequenceNo, i.lastAnswerdSeq] THEN ERROR }; WAIT p.condition; ENDLOOP; p.doneWaiting ¬ TRUE; replyText ¬ p.replyText; IF ~p.inQueue THEN FreeAcceptor[c.replyStuff, p]; }; DontWaitForReplies: INTERNAL PROC [c: Xl.Connection, p: Acceptor] = { p.doneWaiting ¬ TRUE; IF ~p.inQueue THEN FreeAcceptor[c.replyStuff, p]; }; NotifyReceiptOfReply: INTERNAL PROC [p: Acceptor] = INLINE { p.mayContinue ¬ TRUE; NOTIFY p.condition; --only one waiter }; FinishRequest: PROC [c: Connection] = INLINE { IF c.bufNext+c.bufSkipped#c.bufExpected THEN XlPrivate.BadImplError[c]; c.bufReady ¬ c.bufNext; c.needFlushing ¬ TRUE; }; NewFakeErrorReply: PROC [sequenceNumber: CARD, error: Xl.ErrorKind] RETURNS [reply: Reply] = { used: CARD16 ¬ Basics.LowHalf[sequenceNumber]; reply ¬ SafeNewReply[]; reply.fix[0] ¬ 0; reply.fix[1] ¬ ORD[error]; reply.fix[2+XlEndianPrivate.highOff] ¬ Basics.HighByte[used]; reply.fix[2+XlEndianPrivate.lowOff] ¬ Basics.LowByte[used]; }; FinishWithReply: PUBLIC INTERNAL PROC [c: Connection] RETURNS [replyText: Reply ¬ NIL] = { rp: REF ImplReplyStuffRep ~ c.replyStuff; p: Acceptor ¬ NewAcceptor[rp, specialDebugSingle]; ActivateAcceptor[rp, p, c.sequenceNumber]; FinishRequest[c]; XlPrivate.HardFlushBuffer[c]; replyText ¬ WaitForReplies[c, p]; }; DebugFinishWithReply: PUBLIC INTERNAL PROC [c: Connection] RETURNS [replyText: Reply ¬ NIL] = { rp: REF ImplReplyStuffRep ~ c.replyStuff; p: Acceptor ¬ NewAcceptor[rp, normalSingle]; ActivateAcceptor[rp, p, c.sequenceNumber]; FinishRequest[c]; XlPrivate.HardFlushBuffer[c]; replyText ¬ WaitForReplies[c, p]; }; debugArrayCnt: INT = 4000; --same as in XlImplUtilities DebugArray: TYPE = ARRAY [0..debugArrayCnt) OF BYTE ¬ ALL[0]; debugReplyNotExpected: SIGNAL ~ CODE; debugTheNotExpectedReply: Reply; debugTheNotExpectedFix: REF PACKED ARRAY [0..32) OF BYTE ¬ NIL; debugSignalOnNotExpectedReply: BOOL ¬ FALSE; DebugNotExpectedRepliesTRUE: PROC [] = {debugSignalOnNotExpectedReply ¬ TRUE}; DebugNotExpectedRepliesFALSE: PROC [] = {debugSignalOnNotExpectedReply ¬ FALSE}; ExpectedReply: INTERNAL PROC [c: Connection, p: Acceptor, replyText: Reply] = <> { SELECT FROM normalSingle => { p.replyText ¬ replyText; NotifyReceiptOfReply[p]; DeActivateAcceptor[c.replyStuff, p]; }; multiple => { more: BOOL; IF THEN { RETURN }; more ¬ p.reportPartOfMultiple[c, replyText,]; IF ~more THEN { ¬ doneWithMultiple; NotifyReceiptOfReply[p]}; }; errorsAndOver => { errorMatch: Xl.Match ~ p.errorMatch; IF errorMatch#NIL THEN { tq: Xl.TQ ¬ errorMatch.tq; err: REF EventRep.errorNotify ~ NEW[EventRep.errorNotify]; err.seq ¬ p.sequenceNo; err.connection ¬ c; err.originalCodeByte ¬ replyText.fix[0]; err.replyText ¬ replyText; IF tq=NIL THEN tq ¬ Xl.CreateTQ[]; Xl.Enqueue[tq, errorMatch.proc,, err]; p.overMatch ¬ NIL; }; p.replyText ¬ replyText; NotifyReceiptOfReply[p]; }; ignoreAndFree => { IF replyText.fix[0]=1 THEN DisposeReply[c, replyText]; DeActivateAcceptor[c.replyStuff, p]; NotifyReceiptOfReply[p]; }; specialDebugSingle => { IF$gotit THEN { specialDebugCount ¬ specialDebugCount+1; Atom.PutProp[$XlDebug, $XlDebugSP, NEW[INT ¬ specialDebugCount]]; }; ¬ $gotit; p.replyText ¬ replyText; NotifyReceiptOfReply[p]; }; ENDCASE => ERROR; }; specialDebugCount: INT ¬ 0; AbsenceOfReply: INTERNAL PROC [c: Connection, p: Acceptor] = <> { SELECT FROM ignoreAndFree => { }; errorsAndOver => { IF p.overMatch#NIL THEN { overMatch: Xl.Match ~ p.overMatch; tq: Xl.TQ ¬ overMatch.tq; ev: REF Xl.EventRep.local ¬ NEW[Xl.EventRep.local]; ev.connection ¬ c; ev.who ¬ $noreply; ev.key ¬ $noreply; IF tq=NIL THEN tq ¬ Xl.CreateTQ[]; Xl.Enqueue[tq, overMatch.proc,, ev]; }; }; normalSingle => { p.replyText ¬ NewFakeErrorReply[p.sequenceNo, otherLocal] }; specialDebugSingle => { IF$gotit THEN NULL --normal case; looks like absence because we didn't remove acceptor yet ELSE { p.replyText ¬ NewFakeErrorReply[p.sequenceNo, otherLocal] }; }; multiple => { IF THEN { p.replyText ¬ NewFakeErrorReply[p.sequenceNo, otherLocal] }; }; ENDCASE => ERROR; NotifyReceiptOfReply[p]; }; UnexpectedReplyOrError: INTERNAL PROC [c: Connection, sequenceNumber: SequenceNo, replyText: Reply] = { IF ~c.alive THEN RETURN; --pending list may have been freed before reply arrived SELECT replyText.fix[0] FROM 0 => { --error event }; 1 => { --reply "event" cPriv: REF ConnectionPrivateImplRec ¬ c.cPriv; fix: REF PACKED ARRAY [0..32) OF BYTE ¬ NEW[PACKED ARRAY [0..32) OF BYTE ¬ replyText.fix]; debugTheNotExpectedReply ¬ replyText; debugTheNotExpectedFix ¬ fix; Atom.PutProp[$XlDebug, $XlDebug0, c]; Atom.PutProp[$XlDebug, $XlDebug1, NEW[INT ¬ sequenceNumber]]; Atom.PutProp[$XlDebug, $XlDebug2, fix]; WITH cPriv.debug SELECT FROM da: REF DebugArray => { copy: REF DebugArray ¬ NEW[DebugArray]; FOR i: [0..debugArrayCnt) IN [0..debugArrayCnt) DO copy­[i] ¬ da­[i] ENDLOOP; Atom.PutProp[$XlDebug, $XlDebug3, copy]; WITH Atom.GetProp[$XlDebug, $DebugStream] SELECT FROM s: IO.STREAM => { idx: INT ¬ (sequenceNumber MOD debugArrayCnt) + 2*debugArrayCnt; --make it positive enough that simple mod will work IO.PutRope[s, "un-expected reply\ntext:"]; FOR i: INT IN [0..32) DO IO.PutF1[s, " %g",[fix[i]]] ENDLOOP; IO.PutF1[s, "\nsequencenumber %g \n",[sequenceNumber]]; IO.PutF[s, "request codes: %g %g %g\n",[da[(idx-1) MOD debugArrayCnt]],[da[idx MOD debugArrayCnt]],[da[(idx+1) MOD debugArrayCnt]]] }; ENDCASE => {}; }; ENDCASE => { <> }; IF debugSignalOnNotExpectedReply OR Atom.GetProp[$XlDebug, $SignalReplyNotExpected] # NIL THEN { SIGNAL debugReplyNotExpected; }; }; ENDCASE => ERROR; --Program logic should not call UnexpectedReplyOrError in this case QueueError[c, sequenceNumber, replyText]; }; QueueReply: ENTRY PROC [c: Connection, sequenceNumber: SequenceNo, replyText: Reply] ~ TRUSTED { i: REF ImplReplyStuffRep ~ c.replyStuff; i.lastAnswerdSeq ¬ sequenceNumber; IF i.generalWaiters>0 THEN BROADCAST i.gotGeneralReply; DO