Bill Paxton on March 14, 1983
Rick Beach on May 9, 1984
Subhana, May 30, 1984 11:02:13 am PDT
Rick Beach, May 30, 1985 3:00:19 pm PDT (Cedar6.0)
Michael Plass, March 12, 1992 3:46 pm PST
Doug Wyatt, April 3, 1987 5:01:26 pm PST
Swinehart, June 13, 1988 3:27:09 pm PDT
CEDAR 10.1
The Tioga Editor

Copyright 1984, 1985, 1987, 1988, 1989, 1992 Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved.
Abstract: Tioga is a system to help you prepare documents. Its two main components are an editor and a typesetter. The editor lets you prepare the textual content of a document. The typesetter composes the document into pages for printing. Tioga is capable of dealing with simple technical papers and memos, and is well integrated within Cedar to support more mundane tasks such as writing programs. In future versions, it will be suitable for complex technical documents and books and will support tables, math formulas, and illustrations containing synthetic graphics and scanned images.
When viewing this document on-line, use the level-clipping functions to see the overall structure rather than simply plowing straight through. LEFT-click the "Levels" button in the top menu, then LEFT-click "FirstLevelOnly" in the new menu that appears. This will show you the major section headings. LEFT-click "MoreLevels" to see the subsections, or "AllLevels" to read the details.
Created by: Bill Paxton
Maintained by: TiogaImplementors:PARC:Xerox
Keywords: abbreviations, artwork, color, composition, conversion, definition search, Cedar interface, Cedar language, document model, documentation, editor, EditTool, formatting, page layout, printing, Tioga documents, TIP tables, typesetting, styles, user profile, version map, WYSIWYG
Related CedarChest Components:
 TiogaImager for printing
 TiogaExecCommand for some utilities on Tioga files
 Artwork for inclusion of artwork, rules
 Preview for stuffing Artwork nodes
 Gargoyle for creation & stuffing of Artwork nodes
XEROX   Xerox Corporation
    Palo Alto Research Center
    3333 Coyote Hill Road
    Palo Alto, California 94304

Some editors represent a document as a list of paragraphs. In Tioga, a document is a tree structure rather than a list so that you can explicitly represent its hierarchical structure. In discussing the document tree we use Computer Science terminology in which a branch is recursively defined to be a node having zero or more children branches. The root node of the document tree is not displayed — although it can be modified by a few special commands — so the document basically appears to be a list of top-level branches.
Each node in the tree contains text. The characters of the text can have looks which control various aspects of their appearance such as font and size. Appearance is also influenced by the format of the node which determines things such as vertical and horizontal spacing. The document refers to the names of looks and formats, but not to any specific interpretation of them. The interpretations are instead collected in a style which can be shared by many documents. For example, in the style for this document there are definitions of formats for titles, headings, and standard paragraphs, and there are definitions of looks for emphasis and for small caps. Rather than specifying all the details for the formats and looks, the document refers to them by name so it is easy to change the definitions in the style and modify the appearance uniformly throughout the document.
User Categories
The Tioga user-interface is `layered' so that beginning users can protect themselves from the confusion that results from mistakenly giving a command. In ways described below, you can tell the system that you are either a beginner, an intermediate, or an advanced user. In the current Cedar environment, the default is advanced, so beware.
As far as the Tioga user-interface is concerned, the user category determines which keyboard commands are currently enabled. As a beginner, you get the commands that use the special keys at the left and right of the keyboard, plus CTRL-A and CTRL-W for backspace character and word, respectively. As an intermediate user, you add a large number of commands that use print keys in combination with the various shift keys. As an advanced user, you add the keyboard commands for manipulating the document tree structure. Any category of user can get at any of the commands by using the EditTool. The user category mechanism is meant to let you protect yourself, not to limit you. The default user category in the user profile distributed with Cedar is Advanced. You are free to change your own category at any time you feel like it. For example, to declare yourself to be an intermediate user, edit your user profile file to say UserCategory: Intermediate.
Input Devices
The mouse has three buttons named LEFT, MIDDLE, and RIGHT corresponding to their physical layout.
The keyboard is used for commands as well as text input. Here are the names for the special keys (for an Alto-style keyboard):
LOOK top right blank key.
NEXT middle right blank key.
REPEAT key labelled ESC.
DELETE key labelled DEL.
LOAD FILE key labelled LF.
The bottom right blank key is an alternative CTRL key. You can use either CTRL key and either SHIFT key interchangeably.
Scrolling and Thumbing
To move a viewer to look at a different part of the document, move the cursor into the left margin until it becomes a double arrow pointing both up and down. The part of the margin that becomes gray is called the scroll bar. The dark gray part shows the relative size and location of the currently visible portion of the document. LEFT-click to move the text adjacent to the arrow to the top of the viewer. RIGHT-click to move the text from the top of the viewer down to the arrow. These operations are called scrolling the document.
If you hold down MIDDLE in the scroll bar, the cursor becomes a right-pointing arrow. If you move the cursor to x% down from the top of the viewer and let up, the viewer will change to start about x% of the way through the document. This operation is called thumbing.
Changing levels when you scroll
In a document such as this one that uses levels to reflect its logical structure, it is often useful to start with a view of the first level only and then progressively scroll the document and show more levels as you zoom in on a particular topic. This process is slowed when you have to move the mouse between the scroll bar and the levels menu, so we have made it possible to scroll and change levels in a single operation. This works by using the SHIFT and CTRL keys as modifiers of the LEFT-click that causes scrolling up:
Scroll up and show more levels — SHIFT-LEFT-click (hold the SHIFT key (either one) down when LEFT-clicking to scroll)
Scroll up and show all levels — CTRL-LEFT-click (hold CTRL down when LEFT-clicking to scroll)
Scroll up and show minimum levels — SHIFT-CTRL-LEFT-click (hold both the SHIFT and CTRL keys down when LEFT-clicking to scroll).
This only works if you haven't started making a secondary selection; in the case that you are, it's assumed that you are holding down the keys for another reason.
The details of making selections will be covered later on. For now, you simply need to know that there is a single primary selection on the screen. The viewer containing the selection is referred to as the selected viewer. Many of the following commands deal with the selection or the selected viewer.
While undo is described later in more detail, hitting SHIFT-ESC undoes the most recent edit sequence and restores the selection to its prior state.
Naming Files
Tioga traffics in full FNames (see the Naming Files section of FSDoc.tioga). When a file has been loaded into a Tioga viewer, the viewer's caption displays the file's full FName. A Tioga viewer without a backing file displays just a working directory, ending in `>'. In either case, the working directory associated with a Tioga viewer is the part of the viewer's name up to the last `>'. For most Tioga operations that deal with files, you can specify just a short name, letting the viewer supply the working directory.
Typically you will want to view the most recent version of a file. If you omit the version part when specifying a file name, Tioga will find the most recent (!H) version. The viewer's caption will display the actual version number in parentheses. Furthermore, if another version of that file is created, Tioga will automatically reload the viewer with the newer version. (Exception: if a newer version is created while you are editing the older version, Tioga will flash a warning instead of reloading the viewer.) If you name a file with an explicit version number, Tioga will display the version number as part of the file name, and will never automatically reload the viewer.
Emergency Save All Edits
If your machine hangs up, and you have some unsaved documents, hold down SHIFT-SHIFT-SWAT (i.e., both shift keys and the bottommost blank key) for about a second. This will save all of your edits, if possible. The cursor changes to a square while the save is taking place. Documents in unnamed viewers will be stored with names like "[]<>SaveAllEdits-*.tioga".
Tioga System buttons
OpenThe Open button (located near the top right corner of the screen) performs the same function as the Get menu button described below (left column, empty working directory).
NewThe New button creates a new empty viewer in the left column.
Top level menu
Clear — creates an empty viewer.
If you LEFT-click the Clear button, the `clicked' viewer is cleared. If you MIDDLE-click the Clear button, a new empty viewer is created below the clicked one. Finally, if you RIGHT-click the Clear button, the clicked viewer is closed and a new empty viewer appears in its place.
In the viewer's caption (at the top, where the file name would normally appear), an empty viewer will display just a working directory, ending in `>'. An empty viewer produced by Clear inherits its working directory from the `clicked' viewer.
Naturally the most common thing to do with an empty viewer is to load a file. If you type a file name into an empty viewer and then hit LF, it is as if you selected the name and hit Get but no confirmation is required. CTRL-LF provides a similar function for GetImpl. You can also type a working directory name (ending in `>' or `/') and hit LF; this will simply change the working directory for the empty viewer.
