PROC [tokenMode:
RETURNS [lines, words, characters:
INT ¬ 0] ~ {
[lines, words, characters] ¬ WordCount.CountRope[ViewerTools.GetSelectionContents[], tokenMode];
Button: Buttons.ButtonProc ~ {
PROC [parent: Viewer, clientData: REF ANY ← NIL,
mouseButton: MouseButton ← red, shift, control: BOOL ← FALSE];
selection: BOOL ¬ mouseButton IN [red..yellow];
tokenMode: BOOL ¬ shift;
msg: ROPE ¬ NIL;
lines, words, characters: INT ¬ 0;
[lines, words, characters] ¬
IF selection
THEN CountSelection[tokenMode]
ELSE WordCount.CountRope[NARROW[ViewerOps.GetViewer[ViewerTools.GetSelectedViewer[]]], tokenMode];
msg ¬ IO.PutFR1["%g: ", [rope[IF selection THEN "Selection" ELSE "Viewer"]]];
msg ¬ Rope.Cat[msg, "lines: ", Convert.RopeFromInt[from: lines, showRadix: FALSE]];
msg ¬ Rope.Cat[msg, ", words: ", Convert.RopeFromInt[from: words, showRadix: FALSE]];
msg ¬ Rope.Cat[msg, ", chars: ", Convert.RopeFromInt[from: characters, showRadix: FALSE]];
msg ¬ Rope.Concat[msg, IO.PutFR1[" (%g mode)", [rope[IF tokenMode THEN "token" ELSE "white-space"]]]];
MessageWindow.Append[message: msg, clearFirst: TRUE];
CreateWCButton: Commander.CommandProc ~ {
[] ¬ Buttons.Create[
info: [name: "WC", parent: NIL],
proc: WCButton,
documentation: "Counts the lines, words, and chars in the current selection (or viewer)."];
Commander.Register[key: "WordCountButton", proc: CreateWCButton, doc: "Creates a WC (Word Count) button in the top button space."];