/* Generated with C2C (Cedar To C)*/ /* Copyright (C) 1993 by Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved. */ /* time: September 30, 1993 4:18:18 pm PDT */ /* C2C version: April 20, 1993 (sun4) */ /* ref-counting: off */ /* file: XlDebug, module: XlDebug */ /* switches: bcfhklnouw */ #include <cedar/InstallationSupport.h> #include <cedar/CedarExtra.h> static char versionStamp[] = "@(#)mob←version [455508239,2471946222] XlDebug"; typedef unsigned word, *ptr; typedef unsigned char byte, *bPt; typedef unsigned short half, *hPt; typedef word (*fPt)(); typedef struct {word f0, f1, f2, f3, f4, f5, f6, f7;} W8; typedef W8 *W8Pt; typedef struct {word f0, f1;} W2; #define SOURCE(p, l) /* source p, l */ #define IOP2(op, x, y) ( (word) ((x) op (y)) ) #define BCK(idx, lim) ( ((unsigned) idx) >= ((unsigned) lim) ? (XR←RaiseBoundsFault()) : (idx) ) #define NCK(p) ( (void) p) static void NoName←Q672(); static void XlDebug←P0(); static void WriteDebugInfo←P60(); static void XlDebugBlock←P120(); static struct {unsigned f; char r[16];} string1 = {917520, "\216\257\300\363\223\326\161\300\017\164\046\072\104\350\000"}; static struct {unsigned f; char r[4];} string2 = {65537, "\001\000\000"}; static struct {unsigned f; char r[12];} string3 = {720908, "\205\210\242\000\117\237\210\241\000\100\377"}; static struct {unsigned f; char r[12];} string4 = {720908, "\254\205\210\242\000\037\210\241\000\100\377"}; static struct {unsigned f; char r[4];} string5 = {65540, "\242\000\000"}; static struct {unsigned f; char r[4];} string6 = {131076, "\216\251\000"}; static struct {unsigned f; char r[8];} string7 = {458760, "XlDebug"}; static struct {unsigned f; char r[12];} string8 = {524300, "XlDebug1\000\000\000"}; static struct {unsigned f; char r[32];} string9 = {1835040, "Block if famous error occurs\000\000\000"}; static struct {unsigned f; char r[12];} string10 = {524300, "XlDebug2\000\000\000"}; static struct {unsigned f; char r[16];} string11 = {786448, "XlDebugBlock\000\000\000"}; static struct {unsigned f; char r[12];} string12 = {524300, "XlDebug3\000\000\000"}; static struct {unsigned f; char r[36];} string13 = {2162724, "Write debug data for famous error\000\000"}; static struct {unsigned f; char r[32];} string14 = {1900576, "no unexpected replies so far\012\000\000"}; static struct {unsigned f; char r[24];} string15 = {1507352, "un-expected reply\012text:"}; static struct {unsigned f; char r[4];} string16 = {196612, " %g"}; static struct {unsigned f; char r[24];} string17 = {1310744, "\012sequencenumber %g \012\000\000\000"}; static struct {unsigned f; char r[28];} string18 = {1638428, "request codes: %g %g %g\012\000\000"}; static struct {unsigned f; char r[12];} string19 = {589836, "XlDebugSP\000\000"}; static struct {unsigned f; char