Reset — discards edits by reloading the filed version of the document.
Reset is a guarded menu command to prevent accidental loss of edits. The line through the menu item represents the guard. The first click removes the guard for a short time interval and posts a confirmation message in the window at the top of the screen. A second click while the guard has been removed executes the command.
Get — loads the file named by the selection into a viewer.
If you LEFT-click the Get button, the file is loaded into the `clicked' viewer and replaces the previous contents. If you MIDDLE-click the Get button, a new viewer is created below the clicked one in the same viewer column. Finally, if you RIGHT-click the Get button, the clicked viewer is closed to make it iconic and a new viewer appears in its place.
If the selected name is a partial name (not beginning with `[' or `/'), Tioga interprets the name in the `clicked' viewer's working directory.
If the selected name does not include an explicit extension, Tioga will search for the file using a set of standard extensions. The default extensions are mesa, tioga, df, cm, config, and style. You can specify your own list of extensions with a user profile entry for SourceFileExtensions.
If the selected name contains a vertical bar ("|") followed by a position number, the feedback selection is set at the indicated position and document is scrolled to make it visible.
If the selected name is of the form <alpha>.<beta> and such a file exists, it is opened. Otherwise, if <beta> is one of the standard set of extensions, you will be informed that the file doesn't exist. However, if <beta> is not a standard extension, the system tries to open the file as if you had simply selected <alpha>. If this succeeds, it searches in the file for a definition of <beta> (see Def in the Places menu). This convention is intended for use with programs that have many instances of <Interface>.<Item> in which <Interface>.mesa is a file containing a definition for <Item>.
GetImpl — like Get but loads the file that implements the selected interface name.
If the selected name does not include an explicit extension (i.e., there is no period in the selected text), Tioga will use a set of standard implementation extensions. Currently, mesa is the only default implementation extension. You can specify your own list of implementation extensions with a user profile entry for ImplFileExtensions.
If the selected name is of the form <Interface>.<Item> and an implementation for the item is currently loaded, the system will find the name of the file holding the implementation (our thanks to the Cedar runtime model for providing this information). Otherwise, the system tries to open the file as if you had selected <Interface>Impl, and, if this succeeds, searches in the file for a definition of <Item>.
PrevFile — like Get but reloads the file that was previously in this viewer.
Store — like Save but writes to the file named by the current selection.
Store is also a guarded menu command like Reset.
Save — writes a new version of the file.
Tioga keeps 2 versions by default when it stores files, so you can retrieve the previous version if necessary. If the file has a keep property, then Tioga keeps that number of versions. Use the SetKeep command to change the keep property on a file.
A Comment Regarding `Unsaved' Documents
It is not uncommon to forget to save the contents of a viewer before destroying it or loading something else into it. However this is not a disaster since Tioga holds onto `unsaved' documents so you can reload them with edits preserved. The number of such documents that Tioga will remember is set by a profile entry (named Tioga.UnsavedDocumentsCacheSize); the default is four.
Whenever there are unsaved documents, Tioga creates a special viewer named `Unsaved Documents List' containing the names of the unsaved documents. To retrieve a document with all the unsaved edits, select the entire filename, including a version number if one, and click Open in the system menu area at the top right of the screen.
Unsaved documents are put into the cache by Destroy, Clear, Get, GetImpl, and PrevFile. They are not put in by Reset. If the cache is already full when a new entry arrives, the oldest entry is discarded. Whenever a file is needed for Get, GetImpl, or PrevFile, the cache is checked to see if an unsaved version is available. Unnamed documents are not put into the cache.
Time — inserts the current time at the caret.
Split — creates a new viewer looking at the same document.
The selection is highlighted in one viewer only, however edits will be reflected in all viewers for the document. Note that the split viewers can be independently closed, opened, or moved on the screen, and may be displayed at different levels of detail (see the Levels menu section).
Places, Levels — show/remove these submenus.
You may notice additional menu items after Levels; this are placed there by other programs (e.g., EditorComforts), and are documented elsewhere. Also note that other programs may alter the behavior of the normal Tioga menu items
The Places menu contains commands that cause the viewer to begin displaying at a new place in the document.
For the first three of the commands (Find, Word, and Def) commands, the button used in clicking the menu item determines how the search is carried out — LEFT-click to search towards the end of the document, RIGHT-click to search towards the start of the document, or MIDDLE-click to search first towards the end and, if that fails, then from the start of the document towards the selection. If the selection is visible in the viewer, the search starts there. Otherwise, it starts from the top of the viewer.
Find — find another instance of the selected text.
In this command and the following two, the direction of search and capitalization are determined by the mouse buttons and SHIFT keys. LEFT-clicking searches forward from the current selection point; RIGHT-clicking searches backwards; MIDDLE-clicking does a wrap-around search by first searching forward to the end of the document then searching from the beginning until the entire document has been searched. By default, the search matches capitalization. Clicking with the SHIFT key down invokes a `caseless' search in which capitalization does not matter.
Whenever a document is searched via the Find, Word, or Def menu buttons, the target of the search is saved. If the target for this particular search, i.e. the current selection, is empty (i.e. a point selection), then the previous target is used instead. This enables searching for Foo, deleting it, and then searching for the next Foo by simply clicking the menu button again. It also enables searching for a particular target, changing the input focus in order to type something somewhere else, for example, to obtain a new viewer and load it with a particular file, and then searching again without having to reselect the target.
If you simply point and click in a viewer, you typically will obtain a character selection, rather than a point selection, unless you point at an empty node. One simple way to convert a character selection into a point selection is to simply type anything, e.g. a space, and then backspace to get rid of it.
Word — find an instance of the selected text that is a `word'.
A word is defined to not have adjacent letters or digits.
Def — find a `definition' of the selected text.
A definition is an instance of the selected text that is immediately followed by a colon and isn't immediately preceded by an alphanumeric.
Position — scroll to and select the character position indicated by the selected number.
This is useful with compiler error messages that give locations as character counts. The command scrolls to the selected character number and then selects it — e.g., if `183' is selected, scroll to and select character number 183 in the document.
Compiler error messages give locations that exclude comment nodes. For error messages that include comment nodes, such as those from the TSetter, select the number and SHIFT-click Position to include comment nodes.
Instead of a simple number, the selected text string may be of the form "N1..N2", where N1 and N2 are the indices of the first and last character.
The inverse operation is also provided: middle-clicking the Position button causes a message to be displayed in the message window, telling the range of indices for the current selection. In some degenerate cases (selection covers 0 or 1 characters), the message will give only one number, otherwise it will give two.
Right-clicking the Position button causes the number(s) last displayed by middle-click to be inserted at the caret. They become the primary selection.
Both left- and middle-clicks need to know whether to count comment nodes. If the shift key is held down, they do; otherwise they don't.
Normalize — scroll to make the selection visible.
LEFT-click to scroll to the start of the selection, RIGHT-click to scroll to the end, or MIDDLE-click to scroll to the caret. If the document in this viewer does not contain the selection, scrolls to the start of the document.
PrevPlace — scroll to place that was previously visible.
Go back to the place that was previously visible in this viewer discounting manual scrolling that may have taken place since.
Reselect restore the most recent selection in this viewer and scroll to it.
StyleKind — control kind of style (screen or print) in the viewer.
LEFT-click to get screen style (legible on screen). RIGHT-click to get print style (fonts, spacing, line breaks more closely match printed output). Note that different style kinds may be used in different viewers on the same document.
These commands in the Levels menu let you control how deep the display goes in the document tree structure.
FirstLevelOnly — show only the top level nodes.
MoreLevels — show one more level than currently.
FewerLevels — show one fewer level than currently.
AllLevels — show all levels of the tree.
Tioga performs its editing operations on selected portions of the document. The normal method of editing in Tioga is to make a selection and then request an operation. The selection may be changed at any time prior to requesting the operation be completed.
Two kinds of selections are most frequently used: primary and secondary. A third kind of feedback selection provides feedback for tools that manipulate Tioga documents, such as the debugger identifying the point in a source file corresponding to the current execution stack position by scrolling the source file document and posting a feedback selection.
Primary selections
The primary selection is the one that's around most of the time and is the usual site for edits. It is displayed with a solid underline or with video reverse. Make a primary selection with the mouse in ways described below.
