Copyright Ó 1988, 1989, 1990, 1991, 1992 by Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved.
Created by Christian Jacobi, October 18, 1988 11:22:01 am PDT
Christian Jacobi, August 13, 1993 10:30 am PDT
XTkShellWidgetsImpl: CEDAR MONITOR
IMPORTS Atom, Random, Rope, RopeList, XlDispatch, Xl, XlConventions, XTk, XTkDB, XTkFriends, XTkIcon, XTkMigration, XTkNotification, XTkPrivate
EXPORTS XTkShellWidgets
BEGIN OPEN Xl, XTk, XTkShellWidgets;
shellClass: ImplementorClass ¬ XTkFriends.CreateClass[[key: $top, wDataNum: 1, preferredSizeLR: ShellPreferredSizeLR, preStopFastAccess: ShellPreStopFastAccess, configureLR: ShellConfigureLR, initInstPart: ShellInitInstPart, className: ShellClassName, eventMask: [structureNotify: TRUE], backgroundKey: $white, removeChildLR: ShellRemoveChildLR, internalEnumerateChildren: ShellInternalEnumerateChildren, forgetScreenLR: ShellForgetScreenLR, bindScreenLX: ShellBindScreenLX]];
ToWindow: PROC [x: REF READONLY ANY] RETURNS [w: Xl.Window ¬ Xl.nullWindow] = {
widget: REF READONLY WidgetRep => w ¬ widget.window;
window: REF READONLY Window => w ¬ window­;
ENDCASE => {};
IsShell: PUBLIC PROC [w: XTk.Widget] RETURNS [BOOL] = {
RETURN [XTk.HasClass[w, shellClass]];
connectionDeadSet: EventFilter ~ Xl.CreateEventFilter[finalEvent];
ConnectionDiedHandler: EventProcType = {--on rootTQ
SELECT event.type FROM
finalEvent => {
ev: Xl.FinalEvent ~ NARROW[event];
shell: Widget ~ NARROW[clientData];
IF ~ev.refCountTransition AND shell.connection=ev.connection AND shell.state<=screened THEN {
shellIP: ShellInstPart ~ GetShellInstPart[shell];
closure: REF Closure ¬ shellIP.connectionDiedClosure;
XTkFriends.PreStopFastAccess[shell, errorConnection];
shellIP.connection ¬ NIL;
IF closure=NIL
THEN DestroyShell[shell]
ELSE closure.proc[shell, closure.registerData, $connectionDied, ev];
ENDCASE => {};
shellRootEvents: Xl.EventFilter ~ Xl.CreateEventFilter[destroyNotify, configureNotify];
shellOtherEvents: Xl.EventFilter ~ Xl.CreateEventFilter[clientMessage];
OtherShellEvents: <<NOT rootTQ>> Xl.EventProcType = {
shell: Widget ~ NARROW[clientData];
shellIP: ShellInstPart ~ GetShellInstPart[shell];
IF shell.state>realized OR shell.fastAccessAllowed#ok THEN RETURN;
SELECT event.type FROM
clientMessage => {
client: Xl.ClientMessageEvent ~ NARROW[event];
IF client.window#shell.window OR client.format#32 THEN RETURN;
IF client.typeAtom#shellIP.wmProtocolsAtom THEN RETURN;
SELECT client.w[0] FROM
shellIP.cachedWmAtom => {
SetFocus[shell, [client.w[1]], NIL];
Xl.MakeAtom[shell.connection, "WM�LETE←WINDOW"] => {
IF shellIP.deletionProtocol THEN {
closure: REF Closure ¬ shellIP.wmDeletionClosure;
IF closure=NIL
THEN DestroyByWindowManager[shell, NIL, $wmDeleteWindow, client]
ELSE closure.proc[shell, closure.registerData, $wmDeleteWindow, client];
ENDCASE => {};
ShellEventLR: <<on rootTQ>> Xl.EventProcType = {
shell: Widget ~ NARROW[clientData];
shellIP: ShellInstPart ~ GetShellInstPart[shell];
IF shell.state>realized OR shell.fastAccessAllowed#ok THEN RETURN;
SELECT event.type FROM
configureNotify => {
g: Geometry;
cn: ConfigureNotifyEvent ~ NARROW[event];
IF shellIP.crazyShell
IF cn.window#shellIP.parentWindow THEN RETURN;
IF cn.window#shell.window THEN RETURN;
shell.actual.pos ¬ cn.geometry.pos;
shell.actual.borderWidth ¬ cn.geometry.borderWidth;
IF shell.actual.size#cn.geometry.size THEN {
g ¬ [size: cn.geometry.size, pos: [dontUse, dontUse], borderWidth: dontUse];
--Note: The sizing has not yet happened! .
