Copyright Ó 1988, 1989, 1990, 1991 by Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved.
Created by Christian Jacobi, May 2, 1988 4:40:43 pm PDT
Christian Jacobi, August 22, 1991 4:25 pm PDT
Xl USING [Connection, Window],
XlICCCMTypes USING [WMNormalHints, WMHints];
Connection: TYPE = Xl.Connection;
Window: TYPE = Xl.Window;
Window manager hints
ICCCM conventions in X.
SetWMNormalHints: PROC [c: Connection, window: Window, sizeHints: XlICCCMTypes.WMNormalHints, allways: BOOL ¬ FALSE];
Sets the WM NORMAL HINTS property.
If allways is false and no sizeHints fields are set, this is a noop
p flag fields computed from non defaulted values
SetWMHints: PROC [c: Connection, window: Window, hints: XlICCCMTypes.WMHints, allways: BOOL ¬ FALSE];
Sets the WM HINTS property.
If allways is false and no hints fields are set, this is a noop
p flag fields computed from non defaulted values
SetWindowName: PROC [c: Connection, window: Window, windowName: ROPE];
Sets the window header
SetIconName: PROC [c: Connection, window: Window, iconName: ROPE];
Sets the icon header; defaults to window header
SetWMTransient: PROC [c: Connection, window: Window, for: Window];
Sets the WM TRANSIENT FOR atom
SetWMClass: PROC [c: Connection, window: Window, instance, class: ROPE ¬ NIL];
Sets the WM CLASS atom
SetWMProtocols: PROC [c: Connection, window: Window, protocols: LIST OF ROPE ¬ NIL];
Sets the WM PROTOCOLS atom
Window manager cheats
Try to outsmart silly window managers
This will be removed when all interesting window manager can be handled without these tricks.
WMQueryPosition: PROC [c: Connection] RETURNS [BOOL];
Returns whether current window manager makes interactive requests on window creation
This is a hint only
WMMakesHeader: PROC [c: Connection] RETURNS [BOOL];
Returns whether current window manager makes window headers
This is a hint only
Cut buffers
Follows outdated ICCCM Conventions. Circular buffer of depht 8. Store always rotates before downloading new value.
CutBufferGet: PROC [c: Connection] RETURNS [ROPE];
CutBufferPush: PROC [c: Connection, data: ROPE, hackForXTerm: BOOL ¬ FALSE];
IF hackForXTerm, violates ICCCM just enough so it works correctly with xterm (no rotate)
CutBufferRotate: PROC [c: Connection, amount: INT ¬ -1];