Copyright Ó 1988, 1991 by Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved.
Christian Jacobi, May 5, 1988 4:59:50 pm PDT
Christian Jacobi, March 7, 1991 5:06 pm PST
Xl USING [Connection, InitializeProcType];
A "Service" is the union of connections which share name space for X entities [e.g. windows].
A service contains only connections from the same Cedar address space. Rebooting an X server creates a new service [because it creates a new name space].
GetService: PROC [c: Connection] RETURNS [service: REF];
Gets a ref representing the identity of the service.
Identities can be compared or passed to property functions
PutProp: PROC [service: REF, key: REF, val: REF ¬ NIL];
GetProp: PROC [service: REF, key: REF] RETURNS [val: REF ¬ NIL];
These properties stay inside the Cedar address space and are NOT moved to the actual X server; therefore these properties are vanilla Cedar properties and may contain REF's. [Clients which want to store properties into the real server address space may use normal X properties on the root window [but no REF's please]]
PutServiceProp: PROC [c: Connection, key: REF, val: REF ¬ NIL];
GetServiceProp: PROC [c: Connection, key: REF] RETURNS [val: REF];
GetServicePropAndInit: PROC [c: Connection, key: REF, init: InitializeProcType] RETURNS [val: REF];
Initializing utility
Atomically executes init exactly when the service has no key property, then puts the return value as key property. The c parameter is passed to init.