ShellCheatConfigureLR[shell, g];
destroyNotify => {
d: Xl.DestroyNotifyEvent ~ NARROW[event];
SELECT d.window FROM
shellIP.parentWindow, shell.window => {
closure: REF Closure ¬ shellIP.windowDiedClosure;
IF shell.connection#d.connection OR shell.state>screened THEN RETURN;
XTkFriends.PreStopFastAccess[shell, errorWindow];
IF closure=NIL
THEN DestroyShell[shell]
ELSE closure.proc[shell, closure.registerData, $destroyNotify, d];
ENDCASE => {};
EXITS oops => NULL;
ShellRemoveChildLR: XTk.RemoveChildProc = {
shellIP: ShellInstPart ~ GetShellInstPart[widget];
oldChild: XTk.Widget ¬ shellIP.child;
IF oldChild#NIL THEN {
shellIP.child ¬ NIL;
done ¬ TRUE;
AddChildLR: PROC [shell: XTk.Widget, newChild: Widget] = {
shellIP: ShellInstPart ~ GetShellInstPart[shell];
oldChild: Widget ¬ shellIP.child;
IF oldChild=newChild THEN RETURN;
SELECT newChild.parent FROM
NIL, shell => XTkFriends.AssignParentAndCheckScreenLR[newChild, shell];
IF oldChild#NIL THEN {
shellIP.child ¬ NIL;
XTkFriends.OrphanizeLR[oldChild, normal];
IF newChild.s.mapping=dontUse THEN newChild.s.mapping ¬ mapped;
shellIP.child ¬ newChild;
ShellInternalEnumerateChildren: XTk.InternalEnumerateChildrenProc = {
child: XTk.Widget ¬ ShellChild[self];
IF child#NIL AND child.state<dead THEN {
stop ¬ proc[self, child, data].stop
ShellCheatConfigureLR: PROC [shell: XTk.Widget, geometry: Geometry] = {
CheatConfigureLR: ConfigureProc = {
IF geometry.pos.x # dontUse THEN widget.actual.pos.x ¬ geometry.pos.x;
IF geometry.pos.y # dontUse THEN widget.actual.pos.y ¬ geometry.pos.y;
IF geometry.size.width # dontUse THEN widget.actual.size.width ¬ geometry.size.width;
IF geometry.size.height # dontUse THEN widget.actual.size.height ¬ geometry.size.height;
IF geometry.borderWidth # dontUse THEN widget.actual.borderWidth ¬ geometry.borderWidth;
IF mapping # dontUse THEN widget.actualMapping ¬ mapping;
c: Xl.Connection ~ widget.connection;
win: Xl.Window ~ widget.window;
Xl.ConfigureWindow[c: c, window: win, geometry: geometry];
ShellPropagateConfigureLR[widget, FALSE];
XTkFriends.CallNotifiers[widget, $ShellPostReconfigure];
IF widget.fastAccessAllowed=ok THEN Xl.Flush[widget.connection];
IF geometry.pos.x = shell.actual.pos.x THEN geometry.pos.x ¬ dontUse;
IF geometry.pos.y = shell.actual.pos.y THEN geometry.pos.y ¬ dontUse;
IF geometry.size.width = shell.actual.size.width THEN geometry.size.width ¬ dontUse;
IF geometry.size.height = shell.actual.size.height THEN geometry.size.height ¬ dontUse;
IF geometry.borderWidth = shell.actual.borderWidth THEN geometry.borderWidth ¬ dontUse;
IF geometry#[[dontUse, dontUse], [dontUse, dontUse], dontUse] THEN {
CheatConfigureLR[shell, geometry, dontUse, FALSE];
DestroyByWindowManager: <<any thread>> XTk.WidgetNotifyProc = {
IF widget.fastAccessAllowed=ok THEN {
XTkFriends.PreStopFastAccess[widget, normal];
IF widget.actualMapping=mapped THEN {
Xl.UnmapWindow[widget.connection, widget.window, XTkPrivate.detailsForNoErrors];
ShellChild: PROC [shell: ShellWidget] RETURNS [Widget¬NIL] = {
shellIP: ShellInstPart ~ GetShellInstPart[shell];
RETURN [shellIP.child];
ShellPreferredSizeLR: PreferredSizeProc = {
child: Widget = ShellChild[widget];
maySkip[x] ¬ TRUE; maySkip[y] ¬ TRUE;
IF widget.s.geometry.size.width > 0 THEN {
maySkip[w] ¬ TRUE;
proposed.size.width ¬ widget.s.geometry.size.width;
IF widget.s.geometry.size.height > 0 THEN {
maySkip[h] ¬ TRUE;
proposed.size.height ¬ widget.s.geometry.size.height;
IF widget.s.geometry.pos.x # dontUse THEN {
already maySkip[x] ← TRUE;
proposed.pos.x ¬ widget.s.geometry.pos.x;
IF widget.s.geometry.pos.y # dontUse THEN {
already maySkip[y] ← TRUE;
proposed.pos.y ¬ widget.s.geometry.pos.y;
IF widget.s.geometry.borderWidth # dontUse THEN {
maySkip[b] ¬ TRUE;
proposed.borderWidth ¬ widget.s.geometry.borderWidth;
IF child = NIL OR (maySkip[w] AND maySkip[h] AND maySkip[b])
THEN RETURN [proposed]
g: Geometry ¬ XTkFriends.PreferredSizeLR[child, NIL, proposed, maySkip];
IF g.borderWidth<0 THEN g.borderWidth ¬ 0;
preferred.size.width ¬ SELECT TRUE FROM
widget.s.geometry.size.width>0 => widget.s.geometry.size.width,
g.size.width>0 => g.size.width + g.borderWidth*2,
ENDCASE => dontUse;
preferred.size.height ¬ SELECT TRUE FROM
widget.s.geometry.size.height>0 => widget.s.geometry.size.height,
g.size.height>0 => g.size.height + g.borderWidth*2,
ENDCASE => dontUse;
preferred.pos ¬ widget.s.geometry.pos;
preferred.borderWidth ¬ widget.s.geometry.borderWidth;
EnsureRootThread: PROC [inq: Xl.TQ] RETURNS [tq: Xl.TQ] = {
IF inq=NIL
tq ¬ Xl.CreateTQ[$root, XTk.rootLockingOrder, FALSE]
tq ¬ inq;
IF Xl.GetLockOrderNum[tq]<XTk.rootLockingOrder THEN ERROR;
InterOpShellCreateWindowLR: PROC [widget: Widget, shellIP: ShellInstPart] = {
connection: Xl.Connection ~ widget.connection;
gr: GeometryRec ¬ GetGeometry[connection, shellIP.parentWindow]; --crash if not a window...
