Walnut.ActiveMsgSetColumn: "right" choices are right, left, color (if on). Walnut.AutoConfirmRetry: FALSE if TRUE, then automatically pushes the Retry button after 10 minutes of waiting - this is only when there are the Quit/Retry pair of buttons. Walnut.AutoNewMail: FALSE if TRUE, then automatically retrieves new mail when the newMailLog is nonempty. Walnut.AutoScrollMsgSets: TRUE if TRUE, automatically scrolls a msgset (when first displayed) to the first unread message (if any) or to the end. Walnut.ControlWindowColumn: "right" left, right or color are the options. Walnut.DefaultArchiveDir: "" value is the default working directory when reading or writing archive files. Walnut.DeleteFileAfterPrint: FALSE Walnut.DisplayMsgSetInIcon: FALSE XNSMail.attachmentsDir: ///xnsMailAttachments/ Walnut.EditedAnswerSenders: FALSE if TRUE, then the Answered sender will always be edited (means it won't get reused by subsequent Answer, Forward, etc). Right-Click will also make the Sender edited. Walnut.EditedForwardSenders: FALSE if TRUE, then the Forwarded sender will always be edited (means it won't get reused by subsequent Forward, Answer, etc). Right-Click will also make the Sender edited. Walnut.gvMail: TRUE if TRUE, tries to retrieve gv mail. Walnut.GuardedDestroy: FALSE if TRUE, then the Destroy button in the Walnut Control window will be guarded. Walnut.InitialActiveIconic: FALSE if true and InitialActiveOpen = TRUE, then the Active message set viewer is opened as an icon. Walnut.InitialActiveOpen: FALSE TRUE says open a message set viewer on Active. Walnut.MsgSetButtonDefaultLooks: "" the looks for unselected MsgSetButtons. Walnut.MsgSetColumn: "left" choices are left, right, or color (if on) Walnut.MsgSetButtonSelectedLooks: "bi" the looks for selected MsgSetButtons. Walnut.MsgSetButtonSelectedLooks: "bi" the looks for selected MsgSetButtons. Walnut.NewPageEveryMsg: FALSE if TRUE, when printing a msgset, every message will begin on a new page. Walnut.NonExistentMsgSetLooks: "y" the looks for non-existent msg sets (default has a line drawn thru the name) XNSMail.nsTextFileAsFile: BOOL _ FALSE Walnut.PlainTextStyle: "cedar" Walnut.PrintSmallHeaders: TRUE if TRUE, the headers sections of msgs get printed in a smaller font. This is NOT used for the print button on a message displayer. Walnut.ReportNewMailProgress: FALSE if TRUE, opens a small typescript and reports as mail is retrieved from grapevine. Walnut.ShowUnreadWithQMs: TRUE if TRUE, shows unread messages with a ? in front; setting this FALSE moves the TOC entry over a couple spaces. Walnut.SpecialBrokenIcon: FALSE if TRUE, an iconic control window has a special icon when Walnut is waiting for Quit/Retry confirmation from user. Walnut.TOCDefaultLooks: "" the looks for an unselected table-of-contents entry in a msgSet displayer. Walnut.TOCSelectedLooks: "sb" the looks for the selected table-of-contents entry in a msgSet displayer. Walnut.TOCUnreadLooks: "i" the looks for an unread table-of-contents entry in a msgSet displayer. Walnut.UseDefaultPrintFile: TRUE Walnut.UseFromFieldInTOC: FALSE Walnut.WalnutRootFile: "[Luther.alpine]Walnut.Root" Walnut.xnsMail: TRUE Walnut.PruneHeaders: FALSE Walnut.UnprunedHeaders: subject from to cc date ”WalnutDefault.profile Copyright Σ 1985, 1986, 1987, 1988 by Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved. Last Edited by: Willie-Sue, November 29, 1989 6:33:55 am PST Doug Terry, October 6, 1992 1:34 pm PDT If true, deletes the temproary file after doing a print If TRUE, the mailbox icon contains a label showing the name of the currently-selected message set. the local subrdirectory in which to store attachments. If TRUE, an nsTextFile received as an attachment will be written to a file, otherwise it is simply stuffed into the message- Walnut.NumMsgSetButtonsLines: calculated to be somewhat reasonable, max 10 if not specified Walnut.OpenHeightForActive: defaulted if not specified, otherwise sets the height of the viewer for the active message set The Tioga style to use for message which don't have any Tioga formatting in them. If false, a name is generated from the subject of the message being printed use the From field in the TOC entry, even if there is a Sender field if TRUE, tries to retrieve xnsMail If TRUE, only the UnprunedHeaders of a message are displayed. The headers of a messages that are always displayed, even if PruneHeaders is TRUE. Κ˜šœ™IcodešœN™NJšœ<™