p: Acceptor ¬ i.dequeuePoint; IF p=NIL THEN { UnexpectedReplyOrError[c, sequenceNumber, replyText]; RETURN }; IF p.sequenceNo=sequenceNumber THEN { ExpectedReply[c, p, replyText]; --might or might not dequeue p RETURN }; IF InOrderStrictly[sequenceNumber, p.sequenceNo] THEN { UnexpectedReplyOrError[c, sequenceNumber, replyText]; RETURN }; AbsenceOfReply[c, p]; DeActivateAcceptor[i, p]; ENDLOOP }; doneWithMultiple: REF ~ NEW[INT ¬ 0]; FinishWithMultipleReplies: PUBLIC INTERNAL PROC [c: Connection, callback: ReplyGotProc, data: REF ¬ NIL] ~ TRUSTED { rp: REF ImplReplyStuffRep ~ c.replyStuff; p: Acceptor ¬ NewAcceptor[rp, multiple]; p.reportPartOfMultiple ¬ callback; ¬ data; ActivateAcceptor[rp, p, c.sequenceNumber]; FinishRequest[c]; XlPrivate.HardFlushBuffer[c]; [] ¬ WaitForReplies[c, p]; }; FinishWithPartialDetailsNoErrors: PUBLIC INTERNAL PROC [c: Connection, details: Details ¬ NIL] RETURNS [errors: REF Xl.EventRep.errorNotify ¬ NIL] = { FinishRequest[c]; IF details#NIL THEN { details.sequenceNo ¬ c.sequenceNumber; IF details.synchronous THEN {errors ¬ FinishSynchToCheckForErrors[c]; RETURN}; IF details.errorMatch#NIL THEN { p: Acceptor ¬ NewAcceptor[c.replyStuff, errorsAndOver]; p.errorMatch ¬ details.errorMatch; ActivateAcceptor[c.replyStuff, p, c.sequenceNumber]; DontWaitForReplies[c, p]; } } ELSE { IF c.synchCount>0 THEN errors ¬ FinishSynchToCheckForErrors[c]; }; }; InlineFinishWithDetailsNoErrors: INTERNAL PROC [c: Connection, details: Details ¬ NIL] RETURNS [errors: REF Xl.EventRep.errorNotify ¬ NIL] = <> { FinishRequest[c]; IF details#NIL THEN { details.sequenceNo ¬ c.sequenceNumber; IF details.synchronous THEN {errors ¬ FinishSynchToCheckForErrors[c]; RETURN}; IF details.errorMatch#NIL OR details.overMatch#NIL THEN { p: Acceptor ~ NewAcceptor[c.replyStuff, errorsAndOver]; p.errorMatch ¬ details.errorMatch; p.overMatch ¬ details.overMatch; ActivateAcceptor[c.replyStuff, p, c.sequenceNumber]; DontWaitForReplies[c, p]; }; IF details.flush=now THEN XlPrivate.HardFlushBuffer[c]; } ELSE { IF c.synchCount>0 THEN errors ¬ FinishSynchToCheckForErrors[c]; }; }; FinishWithDetailsNoErrors: PUBLIC INTERNAL PROC [c: Connection, details: Details ¬ NIL] RETURNS [errors: REF Xl.EventRep.errorNotify ¬ NIL] = { errors ¬ InlineFinishWithDetailsNoErrors[c, details]; }; FinishWithDetails: PUBLIC INTERNAL PROC [c: Connection, details: Details ¬ NIL] = { errors: REF Xl.EventRep.errorNotify ¬ InlineFinishWithDetailsNoErrors[c, details]; IF errors#NIL THEN XlPrivateErrorHandling.RaiseErrorEvent[errors]; }; FinishSynchToCheckForErrors: INTERNAL PROC [c: Connection] RETURNS [error: REF EventRep.errorNotify ¬ NIL] ~ TRUSTED { IF c.alive THEN { rp: REF ImplReplyStuffRep ~ c.replyStuff; clientReply: Reply; clientAcceptor, extraAcceptor: Acceptor; clientAcceptor ¬ NewAcceptor[rp, errorsAndOver]; ActivateAcceptor[rp, clientAcceptor, c.sequenceNumber]; StartDirectRequest[c, 43, 0, 