IF widget.actual.pos.x<0 THEN widget.actual.pos.x ¬ 0;
IF widget.actual.pos.y<0 THEN widget.actual.pos.y ¬ 0;
IF widget.actual.borderWidth<0 THEN widget.actual.borderWidth ¬ 0;
IF widget.actual.size.width<=0 THEN
widget.actual.size.width ¬ MAX[gr.geometry.size.width - 2*widget.actual.borderWidth, 1];
IF widget.actual.size.height<=0 THEN
widget.actual.size.height ¬ MAX[gr.geometry.size.height - 2*widget.actual.borderWidth, 1];
--my own direct events
XTk.AddTemporaryMatch[widget, [proc: ShellEventLR, handles: shellRootEvents, tq: widget.rootTQ, data: widget], [structureNotify: TRUE]];
--my parents events: we need to know about resizing
AddDispatch[connection, shellIP.parentWindow, NEW[MatchRep ¬ [proc: ShellEventLR, handles: shellRootEvents, tq: widget.rootTQ, data: widget]], [structureNotify: TRUE]];
widget.window ¬ Xl.CreateWindow[c: connection, matchList: XTkFriends.CollectMatchesLR[widget], parent: shellIP.parentWindow, geometry: widget.actual, depth: widget.depth, attributes: widget.attributes];
ShellPropagateConfigureLR[widget, TRUE];
IF widget.actualMapping=mapped THEN {
Xl.MapWindow[connection, widget.window, XTkPrivate.detailsForFlushNoErrors];
skipPos: GeometryRequest ~ [TRUE, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE];
NormalShellCreateWindowLR: PROC [widget: Widget, shellIP: ShellInstPart] = {
g: Geometry; cheatWM: BOOL; goodSize, goodPos: BOOL ¬ TRUE;
connection: Xl.Connection ~ widget.connection;
hints: REF XTkShellWidgets.ICCCMHints ~ GetHints[widget];
IF shellIP.parentWindow=nullWindow THEN {
shellIP.parentWindow ¬ Xl.DefaultScreen[connection].root;
shellIP.wmProtocolsAtom ¬ Xl.MakeAtom[connection, "WM←PROTOCOLS"];
IF widget.s.geometry.borderWidth<0 THEN widget.s.geometry.borderWidth ¬ 0;
g ¬ XTkFriends.PreferredSizeLR[widget: widget, proposed: widget.s.geometry, maySkip: skipPos];--exceptional to query its own preference
IF g.size.width <= 0 THEN {g.size.width ¬ 40; goodSize ¬ FALSE};
IF g.size.height <= 0 THEN {g.size.width ¬ 20; goodSize ¬ FALSE};
IF g.borderWidth < 0 THEN {g.borderWidth ¬ 0};
widget.s.geometry.size ¬ g.size;
widget.s.geometry.borderWidth ¬ g.borderWidth;
IF goodSize THEN {
hints.wmNormalHints.obsoleteSz ¬ widget.s.geometry.size;
hints.wmNormalHints.clientSize ¬ TRUE;
hints.wmNormalHintsChanged ¬ TRUE;
cheatWM ¬ widget.attributes.overrideRedirect=illegal AND XlConventions.WMQueryPosition[connection];
IF cheatWM THEN widget.attributes.overrideRedirect ¬ true;
IF widget.s.geometry.pos.x = dontUse THEN {
widget.s.geometry.pos.x ¬ Random.ChooseInt[max: 500]; goodPos ¬ FALSE
IF widget.s.geometry.pos.y = dontUse THEN {
widget.s.geometry.pos.y ¬ Random.ChooseInt[max: 400]; goodPos ¬ FALSE
IF goodPos THEN {
hints.wmNormalHints.obsoletePos ¬ widget.s.geometry.pos;
hints.wmNormalHintsChanged ¬ TRUE;
XTk.AddTemporaryMatch[widget, [proc: ShellEventLR, handles: shellRootEvents, tq: widget.rootTQ, data: widget]];
XTk.AddTemporaryMatch[widget, [proc: OtherShellEvents, handles: shellOtherEvents, tq: Xl.CreateTQ[], data: widget]];
widget.actual ¬ widget.s.geometry;
widget.window ¬ Xl.CreateWindow[c: connection, matchList: XTkFriends.CollectMatchesLR[widget], parent: shellIP.parentWindow, geometry: widget.actual, depth: widget.depth, attributes: widget.attributes];
ShellPropagateConfigureLR[widget, TRUE]; --size will probably change later if window manager orders different size...
IF widget.actualMapping=mapped THEN {
Xl.MapWindow[connection, widget.window];
IF cheatWM THEN {
widget.attributes.overrideRedirect ¬ illegal;
Xl.ChangeWindowAttributes[connection, widget.window, [overrideRedirect: false]];
IF shellIP.childrenWithColorMap#NIL THEN TrackColorMap[widget, NIL];
ShellConfigureLR: ConfigureProc = {
--Note (except for creation):
-- Ordering new size with Configure is a rare event
-- Normally sizing has already happened by window manager!
