Polle Zellweger (PTZ) May 22, 1987 2:39:24 pm PDT
AddVoiceProc: PUBLIC ENTRY Menus.MenuProc
IF recordingInProgress THEN MessageWindow.Append["Already recording", TRUE];
IF PlayBackInProgress[] THEN MessageWindow.Append["Cancel playback before trying to record", TRUE];
IF NOT suitableViewer THEN MessageWindow.Append["Make a selection in a tioga or text viewer first", TRUE];
IF alreadyBeingEdited THEN MessageWindow.Append["Previous voice editing operation has yet to complete", TRUE];
IF alreadyVoiceThere THEN MessageWindow.Append["Cannot add sound on top of another sound", TRUE];
IF recordedRope.length = 0 THEN MessageWindow.Append["Zero length voice annotation - discarding", TRUE];
IF recordedRope.length = 0 THEN MessageWindow.Append["Zero length voice dictation - destroying window", TRUE];
IF recordedRope.length = 0 THEN MessageWindow.Append["Zero length voice addition - viewer contents unchanged", TRUE];
DictationMachine: PUBLIC ENTRY Menus.MenuProc
IF PlayBackInProgress[] THEN MessageWindow.Append["Cancel playback before trying to record", TRUE];
ChangeVoiceInputFocus: INTERNAL PROC
IF targetSoundSelection.voiceViewerInfo.ropeInterval.ropeID = NIL THEN MessageWindow.Append["you're already using the dictation machine!", TRUE];
MessageWindow.Append["marker set where you were inserting voice", TRUE];
PlayBackMenuProc: PUBLIC Menus.MenuProc
IF RecordingInProgress[] THEN MessageWindow.Append["Stop recording before trying to play back", TRUE];
PlayWholeSlab: PUBLIC PROC [viewer: ViewerClasses.Viewer]
IF viewerInfo = NIL THEN MessageWindow.Append["Not a voice window or no selection", TRUE]
PlayRopeWithoutCue: PUBLIC PROC [voiceID: Rope.ROPE]
IF fullRope.length = -1 THEN MessageWindow.Append["non-existant voice utterance(s) found in selection", TRUE];
GetVoiceLock: PUBLIC ENTRY PROC [info: VoiceViewers.VoiceViewerInfo] RETURNS [gotIt: BOOLEAN]
IF info.editInProgress THEN MessageWindow.Append["Try again when the viewer's contents are stable", TRUE]