DIRECTORY Process, TIPTypes; TIPTableAccess: CEDAR DEFINITIONS = BEGIN TIPTable: TYPE ~ TIPTypes.TIPTable; GetMouseTicks: PROC [table: TIPTable] RETURNS [mouseTicks: Process.Milliseconds]; SetMouseTicks: PROC [table: TIPTable, mouseTicks: Process.Milliseconds]; GetOpaque: PROC [table: TIPTable] RETURNS [opaque: BOOL]; SetOpaque: PROC [table: TIPTable, opaque: BOOL]; GetTimeInterest: PROC [table: TIPTable] RETURNS [timeInterest: BOOL]; SetTimeInterest: PROC [table: TIPTable, timeInterest: BOOL]; END.  TIPTableAccess.mesa Copyright Σ 1988, 1991, 1992 by Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved. Bier, March 4, 1993 12:23 pm PST Christian Jacobi, February 18, 1992 8:03 pm PST Contents: Routines for getting and setting various parts of a TIP table. Κ-–(cedarcode) style•NewlineDelimiter ™codešœ™Kšœ Οeœ<™HK™ K™/K™KšΟbœA™IK™—šΟk ˜ K˜K˜—KšœŸœŸ œ˜#KšŸ˜˜Kšœ Ÿœœ˜#—K˜KšΟn œŸœŸœ$˜QKš  œŸœ5˜HK˜Kš  œŸœŸœ Ÿœ˜9Kš  œŸœŸœ˜0K˜Kš œŸœŸœŸœ˜EKš  œŸœ!Ÿœ˜