<<>> <> <> <> <<>> TiogaToWalnutDoc PCEDAR 2.0 % FOR INTERNAL XEROX USE ONLY TiogaToWalnut Weiser Ó Copyright 1992 Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved. Abstract: Provides a commander and programming interface to converting tioga nodes and documents into Walnut archive files. Created by: Weiser Maintained by: Weiser Keywords: walnut, archive, mail, tioga, peanut XEROX Xerox Corporation Palo Alto Research Center 3333 Coyote Hill Road Palo Alto, California 94304 For Internal Xerox Use Only 1. What it does TiogaToWalnut provides procedures and commands for converting tioga documents into walnut archives in "PARC standard mail archive format". In particular, there is a command that will convert Peanut-format files to Walnut archive files, thereby allowing conversion from Peanut mail to Walnut mail. See TiogaToWalnut.mesa for the programming interface. The commands are: TiogaToWalnut [-flags] archiveFileName _ tiogaFileName msgSetName where flags are interpreted as follows: 'a' means append to archive file instead of overwrite. 'x' means don't write the archive file at all, just check for well-formed peanut nodes 'p' means assume file is in peanut format 'v' means verbosely announce when done with each file With the -p option each top-level node and all its children are placed as independent messages into the archive file. Without the -p option the entire file is placed as a single message into the archive file. Unique msg id's are generated for each message based on the current date, current microseconds, the name of the file being converted, and an integer incremented for each message. 2. Examples TiogaToWalnut -pv Active.archive _ Active.mail Active The command above will convert the Active file for a peanut user into a walnut archive for msgSet Active. The "OldMailReaderOptions" item within the Walnut MsgSetOps menu can then be used to create a tool for reading archive files into Walnut. TiogaToWalnut -apv Active.archive _ Foo.mail Foo The command above add a second set of messages to the archive. When Active.archive is put into Walnut, the two sets of messages will be properly separated. 3. Bugs Peanut files often contain a node or two at the beginning that are not messages. These end up in the archive file as well.