DIRECTORY Ascii USING [Lower], Atom USING [MakeAtomFromRefText, GetPName], IO, LoganBerry, LoganBerryEntry, RefTab USING [Ref, Val, Create, Delete, Fetch, Store], RefText USING [line, InlineAppendChar], Rope, WalnutDefs USING [dontCareDomainVersion, dontCareMsgSetVersion, Error, MsgSet, VersionMismatch, WalnutOpsHandle], WalnutDB, WalnutRegistry USING [MsgGroup, MsgGroupSize], WalnutRegistryPrivate USING [ CheckForMsgGroupRegistration, NotifyForEvent, NotifyForMove, NotifyForMsgEvent, NotifyForMsgGroup], WalnutRoot USING [CommitAndContinue, RootHandle], WalnutSchema; WalnutDBMsgSetsImpl: CEDAR PROGRAM IMPORTS Ascii, Atom, IO, LoganBerry, LoganBerryEntry, RefTab, RefText, Rope, WalnutDefs, WalnutDB, WalnutRegistryPrivate, WalnutRoot EXPORTS WalnutDB, WalnutDefs = BEGIN OPEN WalnutDB, WalnutSchema; ROPE: TYPE = Rope.ROPE; Relship: TYPE = LoganBerry.Entry; WalnutOpsHandle: TYPE = WalnutDefs.WalnutOpsHandle; RootHandle: TYPE = WalnutRoot.RootHandle; SchemaHandle: TYPE = WalnutSchema.SchemaHandle; SchemaHandleRec: PUBLIC TYPE = WalnutSchema.SchemaHandleRec; MsgSet: TYPE = WalnutDefs.MsgSet; dontCareDomainVersion: INT = WalnutDefs.dontCareDomainVersion; dontCareMsgSetVersion: INT = WalnutDefs.dontCareMsgSetVersion; CheckReportProc: TYPE = WalnutDB.CheckReportProc; Value: TYPE = LoganBerry.AttributeValue; DBMinusOneInt: Value ¬ LoganBerryEntry.I2V[-1]; DBZeroInt: Value ¬ LoganBerryEntry.I2V[0]; DBTrueBool: Value ¬ LoganBerryEntry.B2V[TRUE]; DBFalseBool: Value ¬ LoganBerryEntry.B2V[FALSE]; nullValue: Value = NIL; ActiveMsgSetName: ROPE = "Active"; DeletedMsgSetName: ROPE = "Deleted"; timeToDelete: CARD16 ¬ 40; IsEntity: TYPE = RECORD [entity: LoganBerry.Entry, exists: BOOL]; MSInfo: TYPE = REF MSInfoObject; MSInfoObject: TYPE = RECORD [canonicalName: ROPE, entity: ROPE, versionRel: Relship]; nameText: REF TEXT = NEW[TEXT[RefText.line]]; LazyEnumerator: TYPE = REF LazyEnumeratorRec; LazyEnumeratorRec: PUBLIC TYPE = RECORD[ opsH: WalnutOpsHandle, msgSet: MsgSet, pos: INT, set: LoganBerry.Cursor, valid: BOOL, checkShow: BOOL ]; MsgSetExists: PUBLIC PROC[opsH: WalnutOpsHandle, name: ROPE, msDomainVersion: INT] RETURNS[existed: BOOL, msVersion: INT] = { msI: MSInfo; CheckDomainVersion[opsH, msDomainVersion]; [msI, msVersion] ¬ GetMsgSetAndVersion[opsH, name]; existed ¬ msI # NIL; }; CreateMsgSet: PUBLIC PROC[opsH: WalnutOpsHandle, name: ROPE, msDomainVersion: INT] RETURNS [existed: BOOL, msVersion: INT] = { msI: MSInfo; mse: ROPE; cName: ROPE; aName: ATOM; sH: SchemaHandle = opsH.schemaHandle; CheckDomainVersion[opsH, msDomainVersion]; [msI, msVersion] ¬ GetMsgSetAndVersion[opsH, name]; IF existed ¬ (msI # NIL) THEN RETURN; cName ¬ Atom.GetPName[aName ¬ CanonicalName[name]]; mse ¬ cName; msI ¬ NEW[MSInfoObject ¬ [canonicalName: cName, entity: mse, versionRel: NIL] ]; msI.versionRel ¬ LIST [ [$Key, Rope.Concat[sH.msBasicInfo, mse]], [sH.msPrintNameIs, name], [sH.msBICount, "0"], [sH.msBIVersion, "1"] ]; LoganBerry.WriteEntry[db: opsH.db, entry: msI.versionRel]; ChangeGlobalMsgSetInfo[opsH, 1]; [] ¬ RefTab.Store[sH.msgSetsTable, aName, msI]; }; NumInMsgSet: PUBLIC PROC[opsH: WalnutOpsHandle, name: ROPE] RETURNS[num: INT, msVersion: INT] = { sH: WalnutSchema.SchemaHandle = opsH.schemaHandle; msI: MSInfo; CountOne: PROC[msg, tocEntry: ROPE, hasBeenRead: BOOL, startOfSubject: INT] RETURNS[continue: BOOL¬TRUE] ~ { num ¬ num+1; }; num ¬ 0; [msI, msVersion] ¬ GetMsgSetAndVersion[opsH, name]; IF msI # NIL THEN []¬EnumerateMsgsInSet[opsH, name, TRUE, CountOne]; }; EmptyMsgSet: PUBLIC PROC[opsH: WalnutOpsHandle, msgSet: MsgSet, report: CheckReportProc] RETURNS[someInDeleted: BOOL ¬ FALSE] = { sH: WalnutSchema.SchemaHandle = opsH.schemaHandle; numIn: INT; msI: MSInfo; IF WalnutDB.EqMsgSets[, DeletedMsgSetName] THEN { WalnutDB.SetOpInProgressPos[opsH, -1]; ERROR WalnutDefs.Error[$db, $InvalidOperation, "Can't empty the Deleted MsgSet"]; }; msI ¬ CheckMsgSetEntity[opsH, msgSet]; IF msI = NIL THEN RETURN; numIn ¬ LoganBerryEntry.V2I[LoganBerryEntry.GetAttr[msI.versionRel, sH.msBICount]]; someInDeleted ¬ EmptyThisMsgSet[opsH, msI.entity,, report]; IF numIn # 0 THEN WalnutDB.ChangeCountInMsgSet[opsH, msI.entity, -numIn]; }; DestroyMsgSet: PUBLIC PROC[opsH: WalnutOpsHandle, msgSet: MsgSet, msDomainVersion: INT, report: CheckReportProc] RETURNS[someInDeleted: BOOL ¬ FALSE] = { msI: MSInfo; sH: SchemaHandle = opsH.schemaHandle; IF WalnutDB.EqMsgSets[, DeletedMsgSetName] THEN { WalnutDB.SetOpInProgressPos[opsH, -1]; ERROR WalnutDefs.Error[$db, $InvalidOperation, "Can't destroy the Deleted MsgSet"]; }; CheckDomainVersion[opsH, msDomainVersion]; msI ¬ CheckMsgSetEntity[opsH, msgSet]; IF msI = NIL THEN RETURN; someInDeleted ¬ EmptyThisMsgSet[opsH, msI.entity,, report]; LoganBerry.DeleteEntry[db: opsH.db, key: $Key, value: Rope.Concat[sH.msBasicInfo, msI.entity]]; msI.versionRel ¬ NIL; ChangeGlobalMsgSetInfo[opsH, -1]; }; VerifyMsgSet: PUBLIC PROC[opsH: WalnutOpsHandle, msgSet: MsgSet] RETURNS[exists: BOOL] = { msI: MSInfo ¬ CheckMsgSetEntity[opsH, msgSet]; exists ¬ msI # NIL; }; VerifyDomainVersion: PUBLIC PROC[opsH: WalnutOpsHandle, msDomainVersion: INT] = { CheckDomainVersion[opsH, msDomainVersion] }; ExpungeMsgs: PUBLIC PROC[opsH: WalnutOpsHandle, deletedVersion: INT, report: CheckReportProc] = { OPEN WalnutDB; sH: SchemaHandle = opsH.schemaHandle; msI: MSInfo = CheckMsgSetEntity[opsH, [DeletedMsgSetName, deletedVersion]]; BEGIN deletedCount: INT = LoganBerryEntry.V2I[LoganBerryEntry.GetAttr[msI.versionRel, sH.msBICount]]; rs: LoganBerry.Cursor ¬ LoganBerry.GenerateEntries[db: opsH.db, key: sH.cdMsgSet, start: sH.deletedEntity, end: sH.deletedEntity]; sinceLastCommit: INT ¬ 0; commitFrequency: CARDINAL = WalnutRegistry.MsgGroupSize; delArray: WalnutRegistry.MsgGroup; numDel: CARDINAL ¬ 0; count: INT ¬ 0; doMsgGroup: BOOL ¬ WalnutRegistryPrivate.CheckForMsgGroupRegistration[]; IF doMsgGroup THEN delArray ¬ ALL[NIL]; IF deletedCount # 0 THEN { ChangeCountInMsgSet[opsH, sH.deletedEntity, -deletedCount]; ChangeCountOfMsgs[opsH, -deletedCount]; sinceLastCommit ¬ sinceLastCommit + 1 }; BEGIN ENABLE UNWIND => NULL; rel: Relship; rLogInfo: Relship = LoganBerry.ReadEntry[db: opsH.db, key: $Key, value: sH.gLogInfo].entry; bytesDestroyed: INT ¬ LoganBerryEntry.V2I[LoganBerryEntry.GetAttr[rLogInfo, sH.gBytesInDestroyedMsgs]]; firstDestroyedPos: INT ¬ LoganBerryEntry.V2I[LoganBerryEntry.GetAttr[rLogInfo, sH.gFirstDestroyedMsgPos]]; UNTIL (rel ¬ LoganBerry.NextEntry[cursor: rs]) = NIL DO me: ROPE = LoganBerryEntry.GetAttr[rel, sH.cdMsg]; textRel: Relship = LoganBerry.ReadEntry[db: opsH.db, key: $Key, value: Rope.Concat[sH.mMsgInfo, me]].entry; startPos: INT ¬ LoganBerryEntry.V2I[LoganBerryEntry.GetAttr[textRel, sH.mMIEntryStart]]; thisLen: INT ¬ LoganBerryEntry.V2I[LoganBerryEntry.GetAttr[textRel, sH.mMITextOffset]] + LoganBerryEntry.V2I[LoganBerryEntry.GetAttr[textRel, sH.mMITextLen]] + LoganBerryEntry.V2I[LoganBerryEntry.GetAttr[textRel, sH.mMIFormatLen]]; bytesDestroyed ¬ bytesDestroyed + thisLen; IF firstDestroyedPos = 0 OR startPos < firstDestroyedPos THEN firstDestroyedPos ¬ startPos; IF doMsgGroup THEN { delArray[numDel] ¬ me; numDel ¬ numDel + 1; }; LoganBerry.DeleteEntry[db: opsH.db, key: $Key, value: Rope.Concat[sH.mMsgInfo, me]]; LoganBerry.DeleteEntry[db: opsH.db, key: $Key, value: Rope.Concat[sH.mDisplayInfo, me]]; LoganBerry.DeleteEntry[db: opsH.db, key: $Key, value: Rope.Concat[sH.mInfo, me]]; LoganBerry.DeleteEntry[db: opsH.db, key: $Key, value: Rope.Concat[sH.cdRelation, me]]; LoganBerry.DeleteEntry[db: opsH.db, key: $Key, value: Rope.Concat[sH.toRelation, me]]; LoganBerry.DeleteEntry[db: opsH.db, key: $Key, value: Rope.Concat[sH.ccRelation, me]]; LoganBerry.DeleteEntry[db: opsH.db, key: $Key, value: Rope.Concat[sH.fromRelation, me]]; IF (sinceLastCommit ¬ sinceLastCommit + 1) >= commitFrequency THEN { LoganBerryEntry.SetAttr[rLogInfo, sH.gBytesInDestroyedMsgs, LoganBerryEntry.I2V[bytesDestroyed]]; LoganBerryEntry.SetAttr[rLogInfo, sH.gFirstDestroyedMsgPos, LoganBerryEntry.I2V[firstDestroyedPos]]; LoganBerry.WriteEntry[db: opsH.db, entry: rLogInfo, replace: TRUE]; WalnutRoot.CommitAndContinue[opsH]; sinceLastCommit ¬ 0; IF doMsgGroup THEN { WalnutRegistryPrivate.NotifyForMsgGroup[destroyed, delArray]; delArray ¬ ALL[NIL]; -- clear out the Array numDel ¬ 0; }; }; IF report # NIL THEN count ¬ CheckCount[opsH, count, report]; ENDLOOP; LoganBerry.EndGenerate[cursor: rs]; IF sinceLastCommit # 0 THEN { LoganBerryEntry.SetAttr[rLogInfo, sH.gBytesInDestroyedMsgs, LoganBerryEntry.I2V[bytesDestroyed]]; LoganBerryEntry.SetAttr[rLogInfo, sH.gFirstDestroyedMsgPos, LoganBerryEntry.I2V[firstDestroyedPos]]; LoganBerry.WriteEntry[db: opsH.db, entry: rLogInfo, replace: TRUE]; }; BEGIN -- change the version number of Deleted delRel: Relship = LoganBerry.ReadEntry[db: opsH.db, key: $Key, value: Rope.Concat[sH.msBasicInfo, sH.deletedEntity]].entry; LoganBerryEntry.SetAttr[delRel, sH.msBIVersion, LoganBerryEntry.I2V[LoganBerryEntry.V2I[LoganBerryEntry.GetAttr[delRel, sH.msBIVersion]] + 1]]; LoganBerry.WriteEntry[db: opsH.db, entry: delRel, replace: TRUE]; WalnutRoot.CommitAndContinue[opsH]; IF doMsgGroup AND (numDel # 0) THEN WalnutRegistryPrivate.NotifyForMsgGroup[destroyed, delArray]; WalnutRegistryPrivate.NotifyForEvent[expungeComplete]; END; DestroyOrphanAddrsAndSubjs[opsH, report]; END; END; }; MsgSetsInfo: PUBLIC PROC[opsH: WalnutOpsHandle] RETURNS[version, num: INT] = { sH: WalnutSchema.SchemaHandle = opsH.schemaHandle; rVersionInfo: Relship = LoganBerry.ReadEntry[db: opsH.db, key: $Key, value: sH.gVersionInfo].entry; version ¬ LoganBerryEntry.V2I[LoganBerryEntry.GetAttr[rVersionInfo, sH.gMsgSetsVersion]]; num ¬ LoganBerryEntry.V2I[LoganBerryEntry.GetAttr[rVersionInfo, sH.gMsgSetCount]]; }; AddMsg: PUBLIC PROC[opsH: WalnutOpsHandle, msg: ROPE, from, to: MsgSet] RETURNS[exists: BOOL] = { m: IsEntity; msI: MSInfo; sH: SchemaHandle = opsH.schemaHandle; exists ¬ FALSE; IF WalnutDB.EqMsgSets[, DeletedMsgSetName] THEN RETURN; m ¬ GetMsgEntity[opsH, msg]; IF ~m.exists THEN RETURN; [] ¬ CheckMsgSetEntity[opsH, from]; msI ¬ CheckMsgSetEntity[opsH, to]; IF msI = NIL THEN RETURN; -- can't create msgset here { rel: Relship ¬ LoganBerry.ReadEntry[db: opsH.db, key: $Key, value: Rope.Concat[sH.cdRelation, msg]].entry; wasInDeleted: BOOL ¬ FALSE; FOR msL: LIST OF ROPE ¬ LoganBerryEntry.GetAllAttrs[rel, sH.cdMsgSet], WHILE msL # NIL DO msgSet: ROPE ¬ msL.first; IF Rope.Equal[msI.entity, msgSet, FALSE] THEN { exists ¬ TRUE; EXIT }; IF Rope.Equal[msgSet, sH.deletedEntity, FALSE] THEN { rel ¬ LoganBerryEntry.RemoveAttr[rel, sH.cdMsgSet, msgSet]; LoganBerry.WriteEntry[db: opsH.db, entry: rel, replace: TRUE]; WalnutDB.ChangeCountInMsgSet[opsH, sH.deletedEntity, -1] } ENDLOOP; }; IF NOT exists THEN AddMsgTo[opsH, msg,]; }; RemoveMsg: PUBLIC PROC[opsH: WalnutOpsHandle, msg: ROPE, from: MsgSet, deletedVersion: INT] RETURNS[deleted: BOOL] = { m: IsEntity; msI: MSInfo; rel, thisCDRel: Relship; sH: SchemaHandle = opsH.schemaHandle; deleted ¬ FALSE; IF NOT (m¬ GetMsgEntity[opsH, msg]).exists THEN RETURN; IF (msI¬ CheckMsgSetEntity[opsH, from]) = NIL THEN RETURN; deleted ¬ TRUE; -- We're committed to deleting the message unless we find it in another message set rel ¬ LoganBerry.ReadEntry[db: opsH.db, key: $Key, value: Rope.Concat[sH.cdRelation, msg]].entry; FOR msL: LIST OF ROPE ¬ LoganBerryEntry.GetAllAttrs[rel, sH.cdMsgSet], WHILE msL # NIL DO IF Rope.Equal[msI.entity, msL.first, FALSE] THEN thisCDRel ¬ rel ELSE deleted ¬ FALSE ENDLOOP; IF thisCDRel = NIL THEN { deleted ¬ FALSE; RETURN }; -- Something strange here WalnutDB.ChangeCountInMsgSet[opsH, msI.entity, -1]; IF NOT deleted THEN { thisCDRel ¬ LoganBerryEntry.RemoveAttr[thisCDRel, sH.cdMsgSet, msI.entity]; LoganBerry.WriteEntry[db: opsH.db, entry: thisCDRel, replace: TRUE]; WalnutDB.ChangeCountInMsgSet[opsH, msI.entity, -1]; } ELSE { LoganBerryEntry.SetAttr[thisCDRel, sH.cdMsgSet, sH.deletedEntity]; LoganBerry.WriteEntry[db: opsH.db, entry: thisCDRel, replace: TRUE]; }; }; MoveMsg: PUBLIC PROC[opsH: WalnutOpsHandle, msg: ROPE, from: MsgSet, to: MsgSet] RETURNS [exists: BOOL ¬ FALSE] = { m: IsEntity; fromMsI, toMsI: MSInfo; sH: SchemaHandle = opsH.schemaHandle; rel, fromCDRelship, toCDRelship: Relship; IF WalnutDB.EqMsgSets[,] THEN RETURN[TRUE]; -- don't do anything IF NOT (m ¬ GetMsgEntity[opsH, msg]).exists THEN RETURN; IF (fromMsI ¬ CheckMsgSetEntity[opsH, from]) = NIL THEN RETURN; IF (toMsI ¬ CheckMsgSetEntity[opsH, to]) = NIL THEN RETURN; rel ¬ LoganBerry.ReadEntry[db: opsH.db, key: $Key, value: Rope.Concat[sH.cdRelation, msg]].entry; FOR msL: LIST OF ROPE ¬ LoganBerryEntry.GetAllAttrs[rel, sH.cdMsgSet], WHILE msL # NIL DO IF Rope.Equal[fromMsI.entity, msL.first, FALSE] THEN fromCDRelship ¬ rel ELSE IF Rope.Equal[toMsI.entity, msL.first, FALSE] THEN toCDRelship ¬ rel; ENDLOOP; IF fromCDRelship = NIL THEN {exists ¬ FALSE; RETURN}; exists ¬ toCDRelship # NIL; rel ¬ LoganBerryEntry.RemoveAttr[rel, sH.cdMsgSet, fromMsI.entity]; IF NOT exists THEN { rel ¬ LoganBerryEntry.AddAttr[rel, sH.cdMsgSet, toMsI.entity]; }; LoganBerry.WriteEntry[db: opsH.db, entry: rel, replace: TRUE]; WalnutDB.ChangeCountInMsgSet[opsH, fromMsI.entity, -1]; IF NOT exists THEN WalnutDB.ChangeCountInMsgSet[opsH, toMsI.entity, 1]; }; MsgsEnumeration: PUBLIC PROC [opsH: WalnutOpsHandle, alphaOrder: BOOL] RETURNS [mL: LIST OF ROPE] = { ok: BOOL ¬ FALSE; sH: WalnutSchema.SchemaHandle = opsH.schemaHandle; MEnum: PROC = { last: LIST OF ROPE; enum: LoganBerry.Cursor ¬ IF alphaOrder THEN LoganBerry.GenerateEntries[db: opsH.db, key: $Key, start: Rope.Concat[sH.mMsgInfo, "\000"], end: Rope.Concat[sH.mMsgInfo, "\177"]] ELSE LoganBerry.GenerateEntries[db: opsH.db, key: $Key, start: sH.mMsgInfo, end: Rope.Concat[sH.mMsgInfo, "\255"]]; mL ¬ NIL; BEGIN ENABLE UNWIND => GOTO end; e: LoganBerry.Entry; msg: ROPE; count: INT ¬ 0; FOR e ¬ LoganBerry.NextEntry[cursor: enum], LoganBerry.NextEntry[cursor: enum] UNTIL e = NIL DO msg ¬ LoganBerryEntry.GetAttr[e, sH.mMIOf]; IF mL = NIL THEN mL ¬ last ¬ CONS[msg, NIL] ELSE { ¬ CONS[msg, NIL]; last ¬}; count ¬ CheckForCommit[opsH, count]; ENDLOOP; ok ¬ TRUE; EXITS end => NULL; END; LoganBerry.EndGenerate[cursor: enum ! LoganBerry.Error => CONTINUE]; }; MEnum[]; IF ok THEN RETURN ELSE WalnutDefs.Error[$db, $DatabaseInaccessible, "During Msgs enumeration"]; }; MsgsInSetEnumeration: PUBLIC PROC[opsH: WalnutOpsHandle, name: ROPE, fromStart: BOOL] RETURNS [mL: LIST OF ROPE, msVersion: INT ¬ -1] = { ok: BOOL ¬ FALSE; sH: SchemaHandle = opsH.schemaHandle; MEnum: PROC = { msI: MSInfo; enum: LoganBerry.Cursor; checkShow: BOOL; count: INT ¬ 0; lastInList: LIST OF ROPE ¬ NIL; mL ¬ NIL; [msI, msVersion] ¬ GetMsgSetAndVersion[opsH, name]; IF msI = NIL THEN {ok ¬ TRUE; RETURN}; checkShow ¬ name.Equal["Active", FALSE]; enum ¬ LoganBerry.GenerateEntries[db: opsH.db, key: sH.cdMsgSet, start: msI.entity, end: msI.entity]; BEGIN ENABLE UNWIND => GOTO end; DO rel: Relship = LoganBerry.NextEntry[cursor: enum]; me: ROPE; IF rel = NIL THEN EXIT; me ¬ LoganBerryEntry.GetAttr[rel, sH.cdMsg]; IF checkShow