r[40];} string20 = {2359336, "Count of double replies so far: %g \012\000\000\000"}; static struct {unsigned f; char r[24];} string21 = {1441816, "SignalReplyNotExpected\000"}; static struct {unsigned f; char r[8];} string22 = {262152, "TRUE\000\000\000"}; static struct {unsigned f; char r[16];} string23 = {786448, "XlDebugWrite\000\000\000"}; static struct {unsigned f; char r[16];} string24 = {851984, "\257\300\033\046\201\017\300\223\126\347\356\100\164\000\000"}; static struct {unsigned f; char r[12];} string25 = {524296, "\006\001\064\010\000\004\021\001\000\000\000"}; static struct {unsigned f; char r[16];} string26 = {851984, "\257\300\055\153\222\376\300\327\164\352\142\100\150\000\000"}; static struct {unsigned f; char r[16];} string27 = {851984, "\257\300\373\225\000\071\300\362\156\307\320\100\150\000\000"}; static struct {unsigned f; char r[16];} string28 = {851984, "\257\300\015\277\004\146\300\034\367\146\045\100\164\000\000"}; static struct { word f0[30]; word f30; word f31; word f32; word f33; word f34; word f35[4]; } globalframe = { {0}, (word) XlDebugBlock←P120, 0, (word) WriteDebugInfo←P60, 0, (word) XlDebug←P0, {0} }; static void NoName←Q672() { register ptr gf←c049 = (ptr) &globalframe; word var←c9576; (* (( (ptr) gf←c049)+5) ) = (word) XR←GetTypeIndex((word) &string1, 0, (word) &string2); (* (( (ptr) gf←c049)+7) ) = (word) XR←GetTypeIndexS((word) (&string3)); (* (( (ptr) gf←c049)+8) ) = (word) XR←GetTypeIndexS((word) (&string4)); (* (( (ptr) gf←c049)+9) ) = (word) XR←GetTypeIndexS((word) (&string5)); (* (( (ptr) gf←c049)+11) ) = (word) XR←GetTypeIndex((word) &string6, 0, (word) &string2); (* (ptr) (( (bPt) gf←c049)+52) ) = (word) XR←GetRefLiteral((* (( (ptr) gf←c049)+11) ), (word) &string7); (* (ptr) (( (bPt) gf←c049)+56) ) = (word) XR←GetRefLiteral((* (( (ptr) gf←c049)+11) ), (word) &string8); (* (ptr) (( (bPt) gf←c049)+60) ) = (word) XR←GetRefLiteral((* (( (ptr) gf←c049)+5) ), (word) &string9); (* (ptr) (( (bPt) gf←c049)+64) ) = (word) XR←GetRefLiteral((* (( (ptr) gf←c049)+11) ), (word) &string10); (* (ptr) (( (bPt) gf←c049)+68) ) = (word) XR←GetRefLiteral((* (( (ptr) gf←c049)+5) ), (word) &string11); (* (ptr) (( (bPt) gf←c049)+72) ) = (word) XR←GetRefLiteral((* (( (ptr) gf←c049)+11) ), (word) &string12); (* (ptr) (( (bPt) gf←c049)+76) ) = (word) XR←GetRefLiteral((* (( (ptr) gf←c049)+5) ), (word) &string13); (* (ptr) (( (bPt) gf←c049)+80) ) = (word) XR←GetRefLiteral((* (( (ptr) gf←c049)+5) ), (word) &string14); (* (ptr) (( (bPt) gf←c049)+84) ) = (word) XR←GetRefLiteral((* (( (ptr) gf←c049)+5) ), (word) &string15); (* (ptr) (( (bPt) gf←c049)+88) ) = (word) XR←GetRefLiteral((* (( (ptr) gf←c049)+5) ), (word) &string16); (* (ptr) (( (bPt) gf←c049)+92) ) = (word) XR←GetRefLiteral((* (( (ptr) gf←c049)+5) ), (word) &string17); (* (ptr) (( (bPt) gf←c049)+96) ) = (word) XR←GetRefLiteral((* (( (ptr) gf←c049)+5) ), (word) &string18); (* (ptr) (( (bPt) gf←c049)+100) ) = (word) XR←GetRefLiteral((* (( (ptr) gf←c049)+11) ), (word) &string19); (* (ptr) (( (bPt) gf←c049)+104) ) = (word) XR←GetRefLiteral((* (( (ptr) gf←c049)+5) ), (word) &string20); (* (ptr) (( (bPt) gf←c049)+108) ) = (word) XR←GetRefLiteral((* (( (ptr) gf←c049)+11) ), (word) &string21); (* (ptr) (( (bPt) gf←c049)+112) ) = (word) XR←GetRefLiteral((* (( (ptr) gf←c049)+11) ), (word) &string22); (* (ptr) (( (bPt) gf←c049)+116) ) = (word) XR←GetRefLiteral((* (( (ptr) gf←c049)+5) ), (word) &string23); (void) XR←DeclareGlobalFrame((word) "XlDebug", &globalframe, (word) XR←GetTypeIndex((word) &string24, 0, (word) &string25) , (word) (( (bPt) gf←c049)+136)/* var←c8840 */ ); var←c9576 = (word) XR←ImportInterface((word) "Atom", (word) XR←GetTypeIndexS((word) (&string26)), 16); (* (( (ptr) gf←c049)+37)/* var←c8936 */ ) = var←c9576; (void) XR←ImportProcS(var←c9576, 788739); (void) XR←ImportProcS(var←c9576, 67634946); var←c9576 = (word) XR←ImportInterface((word) "Commander", (word) XR←GetTypeIndexS((word) (&string27)), 3); (* (( (ptr) gf←c049)+36)/* var←c8872 */ ) = var←c9576; (void) XR←ImportProcS(var←c9576, 1310725); var←c9576 = (word) XR←ImportInterface((word) "IO", (word) XR←GetTypeIndexS((word) (&string28)), 103); (* (( (ptr) gf←c049)+38)/* var←c9064 */ ) = var←c9576; (void) XR←ImportProcS(var←c9576, 2111493); (void) XR←ImportProcS(var←c9576, 1063171); (void) XR←ImportProcS(var←c9576, 1071364); } static void XlDebug←P0(formal←c011, formal←c010) word formal←c011; word formal←c010; { register ptr gf←c9608 = (ptr) &globalframe; /* XlDebug: */ SOURCE(33, 1681) SOURCE(1545, 87) { word pd29; pd29 = (* (( (ptr) (* (( (ptr) gf←c9608)+36)/* var←c8872 */ ))+4) ); (void) ( *( (fPt) ((* (ptr) pd29 ))))((* (( (ptr) gf←c9608)+29) ), (word) (( (bPt) gf←c9608)+128)/* var←c8808 */ , (* (( (ptr) gf←c9608)+19) ), 0, 1, pd29); }; SOURCE(1634, 80) { word pd30; pd30 = (* (( (ptr) (* (( (ptr) gf←c9608)+36)/* var←c8872 */ ))+4) ); (void) ( *( (fPt) ((* (ptr) pd30 ))))((* (( (ptr) gf←c9608)+17) ), (word) (( (bPt) gf←c9608)+120)/* var←c8776 */ , (* (( (ptr) gf←c9608)+15) ), 0, 1, pd30); }; } static void WriteDebugInfo←P60(formal←c044, cmd←v3848) word formal←c044; word cmd←v3848; { register ptr gf←c9640 = (ptr) &globalframe; word result←v3892; word msg←v3920; word s←v2720; word cnt←v2748 = 0; word idx←v2776 = 0; word sequenceNumber←v2804 = 0; word fix←v2832; word da←v2860 = 0; /* WriteDebugInfo: */ SOURCE(213, 1226) SOURCE(213, 1226) result←v3892 = 0; SOURCE(213, 1226) msg←v3920 = 0; SOURCE(255, 22) s←v2720 = (* (( (ptr) cmd←v3848)+1) ); SOURCE(314, 82) fix←v2832 = XR←NewObject(32, (* (( (ptr) gf←c9640)+8) )); SOURCE(451, 