Insertion point
The insertion point goes with primary selection. It is shown by a blinking `caret' at one end or the other of the selection — the end closer to the cursor when the selection was made or the end most recently extended.
Secondary selections
The secondary selection is a selection made with the SHIFT key held down. It is displayed with a gray underline or with a gray background. Secondary seletions are often involved in Copy and Move operations.
Making selections
The selection hierarchy
The selection hierarchy consists of the following granularities: point, character, word, node, branch, and document.
Point selection
The primary selection has a blinking caret at one end. Some operations, such as delete and type-in, reduce the selection to just the caret. This is called a point selection.
Character selection
LEFT-click with the cursor over the desired character. You can hold the LEFT button down and move to the correct place before letting the button up.
You can cancel the new selection by hitting DEL while the mouse button is still down. Tioga will restore the previous selection.
Word selection
A `word' is defined as a sequence of letters and digits or a sequence of identical characters that are not letters or digits. Use the MIDDLE mouse button to make word selections. As with character selection, you can hold MIDDLE down and move to the correct word before letting up.
Node selection
LEFT-double-click to select a node.
Branch selection
A branch is a node and any children branches it might have. MIDDLE-double-click to select a branch.
Document selection
CTRL-D extends the selection to include the entire document. `D' stands for for `Document'.
Selection extension
Extend an existing selection by pointing at a new endpoint either before or after the selection and RIGHT-clicking. The system will extend the end of the selection closer to the cursor when RIGHT goes down. You can hold RIGHT down and move the endpoint to a new position.
If you just RIGHT-click, the selection is extended at the same level in the selection hierarchy. For example, a selection at the word level will be extended a word at a time. Double-RIGHT-click to extend at a lower level in selection hierarchy. Triple-RIGHT-click to extend at a higher level in selection hierarchy. Thus, if you have a node-level selection and wish to extend it to a word position within a node, double-RIGHT-click to reduce the level to words and then do the extension. If necessary, you can then double-RIGHT-click again to reduce to character level.
Editing by making selections
Delete selections
A delete selection is deleted as soon as the selection is completed. It is shown as video reverse. Hold down CTRL to make a delete selection. The selection is complete when you let up on both the mouse button and the CTRL key.
Pending-delete selections
`Pending-delete' selections are automatically deleted by subsequent insertions. They are shown with video reverse rather than solid underline. Whenever you extend a selection by RIGHT-clicking, the selection is automatically made pending-delete. Notice that you don't have to actually point to a new place in the text to `extend' a selection. For example, you can MIDDLE-click to select a word and then RIGHT-click without moving the mouse to make it pending-delete. Or you can combine these actions by `rolling' from the LEFT or MIDDLE mouse button to the RIGHT button to make a char or word selection pending-delete.
Copy and Move
Copy and Move operations require two selections, one for the source of the operation and the other for the destination. The Primary and Secondary selections are used for these. Secondary selections are made with the SHIFT key held down and are shown with a gray underline.
Copy secondary to primary
If you hold down the SHIFT key and select, the source selection will be copied. If the primary selection is currently pending-delete, it will be replaced by the copy of the source. Otherwise, the copy will be inserted at the caret.
Move secondary to primary
If you hold down both the SHIFT key and the CTRL key, the source selection will be moved. As before, if the primary selection is pending-delete, it will be replaced by the source. Otherwise, the source will be moved to the caret.
Destination selections for Copy and Move
The operations described above work by copying or moving a secondary selection to the primary selection. However, sometimes the primary selection is itself the thing you want to copy or move. The following two commands take care of these situations.
Copy primary to secondary
To copy the primary selection, hit CTRL-S, and with the CTRL key still held down, select a destination. The copy takes place as soon as you let the keys up. The primary selection is made not-pending-delete as soon as you hit CTRL-S to indicate that it will be copied rather than moved.
Move primary to secondary
To move the primary selection, hit CTRL-Z, and with the CTRL key still held down, select a destination. The move takes place as soon as you let the keys up. The primary selection is made pending-delete as soon as you hit CTRL-Z to indicate that it will be moved rather than copied.
Transpose selections
We now have covered commands to copy or move either the primary or the source selections. A final option is to transpose the primary and the source. To do this, hit CTRL-X, and with the CTRL key still held down, select a source. The primary selection is made pending-delete as soon as you hit CTRL-X to indicate that it will be moved rather than copied. The transpose takes place as soon as you let the keys and mouse buttons up.
Canceling a selection
Hit DEL before finishing the selection and the previous selection will be restored. This works during either primary, source, destination, or transpose selections.
A `placeholder' is all the text between a matching pair of placeholder brackets,  . Hit NEXT to find and select the next placeholder beyond the current selection. Hit SHIFT-NEXT to find the previous one. Recall that NEXT is the blank key to the right of RETURN.
If there isn't another placeholder, NEXT will move the selection to the end of the document. If the selection is already at the end, NEXT will try to find the next nested text viewer. Similarly, SHIFT-NEXT will move the selection to the start of the document if it doesn't find a previous placeholder and will try to find the previous nested text viewer if it is already at the start. This allows you to use NEXT both when filling in placeholders within a document and when filling in text viewers in tools.
Select visible — expand selection to blanks
CTRL-V expands the selection to include the `visible' characters on the left and right ends.
This is useful for selecting things like full file names. For example, in the following you could make a character selection anywhere in the name and then extend the selection with CTRL-V.
Filed on: [Cedar]<Cedar7.0>Documentation>TiogaDoc.tioga
Select matching brackets
CTRL-] extends the selection to the left and right to find a matching pair of [..]'s. Similarly for CTRL-}, CTRL-), and CTRL->. Note that you hit CTRL with the right bracket to extend the selection. In addition, you can hit CTRL with the left bracket to insert matching brackets around the selection.
Unfortunately, our keyboards don't have both left and right quote keys. However most of the fonts, including TimesRoman and Helvetica, do provide a left and right single quote. The keyboard quote key inserts a right single quote (code 047); the left single quote (code 140) can be inserted using the MakeOctalCharacter command in the EditTool or with the Insert Matching Single Quotes command (CTRL-'). The EditTool also has a command which extends the selection to find a matching pair of left and right single quotes. The situation for double quotes is even less uniform. Some fonts, such as Classic, have a left double quote (code 264) in addition to a right double quote (code 042). However, most fonts have only the 042 double quote, so the Tioga commands for inserting and matching double quotes use that code exclusively.
Text input
Typed-in characters are inserted at the caret.
To insert the current time use CTRL-T — `T' for Time.
When you insert a newline character by hitting RETURN, the system will automatically copy the blank characters (tabs and spaces) from the start of the previous line. To suppress this, type SHIFT-RETURN and only the carriage return will be inserted.
The "NewlineDelimiter" property on the root node of the document controls which character you get by typing RETURN (normally ASCII CR (octal 015) or LF (octal 012)), and also the display of embedded CRs and LFs. The embedded delimiters will be visible (in a font-dependent way) if they do not match the document's delimiter. Also, if the document's delimiter does not match the usual conventions of the system on which you are viewing the document, there will be a small mark in the upper-right corner of the viewer. Finally, the document's newline delimiter will be used to delimit the non-comment nodes in the plain-text portion of the external representation of the document.
To insert control characters or characters with a specific octal code, use CTRL-K or CTRL-O. The former will change the character before the caret to a control character, while the latter will convert the three digits before the caret to the corresponding octal character. The inverse operations are also available as CTRL-SHIFT-K and CTRL-SHIFT-O.
The Xerox Network Systems architecture provides for 16-bit character codes as an extension of the familiar 8-bit character codes. Tioga allows such character codes with the MakeOctalCharacter (CTRL-O) and UnMakeOctalCharacter (CTRL-SHIFT-O) commands just mentioned, by using character strings of the form "(sss|ccc)" in place of the three-digit octal character. In this string, "sss" represents the three-digit octal character set and "ccc" represents the three-digit octal character code. The interpretation of 16-bit character codes according to the Xerox Character Code Standard is enabled by providing the appropriate value to the fontPrefix style parameter to select the appropriate set of fonts.
Tioga does not use the string-body encoding when saving the files, so the character set information is not seen by programs that only read the text portions of Tioga documents. Also, certain of Tioga's operation (string searches, for example) do not use the character set information. These shortfalls may be fixed someday.
