Copyright Ó 1990, 1991 by Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved.
Created by Christian Jacobi, October 23, 1990 12:26:38 pm PDT
Christian Jacobi, March 7, 1991 5:48 pm PST
StandardFontCursors: TYPE = MACHINE DEPENDENT {
XCursor(0), arrow(2), basedArrowDown(4), basedArrowUp(6),
boat(8), bogosity(10), bottomLeftCorner(12), bottomRightCorner(14),
bottomSide(16), bottomTee(18), boxSpiral(20), centerPtr(22),
circle(24), clock(26), coffeeMug(28), cross(30),
crossReverse(32), crosshair(34), diamondCross(36), dot(38),
dotbox(40), doubleArrow(42), draftLarge(44), draftSmall(46),
drapedBox(48), exchange(50), fleur(52), gobbler(54),
gumby(56), hand1(58), hand2(60), heart(62),
icon(64), iconCross(66), leftPtr(68), leftSide(70),
leftTee(72), leftbutton(74), llAngle(76), lrAngle(78),
man(80), middlebutton(82), mouse(84), pencil(86),
pirate(88), plus(90), questionArrow(92), rightPtr(94),
rightSide(96), rightTee(98), rightbutton(100), rtlLogo(102),
sailboat(104), sbDownArrow(106), sbHDoubleArrow(108), sbLeftArrow(110),
sbRightArrow(112), sbUpArrow(114), sbVDoubleArrow(116), shuttle(118),
sizing(120), spider(122), spraycan(124), star(126),
target(128), tcross(130), topLeftArrow(132), topLeftCorner(134),
topRightCorner(136), topSide(138), topTee(140), trek(142),
ulAngle(144), umbrella(146), urAngle(148), watch(150),
xterm(152), (255)};
Contents of standard cursor font (using C language XLib names).
Use ordinal values for calls to Xl.CreateGlyphCursor.
StandardCursorFont: PROC [c: Xl.Connection] RETURNS [cursorFont: Xl.Font];
Returns the standard cursor font
SharedStandardCursor: PROC [c: Xl.Connection, source: StandardFontCursors] RETURNS [cursor: Xl.Cursor];
Returns a standard cursor.
Treat the cursor as if it were immutable; it will be cached and shared.
MutableStandardCursor: PROC [c: Xl.Connection, source: StandardFontCursors] RETURNS [cursor: Xl.Cursor];
Creates a new, mutable cursor.