existW: BOOL ¬ widget.actualMapping<unconfigured;
createW: BOOL ¬ mapping<unconfigured AND ~existW;
IF geometry.pos.x # dontUse THEN widget.actual.pos.x ¬ geometry.pos.x;
IF geometry.pos.y # dontUse THEN widget.actual.pos.y ¬ geometry.pos.y;
IF geometry.size.width # dontUse THEN
widget.actual.size.width ¬ geometry.size.width;
IF geometry.size.height # dontUse THEN
widget.actual.size.height ¬ geometry.size.height;
IF geometry.borderWidth # dontUse THEN
widget.actual.borderWidth ¬ geometry.borderWidth;
IF mapping # dontUse THEN widget.actualMapping ¬ mapping;
IF createW
shellIP: ShellInstPart ~ GetShellInstPart[widget];
shellIP.cachedWmAtom ¬ Xl.MakeAtom[widget.connection, "WM←TAKE𡤏OCUS"];
widget.actualMapping ¬ mapping;
IF shellIP.crazyShell
THEN InterOpShellCreateWindowLR[widget, shellIP]
ELSE NormalShellCreateWindowLR[widget, shellIP];
--order new size anyway
XTkFriends.SimpleConfigureOneLevelLR[widget: widget, geometry: geometry, mapping: mapping, reConsiderChildren: reConsiderChildren];
ShellPropagateConfigureLR[widget, reConsiderChildren];
XTkFriends.CallNotifiers[widget, $ShellPostReconfigure];
IF widget.fastAccessAllowed=ok THEN Xl.Flush[widget.connection];
ShellPropagateConfigureLR: PROC [widget: Widget, reConsiderChildren: BOOL] = {
child: Widget = ShellChild[widget];
IF child#NIL THEN {
g: Geometry ¬ [size: widget.actual.size, pos: [0, 0], borderWidth: BorderWidth[child]];
childMap: Mapping ¬ IF reConsiderChildren THEN child.s.mapping ELSE dontUse;
IF g.size.width<=0 THEN g.size.width ¬ 1;
IF g.size.height<=0 THEN g.size.height ¬ 1;
IF reConsiderChildren THEN XTk.SetWidgetFlag[widget, XTk.mustReConsiderChildren, FALSE];
XTkFriends.ConfigureLR[child, g, childMap, reConsiderChildren];
ShellInstPart: TYPE = REF ShellInstPartRec;
ShellInstPartRec: TYPE = RECORD [
child: XTk.Widget ¬ NIL,
originalRootTQ: Xl.TQ ¬ NIL,
connection: REF ¬ NIL,
parentWindow: Window ¬ Xl.nullWindow,
className: ATOM ¬ NIL,
iconName: ROPE ¬ NIL,
packageName: ROPE ¬ NIL,
shortName: ROPE ¬ NIL,
finallyUnmapped: BOOL ¬ FALSE,
crazyShell: BOOL ¬ FALSE, --interoperability thing: parentWindow # root
hints: REF XTkShellWidgets.ICCCMHints ¬ NIL,
--normal shells only
deletionProtocol: BOOL ¬ FALSE,
wmDeletionClosure: REF Closure ¬ NIL,
windowDiedClosure: REF Closure ¬ NIL,
connectionDiedClosure: REF Closure ¬ NIL,
focusGoal: REF ¬ NIL,
focusTime: TimeStamp ¬ [0],
dontQueryGeometry: BOOL ¬ FALSE,
childrenWithColorMap: LIST OF Widget ¬ NIL,
wmProtocolsAtom: XAtom ¬ [0], --speed up !
connectionWatcherMatch: Xl.Match ¬ NIL,
cachedWmAtom: XAtom ¬ [0]
IsARoot: PROC [connection: Connection, window: Window] RETURNS [BOOL¬FALSE] = {
FOR i: INT IN [0..ScreenCount[connection]) DO
IF NthScreen[connection, i].root=window THEN RETURN [TRUE];
ShellInitInstPart: InitInstancePartProc = {
shellIP: ShellInstPart ~ NEW[ShellInstPartRec];
XTkFriends.AssignInstPart[widget, shellClass, shellIP];
IF widget.parent#NIL THEN ERROR;
Closure: TYPE = RECORD [proc: XTk.WidgetNotifyProc, registerData: REF ¬ NIL]; --use a ref to gain atomicity
RegisterCallConnectionDied: PUBLIC PROC [shell: ShellWidget, proc: WidgetNotifyProc, registerData: REF ¬ NIL] = {
shellIP: ShellInstPart ~ GetShellInstPart[shell];
closure: REF Closure ~ IF proc#NIL THEN NEW[Closure ¬ [proc, registerData]] ELSE NIL;
shellIP.connectionDiedClosure ¬ closure;
RegisterCallWindowDied: PUBLIC PROC [shell: ShellWidget, proc: WidgetNotifyProc, registerData: REF ¬ NIL] = {
shellIP: ShellInstPart ~ GetShellInstPart[shell];
closure: REF Closure ~ IF proc#NIL THEN NEW[Closure ¬ [proc, registerData]] ELSE NIL;
shellIP.windowDiedClosure ¬ closure;
RegisterCallWMDeleteWindow: PUBLIC PROC [shell: ShellWidget, proc: XTk.WidgetNotifyProc, registerData: REF ¬ NIL] = {
shellIP: ShellInstPart ~ GetShellInstPart[shell];
closure: REF Closure ~ IF proc#NIL THEN NEW[Closure ¬ [proc, registerData]] ELSE NIL;
shellIP.wmDeletionClosure ¬ closure;
GetHints: PUBLIC PROC [shell: ShellWidget] RETURNS [REF XTkShellWidgets.ICCCMHints] = {
shellIP: ShellInstPart ~ GetShellInstPart[shell];
IF shellIP.hints=NIL THEN {
shellIP.hints ¬ NEW[XTkShellWidgets.ICCCMHints];
shellIP.hints.wmHints.initialState ¬ 1;
RETURN [shellIP.hints];
UpdateHints: PUBLIC PROC [shell: ShellWidget] = {
shellIP: ShellInstPart ~ GetShellInstPart[shell];
action: PROC = {ProtectedUpdateHints[shell]};
