NEW[KeyTable ¬ [
Unused0: [Unused0, Unused0],
Unused1: [Unused1, Unused1],
Unused2: [Unused2, Unused2],
Unused3: [Unused3, Unused3],
Unused4: [Unused4, Unused4],
Unused5: [Unused5, Unused5],
Unused6: [Unused6, Unused6],
Pen: [Pen, Pen],
Keyset1: [Keyset1, Keyset1],
Keyset2: [Keyset2, Keyset2],
Keyset3: [Keyset3, Keyset3],
Keyset4: [Keyset4, Keyset4],
Keyset5: [Keyset5, Keyset5],
Point: [LeftMouse, LeftMouse],
Adjust: [RightMouse, RightMouse],
Menu: [MiddleMouse, MiddleMouse],
Zero: [Zero, RightParen], -- 0 and )
One: [One, Exclamation], -- 1 and !
Two: [Two, AtSign], -- 2 and @
Three: [Three, NumberSign], -- 3 and #
Four: [Four, DollarSign], -- 4 and $
Five: [Five, PercentSign], -- 5 and %
Six: [Six, Tilde], -- 6 and ~
Seven: [Seven, Ampersand], -- 7 and &
Eight: [Eight, Asterisk], -- 8 and *
Nine: [Nine, LeftParen], -- 9 and (
Q: [q, Q],
W: [w, W],
E: [e, E],
R: [r, R],
T: [t, T],
Y: [y, Y],
U: [u, U],
I: [i, I],
O: [o, O],
P: [p, P],
A: [a, A],
S: [s, S],
D: [d, D],
F: [f, F],
G: [g, G],
H: [h, H],
J: [j, J],
K: [k, K],
L: [l, L],
Z: [z, Z],
X: [x, X],
C: [c, C],
V: [v, V],
B: [b, B],
N: [n, N],
M: [m, M],
Dash: [Hyphen, EmDash], -- Alto - and %, DLion -
Slash: [Slash, KeySyms1.QuestionMark], -- / and ?
BackSlash: [BackSlash, VerticalBar], -- Alto \ and |, DLion DEFAULTS (top row, right end)
PASTE: [LF, LF], -- Alto LF (upper right), DLion COPY (left group)
BS: [BS, BS], -- Alto BS (upper right), DLion ¬ (large key, upper right)
Comma: [Comma, LessThanSign], -- , and <
Quote: [Apostrophe, QuotationMark], -- ' and " (close quotes on DLion)
RightBracket: [RightBracket, RightCurly], -- ] and }
STUFF: [Next, Next], -- Spare2
COMMAND: [KeySymsCedar.Look, KeySymsCedar.Look], -- Spare1
COMPLETE: [ESC, ESC], -- Alto ESC (upper left), DLion CENTER (top row, left end)
TAB: [TAB, TAB], -- Alto TAB, DLion <paratab> (large key left of Q)
CONTROL: [LeftControl, LeftControl],
LeftShift: [LeftShift, LeftShift],
Period: [Period, GreaterThanSign], -- . and >
SemiColon: [SemiColon, Colon], --; and :
Return: [Return, Return], -- Alto RETURN, DLion <newpara> (double-height key, right side)
Arrow: [LeftArrow, UpArrow], -- Alto ← and ^, DLion open quotes
DELETE: [Delete, Delete], -- Alto DEL, DLion DELETE (left group)
NEXT: [Move, Move], -- DLion MOVE (left group)
LOCK: [KeySymsKB.CapsLock, KeySymsKB.CapsLock],
Space: [Space, Space], -- the space bar
LeftBracket: [LeftBracket, LeftCurly], -- [ and {
Equal: [Equal, PlusSign], -- = and +
RightShift: [RightShift, RightShift],
USERABORT: [KeySymsCedar.Swat, KeySymsCedar.Swat], -- Spare3
MOVE: [Move, Move],
UNDO: [Undo, Undo],
DOIT: [Execute, Execute],
R9: [R9, R9],
L10: [L10, L10],
L7: [L7, L7],
L4: [L4, L4],
L1: [L1, L1],
A9: [A9, A9],
R10: [R10, R10],
A8: [A8, A8],
COPY: [Copy, Copy],
FIND: [Find, Find],
AGAIN: [Again, Again],
HELP: [Help, Help],
EXPAND: [Expand, Expand],
R4: [R4, R4],
D2: [D2, D2],
D1: [D1, D1],
MENU: [Menu, Menu],
T1: [T1, T1],
SCROLLBAR: [Bold, Bold],
JFIRST: [Italics, Italics],
JSELECT: [Underline, Underline],
RESERVED: [Superscript, Superscript],
CLIENT1: [Subscript, Subscript],
CLIENT2: [LargerSmaller, LargerSmaller],
T10: [T10, T10],
R3: [R3, R3],
Key47: [Key47, Key47],
A10: [A10, A10],
ATTENTION: [Attention, Attention],
A11: [A11, A11],
A12: [A12, A12]