1]; --GetInputFocus FinishRequest[c]; extraAcceptor ¬ NewAcceptor[rp, ignoreAndFree]; ActivateAcceptor[rp, extraAcceptor, c.sequenceNumber]; XlPrivate.HardFlushBuffer[c]; clientReply ¬ WaitForReplies[c, clientAcceptor]; IF clientReply#NIL THEN { error ¬ XlPrivateErrorHandling.NewErrorEvent[clientReply, c]; DontWaitForReplies[c, extraAcceptor]; RETURN; }; [] ¬ WaitForReplies[c, extraAcceptor]; }; }; StartMainLoop: PUBLIC PROC [c: Connection] = { cp: REF ConnectionPrivateImplRec ~ c.cPriv; c.replyStuff ¬ NewReplyStuff[]; IF Xl.Alive[c] THEN { ForkOps.Fork[ConnectionReader, c, Process.priorityClient3<>]; }; }; TRUSTED { untracedZone ¬ SafeStorage.GetUntracedZone[]; }; END. FXlImplMainLoop.mesa Copyright Σ 1988, 1989, 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993 by Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved. Created by Christian Jacobi, April 7, 1988 6:13:15 pm PST Christian Jacobi, October 19, 1993 3:39 pm PDT --Called only inside Connection Reader process --Order important since not monitored for speed reasons --Not monitored because --called only inside Connection Reader process <> --This is an error; but It is not disabling further access to the connection --caching on service might not prevent multiple get-mapping requests since one connection might issue the get-mapping request before an other connection flushed the cache; however this is unusual, and would not lead to wrong data but only to an efficiency loss. This is forked as a process to handle all the errors, replys, and events. Since this is the only process that reads, it does so without a monitor. It calls ENTRY procs to dispense the gathered data. --Not caught; please debug this and then put in a specific catch phrase --Inline to get rid of intermediate level variables in ConnectionReader -- --Normal dispatch and then remove of data structures. --It would look more elegant if removal of data structures were registered like a normal dispatch, but we want to keep the dispatch lists short and prefer special code for efficiency reasons. --Its not necessary to notify: replyReceived will time out. --This makes KillReplies callable external and internal << --good if modular arithmetic on SequenceNo works --e.g. bitnumber of container allows it and SequenceNo fills container InOrderStrictly: PROC [s1, s2: SequenceNo] RETURNS [BOOL] = INLINE { --returns s1 happened strictly before s2 --INT32 for modulo 2**32 arithmetic RETURN [(LOOPHOLE[s2, INT32]-LOOPHOLE[s1, INT32]) > 0] }; InOrderOrSame: PROC [s1, s2: SequenceNo] RETURNS [BOOL] = INLINE { --returns s1 happened before s2 or at the same time but not later --INT32 for modulo 2**32 arithmetic RETURN [(LOOPHOLE[s2, INT32]-LOOPHOLE[s1, INT32]) >= 0] }; >> --good if modular arithmetic on SequenceNo does not work --e.g. If machine has no modular arithmetic --e.g. SequenceNo does not fill container --returns s1 happened strictly before s2 --returns