86) { word var←c8968; { word pd31; pd31 = (* (( (ptr) (* (( (ptr) gf←c9640)+37)/* var←c8936 */ ))+11) ); var←c8968 = (word) ( *( (fPt) ((* (ptr) pd31 ))))((* (( (ptr) gf←c9640)+13) ), (* (( (ptr) gf←c9640)+14) ), pd31); }; if ((var←c8968 == 0)) { goto lab←L100001; }; if (((* (( (ptr) gf←c9640)+9) ) == XR←GetReferentType(var←c8968))) { { word ri←v3000; ri←v3000 = var←c8968; SOURCE(517, 20) sequenceNumber←v2804 = (* (ptr) ri←v3000 ); }; } else { lab←L100001: ; }; }; SOURCE(554, 99) { word var←c9000; { word pd32; pd32 = (* (( (ptr) (* (( (ptr) gf←c9640)+37)/* var←c8936 */ ))+11) ); var←c9000 = (word) ( *( (fPt) ((* (ptr) pd32 ))))((* (( (ptr) gf←c9640)+13) ), (* (( (ptr) gf←c9640)+16) ), pd32); }; if ((var←c9000 == 0)) { goto lab←L100002; }; if (((* (( (ptr) gf←c9640)+8) ) == XR←GetReferentType(var←c9000))) { { word x←v3056; x←v3056 = var←c9000; SOURCE(644, 9) (* (W8Pt) fix←v2832 ) = (* (W8Pt) x←v3056 ); }; } else { lab←L100002: ; }; }; SOURCE(670, 78) { word var←c9032; { word pd33; pd33 = (* (( (ptr) (* (( (ptr) gf←c9640)+37)/* var←c8936 */ ))+11) ); var←c9032 = (word) ( *( (fPt) ((* (ptr) pd33 ))))((* (( (ptr) gf←c9640)+13) ), (* (( (ptr) gf←c9640)+18) ), pd33); }; if ((var←c9032 == 0)) { goto lab←L100003; }; if (((* (( (ptr) gf←c9640)+7) ) == XR←GetReferentType(var←c9032))) { { word x←v3148; x←v3148 = var←c9032; SOURCE(742, 6) da←v2860 = x←v3148; }; } else { lab←L100003: ; }; }; SOURCE(765, 58) idx←v2776 = (IOP2( % , (int)sequenceNumber←v2804, (int)4000) + 8000); SOURCE(877, 401) if ((da←v2860 == 0)) { SOURCE(893, 53) { word pd34; pd34 = (* (( (ptr) (* (( (ptr) gf←c9640)+38)/* var←c9064 */ ))+93) ); (void) ( *( (fPt) ((* (ptr) pd34 ))))(s←v2720, (* (( (ptr) gf←c9640)+20) ), 0, 2147483647, pd34); }; } else { SOURCE(949, 41) { word pd35; pd35 = (* (( (ptr) (* (( (ptr) gf←c9640)+38)/* var←c9064 */ ))+93) ); (void) ( *( (fPt) ((* (ptr) pd35 ))))(s←v2720, (* (( (ptr) gf←c9640)+21) ), 0, 2147483647, pd35); }; SOURCE(992, 67) { register word i←v3204 = 0; if (( (int)i←v3204 > (int)31)) { goto lab←L100004; }; lab←L100007: ; SOURCE(1017, 42) { W2 var←c9096; { W2 var←c9128; word v←v8728; v←v8728 = (unsigned) (word) (* (( (bPt) fix←v2832)+BCK(i←v3204, 32)) ); var←c9128.f0 = 5; var←c9128.f1 = v←v8728; var←c9096 = var←c9128; }; { word pd36; pd36 = (* (( (ptr) (* (( (ptr) gf←c9640)+38)/* var←c9064 */ ))+61) ); (void) ( *( (fPt) ((* (ptr) pd36 ))))(s←v2720, (* (( (ptr) gf←c9640)+22) ), var←c9096, pd36); }; }; if (( (int)i←v3204 >= (int)31)) { goto lab←L100004; }; i←v3204 = (i←v3204 + 1); goto lab←L100007; lab←L100004: ; }; SOURCE(1061, 61) { W2 var←c9192; var←c9192.f0 = 5; var←c9192.f1 = sequenceNumber←v2804; { word pd37; pd37 = (* (( (ptr) (* (( (ptr) gf←c9640)+38)/* var←c9064 */ ))+61) ); (void) ( *( (fPt) ((* (ptr) pd37 ))))(s←v2720, (* (( (ptr) gf←c9640)+23) ), var←c9192, pd37); }; }; SOURCE(1124, 154) { W2 var←c9224; W2 var←c9320; W2 var←c9416; { W2 var←c9256; word v←v8680; { word idx38; v←v8680 = (* (( (ptr) ( NCK((* (bPt) da←v2860 )), da←v2860 ))+( idx38 = (word) IOP2( % , (int)(idx←v2776 - 1), (int)4000), BCK(idx38, 4000) )) ); }; var←c9256.f0 = 5; var←c9256.f1 = v←v8680; var←c9224 = var←c9256; }; { W2 var←c9352; word v←v8632; { word idx39; v←v8632 = (* (( (ptr) ( NCK((* (bPt) da←v2860 )), da←v2860 ))+( idx39 = (word) IOP2( % , (int)idx←v2776, (int)4000), BCK(idx39, 4000) )) ); }; var←c9352.f0 = 5; var←c9352.f1 = v←v8632; var←c9320 = var←c9352; }; { W2 var←c9448; word v←v8584; { word idx40; v←v8584 = (* (( (ptr) ( NCK((* (bPt) da←v2860 )), da←v2860 ))+( idx40 = (word) IOP2( % , (int)(idx←v2776 + 1), (int)4000), BCK(idx40, 4000) )) ); }; var←c9448.f0 = 5; var←c9448.f1 = v←v8584; var←c9416 = var←c9448; }; { word pd41; pd41 = (* (( (ptr) (* (( (ptr) gf←c9640)+38)/* var←c9064 */ ))+60) ); (void) ( *( (fPt) ((* (ptr) pd41 ))))(s←v2720, (* (( (ptr) gf←c9640)+24) ), var←c9224, var←c9320, var←c9416, pd41); }; }; }; SOURCE(1281, 76) { word var←c9512; { word pd42; pd42 = (* (( (ptr) (* (( (ptr) gf←c9640)+37)/* var←c8936 */ ))+11) ); var←c9512 = (word) ( *( (fPt) ((* (ptr) pd42 ))))((* (( (ptr) gf←c9640)+13) ), (* (( (ptr) gf←c9640)+25) ), pd42); }; if ((var←c9512 == 0)) { goto lab←L100012; }; if (((* (( (ptr) gf←c9640)+9) ) == XR←GetReferentType(var←c9512))) { { word ri←v3248; ri←v3248 = var←c9512; SOURCE(1348, 9) cnt←v2748 = (* (ptr) ri←v3248 ); }; } else { lab←L100012: ; }; }; SOURCE(1374, 65) { W2 var←c9544; var←c9544.f0 = 5; var←c9544.f1 = cnt←v2748; { word pd43; pd43 = (* (( (ptr) (* (( (ptr) gf←c9640)+38)/* var←c9064 */ ))+61) ); (void) ( *( (fPt) ((* (ptr) pd43 ))))(s←v2720, (* (( (ptr) gf←c9640)+26) ), var←c9544, pd43); }; }; /* removed tail goto */ (* (ptr) formal←c044 ) = result←v3892; (* (( (ptr) formal←c044)+1) ) = msg←v3920; return; } static void XlDebugBlock←P120(formal←c048, cmd←v3980) word formal←c048; word cmd←v3980; { register ptr gf←c9672 = (ptr) &globalframe; word result←v4024; word msg←v4052; /* XlDebugBlock: */ SOURCE(1445, 94) SOURCE(1445, 94) result←v4024 = 0; SOURCE(1445, 94) msg←v4052 = 0; SOURCE(1485, 54) { word pd44; pd44 = (* (( (ptr) (* (( (ptr) gf←c9672)+37)/* var←c8936 */ ))+13) ); (void) ( *( (fPt) ((* (ptr) pd44 ))))((* (( (ptr) gf←c9672)+13) ), (* (( (ptr) gf←c9672)+27) ), (* (( (ptr) gf←c9672)+28) ), pd44); }; /* removed tail goto */ (* (ptr) formal←c048 ) = result←v4024; (* (( (ptr) formal←c048)+1) ) = msg←v4052; return; } /* file: XlDebug, module: XlDebug, compiled at: September 30, 1993 4:18:18 pm PDT */ extern void XR←install←XlDebug() { NoName←Q672(); } extern void XR←run←XlDebug() { XR←Start(&globalframe); }