DIRECTORY KeyTypes, TIPTables; TIPFastTables: CEDAR DEFINITIONS = BEGIN KeySym: TYPE = KeyTypes.KeySym; TIPChoice: TYPE = TIPTables.TIPChoice; TIPFastTable: TYPE = TIPTables.TIPFastTable; CreateFastTable: PROC [mod: NAT ¬ 73] RETURNS [fastTable: TIPFastTable]; GetSizeFastTable: PROC [fastTable: TIPFastTable] RETURNS [CARD]; StoreInFastTable: PROC [fastTable: TIPFastTable, keySym: KeySym, choice: TIPChoice]; FetchFromFastTable: PROC [fastTable: TIPFastTable, keySym: KeySym] RETURNS [choice: TIPChoice]; WalkKeySymsInFastTable: PROC [fastTable: TIPFastTable, proc: PROC [KeySym, TIPChoice]]; END.  TIPFastTables.mesa Copyright c 1992 by Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved. Bier, March 4, 1993 12:38 pm PST Contents: Routines for creating and accessing fast TIP tables. Formerly called TIPTableAccess. Apply proc to each of the TIPChoices in fastTable. Κ•NewlineDelimiter ™code™Kšœ Οmœ1™˜TKšŸœžœ+žœ˜_šŸœžœ!žœ˜WKšœ2™2K™—Kšžœ˜K˜—…—^s