IF shell.fastAccessAllowed#ok THEN RETURN;
Xl.CallWithLock[shellIP.originalRootTQ, action];
ProtectedUpdateHints: PROC [shell: ShellWidget] = {
c: Xl.Connection ¬ shell.connection;
shellIP: ShellInstPart ~ GetShellInstPart[shell];
h: REF XTkShellWidgets.ICCCMHints ~ GetHints[shell];
IF c=NIL OR h=NIL OR shell.fastAccessAllowed#ok THEN RETURN;
IF h.wmHintsChanged THEN {
h.wmHintsChanged ¬ FALSE;
h.wmHints.windowGroup ¬ ToWindow[h.windowGroup];
XlConventions.SetWMHints[c, shell.window, h­.wmHints];
IF h.wmNormalHintsChanged THEN {
h.wmNormalHintsChanged ¬ FALSE;
XlConventions.SetWMNormalHints[c, shell.window, h­.wmNormalHints];
IF h.iconNameChanged THEN {
h.iconNameChanged ¬ FALSE;
XlConventions.SetIconName[c, shell.window, h.iconName];
IF h.windowHeaderChanged THEN {
h.windowHeaderChanged ¬ FALSE;
XlConventions.SetWindowName[c, shell.window, h.windowHeader];
IF h.wmClassChanged THEN {
h.wmClassChanged ¬ FALSE;
XlConventions.SetWMClass[c, shell.window, h.wmClassClass, h.wmClassInstance];
IF h.transientForChanged THEN {
h.transientForChanged ¬ FALSE;
XlConventions.SetWMTransient[c, shell.window, ToWindow[h.transientFor]];
IF h.protocolsChanged THEN {
h.protocolsChanged ¬ FALSE;
XlConventions.SetWMProtocols[c, shell.window, h.protocols];
Xl.Flush[c, TRUE];
ForgetHints: PROC [h: REF XTkShellWidgets.ICCCMHints] = {
h.wmHints.windowGroup ¬ Xl.nullWindow;
h.wmHints.iconMask ¬ Xl.nullPixmap;
h.wmHints.iconPixmap ¬ Xl.nullPixmap;
h.wmHints.iconWindow ¬ Xl.nullWindow;
h.wmHintsChanged ¬ h.wmHints#[];
h.wmNormalHintsChanged ¬ h.wmNormalHints#[];
h.windowHeaderChanged ¬ h.windowHeader#NIL;
h.iconNameChanged ¬ h.iconName#NIL;
h.transientForChanged ¬ h.transientFor#NIL;
h.wmClassChanged ¬ h.wmClassInstance#NIL OR h.wmClassClass#NIL;
h.protocolsChanged ¬ h.protocols#NIL;
CreateShell: PUBLIC PROC [widgetSpec: WidgetSpec, child: Widget ¬ NIL, windowHeader: ROPE ¬ NIL, iconName: ROPE ¬ NIL, className: ATOM ¬ NIL, packageName: ROPE ¬ NIL, shortName: ROPE ¬ NIL, rootTQ: TQ ¬ NIL, dontQueryGeometry: BOOL ¬ FALSE, deletionProtocol: BOOL ¬ TRUE, focusProtocol: BOOL ¬ TRUE, standardMigration: BOOL ¬ TRUE] RETURNS [widget: Widget] = {
widget ¬ XTk.CreateWidget[widgetSpec, shellClass];
rootTQ ¬ EnsureRootThread[rootTQ];
shellIP: ShellInstPart ~ GetShellInstPart[widget];
shellIP.originalRootTQ ¬ rootTQ;
shellIP.crazyShell ¬ FALSE;
shellIP.dontQueryGeometry ¬ dontQueryGeometry;
shellIP.className ¬ (IF className#NIL THEN className ELSE $Shell);
shellIP.deletionProtocol ¬ deletionProtocol;
shellIP.packageName ¬ packageName;
IF widgetSpec.instName=NIL
IF ~Rope.IsEmpty[shortName] THEN widgetSpec.instName ← Atom.MakeAtom[shortName];
IF Rope.IsEmpty[shortName] THEN shortName ← Atom.GetPName[widgetSpec.instName];
shellIP.shortName ¬ shortName;
shellIP.iconName ¬ iconName;
hints: REF XTkShellWidgets.ICCCMHints ¬ GetHints[widget];
IF windowHeader#NIL THEN {
hints.windowHeader ¬ windowHeader;
hints.windowHeaderChanged ¬ TRUE;
IF iconName#NIL THEN {
hints.iconName ¬ iconName;
hints.iconNameChanged ¬ TRUE;
IF className#NIL AND hints.wmClassClass=NIL THEN {
hints.wmClassClass ¬ Atom.GetPName[className];
hints.wmClassChanged ¬ TRUE;
IF focusProtocol THEN SetFocusMethod[shell: widget, focusProtocol: true];
IF deletionProtocol THEN {
hints.protocols ¬ AddRope["WM�LETE←WINDOW", hints.protocols];
hints.protocolsChanged ¬ TRUE;
AddChildLR[shell: widget, newChild: child];
IF standardMigration THEN
XTkMigration.RegisterMigrator[widget, XTkMigration.StandardMigrator];
ApplicationClassName: PUBLIC PROC [shell: ShellWidget] RETURNS [className: ATOM] = {
shellIP: ShellInstPart ~ GetShellInstPart[shell];
RETURN [shellIP.className]
BindScreenShell: PUBLIC PROC [shell: ShellWidget, connection: REF ¬ NIL, parentWindow: Xl.Window ¬ Xl.nullWindow] = {
MyCreateConnection: PROC [r: Rope.ROPE ¬ NIL, atom: ATOM ¬ NIL] = {
c ¬ Xl.CreateConnection[server: r, applicationKey: atom];
refCountObject ¬ NIL;
mustDecrementRefCount ¬ TRUE;
refCountObject: REF ¬ NIL;
mustDecrementRefCount: BOOL ¬ FALSE;
c: Xl.Connection;
screenDepth: Xl.ScreenDepth;
shellIP: ShellInstPart ~ GetShellInstPart[shell];
IF shellIP.connection#NIL THEN ERROR; --already bound
shell.connection ¬ NIL;
IF connection=NIL THEN {
--This is a convention by which the environment gets a chance to fill in the connection, or, make a readable error message.