THEN { sRel: Relship = LoganBerry.ReadEntry[db: opsH.db, key: $Key, value: Rope.Concat[sH.mInfo, me]].entry; IF NOT Rope.Equal[LoganBerryEntry.GetAttr[sRel, sH.mShowIs], "NULL"] THEN LOOP; -- mShowIs is unaccepted }; IF fromStart THEN { thisL: LIST OF ROPE = CONS[me, NIL]; IF mL = NIL THEN mL ¬ lastInList ¬ thisL ELSE { ¬ thisL; lastInList ¬; }; } ELSE mL ¬ CONS[me, mL]; count ¬ CheckForCommit[opsH, count]; ENDLOOP; ok ¬ TRUE; EXITS end => NULL; END; LoganBerry.EndGenerate[cursor: enum ! LoganBerry.Error => CONTINUE] }; MEnum[]; IF ok THEN RETURN ELSE WalnutDefs.Error[$db, $DatabaseInaccessible, "During MsgSets enumeration"]; }; MsgSetsNames: PUBLIC PROC[opsH: WalnutOpsHandle, alphaOrder: BOOL] RETURNS[msL: LIST OF ROPE, msDomainVersion: INT ¬ -1] = { ok: BOOL ¬ FALSE; sH: SchemaHandle = opsH.schemaHandle; MSEnum: PROC = { last: LIST OF ROPE; rVersionInfo: Relship = LoganBerry.ReadEntry[db: opsH.db, key: $Key, value: sH.gVersionInfo].entry; enum: LoganBerry.Cursor ¬ IF alphaOrder THEN LoganBerry.GenerateEntries[db: opsH.db, key: $Key, start: Rope.Concat[sH.msBasicInfo, "\000"], end: Rope.Concat[sH.msBasicInfo, "\177"]] ELSE LoganBerry.GenerateEntries[db: opsH.db, key: $Key, start: sH.msBasicInfo, end: Rope.Concat[sH.msBasicInfo, "\255"]]; msDomainVersion ¬ LoganBerryEntry.V2I[LoganBerryEntry.GetAttr[rVersionInfo, sH.gMsgSetsVersion]]; msL ¬ NIL; BEGIN ENABLE UNWIND => GOTO end; FOR e: LoganBerry.Entry ¬ LoganBerry.NextEntry[cursor: enum], LoganBerry.NextEntry[cursor: enum] UNTIL e = NIL DO thisName: ROPE = LoganBerryEntry.GetAttr[e, sH.msPrintNameIs]; IF msL = NIL THEN msL ¬ last ¬ CONS[thisName, NIL] ELSE { ¬ CONS[thisName, NIL]; last ¬}; ENDLOOP; ok ¬ TRUE; EXITS end => NULL; END; LoganBerry.EndGenerate[cursor: enum ! LoganBerry.Error => CONTINUE] }; MSEnum[]; IF ok THEN RETURN ELSE WalnutDefs.Error[$db, $DatabaseInaccessible, "During MsgSets enumeration"]; }; EnumerateMsgSets: PUBLIC PROC[opsH: WalnutOpsHandle, alphaOrder: BOOL, proc: PROC[msgSet: MsgSet] RETURNS[continue: BOOL] ] RETURNS[msDomainVersion: INT ¬ -1] = { ok: BOOL ¬ FALSE; sH: SchemaHandle = opsH.schemaHandle; MSEnum: PROC = { enum: LoganBerry.Cursor ¬ IF alphaOrder THEN LoganBerry.GenerateEntries[db: opsH.db, key: $Key, start: Rope.Concat[sH.msBasicInfo, "\000"], end: Rope.Concat[sH.msBasicInfo, "\177"]] ELSE LoganBerry.GenerateEntries[db: opsH.db, key: $Key, start: sH.msBasicInfo, end: Rope.Concat[sH.msBasicInfo, "\255"]]; rVersionInfo: Relship = LoganBerry.ReadEntry[db: opsH.db, key: $Key, value: sH.gVersionInfo].entry; msDomainVersion ¬ LoganBerryEntry.V2I[LoganBerryEntry.GetAttr[rVersionInfo, sH.gMsgSetsVersion]]; BEGIN ENABLE UNWIND => GOTO end; FOR e: LoganBerry.Entry ¬ LoganBerry.NextEntry[cursor: enum], LoganBerry.NextEntry[cursor: enum] UNTIL e = NIL DO msgSet: MsgSet ¬ [LoganBerryEntry.GetAttr[e, sH.msPrintNameIs], LoganBerryEntry.V2I[LoganBerryEntry.GetAttr[e, sH.msBIVersion]]]; IF NOT proc[msgSet] THEN EXIT; ENDLOOP; ok ¬ TRUE; EXITS end => NULL; END; LoganBerry.EndGenerate[cursor: enum ! LoganBerry.Error => CONTINUE] }; MSEnum[]; IF ok THEN RETURN ELSE ERROR WalnutDefs.Error[$db, $DatabaseInaccessible, "During MsgSets enumeration"] }; EnumerateMsgsInSet: PUBLIC PROC [ opsH: WalnutOpsHandle, name: ROPE, fromStart: BOOL ¬ TRUE, proc: PROC[msg, tocEntry: ROPE, hasBeenRead: BOOL, startOfSubject: INT] RETURNS[continue: BOOL] ] RETURNS [msVersion: INT ¬ -1] = { ok: BOOL ¬ FALSE; sH: SchemaHandle = opsH.schemaHandle; MEnum: PROC = { msI: MSInfo; enum: LoganBerry.Cursor; checkShow: BOOL; count: INT ¬ 0; [msI, msVersion] ¬ GetMsgSetAndVersion[opsH, name]; IF msI = NIL THEN {ok¬ TRUE; RETURN}; checkShow ¬ name.Equal["Active", FALSE]; enum ¬ LoganBerry.GenerateEntries[db: opsH.db, key: sH.cdMsgSet, start: msI.entity, end: msI.entity]; BEGIN ENABLE UNWIND => GOTO end; DO rel: Relship = LoganBerry.NextEntry[cursor: enum]; msg, tocEntry: ROPE; hasBeenRead: BOOL; startOfSubject: INT; IF rel = NIL THEN EXIT; msg ¬ LoganBerryEntry.GetAttr[rel, sH.cdMsg]; IF checkShow THEN { sRel: Relship = LoganBerry.ReadEntry[db: opsH.db, key: $Key, value: Rope.Concat[sH.mInfo, msg]].entry; IF NOT Rope.Equal[LoganBerryEntry.GetAttr[sRel, sH.mShowIs], "NULL"] THEN LOOP; -- mShowIs is unaccepted }; [hasBeenRead, tocEntry, startOfSubject] ¬ WalnutDB.GetMsgDisplayInfo[opsH, msg]; IF NOT proc[msg, tocEntry, hasBeenRead, startOfSubject] THEN EXIT; count ¬ CheckForCommit[opsH, count]; ENDLOOP; ok¬ TRUE; EXITS end => NULL; END; LoganBerry.EndGenerate[cursor: enum ! LoganBerry.Error => CONTINUE] }; MEnum[]; IF ok THEN RETURN ELSE ERROR WalnutDefs.Error[$db, $DatabaseInaccessible, "During MsgSets enumeration"] }; EnumerateMsgsInMsgSet: PUBLIC PROC[opsH: WalnutOpsHandle, msgSet: MsgSet] RETURNS[lazyEnum: WalnutDB.LazyEnumerator] = { sH: SchemaHandle = opsH.schemaHandle; lazyEnum ¬ NEW[LazyEnumeratorRec]; lazyEnum.opsH ¬ opsH; lazyEnum.msgSet ¬ msgSet; lazyEnum.pos ¬ 0; lazyEnum.checkShow ¬ Rope.Equal[, ActiveMsgSetName]; lazyEnum.set ¬ LoganBerry.GenerateEntries[db: opsH.db, key: sH.cdMsgSet, start:, end:]; lazyEnum.valid ¬ TRUE; }; NextMsgInMsgSet: PUBLIC PROC[lazyEnum: WalnutDB.LazyEnumerator] RETURNS[msgID: ROPE, valid: BOOL ¬ FALSE] = { howManyIterations: INT ¬ 0; sH: SchemaHandle = lazyEnum.opsH.schemaHandle; GetNextMsg: PROC = { me: ROPE; IF lazyEnum.valid = FALSE THEN { valid ¬ FALSE; RETURN }; DO rel: Relship = LoganBerry.NextEntry[cursor: lazyEnum.set]; howManyIterations ¬ howManyIterations+1; IF rel = NIL THEN { LoganBerry.EndGenerate[cursor: lazyEnum.set]; lazyEnum.valid ¬ FALSE; EXIT }; me ¬ LoganBerryEntry.GetAttr[rel, sH.cdMsg]; IF lazyEnum.checkShow THEN { sRel: Relship = LoganBerry.ReadEntry[db: lazyEnum.opsH.db, key: $Key, value: Rope.Concat[sH.mInfo, me]].entry; IF NOT Rope.Equal[LoganBerryEntry.GetAttr[sRel, sH.mShowIs], "NULL"] THEN LOOP ELSE EXIT } ELSE EXIT ENDLOOP; IF me # NIL THEN msgID ¬ me; valid ¬ TRUE }; ResetToStart: PROC = { lazyEnum.set ¬ LoganBerry.GenerateEntries[db: lazyEnum.opsH.db, key: sH.cdMsgSet, start:, end:]; FOR i: INT IN [0..lazyEnum.pos) DO [] ¬ LoganBerry.NextEntry[cursor: lazyEnum.set] ENDLOOP; howManyIterations ¬ 0 }; IF NOT VerifyMsgSet[lazyEnum.opsH, lazyEnum.msgSet] THEN RETURN[NIL, FALSE]; FOR tryRestart: BOOL ¬ TRUE, FALSE WHILE tryRestart DO failed: BOOL ¬ FALSE; GetNextMsg[ ! LoganBerry.Error => { failed ¬ TRUE; CONTINUE } ]; IF NOT failed THEN { lazyEnum.pos ¬ lazyEnum.pos+howManyIterations; RETURN }; ResetToStart[] ENDLOOP }; EnumerateUnacceptedMsgs: PUBLIC PROC[opsH: WalnutOpsHandle, activeVersion: INT, proc: PROC[msg, tocEntry: ROPE, startOfSubject: INT] ] = { ok: BOOL ¬ FALSE; sH: SchemaHandle = opsH.schemaHandle; Eum: PROC = { enum: LoganBerry.Cursor; count: INT ¬ 0; [] ¬ CheckMsgSetEntity[opsH, [ActiveMsgSetName, activeVersion]]; enum ¬ LoganBerry.GenerateEntries[db: opsH.db, key: sH.mShowIs, start: sH.unacceptedEntity, end: sH.unacceptedEntity]; BEGIN ENABLE UNWIND => GOTO end; showRel: Relship; msg: ROPE; UNTIL (showRel ¬ LoganBerry.NextEntry[cursor: enum]) = NIL DO tocEntry: ROPE; startOfSubject: INT; me: ROPE = LoganBerryEntry.GetAttr[showRel, sH.mInfoOf]; msg ¬ me; [ , tocEntry, startOfSubject] ¬ WalnutDB.GetMsgDisplayInfo[opsH, me]; proc[msg, tocEntry, startOfSubject]; count ¬ CheckForCommit[opsH, count]; ENDLOOP; ok¬ TRUE; EXITS end => NULL; END; LoganBerry.EndGenerate[cursor: enum ! LoganBerry.Error => CONTINUE] }; Eum[]; IF ok THEN RETURN; ERROR WalnutDefs.Error[$db, $DatabaseInaccessable, "During Get New Mail"]; }; AcceptNewMail: PUBLIC PROC[opsH: WalnutOpsHandle, pos, activeVersion: INT] = { rs: LoganBerry.Cursor; es: LoganBerry.Cursor; commitFrequency: CARDINAL = WalnutRegistry.MsgGroupSize; accArray: WalnutRegistry.MsgGroup; numAcc: CARDINAL ¬ 0; sinceLastCommit: INT ¬ 0; sH: SchemaHandle = opsH.schemaHandle; rNewMailInfo, rLogInfo: Relship; activeRel: Relship = LoganBerry.ReadEntry[db: opsH.db, key: $Key, value: Rope.Concat[sH.msBasicInfo, sH.activeEntity]].entry; doMsgGroup: BOOL ¬ WalnutRegistryPrivate.CheckForMsgGroupRegistration[]; [] ¬ CheckMsgSetEntity[opsH, [ActiveMsgSetName, activeVersion]]; IF doMsgGroup THEN accArray ¬ ALL[NIL]; BEGIN ENABLE UNWIND => NULL; showRel: Relship; rs ¬ LoganBerry.GenerateEntries[db: opsH.db, key: sH.mShowIs, start: sH.unacceptedEntity, end: sH.unacceptedEntity]; UNTIL (showRel ¬ LoganBerry.NextEntry[cursor: rs]) = NIL DO me: ROPE = LoganBerryEntry.GetAttr[showRel, sH.mInfoOf]; LoganBerryEntry.SetAttr[showRel, sH.mShowIs, "NULL"]; LoganBerry.WriteEntry[db: opsH.db, entry: showRel, replace: TRUE]; IF doMsgGroup THEN { accArray[numAcc] ¬ me; numAcc ¬ numAcc + 1; }; IF (sinceLastCommit ¬ sinceLastCommit + 1) >= commitFrequency THEN { newCount: INT = LoganBerryEntry.V2I[LoganBerryEntry.GetAttr[activeRel, sH.msBICount]] + sinceLastCommit; LoganBerryEntry.SetAttr[activeRel, sH.msBICount, LoganBerryEntry.I2V[newCount]]; LoganBerry.WriteEntry[db: opsH.db, entry: activeRel, replace: TRUE]; WalnutRoot.CommitAndContinue[opsH]; sinceLastCommit ¬ 0; IF doMsgGroup THEN { WalnutRegistryPrivate.NotifyForMsgGroup[added, accArray]; accArray ¬ ALL[NIL]; numAcc ¬ 0; }; }; ENDLOOP; LoganBerry.EndGenerate[cursor: rs]; END; BEGIN ENABLE UNWIND => NULL; es ¬ LoganBerry.GenerateEntries[db: opsH.db, key: $Key, start: Rope.Concat[sH.sBasicInfo, "\000"], end: Rope.Concat[sH.sBasicInfo, "\177"]]; FOR se: LoganBerry.Entry ¬ LoganBerry.NextEntry[cursor: es], LoganBerry.NextEntry[cursor: es] UNTIL se = NIL DO rel: Relship = se; LoganBerryEntry.SetAttr[rel, sH.sBINum, DBZeroInt]; LoganBerry.WriteEntry[db: opsH.db, entry: rel, replace: TRUE]; ENDLOOP; LoganBerry.EndGenerate[cursor: es]; END; IF sinceLastCommit # 0 THEN LoganBerryEntry.SetAttr[activeRel, sH.msBICount, LoganBerryEntry.I2V[LoganBerryEntry.V2I[LoganBerryEntry.GetAttr[activeRel, sH.msBICount]] + sinceLastCommit]]; LoganBerryEntry.SetAttr[activeRel, sH.msBIVersion, LoganBerryEntry.I2V[LoganBerryEntry.V2I[LoganBerryEntry.GetAttr[activeRel, sH.msBIVersion]] + 1]]; LoganBerry.WriteEntry[db: opsH.db, entry: activeRel, replace: TRUE]; rNewMailInfo ¬ LoganBerry.ReadEntry[db: opsH.db, key: $Key, value: sH.gNewMailInfo].entry; LoganBerryEntry.SetAttr[rNewMailInfo, sH.gAcceptNewMailLogPos, LoganBerryEntry.I2V[pos]]; LoganBerry.WriteEntry[db: opsH.db, entry: rNewMailInfo, replace: TRUE]; rLogInfo ¬ LoganBerry.ReadEntry[db: opsH.db, key: $Key, value: sH.gLogInfo].entry; LoganBerryEntry.SetAttr[rLogInfo, sH.gOpInProgressPos, DBMinusOneInt]; LoganBerry.WriteEntry[db: opsH.db, entry: rLogInfo, replace: TRUE]; WalnutRoot.CommitAndContinue[opsH]; IF doMsgGroup AND (numAcc # 0) THEN WalnutRegistryPrivate.NotifyForMsgGroup[added, accArray]; }; mismatchReport: ROPE = "Msgset: %g: version is %g, version expected is: %g"; GetMsgSetBasicInfoRel: PROC[opsH: WalnutOpsHandle, ms: ROPE] RETURNS[rel: Relship] = { RETURN[LoganBerry.ReadEntry[db: opsH.db, key: $Key, value: Rope.Concat[opsH.schemaHandle.msBasicInfo, ms]].entry] }; GetMsgEntity: PROC[opsH: WalnutOpsHandle, msg: ROPE] RETURNS[e: IsEntity] = { sH: WalnutSchema.SchemaHandle = opsH.schemaHandle; e.entity ¬ LoganBerry.ReadEntry[db: opsH.db, key: $Key, value: Rope.Concat[sH.mMsgInfo, msg]].entry; e.exists ¬ (e.entity # NIL); }; GetMsgSetAndVersion: PROC[opsH: WalnutOpsHandle, name: ROPE] RETURNS[msI: MSInfo, version: INT] = { sH: WalnutSchema.SchemaHandle = opsH.schemaHandle; msI ¬ GetMsgSetEntity[opsH, name]; IF msI # NIL THEN version ¬ LoganBerryEntry.V2I[LoganBerryEntry.GetAttr[msI.versionRel, sH.msBIVersion]] ELSE version¬ -1; }; GetMsgSetEntity: PROC[opsH: WalnutOpsHandle, name: ROPE] RETURNS[msInfo: MSInfo] = { sH: WalnutSchema.SchemaHandle = opsH.schemaHandle; aName: ATOM = CanonicalName[name]; -- all lower case cName: ROPE; found: BOOL; val: RefTab.Val; mse: ROPE; IF opsH.schemaHandle.msgSetsTable = NIL THEN { rVersionInfo: Relship = LoganBerry.ReadEntry[db: opsH.db, key: $Key, value: sH.gVersionInfo].entry; numMsgSets: INT ¬ LoganBerryEntry.V2I[LoganBerryEntry.GetAttr[rVersionInfo, sH.gMsgSetCount]]; opsH.schemaHandle.msgSetsTable ¬ RefTab.Create[MAX[numMsgSets*2+1, 16]]; }; [found, val] ¬ RefTab.Fetch[opsH.schemaHandle.msgSetsTable, aName]; IF found THEN { msInfo ¬ NARROW[val]; IF msInfo.versionRel # NIL THEN RETURN; msInfo.versionRel ¬ GetMsgSetBasicInfoRel[opsH, msInfo.entity]; IF msInfo.versionRel = NIL THEN { -- no longer exists [] ¬ RefTab.Delete[opsH.schemaHandle.msgSetsTable, aName]; RETURN[NIL] }; RETURN; }; mse ¬ cName ¬ Atom.GetPName[aName]; msInfo ¬ NEW[MSInfoObject ¬ [canonicalName: cName, entity: mse]]; msInfo.versionRel ¬ GetMsgSetBasicInfoRel[opsH, mse]; IF msInfo.versionRel = NIL THEN RETURN[NIL]; -- return NIL IF msgSet doesn't exist [] ¬ RefTab.Store[opsH.schemaHandle.msgSetsTable, aName, msInfo]; }; CanonicalName: PUBLIC PROC[name: ROPE] RETURNS[aName: ATOM] = { nameText.length ¬ 0; FOR i: INT IN [0 .. name.Length[]) DO [] ¬ RefText.InlineAppendChar[nameText, Ascii.Lower[name.Fetch[i]]]; ENDLOOP; aName ¬ Atom.MakeAtomFromRefText[nameText]; }; CheckDomainVersion: PROC[opsH: WalnutOpsHandle, version: INT] = { sH: WalnutSchema.SchemaHandle = opsH.schemaHandle; is: INT; rVersionInfo: Relship; IF version = dontCareDomainVersion THEN RETURN; rVersionInfo ¬ LoganBerry.ReadEntry[db: opsH.db, key: $Key, value: sH.gVersionInfo].entry; IF version # (is ¬ LoganBerryEntry.V2I[LoganBerryEntry.GetAttr[rVersionInfo, sH.gMsgSetsVersion]]) THEN { rLogInfo: Relship ¬ LoganBerry.ReadEntry[db: opsH.db, key: $Key, value: sH.gLogInfo].entry; LoganBerryEntry.SetAttr[rLogInfo, sH.gOpInProgressPos, DBMinusOneInt]; LoganBerry.WriteEntry[db: opsH.db, entry: rLogInfo, replace: TRUE]; ERROR WalnutDefs.VersionMismatch[ IO.PutFR["Domain version is %g, version expected is: %g", [integer[is]], [integer[version]]] ]; }; }; CheckMsgSetVersion: PROC[opsH: WalnutOpsHandle, msgSet: MsgSet] RETURNS[msI: MSInfo, version: INT] = { sH: WalnutSchema.SchemaHandle = opsH.schemaHandle; [msI, version] ¬ GetMsgSetAndVersion[opsH,]; }; CheckMsgSetEntity: PROC[opsH: WalnutOpsHandle, msgSet: MsgSet] RETURNS[msI: MSInfo] = { sH: WalnutSchema.SchemaHandle = opsH.schemaHandle; msI ¬ GetMsgSetEntity[opsH,]; }; commitFreq: INT ¬ 500; CheckForCommit: PROC[opsH: WalnutOpsHandle, count: INT] RETURNS[new: INT] = { IF ( (new ¬ count + 1) MOD commitFreq ) = 0 THEN WalnutRoot.CommitAndContinue[opsH]; }; EmptyThisMsgSet: PROC[opsH: WalnutOpsHandle, mse: ROPE, name: ROPE, report: CheckReportProc] RETURNS[someInDeleted: BOOL] = { sH: SchemaHandle = opsH.schemaHandle; rs: LoganBerry.Cursor = LoganBerry.GenerateEntries[db: opsH.db, key: sH.cdMsgSet, start: mse, end: mse]; BEGIN ENABLE UNWIND => NULL; rel: Relship; de: ROPE = sH.deletedEntity; commitFrequency: CARDINAL = WalnutRegistry.MsgGroupSize; delArray: WalnutRegistry.MsgGroup; remArray: WalnutRegistry.MsgGroup; numDel: CARDINAL ¬ 0; numRem: CARDINAL ¬ 0; sinceLastCommit: INT ¬ 0; count: INT ¬ 0; someInDeleted ¬ FALSE; UNTIL (rel ¬ LoganBerry.NextEntry[cursor: rs]) = NIL DO me: ROPE = LoganBerryEntry.GetAttr[rel, sH.cdMsg]; deleted: BOOL; rel ¬ LoganBerryEntry.RemoveAttr[rel, sH.cdMsgSet, mse]; deleted ¬ LoganBerryEntry.GetAttr[rel, sH.cdMsgSet] = NIL; IF