Abbreviation Expansion
CTRL-E — `E' for Expand abbreviation
When you hit CTRL-E, the caret is moved to the right of the selection if necessary and the keyname to the left of the caret is then replaced by the expansion text (according to the definition which is linked to the style in a manner described below). If the keyname had looks, they are added to the expansion. If the keyname was all caps, the expansion is made all caps too. If the keyname had an initial cap, the first character of the expansion is made uppercase (useful at the start of sentences, for example). If the definition node has a non-null format, the format of the caret node is changed to be the same as the definition node. If the expansion contains a placeholder, the first placeholder is selected. Otherwise the entire expansion is selected.
Definitions for abbreviations come from Tioga documents which are automatically read by the system when needed. The name of the appropriate abbreviations file is determined by the style that is in effect at the caret when the expansion takes place. For example, if the style is `Report', the abbreviations will come from the file `Report.Abbreviations' (c.f. the section on Style Search Rules under the profile options below). You can override this by explicitly naming the abbreviations file along with the keyname. For example, `Mesa.proc' will expand the abbreviation for `proc' from the file `Mesa.Abbreviations' independent of the style in effect at the caret. (Fine point: Since the system interprets a period before the keyname to mean that you're specifying a particular abbreviations file, you cannot type a vanilla abbreviation after a period.)
Each definition in an abbreviations file consists of a separate branch. The top node of the branch holds the keyname followed by an equals sign and then the text expansion. The rest of the branch, if any, is copied after the caret node as part of expanding the abbreviation; if the text expansion following the keyname is empty, then the rest of the branch will be at the same level as the caret node, otherwise, the rest of the branch is nested underneath the caret node. Any text following the keyname is moved to the end of the last child node in the branch. The definition may also include a list of operations to be performed after the expansion has been inserted. These operations have the same format as those in EditTool and are placed in parentheses after the keyname and before the equals sign.
Delete Character or Word
BackSpace: CTRL-A, CTRL-H, or BS. Deletes the character to the left of the caret.
If the caret is at the start of a node, this does a Join command (q.v.).
BackWord: CTRL-W, or CTRL-BS. Deletes the word to the left of the caret.
DeleteNextChar: CTRL-SHIFT-A, CTRL-SHIFT-H, or SHIFT-BS. Deletes the character to the right of the caret up to the end of a node.
DeleteNextWord: CTRL-SHIFT-W, or CTRL-SHIFT-BS. Deletes the word to the right of the caret up to the end of a node.
As mentioned above, you can delete something by selecting it with CTRL held down. In addition, you can delete the current selection by hitting DEL.
Paste: CTRL-P. The most recently deleted text is copied to the caret. You can also use the EditTool to save the current selection to be pasted later.
Copy, Move, Replace, and Transpose
These operations are all carried out by making selections. They are described in detail in the previous section.
Insert matching brackets
CTRL-[ adds a matching pair of [..]'s to the ends of the selection. Similar CTRL commands exist for {, (, <, -, ', and ". CTRL-B inserts matching placeholder brackets .
Note: CTRL-' inserts a left single quote (code 140) and a right single quote (code 047); CTRL-" inserts the same character (code 042) at each end of the selection.
All lower: CTRL-C. Makes the selection all lower case.
All caps: CTRL-SHIFT-C. Makes the selection all upper case.
First cap: CTRL-double C. Capitalizes the first word of the selection
Initial caps: CTRL-SHIFT-double C. Capitalizes each word in the selection.
Hitting ESC will repeat the most recent non-empty edit sequence starting with the current selection. Edit sequences are separated by user-made selections. For example, if you select a word, delete it, type a new one, and then select something else, the edit sequence is delete followed by text entry. If you hit Repeat, the system will do a delete and retype the new word.
Auto-repeat is done by ESC-select: if you hold down the ESC key while making a selection, a Repeat will automatically be done as soon as the selection is completed. This is useful when you're doing a large number of repeats.
Hitting SHIFT-ESC undoes the most recent edit sequence and restores the selection to its prior state. If you want to undo more than just the most recent sequence, use the EditHistory tool which is described later.
Tree structure editing
As explained in the introduction, Tioga documents consist of a tree of nodes. The following commands let you break, join, and nest nodes in the tree.
Break: CTRL-RETURN — break node at insertion point to create a new node.
Join: CTRL-J — join node at insertion point with previous node.
Nest: CTRL-N — move selected nodes to deeper nesting level in tree.
UnNest: CTRL-SHIFT-N — move selected nodes to shallower nesting level in tree.
Break & Nest: CTRL-I — simultaneously insert a new node and nest it.
Break & UnNest: CTRL-SHIFT-I — simultaneously insert and unnest.
Characters have looks which are named by the lower case letters `a' to `z'. Looks are interpreted by the style to change the appearance of the text. For example, look `e' might stand for `emphasis' and might result in italic face in one style and bold face in another. Each character has a set of looks — thus it may have several looks simultaneously, but each look occurs only once. You can use the EditTool to read or change the set of looks for selected characters. The following keyboard commands are also available for dealing with looks.
Selection Looks
You can change the selection looks with the following commands. (Recall that the LOOK shift is the top blank key to the right of BS.)
LOOK-char to add to selection looks.
LOOK-SHIFT-char to remove from selection looks.
LOOK-space to remove all selection looks.
Caret Looks
Caret looks determine the looks of typed-in text. The caret picks up the looks of the adjacent selected text whenever a selection is made. Changing the selection looks also changes the caret looks. However, if you wish to change the looks of the caret without changing the selection looks, LEFT-click the character key twice in quick succession.
LOOK-char-char to add to caret looks.
LOOK-SHIFT-char-char to remove from caret looks.
LOOK-space-space to remove all caret looks.
Using Selections To Copy Looks
To copy the looks of some existing text to the primary selection, hit CTRL-Q, and then with the CTRL key still held down, select the text with the looks you want to copy. The source looks replace any looks the selection previously had.
Automatic Mesa formatting
The CTRL-M command scans the selection for Mesa keywords, comments, and procedure names and gives them looks k, c, and n respectively. (As a convenience during typein, the entire caret node is reformatted if the selection is a single character or less.) With the standard Cedar style, the keywords will then be displayed in small caps, the comments will be italic, and the procedure names will be boldface. We expect to provide more extensive reformatting capabilities in the future.
Just as characters have looks, nodes have formats. The `format' is the name of a rule in the style that tells how to modify various parameters when displaying the node. For example, a style for documents might contain formats for titles, headings, quotations, standard paragraphs, etc. The EditTool has facilities for reading and changing the format of a node, or you can use the commands described below. (By convention, the null format name is equivalent to `default'.)
Setting and inserting caret node format
CTRL- will delete the word to the left of the caret and make it the format of the caret node.
In most cases you will give this command immediately after typing the format name, so the caret will naturally be in the correct place. However, to handle cases in which you select the name before hitting CTRL-←, the caret will automatically be forced to the right of the selection at the start of this command.
CTRL-SHIFT- inserts the format name at the caret.
This gives you a simple way to find out the format of a selected node.
Using selections to copy formats
To copy the format of some exisiting node to the selection nodes, hit CTRL-F, and then with the CTRL key still held down, select the node with the format you want to copy.
The EditTool
The EditTool provides a variety of operations on Tioga documents. The EditTool viewer is organized as a column of sections, each providing a related collection of operations. Each of the sections will be described in turn.
The text fields in the EditTool follow the convention that clicking the field name with LEFT causes the contents of the field to be selected pending-delete while clicking with RIGHT causes the field to be cleared and selected.
Search and Substitute
To do a search, enter the text you're looking for in the `Target' field, select where you want the search to start, and LEFT-click `Search' to search forward, RIGHT-click to search backwards, or MIDDLE-click to search first forward then backwards. The system searches from the current selection and updates the selected viewer if the search succeeds. (Fine point: in both searches and substitutes, the match is limited to a single node — we do not yet have mechanisms for doing matches across node boundaries.)
The multiple choices below the `Replacement' field control what is matched in searches and replaced in substitutes. You can select or deselect an item by clicking it with the mouse. The highlighting of the item should be interpreted in one of two ways. Normally, white text on black background means that the item is selected; black text on white means it is not selected. (In RealOps mode—see the RealOps section, below—the interpretation of a highlighted entry is somewhat different.)
Text — if this option is selected, match characters of target text when searching.
Looks — if selected, match looks of target text when searching.
Format — match format of target node.
Style — match style of target node.
Comment — match comment property of target node.
For example, if you pick the Looks option and deselect the Text option, you can search for any text that has a particular set of looks. If you pick only Text, the matching will ignore the looks of the target. If you pick Text and Looks, the matching text must match both the characters and the looks of the target text.