XTkNotification.CallAll[$GetShellConnection, shell, shellIP.className];
c ¬ shellIP.connection ¬ shell.connection;
--The created connection has a ref count increased which needs to be undone
IF Xl.Alive[c] THEN {
refCountObject ¬ shell;
mustDecrementRefCount ¬ TRUE;
IF ~Xl.Alive[c] THEN {
IF connection=NIL
THEN MyCreateConnection[]
a: ATOM => MyCreateConnection[NIL, a];
r: Rope.ROPE => MyCreateConnection[r];
rt: REF READONLY TEXT => MyCreateConnection[Rope.FromRefText[rt]];
xc: Xl.Connection => c ¬ xc;
IF ~Xl.Alive[c] THEN {
err: REF Xl.EventRep.errorNotify ~ NEW[Xl.EventRep.errorNotify];
err.connection ¬ c;
err.errorKind ¬ requestFromDeadConnection;
err.explanation ¬ "XTk.BindScreenShell using dead connection";
ERROR Xl.XError[err];
shell.connection ¬ shellIP.connection ¬ c;
shellIP.parentWindow ¬ parentWindow;
screenDepth ¬ Xl.QueryScreenDepth[c, shellIP.parentWindow];
IF parentWindow=Xl.nullWindow THEN {
Try to select a more favorable screenDepth
screen: Xl.Screen ¬ screenDepth.screen;
IF screenDepth.depth#1 AND screenDepth.depth#8 THEN {
FOR sdl: Xl.ScreenDepthL ¬ screen.screenDepthL, sdl.rest WHILE sdl#NIL DO
IF sdl.first.screen=screen AND sdl.first.nVisualTypes>0 THEN {
IF sdl.first.depth=1 OR sdl.first.depth=8 THEN {
screenDepth ¬ sdl.first
XTkFriends.BindScreenLR[widget: shell, rootTQ: shellIP.originalRootTQ, screen: screenDepth.screen, screenDepth: screenDepth];
IF mustDecrementRefCount THEN Xl.DecRefCount[c, refCountObject];
ShellBindScreenLX: XTk.BindScreenProc = {
shellIP: ShellInstPart ~ GetShellInstPart[widget];
shellIP.connectionWatcherMatch ¬ NEW[Xl.MatchRep ¬ [proc: ConnectionDiedHandler, handles: connectionDeadSet, tq: rootTQ, data: widget]];
XlDispatch.AddMatch[screen.connection, Xl.nullWindow, shellIP.connectionWatcherMatch, Xl.unspecifiedEvents, XTkPrivate.detailsForNoErrors];
Xl.IncRefCount[screen.connection, widget];
IF ~shellIP.dontQueryGeometry THEN {
g: Xl.Geometry ¬ XTkDB.GetGeometryFromDB[widget];
IF g.size.width>0 THEN widget.s.geometry.size.width ¬ g.size.width;
IF g.size.height>0 THEN widget.s.geometry.size.height ¬ g.size.height;
IF g.pos.x>=0 THEN widget.s.geometry.pos.x ¬ g.pos.x;
IF g.pos.y>=0 THEN widget.s.geometry.pos.y ¬ g.pos.y;
IF g.borderWidth>=0 THEN widget.s.geometry.borderWidth ¬ g.borderWidth;
IF g.size.width>0 AND g.size.height>0 THEN {
h: REF XTkShellWidgets.ICCCMHints ~ GetHints[widget];
h.wmNormalHints.userSize ¬ h.wmNormalHints.clientSize ¬ TRUE;
h.wmNormalHintsChanged ¬ TRUE;
IF g.pos.y>=0 AND g.pos.x>=0 THEN {
h: REF XTkShellWidgets.ICCCMHints ~ GetHints[widget];
h.wmNormalHints.userPos ¬ h.wmNormalHints.clientPos ¬ TRUE;
h.wmNormalHintsChanged ¬ TRUE;
ForgetScreenShell: PUBLIC PROC [shell: ShellWidget] = {
shellIP: ShellInstPart ~ GetShellInstPart[shell];
action: PROC = {
shellIP.connection ¬ NIL;
Xl.CallWithLock[shellIP.originalRootTQ, action];
RefCountData: TYPE = RECORD [c: Xl.Connection, object: REF];
ShellForgetScreenLR: XTk.TerminateProc = {
c: Xl.Connection ¬ widget.connection;
shellIP: ShellInstPart ~ GetShellInstPart[widget];
IF Xl.Alive[c] THEN {
rcd: REF RefCountData ~ NEW[RefCountData ¬ [c, widget]]; --Save the connection-object pair as the original widget.connection might change before QueuedDecrementRefCount is done.
wm: Xl.Match ¬ shellIP.connectionWatcherMatch;
XlDispatch.RemoveMatch[c, Xl.nullWindow, wm, XTkPrivate.detailsForNoErrors];
shellIP.connectionWatcherMatch ¬ NIL;
--enqueued to be last thing on rootTQ, and, connection stays alive for our continuation (e.g. super classes TerminateProc).
Xl.Enqueue[tq: widget.rootTQ, proc: QueuedDecrementRefCount, data: rcd];
QueuedDecrementRefCount<<old rootTQ>>: Xl.EventProcType = {
rcd: REF RefCountData ¬ NARROW[clientData];
Xl.DecRefCount[rcd.c, rcd.object];
CreateInteroperabilityShell: PUBLIC PROC [widgetSpec: WidgetSpec ¬ [], child: Widget ¬ NIL, className: ATOM ¬ NIL, rootTQ: TQ ¬ NIL] RETURNS [widget: Widget] = {
widget ¬ XTk.CreateWidget[widgetSpec, shellClass];
rootTQ ¬ EnsureRootThread[rootTQ];
shellIP: ShellInstPart ~ GetShellInstPart[widget];
shellIP.crazyShell ¬ TRUE;
shellIP.originalRootTQ ¬ rootTQ;
shellIP.dontQueryGeometry ¬ TRUE;
shellIP.className ¬ (IF className#NIL THEN className ELSE $InterOpShell);
AddChildLR[shell: widget, newChild: child];