deleted THEN { rel ¬ LoganBerryEntry.AddAttr[rel, sH.cdMsgSet, sH.deletedEntity]; delArray[numDel] ¬ me; numDel ¬ numDel + 1; } ELSE { remArray[numRem] ¬ me; numRem ¬ numRem + 1; }; LoganBerry.WriteEntry[db: opsH.db, entry: rel, replace: TRUE]; someInDeleted¬ someInDeleted OR deleted; IF (sinceLastCommit ¬ sinceLastCommit + 1) >= commitFrequency THEN { WalnutRoot.CommitAndContinue[opsH]; sinceLastCommit ¬ 0; FOR i: CARDINAL IN [0 .. numDel) DO WalnutRegistryPrivate.NotifyForMsgEvent[deleted, delArray[i]]; ENDLOOP; FOR i: CARDINAL IN [0 .. numRem) DO WalnutRegistryPrivate.NotifyForMove[msg: remArray[i], to: NIL, from: name]; ENDLOOP; numDel ¬ numRem ¬ 0; }; IF report # NIL THEN count ¬ CheckCount[opsH, count, report]; ENDLOOP; LoganBerry.EndGenerate[cursor: rs]; IF sinceLastCommit # 0 THEN { WalnutRoot.CommitAndContinue[opsH]; FOR i: CARDINAL IN [0 .. numDel) DO WalnutRegistryPrivate.NotifyForMsgEvent[deleted, delArray[i]]; ENDLOOP; FOR i: CARDINAL IN [0 .. numRem) DO WalnutRegistryPrivate.NotifyForMove[msg: remArray[i], to: NIL, from: name]; ENDLOOP; }; END; }; ChangeGlobalMsgSetInfo: PROC[opsH: WalnutOpsHandle, delta: INT] = { sH: WalnutSchema.SchemaHandle = opsH.schemaHandle; rVersionInfo: Relship = LoganBerry.ReadEntry[db: opsH.db, key: $Key, value: sH.gVersionInfo].entry; numNow: INT ¬ LoganBerryEntry.V2I[LoganBerryEntry.GetAttr[rVersionInfo, sH.gMsgSetCount]]; newV: INT = LoganBerryEntry.V2I[LoganBerryEntry.GetAttr[rVersionInfo, sH.gMsgSetsVersion]] + 1; LoganBerryEntry.SetAttr[rVersionInfo, sH.gMsgSetsVersion, LoganBerryEntry.I2V[newV]]; LoganBerryEntry.SetAttr[rVersionInfo, sH.gMsgSetCount, LoganBerryEntry.I2V[numNow + delta]]; LoganBerry.WriteEntry[db: opsH.db, entry: rVersionInfo, replace: TRUE]; }; AddMsgTo: PROC[opsH: WalnutOpsHandle, me: ROPE, mse: ROPE] = { sH: WalnutSchema.SchemaHandle = opsH.schemaHandle; rel: Relship ¬ LoganBerry.ReadEntry[db: opsH.db, key: $Key, value: Rope.Concat[sH.cdRelation, me]].entry; rel ¬ LoganBerryEntry.AddAttr[rel, sH.cdMsgSet, mse]; LoganBerry.WriteEntry[db: opsH.db, entry: rel, replace: TRUE]; WalnutDB.ChangeCountInMsgSet[opsH, mse, 1] }; CheckCount: PROC[opsH: WalnutOpsHandle, count: INT, report: CheckReportProc] RETURNS[c: INT] = { IF count = 0 THEN report[opsH, " "]; -- put out spaces first IF (c ¬ count + 1) MOD 10 # 0 THEN RETURN; IF c MOD 100 = 0 THEN report[opsH, "! "] ELSE report[opsH, "&"]; }; DestroyOrphanAddrsAndSubjs: PROC[opsH: WalnutOpsHandle, report: CheckReportProc] = { }; END. WalnutDBMsgSetsImpl.mesa Copyright Σ 1984, 1988, 1989, 1992 by Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved. Willie-Sue, March 29, 1989 6:04:55 pm PST Donahue, May 12, 1986 2:13:42 pm PDT Jack Kent, June 23, 1987 6:57:27 pm PDT Doug Terry, August 28, 1990 5:35:08 pm PDT TerryTest, November 15, 1990 12:40 pm PST Contents: types and procedures dealing with the Walnut message database Initiated by Willie-Sue, September 24, 1984 Swinehar, February 25, 1991 9:50 am PST Types Internal Types and Variables MSInfo's are stored in the msgSetsTable Operations on Message Sets Does this message set already exist in the database. Create this message set if it doesn't already exist in the database. IF msI = NIL THEN num_ 0 ELSE num _ LoganBerryEntry.V2I[LoganBerryEntry.GetAttr[msI.versionRel, sH.msBICount]]; Replaced by: Could now update msI.versionRel entry. Removes any messages from msgSet - long running op Destroys the given msgSet, removing any messages from it first (uses equivalent of RemoveMsgFromMsgSet below). If the message set is "Deleted" then WalnutDefs.IError[$db, $InvalidMsgSet] - long running op Destroys the Deleted message set - long running op If the counts are wrong, change them. They may already have been changed if you're restarting an Expunge This counts as one operation Destroy all information about message now change the length of the last log back to -1 Operations to Move Messages Among Message Sets Adds Msg to MsgSet, if it's not already in it. IF msgSet=deletedMsgSet, does nothing and returns exists=FALSE IF removing msg from msgSet would leave it in no MsgSet, then msg gets added to the distinguished MsgSet Deleted, and returns deleted = TRUE Move the message. Note that the result of a move may be that a message becomes deleted (if to was the Deleted message set) or undeleted (if from is the Deleted message set) Enumerations Note: fromStart is ignored. Note: fromStart is ignored. long running op Internal procedures changes name to all lower case, to get canonical names Commented out since I don't know why we need message set versions. ... DBT BEGIN rLogInfo: Relship; IF msI = NIL THEN RETURN; IF msgSet.version = dontCareMsgSetVersion THEN RETURN; IF msgSet.version = version THEN RETURN; rLogInfo _ LoganBerry.ReadEntry[db: opsH.db, key: $Key, value: sH.gLogInfo].entry; LoganBerryEntry.SetAttr[rLogInfo, sH.gOpInProgressPos, DBMinusOneInt]; LoganBerry.WriteEntry[db: opsH.db, entry: rLogInfo, replace: TRUE]; ERROR