The other options deal with node properties. If you pick Format, the matching will be limited to nodes with the same format as the target node. Similarly, if you pick Style, the matching will only look at nodes whose style is the same as the target node's. Finally, if you pick Comment, the match will consider only nodes with the same value of the Comment property (TRUE or FALSE) as the target.
The first two rows of boxes below the multiple choices give you control over how matching is performed. LEFT-click with the cursor over a box to change the choice next to it. The various choices are as follows:
1. Case of matching text
Match Case — matching text must have same case as target text.
Ignore Case — matching text does not have to have same case as target text.
2. Interpretation of target text
Match Literally — don't treat target text as a pattern.
Match as Pattern — do treat target as pattern. (Patterns are described below.)
3. Context of target text
Match Anywhere — ignore context of matching text.
Match Words Only — matching text must not have adjacent letters or digits.
Match Entire Nodes Only — matching text must span entire node.
4. Matching target looks
Subset as Looks Test — looks of matching text must include target looks.
Equal as Looks Test — looks of matching text must be identical to target looks.
To do a substitution, enter the new text in the `Replacement' field, enter the text to be replaced in the `Target' field, and hit `Substitute' in the menu at the top of the EditTool. The Text/Looks/Format/... options guide the search in the usual manner and also control what is replaced.
If you pick Text and Looks, the matching text will be replaced just as if you had selected it with pending delete and made a source secondary selection of the replacement text.
If you pick only the Looks option, the matching text will have the target looks removed and the replacement looks added.
If you pick only Text, the replacement text will have the looks of the replaced text added to it. (Fine point: if the looks of the replaced text are not uniform, the looks of the first character will be used throughout.)
If you pick Format, the matching node will get the format of the replacement node. Similarly, picking Style causes the matching node to get the style of the replacement node, and picking Comment causes the matching node to get the same value of the Comment property as the replacement node.
The final three boxes in the Search&Substitute section give you further control over this operation.
1. First character capitalization of the replacement text
First cap like replaced — if the replaced text starts with a capital letter, force the first letter of the replacement to be a capital too.
Don't change caps — leave the replacement capitalization alone.
2. What is done to the matching text
Do Replace — do the usual substitute or replace.
Do Operations — instead of doing a replace, select the matching text and then do the operations currently in the `Operations' field of the EditTool.
3. Where the substitutions will take place
Within Selection Only — substitute is limited to current selection.
After Selection Only — substitute after selection to end of document.
In Entire Document — substitute in the entire selected document.
Case-by-Case Substitutes
In addition to doing global substitutes, you can decide on a case-by-case basis whether or not to replace the matching text by the new text. Use the search commands to find the first matching text. Then if you hit `Yes', the system will do a `Replace' followed by a search forward. If you hit `No', it will skip the `Replace' and simply do another search. Thus to selectively substitute, start with a search, then do `Yes' for the cases you want to change and `No' for the others. The `Replace' command simply does for the current selection what a substitute would do for a match. Finally, the `Count' command is available to tell you how many substitutions would take place without actually changing the document.
In order to do a search or substitute, you will typically need to fill in the Target or Replacement fields in the EditTool. Naturally, this changes the selection, and before you can do the operation, you must restore the selection to the place where you actually want it to take place. The system helps you with this by saving the primary selection if it is not in the EditTool when you LEFT-click either the Target or the Replacement button. The commands along the top of the EditTool — Search, Substitute, Yes, No, Replace, and Count — restore the saved selection if the primary selection is in the EditTool when they are clicked. The net effect is that if you start out with the selection in the right place, you can LEFT-click the Target or Replacement buttons, fill in the needed information, and then directly click one of the commands without needing to reselect since the system will do it for you.
Patterns for Search and Substitute
When you specify that the target be matched as a pattern rather than literally, the following symbols in the target text are interpreted specially. A short summary of these symbols appears at the bottom of the Search&Substitute section of the EditTool.
# Match any single character.
* Match shortest possible sequence of characters.
** Match longest possible sequence of characters.
' Match the next character in the pattern exactly.
~ Match any character except the next one in the pattern.
Alphanumeric characters
@ Match any single alphanumeric character (letter or digit).
& Match shortest possible sequence of alphanumeric characters.
&& Match longest possible sequence of alphanumeric characters.
Non-alphanumeric characters
~@ Match any single non-alphanumeric character.
~& Match shortest possible sequence of non-alphanumeric characters.
~&~& Match longest possible sequence of non-alphanumeric characters.
Blank characters
% Match any single blank character.
$ Match shortest possible sequence of blank characters.
$$ Match longest possible sequence of blank characters.
Non-blank characters
~% Match any single non-blank character.
~$ Match shortest possible sequence of non-blank characters.
~$~$ Match longest possible sequence of non-blank characters.
| Match start or end of node.
{ Mark start of resulting selection.
} Mark end of resulting selection.
< Mark start of named subpattern.
> Mark end of named subpattern.
The named subpatterns are of use in substitutes that reorder or duplicate parts of the matching text. The full syntax for a named subpattern is <name:subpattern>. The special case of `match any sequence of characters' is provided as a default — i.e., <name> is equivalent to <name:*>. As far as the matching is concerned, the occurrence of <name:subpattern> is the same as if the subpattern had appeared without a name, but it has the side-effect of remembering the subsection it matched. The `Replacement' field can contain <name>s corresponding to named subpatterns in the target. The replacement text is constructed by replacing the <name>s with the section of replaced text that matched the subpattern. The replacement is automatically considered to be a pattern whenever the target is — you don't need to do anything special to get the <name>s in the replacement interpreted as subpatterns.
For example, if the target is
Target: WHILE <pred>[<arg>] DO
and the replacement is
Replacement: WHILE <arg> IS <pred> DO
then `WHILE blue[moon] DO' will be converted to `WHILE moon IS blue DO'.
Looks, Formats, Styles, and Properties
The Looks commands let you read and modify the looks of the caret or the selection. The looks are shown as a series of letters in the `Looks characters' field. The box lets you pick whether you want the looks for the selection or the looks for the caret.
Get — fills the `Looks characters' field with the letters for the caret/selection looks.
Set — reads the `Looks characters' field and sets the looks of the caret/selection.
Clear — removes all looks from the caret/selection.
Add — adds the specified looks to the caret/selection.
Sub — removes the specified looks from the caret/selection.
The Format commands let you read and modify the format for the root node or the selected nodes. The box at the right lets you pick the case you want.
Get — fills the `Format name' field.
Set — reads the `Format name' field and sets the node's format.
Clear — removes the node's format name. This is the same as specifying `default' format.
A style is a collection of interpretations for looks and formats. The definition of style rules are described later in their own section. The Style commands in the EditTool let you read and modify the name of the style for the root node or the selected nodes. The new style applies to the specified node and all the nodes within its sub-branches that do not themselves have explicit styles.
Get — fills the `Style name' field.
Set — reads the `Style name' field and sets the node's style.
Clear — removes any style specification from the node.
The following two buttons won't normally be needed; see "Style Search Rules" below.
LoadStyleDefinition — reads the `Style name' field and reloads the style definition from that file with extension `Style'. (Don't put the extension in the field — just put the style name and let the system add the extension.)
LoadAbbreviations — reads the `Style name' field and reloads the abbreviation definitions from that file with extension `Abbreviations'.
A node can have an arbitrary set of `properties'. Each property consists of a name and a value. Certain properties are used by the system, but you (and your programs) are free to add others.
The `Property name' field specifies the name of a property. Case distinctions do matter in property names — `foo' is a different property than `Foo'. The `Property value' field specifies a value. The box lets you pick whether you are talking about properties of the root node or the selected nodes.
Get — fills the `Property value' field with the current value of the named property.
Set — reads the `Property value' field and sets the property value.
Remove — removes the named property from the node.
List — fills the `Property name' field with the names of the node's properties.
Properties may also be applied at the character level; click the box until it says "For selected characters". Character properties are not always interpreted the same way as the node properties, but the Postfix property (see below) works for both.
In addition to setting and reading properties, there is a mechanism that lets you find nodes with a certain property value. For example, if you have annotated a document with comments under the property name `MyOpinion', and you want to find nodes in which your comment included the word `good', enter the name in the `Property name' field and the text in the `Value pattern' field. Then use the `Find' command to search forward or backwards from the caret node for a node with a value of the property that matches the pattern. (LEFT-click to search forward, RIGHT-click to search backwards.) Value patterns can use the standard set of special characters for searches. If a match is found, the node is selected and the property value is displayed.