BindInteroperabilityShell: PUBLIC PROC [shell: ShellWidget, connection: Xl.Connection, foreignParent: Xl.Window] = {
BindScreenShell[shell, connection, foreignParent];
SetShellChild: PUBLIC PROC [shell: ShellWidget, child: Widget] = {
action: PROC = {
IF child.s.mapping=dontUse THEN child.s.mapping ¬ mapped;
AddChildLR[shell: shell, newChild: child]
shellIP: ShellInstPart ~ GetShellInstPart[shell];
Xl.CallWithLock[shellIP.originalRootTQ, action];
ConfigureRec: TYPE = RECORD [widget: Widget, geometry: Xl.Geometry, mapping: Mapping, reConsiderChildren: BOOL];
ForkRealizeShell: PUBLIC PROC [shell: ShellWidget, geometry: Xl.Geometry, mapping: Mapping, reConsiderChildren: BOOL] = {
shellIP: ShellInstPart ~ GetShellInstPart[shell];
cr: REF ConfigureRec ¬ NEW[ConfigureRec ¬ [shell, geometry, mapping, reConsiderChildren]];
Xl.Enqueue[shellIP.originalRootTQ, ForkedRealizeShell, cr];
ForkedRealizeShell<<rootTQ>>: Xl.EventProcType = {
cr: REF ConfigureRec ¬ NARROW[clientData];
ReallyRealizeShellLR[cr.widget, cr.geometry, cr.mapping, cr.reConsiderChildren];
RealizeShell: PUBLIC PROC [shell: ShellWidget, geometry: Xl.Geometry, mapping: Mapping, reConsiderChildren: BOOL] = {
shellIP: ShellInstPart ~ GetShellInstPart[shell];
action: PROC = {ReallyRealizeShellLR[shell, geometry, mapping, reConsiderChildren]};
Xl.CallWithLock[shellIP.originalRootTQ, action];
ReallyRealizeShellLR: PROC [shell: ShellWidget, geometry: Xl.Geometry, mapping: Mapping, reConsiderChildren: BOOL] = {
shellIP: ShellInstPart ~ GetShellInstPart[shell];
IF mapping=dontUse THEN {
IF shell.actualMapping>=dontUse THEN mapping ¬ mapped
IF shell.state>screened THEN BindScreenShell[shell];
XTkIcon.SetIconName[shell, TRUE, shellIP.iconName];
XTkIcon.SetIconMask[shell, TRUE, shellIP.packageName, shellIP.shortName];
XTkFriends.ConfigureLR[shell, geometry, mapping, reConsiderChildren];
c: Xl.Connection ¬ shell.connection;
IF Xl.Alive[c] THEN Xl.Flush[c, TRUE];
DestroyShell: PUBLIC PROC [shell: ShellWidget] = {
shellIP: ShellInstPart ~ GetShellInstPart[shell];
action: PROC = {XTkFriends.DestroyWidgetLR[shell]};
Xl.CallWithLock[shellIP.originalRootTQ, action];
ShellPreStopFastAccess: TerminateProc = {
shellIP: ShellInstPart ~ GetShellInstPart[widget];
shellIP.focusTime ¬ [0];
IF ~shellIP.finallyUnmapped AND widget.window#nullWindow THEN {
shellIP.finallyUnmapped ¬ TRUE;
IF reason=normal AND Xl.Alive[widget.connection] THEN Xl.UnmapWindow[widget.connection, widget.window, XTkPrivate.detailsForFlushSoonNoErrors];
WITH shellIP.focusGoal SELECT FROM
w: XTk.Widget => {};
ENDCASE => shellIP.focusGoal ¬ NIL;
GetShellInstPart: PROC [w: Widget] RETURNS [ShellInstPart] = INLINE {
RETURN [ NARROW[XTkFriends.InstPart[w, shellClass]] ];
EntryTrackCM: ENTRY PROC [shell: ShellWidget, shellIP: ShellInstPart, w: Widget] = {
cnt: INT ¬ 1;
lag: LIST OF Widget ¬ shellIP.childrenWithColorMap;
lag ¬ CONS[w, lag];
--prevent duplications
FOR l: LIST OF Widget ¬ lag, lag.rest WHILE l#NIL DO
IF l.first=w THEN RETURN;
WHILE lag#NIL AND lag.first.state>=dead DO
lag ¬ lag.rest;
shellIP.childrenWithColorMap ¬ lag;
IF lag.rest=NIL THEN EXIT;
IF lag.rest.first.state>=dead
THEN lag.rest ¬ lag.rest.rest
ELSE {lag ¬ lag.rest; cnt ¬ cnt+1}
IF shell.fastAccessAllowed=ok THEN {
d: REF Xl.Card32Sequence ¬ MakeColorMapData[shellIP, cnt];
PutTheColorMapProp[shell, d ! Xl.XError => CONTINUE];
buffer ¬ d;
buffer: REF Xl.Card32Sequence ¬ NIL;
MakeColorMapData: INTERNAL PROC [shellIP: ShellInstPart, cnt: INT] RETURNS [d: REF Xl.Card32Sequence ¬ NIL] = {
IF cnt>0 THEN {
lw: LIST OF Widget ¬ shellIP.childrenWithColorMap;
IF buffer#NIL AND buffer.leng>=cnt
THEN {d ¬ buffer; buffer ¬ NIL}
ELSE d ¬ NEW[Card32Sequence[cnt]];
FOR i: INT IN [0..cnt) DO
THEN {d[i] ¬ lw.first.window; lw ¬ lw.rest}
ELSE d[i] ¬ Xl.nullWindow;
PutTheColorMapProp: PROC [shell: ShellWidget, value: REF Xl.Card32Sequence] = {
IF value#NIL THEN {
propertyKey: XAtom ¬ Xl.MakeAtom[shell.connection, "WM𡤌OLORMAP←WINDOWS"];
Xl.ChangeProperty[shell.connection, shell.window, propertyKey, XlPredefinedAtoms.window, replace, value];
TrackColorMap: PUBLIC PROC [shell: ShellWidget, w: Widget] = {
IF shell=NIL THEN shell ¬ XTk.RootWidget[w];
IF shell#NIL AND shell.fastAccessAllowed=ok THEN {
shellIP: ShellInstPart ~ GetShellInstPart[shell];
IF shellIP.crazyShell THEN RETURN; --don't know how...
