Copyright Ó 1985, 1986, 1987, 1988 by Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved.
Last Edited by: Willie-Sue, November 29, 1989 6:33:55 am PST
Doug Terry, October 6, 1992 1:34 pm PDT
Walnut.ActiveMsgSetColumn: "right"
choices are right, left, color (if on).
Walnut.AutoConfirmRetry: FALSE
if TRUE, then automatically pushes the Retry button after 10 minutes of waiting - this is only when there are the Quit/Retry pair of buttons.
Walnut.AutoNewMail: FALSE
if TRUE, then automatically retrieves new mail when the newMailLog is nonempty.
Walnut.AutoScrollMsgSets: TRUE
if TRUE, automatically scrolls a msgset (when first displayed) to the first unread message (if any) or to the end.
Walnut.ControlWindowColumn: "right"
left, right or color are the options.
Walnut.DefaultArchiveDir: ""
value is the default working directory when reading or writing archive files.
Walnut.DeleteFileAfterPrint: FALSE
If true, deletes the temproary file after doing a print
Walnut.DisplayMsgSetInIcon: FALSE
If TRUE, the mailbox icon contains a label showing the name of the currently-selected message set.
XNSMail.attachmentsDir: ///xnsMailAttachments/
the local subrdirectory in which to store attachments.
Walnut.EditedAnswerSenders: FALSE
if TRUE, then the Answered sender will always be edited (means it won't get reused by subsequent Answer, Forward, etc). Right-Click will also make the Sender edited.
Walnut.EditedForwardSenders: FALSE
if TRUE, then the Forwarded sender will always be edited (means it won't get reused by subsequent Forward, Answer, etc). Right-Click will also make the Sender edited.
Walnut.gvMail: TRUE
if TRUE, tries to retrieve gv mail.
Walnut.GuardedDestroy: FALSE
if TRUE, then the Destroy button in the Walnut Control window will be guarded.
Walnut.InitialActiveIconic: FALSE
if true and InitialActiveOpen = TRUE, then the Active message set viewer is opened as an icon.
Walnut.InitialActiveOpen: FALSE
TRUE says open a message set viewer on Active.
Walnut.MsgSetButtonDefaultLooks: ""
the looks for unselected MsgSetButtons.
Walnut.MsgSetColumn: "left"
choices are left, right, or color (if on)
Walnut.MsgSetButtonSelectedLooks: "bi"
the looks for selected MsgSetButtons.
Walnut.MsgSetButtonSelectedLooks: "bi"
the looks for selected MsgSetButtons.
Walnut.NewPageEveryMsg: FALSE
if TRUE, when printing a msgset, every message will begin on a new page.
Walnut.NonExistentMsgSetLooks: "y"
the looks for non-existent msg sets (default has a line drawn thru the name)
XNSMail.nsTextFileAsFile: BOOL ← FALSE
If TRUE, an nsTextFile received as an attachment will be written to a file, otherwise it is simply stuffed into the message-
Walnut.NumMsgSetButtonsLines: calculated to be somewhat reasonable, max 10 if not specified
Walnut.OpenHeightForActive: defaulted if not specified, otherwise sets the height of the viewer for the active message set
Walnut.PlainTextStyle: "cedar"
The Tioga style to use for message which don't have any Tioga formatting in them.
Walnut.PrintSmallHeaders: TRUE
if TRUE, the headers sections of msgs get printed in a smaller font. This is NOT used for the print button on a message displayer.
Walnut.ReportNewMailProgress: FALSE
if TRUE, opens a small typescript and reports as mail is retrieved from grapevine.
Walnut.ShowUnreadWithQMs: TRUE
if TRUE, shows unread messages with a ? in front; setting this FALSE moves the TOC entry over a couple spaces.
Walnut.SpecialBrokenIcon: FALSE
if TRUE, an iconic control window has a special icon when Walnut is waiting for Quit/Retry confirmation from user.
Walnut.TOCDefaultLooks: ""
the looks for an unselected table-of-contents entry in a msgSet displayer.
Walnut.TOCSelectedLooks: "sb"
the looks for the selected table-of-contents entry in a msgSet displayer.
Walnut.TOCUnreadLooks: "i"
the looks for an unread table-of-contents entry in a msgSet displayer.
Walnut.UseDefaultPrintFile: TRUE
If false, a name is generated from the subject of the message being printed
Walnut.UseFromFieldInTOC: FALSE
use the From field in the TOC entry, even if there is a Sender field
Walnut.WalnutRootFile: "[Luther.alpine]<user.registery>Walnut.Root"
Walnut.xnsMail: TRUE
if TRUE, tries to retrieve xnsMail
Walnut.PruneHeaders: FALSE
If TRUE, only the UnprunedHeaders of a message are displayed.
Walnut.UnprunedHeaders: subject from to cc date
The headers of a messages that are always displayed, even if PruneHeaders is TRUE.