Reserved Properties
Tioga and some other commonly-used programs use several property names for representing structure. Many of these have values that are simply human-readable character strings, but some are meant to be read and written only by programs, and so you should not try changing them with the EditTool unless you really understand what you are doing. Others are non-persistent (i.e. do not get saved in files) and are read and written only by programs. Note that programs other than Tioga may register new kinds of properties, so the list here is not exhaustive. The reserved properties are:
Artwork registered name of artwork class (ok to edit)
Bounds used by some Artwork implementations for describing the bounding box of some artwork (edit with care)
CharProps character properties (do not edit directly; see above for how to change character properties)
CharSets character sets for XNS 16-bit character codes (do not edit directly)
Comment `TRUE' or `FALSE' (ok to edit; see below)
DocumentLock (non-persistent)
FileCreateDate (non-persistent)
FileExtension (non-persistent)
Format format of node (ok to edit; see above)
Interpress an Interpress master used by ArtworkInterpress implementation (do not edit)
LockedViewer (non-persistent)
NewlineDelimiter Character used to delimit nodes in file representations (ok to edit)
Postfix (ok to edit; see below)
Prefix (ok to edit; see below)
StyleDef style definition (ok to edit; see below)
TiogaNodeAddrsProp (non-persistent)
Viewer (non-persistent)
Comment Property
All nodes have a `Comment' property which is either `TRUE' or `FALSE'. If its value is TRUE, the text of the node is not seen by programs such as the compiler that are only interested in the basic text contents. This makes it possible to intermix documentation and program text without requiring special escape characters to mark the start and end of comments. You can set the Comment property by using the EditTool or with the following commands.
CTRL-\ — set comment property of all selected nodes to TRUE
CTRL-SHIFT-\ — set comment property of all selected nodes to FALSE
If you are worried about not knowing at a glance what is a comment node and what is not, find a StyleRule in the style that applies to all the formats you are interested in (e.g., `standard' in Cedar.style), and insert the line
isComment {visible underlining} {none underlining} .ifelse .cvx .exec
This will cause the contents of all comment nodes to be underlined. (You might want to say `strikeout' instead of `underlining' if the style already uses underlining to mean something else, and legibility is not your main concern.)
This button, located on the first menu line of the EditTool, reveals or conceals a second, section buttons, menu line (in the manner of the Places or Levels buttons of Tioga viewers). The section buttons provide a rapid method for scrolling to the desired section of the EditTool, along with a number of options for adjusting the viewer's height. This is a convenient alternative to growing the viewer in order to reach less-frequently-used operations. The section buttons are labelled Subs, Looks, Format, Style, Property, Sort, Operations, and Others. Clicking with any mouse button will scroll the corresponding section to the top of the EditTool viewer. LEFT-click to reset the viewer height to the original default size (very small), MIDDLE-click to perform this operation without modifying the viewer height, and RIGHT-click to accommodate the selected section exactly. When the EditTool is started, the line of section buttons is displayed.
Sort and Reverse
These commands let you sort or reverse lists of things. The `Sort' command sorts things in alphabetical order, ignoring case. `Sort-and-remove-duplicates' is useful when you are merging sets of things. The box below the Sort button lets you pick whether you want increasing or decreasing order in the result. The right box lets you pick what will be sorted: text delimited by blanks, lines delimited by newline characters, or branches of the document tree. Leading blanks are ignored when sorting lines or branches.
The operation labels in the EditTool were chosen for clarity of visual presentation. Corresponding to each operation is another, more concise and precise, symbol called the operation name, which must be used to represent the operation in the various methods for programming editing functions that are described in the following sections. These facilities include a number of "programming by example" methods that reduce the user's need to know these operation names.
The RealOps button, located on the first menu line, is provided for the convenience of advanced users who would instead like to compose editing sequences directly. RealOps toggles the EditTool display between its conventional appearance and an alternate view that replaces each label with its corresponding operation name. These names may then be used directly in edit macros and other operation sequences. This document does not list or otherwise use these internal operation names, preferring the standard labels. The user can, however, employ RealOps to determine any mappings of interest.
For Boolean attributes, such as the Text or Looks options to the search and substitute operations, each choice has its own operation name. For instance, MatchText and IgnoreText represent the "true" and "false" choices, respectively, for the Text option. Normally, the choice is represented visually only by whether or not the option is highlighted. When RealOps is used to select the alternate display, however, these fields display their current choice values. Highlighting continues to accentuate the "true" choice.
These commands let you construct simple edit macros. The `Operations' field holds a text description of a command sequence. The `GetLast' command fills in the Operations with the description of the most recent sequence, i.e., the one a Cancel would cancel or a Repeat would repeat. `Do' executes the description in the operations field. `Begin' marks the start of a command sequence. `End' fills the Operations with the description of the commands since the most recent `Begin'. `SetCom' stores the operations under the CTRL-number key for the number in the `Command [0..9]' field. Conversely, `GetCom' fills the `Operations' field with the current CTRL-number definition.
To see how this works, select the following word: `hello'. Hit DEL and type in `howdy'. Now hit the `GetLast' button. The Operations field should now contain: Delete `howdy'. Edit the Operations field contents to replace `howdy' by `goodbye', then hit the `SetCom' button (first put 1 in the Command field if it's not already there). Now select the `howdy' you typed earlier and hit CTRL-1. If all went well, the `howdy' will have been deleted and `goodbye' inserted in its place. More examples of edit macros will be given later.
Command9 and Command0 are initialized with some handy command sequences for typing parenthesized expressions.
Searches and Operations on Files
You can use the EditTool to look through a list of files for one in which the current search specifications are satisfied. This can be accomplished by clicking the `SearchEachFile' button after filling in the `Files' field with the file names (or `@' followed by the name of a file that holds the list of file names). You can also specify a working directory for file lookup by filling in the `Working Directory' field. When you LEFT-click SearchEachFile, a new viewer is created, and one-by-one the files will be loaded and searched until a match is found. The list of files will be updated when a match is found, so that when you are finished with one file you can LEFT-click SearchEachFile again to look for the next one. You can hit the `Stop' button at the top of the EditTool to interrupt the search, but you should not try doing other operations while the search is in progress since it resets the selection each time it loads a file.
Occasionally you will want to apply certain operations to an entire set of files. You can do this by filling in the `Operations' field and the `Files' field, and then clicking `DoForEachFile'. A new viewer will be created, and one-by-one the files will be loaded, selected, edited, and saved. No confirmation is required for the saves, so the entire process can go on without you. In fact, you should not try to do anything else while this is going on since the operations use the primary selection. The one exception is the `Stop' button which you can hit to terminate the process.
For example, to replace the word "apple" with the word "banana" in a number of files in directory ///Users/YourName.pa/Play/, type "apple" for Target, "banana" for Replacement, "DoSubstitute" for Operations, a list of short file names for Files, and "///Users/YourName.pa/Play/" for Working Directory. Click the DoForEachFile button and find something else to do while Tioga makes the substitutions. Note: You probably want to select "Match Words Only", particularly if you are replacing "Scene" by "OBScene", so that no harm will be done if you process the same file twice.
Operations via the Command Tool
You can invoke a set of operations from a command tool as well as directly from the EditTool. When you run TiogaExecCommands, one of the commands it registers is DoTiogaOps which expects a command line containing operations in the same format as in the operations field. One possible application of this is to create a command file that initializes various EditTool switches to your favorite settings. For example, you could use the following command to set up some of the search parameters: DoTiogaOps IgnoreCase MatchWords MatchPattern.
Edit Commands
This section of the EditTool contains buttons for all the basic edit commands. These are useful if you can't remember what keys to hit for an infrequent command or if you've set your user category to beginner or intermediate to filter out certain commands. Many of the buttons correspond to commands that have been documented above. However, a few of them are primarily of use in constructing edit macros and have not been mentioned before. For completeness, all the buttons will be given a brief description.