WalnutDefs.VersionMismatch[IO.PutFR[mismatchReport, [rope[]], [integer[version]], [integer[msgSet.version]]] ]; END; End of commented out code. ... DBT Commented out since I don't know why we need message set versions. ... DBT BEGIN is: INT; rLogInfo: Relship; IF msI = NIL THEN RETURN; IF msgSet.version = dontCareMsgSetVersion THEN RETURN; IF msgSet.version = (is _ LoganBerryEntry.V2I[LoganBerryEntry.GetAttr[msI.versionRel, sH.msBIVersion]]) THEN RETURN; rLogInfo _ LoganBerry.ReadEntry[db: opsH.db, key: $Key, value: sH.gLogInfo].entry; LoganBerryEntry.SetAttr[rLogInfo, sH.gOpInProgressPos, DBMinusOneInt]; LoganBerry.WriteEntry[db: opsH.db, entry: rLogInfo, replace: TRUE]; ERROR WalnutDefs.VersionMismatch[IO.PutFR[mismatchReport, [rope[]], [integer[is]], [integer[msgSet.version]]] ]; END; End of commented out code. ... DBT Now a no-op. Κ&•NewlineDelimiter –(cedarcode) style™codešœ™Kšœ ΟeœD™OKšœ)™)KšΟy!Πkyž™&Kšœ(™(K™*K™)K™KšœG™GKšœ+™+K™'—K˜šΟk ˜ Kšœ œ ˜Kšœ œ"˜,Kš œ˜Kšœ ˜ Kšœ˜Kšœ œ*˜6Kšœ œ˜'Kšœ˜Kšœ  œa˜qKšœ ˜ Kšœ œ˜.Kšœ œg˜‚Kšœ  œ!˜1K˜ K˜—šΟnœ œ ˜"š ˜Kšœ  œ5˜DKšœ˜Kšœ˜Kšœ ˜ —K˜Kš œ˜K˜—Kš œ œ˜"K™šΟb™Kš œ œ œ˜Kšœ  œ˜!K˜Kšœ œ˜3Kšœ  œ˜)Kšœ œ˜/Kšœ œ œ ˜Kšœ œ$˜>Kšœ œ˜1—K™š’™K˜Kšœ œ˜(Kš‘ œ"˜/Kš‘ œ!˜*Kš‘ œ œ˜.Kš‘ œ œ˜0Kšœ œ˜Kš‘œ œ ˜"Kš‘œ œ ˜$Kšœ œ˜K˜Kšœ  œ œ$ œ˜AK™Kšœ'™'Kšœ œ œ˜ Kš œ œ œ œ  œ˜UKš œ  œ œ œ œ˜.K˜Kšœ œ œ˜-šœ œ œ œ˜(Kšœ˜Kšœ˜Kšœ œ˜ Kšœ˜Kšœ œ˜ Kšœ  ˜Kšœ˜——K™š’™K˜š‘ œ œ œ œ œ œ  œ  œ˜}Kšœ4™4K˜ Kšœ*˜*K˜3Kšœ œ˜K˜—K˜š‘ œ œ œ œ œ œ  œ  œ˜~KšœD™DKšœ ˜ Kšœ œ˜ Kšœ œ˜ Kšœ œ˜ Kšœ%˜%Kšœ*˜*K˜3Kš œ œ œ œ˜%K˜3K˜ Kšœ œ@ œ˜Pšœ œ˜Kšœ)˜)Kšœ˜Kšœ˜Kšœ˜Kšœ˜—Kšœ:˜:Kšœ ˜ K˜/K˜—K˜š‘ œ œ œ œ˜;Kšœ œ œ  œ˜&Kšœ2˜2Kšœ ˜ š ‘œ œ œ œ œ˜KKš œ  œ œ˜0—K˜K˜3š œ œ œ™Kš œR™V—K™ Kš œ œ œ3˜DK™&K˜—K˜š‘ œ œ œ@˜XKšœ œ œ œ˜)Kšœ2™2Kšœ2˜2Kšœ œ˜ Kšœ ˜ š œ4 œ˜K˜Kš œ  œ œ˜K˜#K˜"Kš  œ œ œ œ£˜6˜lKšœ œ œ˜š œ œ œ œ œ) œ œ ˜bKšœ œ ˜Kš  œ  œ œ  œ œ˜Fš œ& œ œ˜5K˜;Kšœ8 œ˜>Kšœ8˜8Kšœ˜—Kš œ˜—Kšœ˜—Kš œ œ œ˜0K˜—K˜š‘ œ œ œ œ  œ œ  œ˜vKš œ† ™ŒK˜ K˜ Kšœ˜Kšœ%˜%Kšœ  œ˜K˜Kš œ œ% œ œ˜7Kš œ( œ œ œ˜:K˜Kšœ  œ£S˜dK˜aš œ œ œ œ œ) œ œ ˜bKš œ# œ œ˜@Kš œ  ˜Kš œ˜—Kš  œ  œ œ  œ œ£˜OKšœ3˜3š œ œ ˜š œ ˜K˜KKšœ> œ˜DKšœ3˜3K˜—š œ˜KšœB˜BKšœ> œ˜DKšœ˜——K˜K˜—š‘œ œ œ œ˜PKšœ œ  œ œ˜#K™­K˜ K˜Kšœ%˜%Kšœ)˜)Kš  œ( œ œ œ£˜QK˜Kš œ œ& œ œ˜8Kš œ- œ œ œ˜?Kš œ) œ œ œ˜;K˜aš œ œ œ œ œ) œ œ ˜bš œ' œ ˜4K˜—š œ œ% œ ˜7K˜—Kš œ˜—Kš  œ œ œ  œ œ˜5Kšœ œ˜K˜Cš œ œ œ˜K˜>K˜—Kšœ8 œ˜>Kšœ7˜7Kš œ œ œ5˜GK˜——K™™ K˜š‘œ œ œ% œ˜FKš œ œ œ œ œ˜Kšœ œ œ˜Kšœ2˜2K˜š‘œ œ˜Kšœ œ œ œ˜˜š œ ˜Kš œ„˜ˆKš œo˜s——Kšœ œ˜ š œ œ œ œ˜ Kšœ˜Kšœ œ˜ Kšœ œ˜š œL œ œ ˜_K˜+š  œ œ œ  œ œ ˜0Kšœ œ œ˜0—K˜$Kš œ˜—Kšœ œ˜ Kš œ œ˜—Kš œ˜Kšœ: œ˜DK˜—Kšœ˜š œ œ ˜Kš œI˜M—Kšœ˜—K˜š‘œ œ œ œ  œ œ œ œ œ  œ ˜‰Kšœ™Kšœ œ œ˜Kšœ%˜%K˜š‘œ œ˜Kšœ ˜ Kšœ˜Kšœ  œ˜Kšœ œ˜Kš œ  œ œ œ œ˜Kšœ œ˜ K˜K˜3Kš  œ œ œ œ œ˜&Kšœ" œ˜)K˜˜Kšœ^˜^—š œ œ œ œ˜ š ˜Kšœ2˜2Kšœ œ˜ Kš œ œ œ œ˜K˜,š œ  œ˜Kšœe˜eKš  œ œ  œ$ œ œ£˜hKšœ˜—š œ  œ˜Kš œ œ œ œ œ œ˜$š œ œ œ˜(š œ˜K˜K˜K˜—K˜—Kš œ œ ˜—K˜$Kš œ˜—Kšœ œ˜ Kš œ œ˜Kš œ˜—Kšœ: œ˜CK˜—Kšœ˜š œ œ ˜Kš œL˜P—Kšœ˜—K˜š‘ œ œ œ$ œ˜BKš œ œ œ œ œ œ ˜:Kšœ œ œ˜Kšœ%˜%K˜š‘œ œ˜Kšœ œ œ œ˜Kšœc˜c˜š œ ˜Kš œŠ˜ŽKš œu˜y——K˜aKšœ œ˜ š œ œ œ œ˜ š œ^ œ œ ˜qšœ  œ˜Kšœ-˜-—š  œ œ œ œ  œ ˜7Kšœ œ  œ˜5—Kš œ˜—Kšœ œ˜ Kš œ œ˜—Kš œ˜Kšœ: œ˜CK˜—Kšœ ˜ š œ œ ˜Kš œL˜P—Kšœ˜—K˜š‘œ œ œ$ œ œ œ  œ œ œ ˜’Kšœ œ œ˜Kšœ%˜%K˜š‘œ œ˜˜š œ ˜Kš œŠ˜ŽKš œu˜y——Kšœc˜cK˜aš œ œ œ œ˜ š œ^ œ œ ˜q˜Kšœp˜p—Kš œ œ œ œ˜Kš œ˜—Kšœ œ˜ Kš œ œ˜—Kš œ˜Kšœ: œ˜CK˜—Kšœ ˜ š œ œ ˜Kš œ œK˜U—K˜—K˜š‘œ œ œ  œ  œ œ œ œ œ œ œ  œ˜ΎKš œ  œ ˜!Kšœ™Kšœ œ œ˜Kšœ%˜%š‘œ œ˜Kšœ ˜ Kšœ˜Kšœ  œ˜Kšœ œ˜K˜K˜3Kš  œ œ œ œ œ˜%Kšœ! œ˜(K˜˜Kšœ^˜^—š œ œ œ œ˜ š ˜Kšœ2˜2Kšœ œ˜Kšœ  œ˜Kšœ œ˜Kš œ œ œ œ˜K˜-š œ  œ˜Kšœf˜fKš  œ œ  œ$ œ œ£˜hKšœ˜—K˜PKš œ œ2 œ œ˜BK˜$Kš œ˜—Kšœ œ˜ Kš œ œ˜Kš œ˜—Kšœ: œ˜CK˜—Kšœ˜š œ œ ˜Kš œ œK˜U—K˜K˜—š‘œ œ œ'˜IKšœ œ'˜/Kšœ%˜%Kšœ  œ˜"K˜K˜K˜K˜?˜K–m[conv: LoganBerry.Conv _ NIL, db: LoganBerry.OpenDB, key: ATOM, start: ROPE _ NIL, end: ROPE _ NIL]šœ`˜`—Kšœ œ˜Kšœ˜—K˜š‘œ œ œ#˜?Kš œ œ œ  œ œ˜.Kšœ œ˜Kšœ.˜.š‘ œ œ˜Kšœ œ˜ Kš  œ œ œ  œ œ˜9š ˜Kšœ:˜:K˜(Kš  œ œ œB œ œ˜aK˜,š œ œ˜Kšœn˜nKš œ œ  œ$ œ œ œ œ˜Z—Kš œ ˜ Kš œ˜—Kš œ œ œ ˜Kšœ ˜ Kšœ˜—š‘ œ œ˜K˜ŠKš  œ œ œ œ1 œ˜[K˜—K˜Kš  œ œ. œ œ œ œ˜Lš  œ  œ œ œ œ  ˜6Kšœ œ œ˜Kšœ- œ œ˜@Kš œ œ œ2 œ˜MKšœ˜Kš ˜—Kšœ˜—K˜š‘œ œ œ' œ œ œ œ˜ŠKšœ œ œ˜Kšœ%˜%K˜š‘œ œ˜ Kšœ˜Kšœ œ˜K˜@K˜vK˜š œ œ œ œ˜ Kšœ˜Kšœ œ˜ š œ2 œ ˜=Kšœ  œ˜Kšœ œ˜Kšœ œ œ˜8K˜ K˜EKšœ$˜$K˜$Kš œ˜—Kšœ œ˜ Kš œ œ˜Kš œ˜—Kšœ: œ˜CK˜—K˜Kšœ˜Kš œ œ œ˜Kš œE˜JK˜—K˜š‘ œ œ œ, œ˜NKš£™Kšœ˜K˜Kšœ œ˜8Kšœ"˜"Kšœ œ˜Kšœ œ˜Kšœ%˜%Kšœ ˜ Kšœ}˜}Kšœ  œ8˜HK˜K˜@Kš œ  œ  œ œ˜'K˜š œ œ œ œ˜K˜K˜tš œ0 œ ˜;Kšœ œ œ˜8Kšœ5˜5Kšœ< œ˜Bš œ  œ˜K˜K˜K˜—š œ< œ˜DKšœ  œ[˜hKšœP˜PKšœ> œ˜DKšœ#˜#K˜š œ  œ˜Kšœ9˜9Kšœ  œ œ˜K˜ K˜—K˜—Kš œ˜—Kšœ#˜#Kš œ˜—š œ œ œ œ˜K˜Œš œ[ œ œ ˜oKšœ˜Kšœ3˜3Kšœ8 œ˜>Kš œ˜—Kšœ" ˜#—Kš œ˜K˜š œ ˜KšœŸ˜Ÿ—K˜Kšœ•˜•Kšœ> œ˜DK˜ZKšœY˜YKšœA œ˜GK˜RKšœF˜FKšœ= œ˜CKšœ#˜#š œ  œ ˜#Kšœ9˜9—K˜——K™š’™K˜Kšœ œ8˜LK˜š‘œ œ œ œ˜TKšœ œn˜v—K˜š‘ œ œ œ œ˜MKšœ2˜2K˜dKšœ œ˜K˜—K˜š‘œ œ œ˜K˜Kšœ œ ˜(š œ< œ˜DK˜#K˜š œ œ œ ˜#Kšœ? œ˜G—š œ œ œ ˜#šœ: œ˜KKš œ˜——K˜K˜—Kš œ  œ œ)˜=Kš œ˜—Kšœ#˜#š œ œ˜K˜#š œ œ œ ˜#Kšœ? œ˜G—š œ œ œ ˜#Kšœ: œ˜KKš œ˜—K˜——Kš œ˜K˜—K˜š‘œ œ œ˜CKšœ2˜2Kšœc˜cKšœ œO˜ZKšœ œV˜_KšœU˜UKšœ\˜\KšœA œ˜GK˜—K˜š‘œ œ œ œ˜>Kšœ2˜2K˜iK˜5Kšœ8 œ˜>Kšœ*˜*Kšœ˜—K˜š‘ œ œ œ˜LKšœ œ œ˜Kš œ  œ£˜>Kš œ œ œ œ˜*Kš œ œ  œ œ˜@K˜K˜—š‘œ œ4˜TK™ Kšœ˜K˜——Kš œ˜K™—…—€Φ³ϊ