Copyright Ó 1990, 1991 by Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved.
Created by Christian Jacobi, November 26, 1990 9:48 am PST
Christian Jacobi, March 7, 1991 5:47 pm PST
Defines the predefined atoms of the X window protocol.
As this special casing of these atoms looks ugly, we propose to not import this module into definition modules. However, it is too tempting to shift the Xl.StandardAtom call for standard atoms to the compile time instead the run time. Please consider the numerical values to be private.
XAtom: TYPE = Xl.XAtom;
nullNotAnAtom: XAtom = [0];  primary: XAtom = [1];
secondary: XAtom = [2];  arc: XAtom = [3]; 
atom: XAtom = [4];   bitmap: XAtom = [5];
cardinal: XAtom = [6];  colormap: XAtom = [7];
cursor: XAtom = [8];  cutBuffer0: XAtom = [9];
cutBuffer1: XAtom = [10];  cutBuffer2: XAtom = [11];
cutBuffer3: XAtom = [12];  cutBuffer4: XAtom = [13];
cutBuffer5: XAtom = [14];  cutBuffer6: XAtom = [15];
cutBuffer7: XAtom = [16];  drawable: XAtom = [17];
font: XAtom = [18];   integer: XAtom = [19];
pixmap: XAtom = [20];  point: XAtom = [21];
rectangle: XAtom = [22];  resourceManager: XAtom = [23];
rgbColorMap: XAtom = [24];  rgbBestMap: XAtom = [25];
rgbBlueMap: XAtom = [26];  rgbDefaultMap: XAtom = [27];
rgbGrayMap: XAtom = [28];  rgbGreenMap: XAtom = [29];
rgbRedMap: XAtom = [30];  string: XAtom = [31];
visualid: XAtom = [32];  window: XAtom = [33];
wmCommand: XAtom = [34];  wmHints: XAtom = [35];
wmClientMachine: XAtom = [36]; wmIconName: XAtom = [37];
wmIconSize: XAtom = [38];  wmName: XAtom = [39];
wmNormalHints: XAtom = [40]; wmSizeHints: XAtom = [41];
wmZoomHints: XAtom = [42];  minSpace: XAtom = [43];
normSpace: XAtom = [44];  maxSpace: XAtom = [45];
endSpace: XAtom = [46];  superscriptX: XAtom = [47];
superscriptY: XAtom = [48];  subscriptX: XAtom = [49];
subscriptY: XAtom = [50];  underlinePosition: XAtom = [51];
underlineThickness: XAtom = [52]; strikeoutAscent: XAtom = [53];
strikeoutDescent: XAtom = [54]; italicAngle: XAtom = [55];
xHeight: XAtom = [56];  quadWidth: XAtom = [57];
weight: XAtom = [58];  pointSize: XAtom = [59];
resolution: XAtom = [60];  copyright: XAtom = [61];
notice: XAtom = [62];  fontName: XAtom = [63];
familyName: XAtom = [64];  fullName: XAtom = [65];
capHeight: XAtom = [66];  wmClass: XAtom = [67];
wmTransientFor: XAtom = [68];