Modifying selections
CaretBefore — move caret to front of selection
CaretAfter — move caret to end of selection
CaretOnly — reduce selection to a caret
Grow — selection grows in hierarchy of point, character, word, node, branch
Document — select entire document
PendingDelete — make primary selection pending delete
NotPendingDelete — make primary selection not pending delete
MakeSecondary — make the primary selection become the secondary selection
MakePrimary — make the secondary selection become the primary selection
CancelSecondary — remove the secondary selection
CancelPrimary — remove the primary selection
Copy, Move, and Translate
ToPrimary — copy/move secondary to primary
ToSecondary — copy/move primary to secondary
Transpose — transpose the primary and the secondary
Moving the caret
GoToNextChar — make primary caret only and move one character toward end of document or one toward start if you RIGHT-click instead of LEFT-clicking
GoToNextWord — like GoToNextChar, but move toward end by `words' or one toward start if you RIGHT-click instead of LEFT-clicking
GoToNextNode — move caret one node toward end or one toward start if you RIGHT-click instead of LEFT-clicking
Saving and Restoring the selection
SaveSel-A — save primary selection to restore later
RestoreSel-A — restore the selection previously saved by SaveSel-A
SaveSel-B — save primary selection to restore later
RestoreSel-B — restore the selection previously saved by SaveSel-B
Extend the selection to matching brackets
(...) — extend primary selection to matching parens
<...> — extend to matching angle brackets
{...} — extend to matching curly brackets
[...] — extend to matching square brackets
"..." — extend to matching double quotes
`...' — extend to matching single quotes
-...- — extend to matching dashes
... — extend to matching placeholder brackets
Find placeholders
Next... — move primary selection to next placeholder
Prev... — move to previous placeholder
Delete and Paste
Delete — delete the primary selection
Paste — insert saved text at caret
SaveForPaste — save text for later pasting; overwrites text saved by Delete
Repeat and Undo
Repeat — repeat the last command sequence
Undo — undo the last command sequence
Deleting character/word next to caret
BackSpace — delete the character to the left of the caret
BackWord — delete the word to the left of the caret
DeleteNextChar — delete the character to the right of the caret
DeleteNextWord — delete the word to the right of the caret
Inserting matching brackets around the selection
Add( ) — insert parens around the selection
Add< > — insert angle brackets
Add{ } — insert curly brackets
Add[ ] — insert square brackets
Add" " — insert double quotes
Add` ' — insert single quotes
Add- - — insert dashes
Add  — insert placeholder brackets
AllCaps — make the selection upper case
AllLower — make the selection lower case
FirstCap — capitalize each word in the selection and make the other letters lower case
InitialCaps — capitalize the first word in the selection and make the other letters lower case
Special characters
MakeOctalCharacter — convert the 3 digits before the caret to the corresponding character
MakeControlCharacter — convert the character before the caret to a control character
UnMakeOctalCharacter — convert the character before the caret to 3 digit representing its character code
UnMakeControlCharacter — convert the control character before the caret to a normal character
Tree structure commands
Break — break node at caret
Join — join caret node to one before it
Nest — move selection deeper in tree
UnNest — move selection higher in tree
Miscellaneous commands
CommentNode — set Comment property of all selected nodes to TRUE
NotCommentNode — set Comment property of all selected nodes to FALSE
ExpandAbbreviation — expand the abbreviation to the left of the caret
MesaFormatting — add Mesa looks, formats, and style to selection
Command 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 — do saved command macro
Writing Edit Macros
A few examples should get you started writing your own edit macros. First, assume you find yourself doing a lot of edits of the form <stuff> becomes <pred>[<stuff>] for various values of <stuff> and <pred>. You might like a single command to insert the brackets and move the caret to the place where you will insert the <pred>. To construct such a command, first select a particular <stuff>, hit the Add[ ] button in the EditTool, the CaretBefore button, and the GoToNextChar button using the right mouse button. Then hit GetLast to fill the Operations field, enter `1' in the `Command [0..9]' field, and hit SetCom to save the macro definition. Now you can select <stuff>, hit CTRL-1, and be ready to insert before the left bracket.
A macro to delete matching parentheses will show the use of the SaveSel and RestoreSel commands. Make a selection anywhere inside a pair of matching parens. Give the following sequence of commands: (...) to extend the selection, CaretAfter to position the caret at the right, SaveSel-A so we can restore the selection later, BackSpace to delete the right paren, RestoreSel-A to get the selection back, CaretBefore to move the caret to the front, and finally DeleteNextChar to delete the left paren. Now you can hit GetLast and SetCom to save this macro.
Remember that RealOps can be used to replace the normal displayed labels for edit operations by the corresponding operation names that must be used in edit macros, permitting the experienced user to create these macros directly.
Other operations on the EditTool can also be programmed using edit macros. For example, assume you want a macro to substitute `which' for `that'. The following set of commands will load the target and replacement fields and do the substitute: RIGHT-click to select and clear the target field, type `that' as the target text, RIGHT-click to select and clear the replacement field, type `which' as the replacement text, and finally hit the Substitute button. This macro will only change the target and replacement fields. The other parameters of the substitute are not changed and thus behave like `free variables' of the macro. If you want to bind more of the choices, such as Match Case or Ignore Case, you simply include those commands as part of the macro. For example, you could select Ignore Case just before restoring the selection, and the macro would always set the ignore case flag when it was executed. Note that you must hit the `Target' and `Replacement' buttons to enter the target and replacement text. Directly selecting in those fields would not produce a correct macro because it would terminate the edit sequence and would also fail to identify which field was being filled in.
When you save an edit macro under a CTRL-number key, it only stays around for the rest of the session. If you want to save one for tomorrow, you can of course copy the operations to a file and redefine it another time. But if you really want to make a macro a permanent part of your user interface, you can add it to your `TIP table' which describes the translation from keyboard and mouse actions into executable tokens such as those in edit macros. The details of how to do this are given in a later section.
This feature provides a way of editing node and character properties without having to wrestle with the EditTool. The idea is to have one operation that `explodes' nodes (and all their properties) into a more editable form, and another operation to put it back into the usual WYSI~WYG form. For example, the node
Document: contents|style
looks like, in exploded form,
Text: Document
Text: :
Char: (000|011)
Text: contents
Postfix: 1 outlineBoxThickness 2 outlineBoxBearoff 9 backgroundAscent 3 backgroundDescent 0 0 1 backgroundColor
Text: |
Artwork: VRule
Postfix: 1 outlineBoxThickness 2 outlineBoxBearoff 9 backgroundAscent 3 backgroundDescent 0 0 1 backgroundColor
Text: style
Postfix: 1 outlineBoxThickness 2 outlineBoxBearoff 9 backgroundAscent 3 backgroundDescent 0 0 1 backgroundColor
Comment: FALSE
Format: body
Postfix: 2 pt bigger topLeading
Certain property values without an intelligible text representation will appear to have the value (opaque), with the actual value hidden as a property on the node. You can move, copy, or delete such an exploded property, but you cannot edit the property value. Be cautious about renaming an opaque property value.
EditPropertiesImpl registers two Tioga operations, namely OpenProperties and CloseProperties; Tioga.tip sets up the keyboard commands
CTRL-U OpenProperties
CTRL-SHIFT-U CloseProperties
Both commands grow the selection to node granularity before they do their thing.
The parser for CloseProperties is rather fussy; spaces, case, and node structure are significant, looks and properties are not (except for opaque property values). If there is a parse error, the screen blinks and the feedback selection is set to indicate approximately where the problem was.
To edit the root node properties, make a selection with the caret at the very front of the document before doing OpenProperties; this will expand just the root node. To put it back, again place the caret at the very front of the document before doing CloseProperties.
For some reason, Tioga does not consider the entire replacement of a document and its root as an undoable operation, so it is a good idea to save the document before mucking with the root. Of course, CloseProperties should be the inverse of OpenProperties, if you don't believe in bugs.
Playing with these operations is a good way to better understand the structure of Tioga documents in general.
The EditHistory Tool
The EditHistory tool lets you undo edits in the same way that Undo does, but it lets you go back farther in history than just the most recent sequence. To create an EditHistory tool, type `EditHistory' to the CommandTool. At the top of the tool are two fields and four commands. The bottom part of the tool is a text field to hold descriptions of previous edit events.
The system keeps a history of a certain number of the most recent edit events. You can find out how large this history is by the `Get' command which will enter a number in the `history size' field. The `Set' command will change the history size to whatever value you've entered in the size field. The default size is 20; you can change this by making an entry in your User.Profile of the form `EditHistory: <history-size>'.
The `Show' command will display the events starting with the number in the `since event number' field. If that field is empty it will show as many as are still remembered. The format of the entries is <event-number>, TAB, and then a list of operations. The `Undo' command undoes the edits since the specified event number.