s1 happened before s2 or at the same time but not later --Returns "waiting for arrival of reply makes sense" --under the assumption that the request s really sends a reply --it isn't here yet! --find out whether request is already initiated... --[note: c.sequenceNumber is incremented before request is on the wire] --its already here, ==> its arrival won't happen again --If s reasonable and not too old then waits until reply is sent --If s is too old or not reasonable, returns immediately -- --Use 3 little monitors instead a big one so we don't need to catch UNWIND --Free lists --Implementing pending requests --Implementing WaitInitiatedRange --Get acceptor from free list or allocate one --Caller must either call WaitForReplies or DontWaitForReplies so we know when to free it again --Just for the case when connection dies --Put acceptor on free list --Enable acceptor to receive replies --No replies will be accepted anymore --Acceptor is freed if there is no waiter WARNING: This test is possible only because a periodical process requesting replies prevents p.sequenceNo to increase a whole 2**15 over the i.lastAnswerdSeq --don't activate acceptor after calling DontWaitForReplies In production we want to prevent to wedge the connection, even if something went wrong. For debugging we prefer to raise problems as early as possible. --make an error, or, forget about it --ok; maybe somebody waits (dependent on who set up) --this is expected --maybe somebody waits (dependent on who set up) --we didn't get the expected reply (or error) --we have to check whether we got a reply or not --Must abort the waiter <> --An un-expected reply --Could this be generated by a dying connection? I'm not sure but that is why debugging this is optional. copy: REF DebugArray ¬ NEW[DebugArray ¬ da­]; This copy used not to work correctly; I'm suspecting the C compiler but have no prove yet!! Called from the event dipatcher loop only: therefore calls are in order of sequenceNumber --I tried to check for InOrderStrictly, but that might not be possible if 2**15 requests don't need replies. --leave p alone! --Like FinishWithDetailsNoErrors but uses only errorMatch and synchronous of details. --This is useful to implement multi-request commands. --note: c.synchCount is only consulted with details=NIL --Use only when no replies are expected -- -- -- DontWaitForReplies[c, extraAcceptor]; Κ/•NewlineDelimiter –(cedarcode) style˜code™Kšœ ΟeœO™ZKšœ9™9K™.K™—šΟk œ˜ KšœžœίΟnœ˜‡K˜—š Ÿœžœžœžœžœ˜9Kšžœžœ˜˜ΉKšžœ.Ÿ˜CKšžœ˜#—šžœžœ˜K˜—Kšœžœ+˜IKšœžœžœ+˜PK˜Kšœžœ˜,K˜KšœžœžœΟc=˜ZKšœžœžœžœ˜#Kšœ9˜9Kšœž˜K˜šŸœžœ žœžœ˜-Kšžœ ˜K˜K˜—šŸœžœ žœžœ˜-Kšžœ ˜K˜K˜—šŸ œžœžœžœ˜KKšœ˜Kšœ˜K˜—K˜šŸ œžœ žœ ˜0Kšžœ žœ ˜!Kšœ˜K˜—šŸœžœ žœ žœ˜=Kšžœ žœ ˜!Kšœ˜K˜—š Ÿœžœ žœžœžœ˜;Kšžœžœ žœ˜#K˜K˜—šŸ œžœ žœžœ˜.Kšžœžœ žœ˜#Kšœ˜K˜—šŸ œžœ žœ˜7Kšœ˜Kšœ˜Kšœ˜Kšœ˜Kšœ˜Kšœ˜K˜—šŸ œžœžœžœ˜3Kšžœ žœžœ˜Kšœ˜K˜—šŸœžœžœ˜6šžœ 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