EntryTrackCM[shell, shellIP, w];
ShellClassName: ClassNameProc = {
shellIP: ShellInstPart ~ GetShellInstPart[widget];
RETURN [shellIP.className];
AddRope: PROC [r: Rope.ROPE, list: LIST OF Rope.ROPE] RETURNS [LIST OF Rope.ROPE] = {
IF ~RopeList.Memb[list, r] THEN list ¬ CONS[r, list];
RETURN [list]
SetFocusMethod: PUBLIC PROC [shell: ShellWidget, focusProtocol, inputHint: Xl.BOOL3 ¬ illegal] = {
h: REF XTkShellWidgets.ICCCMHints ¬ GetHints[shell];
IF focusProtocol#illegal THEN {
wmTakeFocus: Rope.ROPE ¬ "WM←TAKE𡤏OCUS";
SELECT focusProtocol FROM
true => {
h.protocols ¬ AddRope[wmTakeFocus, h.protocols];
h.protocolsChanged ¬ TRUE
false => {
h.protocols ¬ RopeList.DRemove[h.protocols, wmTakeFocus];
h.protocolsChanged ¬ TRUE
ENDCASE => {};
IF inputHint#illegal THEN {
true => {h.wmHints.input ¬ 1; h.wmHintsChanged ¬ TRUE};
false => {h.wmHints.input ¬ 0; h.wmHintsChanged ¬ TRUE};
ENDCASE => {};
SetFocusTarget: PUBLIC PROC [shell: ShellWidget, child: REF, time: Xl.TimeStamp] = {
shellIP: ShellInstPart ~ GetShellInstPart[shell];
IF ValidTime[shellIP.focusTime, time] THEN shellIP.focusGoal ¬ child
ValidTime: PROC [lastTime, eventTime: Xl.TimeStamp] RETURNS [BOOL] = {
Xl.Period[from: lastTime, to: eventTime]>=0
OR eventTime=Xl.currentTime OR lastTime=Xl.currentTime
OR --this is it! We want to prevent invalid times. But we want to survive if a crazy server did not get an event for LAST[TimeStamp]/2. So we assume a 2 minutes is the maximum delay which invalid times could be caused due to unsynchronized nonsense
Xl.Period[from: eventTime, to: lastTime]>120000 ]
SetFocus: PUBLIC PROC [shell: ShellWidget, time: Xl.TimeStamp, child: REF] = {
w: Window;
shellIP: ShellInstPart ~ GetShellInstPart[shell];
IF ValidTime[shellIP.focusTime, time] THEN {
IF child=NIL THEN child ¬ shellIP.focusGoal ELSE shellIP.focusGoal ¬ child;
w ¬ ToWindow[child];
IF w#Xl.nullWindow THEN {
shellIP.focusTime ¬ time;
IF shell.fastAccessAllowed=ok THEN
Xl.SetInputFocus[shell.connection, w, parent, time, XTkPrivate.detailsForFlushNoErrors];
FocusTime: PUBLIC PROC [shell: ShellWidget] RETURNS [Xl.TimeStamp] = {
shellIP: ShellInstPart ~ GetShellInstPart[shell];
RETURN [shellIP.focusTime];
Might consider caching iconic/open state to suppress unnecessary operation. However, then we would need to keep atomically track of state. I'm not against it, but I'm not yet sure whether it is worth the effort.
Iconify: PUBLIC PROC [shell: ShellWidget] = {
--Forget about such things as using rootTQ. We never know iconic state atomically anyway since interactive actions of user through window manager are not synchronized.
IF shell.state>=dead THEN RETURN;
shell.s.mapping ¬ mapped;
SetIconicHint[shell, TRUE]; --irrelevant if open or iconic, useful if was withdrawn...
IF shell.state=realized AND shell.fastAccessAllowed=ok THEN {
root: Xl.Window ¬ shell.screenDepth.screen.root;
atom: Xl.XAtom ¬ Xl.MakeAtom[shell.connection, "WM𡤌HANGE←STATE"];
Xl.SendClientMessage32[c: shell.connection, destination: root, propagate: FALSE,
eventMask: [substructureRedirect: TRUE, substructureNotify: TRUE],
window: shell.window,
type: atom,
data: [3, 0, 0, 0, 0],
details: XTkPrivate.detailsForFlushSoonNoErrors
--ELSE wont open and iconify shell; just make sure shell will be iconic on realization
OpenIcon: PUBLIC PROC [shell: ShellWidget] = {
--Forget about such things as using rootTQ. We never know iconic state atomically anyway since interactive actions of user through window manager are not synchronized.
IF shell.state>=dead THEN RETURN;
SetIconicHint[shell, FALSE]; --irrelevant if iconic or opened; useful if withdrawn...
shell.s.mapping ¬ mapped;
IF shell.state=realized AND shell.fastAccessAllowed=ok THEN {
Xl.MapWindow[shell.connection, shell.window, XTkPrivate.detailsForFlushNoErrors];
--ELSE wont realize shell; just make sure shell will be opened on realization
WithDraw: PUBLIC PROC [shell: ShellWidget] = {
--Forget about such things as using rootTQ. We never know iconic state atomically anyway since interactive actions of user through window manager are not synchronized.
IF shell.state>=dead THEN RETURN;
shell.s.mapping ¬ unmapped;
IF shell.state=realized AND shell.fastAccessAllowed=ok THEN {
root: Xl.Window ¬ shell.screenDepth.screen.root;
eb: Xl.EventRep.unmapNotify;
eb.eventWindow ¬ root;
eb.window ¬ shell.window;
eb.fromConfigure ¬ FALSE;
Xl.UnmapWindow[shell.connection, shell.window];
Xl.SendEvent[c: shell.connection, destination: root, propagate: FALSE, eventMask: [substructureRedirect: TRUE, substructureNotify: TRUE], eventBody: eb, details: XTkPrivate.detailsForFlushSoonNoErrors];
--ELSE shell stays withdrawn; however OpenIcon and Iconify will be delayed until realization.
SetIconicHint: PROC [shell: ShellWidget, iconic: BOOL] = {
shellIP: ShellInstPart ~ GetShellInstPart[shell];
h: REF XTkShellWidgets.ICCCMHints ¬ GetHints[shell];
h.wmHints.initialState ¬ IF iconic THEN 3 ELSE 1;
h.wmHintsChanged ¬ TRUE;
SetHeader: PUBLIC PROC [shell: ShellWidget, header: ROPE] = {
h: REF XTkShellWidgets.ICCCMHints ¬ GetHints[shell];
h.windowHeader ¬ header;
h.windowHeaderChanged ¬ TRUE;
SetIconName: PUBLIC PROC [shell: ShellWidget, header: ROPE] = {
h: REF XTkShellWidgets.ICCCMHints ¬ GetHints[shell];
h.iconNameChanged ¬ TRUE;