The preferred route for printing is to create an Interpress master, and to send this to a printer; consult CedarChest documentation for details. Currently the command for doing this translation is called TiogaToInterpress, obtained via TiogaImager.df.
In the glorious future, Tioga could conceivably have an interactive typesetter that will let you make incremental revisions to a typeset document to adjust pagination, page layout, and other details before actually printing it.
TIP Tables for Tioga
The acronym `TIP' stands for `terminal interface package'. TIP tables describe the translation from keyboard and mouse actions into executable tokens. The standard TIP table for Tioga is found in the file `Tioga.TIP' and contains all the gory details about things such as multi-clicks of mouse buttons with various combinations of shift keys. It's unlikely that you want to try changing anything in Tioga.TIP, but you can consider adding commands to your own TIP table for things such as your favorite set of edit macros. Your TIP table can be `layered' on top of the Tioga table so that the system will try to interpret actions according to your table before looking at the standard one. The User.Profile contains an entry named `Tioga.TiogaTIP' in which you can enter the file name of your TIP table to be layered over the standard Tioga table. The entry should look like something like this
Tioga.TiogaTIP: MyOwn.tip Default
where `MyOwn.tip' is the file name for your table. Notice that your table goes first in the list; definitions in tables occurring early in the list take precedence over those that appear later. The special name `Default' refers to Tioga's default TIP table and will typically be the last entry in the list.
There are corresponding entries Tioga.ReadonlyTiogaTIP and Tioga.TypescriptTIP that apply to readonly documents and typescript documents, respectively.
The file `MyOwn.tip' contains a sample table that you can edit to produce your own. It also contains documentation about the syntax of TIP tables and the macro package which is used with them.
Use the command ReadTiogaTipTables to reload a TIP table after you've changed it, or, if your user category is advanced, hit CTRL-! (really CTRL-SHIFT-1) to reload the Tioga profile information.
A style is a collection of interpretations for looks and formats. The interpretations are represented as procedures written in a simple language that uses the JaM interpreter (actually a version called TJaM). The procedures set various formatting parameters such as font size and line spacing.
Note: If a document doesn't specify a style, the system will use a default. You can say what the default will be by adding user profile entries for DefaultStyle or ExtensionStyles (described below).
To determine the formatting parameters for a particular node, the system first gets the parameters for its parent and then executes the appropriate formatting procedure from the style. If the node doesn't have an explicit format, or if the format it has is not defined in the style, the system will execute the default formatting procedure instead. For root nodes, the default is the rule named `root'; for other nodes, it is the rule named `default'.
Formatting parameters for the text within a node are determined in a similar manner. The system first gets the parameters for the node and then executes the formatting procedures for the looks of the text. For look `a', it executes the rule named `look.a', for look `b', the rule named `look.b', etc.
Properties related to styles
Prefix and Postfix properties
The values of these properties are command sequences that might be part of a formatting procedure. The Prefix commands are executed just before the standard formatting procedure for the node, and the Postfix commands are executed just after it. This makes it possible to modify the values of the formatting parameters that are the input and output of the format.
The primary use of Prefix properties is for specifying the style on a document or branch. You may want to Postfix properties to make local formatting changes, such as modifying tab stops for a particular table. However, don't abuse this facility. If you find you are making many local changes, you should probably modify the style instead.
It is also possible to put Postfix properties on characters; these get applied after the looks.
StyleDef property
In typical use, a style lives in its own file and is referred to by the various documents that use it. However, in some cases you may have a style that is only used in one document, and you'd like to include it as part of the document to avoid the trouble of maintaining the style as a separate file. You can do this by using the StyleDef property. The value of this property is a style definition without any node structure or formatting looks. The style is automatically saved and loaded as part of the file and applies to the node and its children just as if you had set the node style in the usual manner with the EditTool.
[Note: If you use a StyleDef and it doesn't seem to do anything, do a Clear of the style name using the EditTool.]
Style definitions
A style definition begins with the command `BeginStyle' and ends with `EndStyle'. Between these come any number of commands and definitions. The style is parsed and interpreted using TJaM, so you will want to read the TJaM documentation if you're going to spend much time writing styles.
Attached styles
You may want to define a new style that is only slightly different than an existing one. One approach would be to copy the existing style and edit it to make the changes. However, it may be preferable to track whatever modifications to the other style that may happen in the future. This can be done by `attaching' the old style to the new one. For example, if your new style includes a command of the form
(Cedar) AttachStyle
then the new style will automatically include everything from the current version of Cedar style. Thus, if a format is not defined in the new style, it will be taken from Cedar style instead.
ScreenRules, PrintRules, and StyleRules
The basic form for a rule definition in a style is
(name) "comment string" { commands } StyleRule
In many cases it will be desirable for a rule definition to be different depending on whether the output is for printing or for display. To simplify this, you may define a format both as a ScreenRule and as a PrintRule. The ScreenRule definition will be used for display, while the PrintRule will be used for printing. If there is only a StyleRule definition, it will be used for both printing and display.
Style rules should be used only to change style parameters; they should not use what's on the stack, and should not define or re-define anything that persists after they are done. This needs to be the case so that caching of the results can be done. Some attempt is made to enforce these rules.
Names in JaM are always case-sensitive. Format names are always converted to lower case before lookup. To make this work, StyleRule and friends register with both the literal name, and the name converted to all lower case. Thus if you define "MyFormat", it can be invoked by the name "myformat" or by "MyFormat", but not by "myFormat". You don't often have to think about this, but it can lead to some mysterious behaviour if you don't know about it. To ease layering of styles, style rules are also registered under names like "stylename.myformat" (all lower case). For example,
(Cedar) AttachStyle
(body) "for paragraphs" {cedar.body 1 em bigger firstIndent} StyleRule
is a style definition just like Cedar.style, except that paragraphs are indented more
Formatting Parameters
This section lists some of the formatting parameters. Those that are recognized by the style machinery but are not currently implemented are in strikeout type. Typically, the name of the parameter is a command defined in JaM that pops an item from the stack and makes it the new parameter value. However if the item on the top of the stack is the word `the', the commands push the current parameter value, so style rules can read parameters as well as write them. For numeric parameters, the following mechanisms are provided to simplify making incremental changes to the current parameter value:
<amount> bigger adds the amount to the current parameter value
<amount> smaller subtracts the amount from the parameter value
<amount> percent multiplies the parameter value by the specified percentage, i.e.,
value ← (amount/100)*value
<amount> percent bigger increases value by specified percentage
<amount> percent smaller decreases value by specified percentage
Font Parameters
There are more parameters here than can reasonably be referenced using the limited number of looks available in a given style. The Postfix property may be applied to individual characters to get fine-grain control of these parameters when you run out of looks, or for special cases. See above for instructions about how to do this.
alphabets one of caps+lowercase, caps+smallcaps, lowercase, or caps
fontPrefix prefix of the full hierarchical font name, e.g.
family the name of current font family, such as "TimesRoman".
If this contains a slash, it is interpreted as the full hierarchical font name, and the fontPrefix and face parameters are ignored.
size value is the font size in points
face one of regular, bold, italic, or bold+italic
You can also add or remove italic or bold by means of the following commands:
+bold face, -bold face, +italic face, or -italic face
textHue hue of text, in range [0..1);
0=red, 1/6=yellow, 2/6=green, etc.
textSaturation saturation of text; 0=no color, 1=full color
textBrightness brightness of text; 0=black, 1=full brightness
textColor takes 3 numbers: hue, saturation, brightness
textNamedColor takes a string that is a hierarchical color name, e.g.
If this is specified, it takes precedence over the textHue, textSaturation, and textBrightness parameters.
underlining one of all, visible, letters+digits, or none
underlineThickness thickness of the underline.
underlineDescent distance from baseline downwards to top of underline
underlineHue, underlineSaturation, underlineBrightness, underlineColor, underlineNamedColor
parameters describing the color of the underline.
strikeout one of all, visible, letters+digits, or none
strikeoutThickness thickness of the strikeout line.
strikeoutAscent distance from baseline to top of strikeout line.
strikeoutHue, strikeoutSaturation, strikeoutBrightness, strikeoutColor, strikeoutNamedColor
parameters describing the color of the strikeout line.
backgroundAscent, backgroundDescent, backgroundHue, backgroundSaturation, backgroundBrightness, backgroundColor, backgroundNamedColor
parameters describing the size and color
of the text background.
outlineBoxBearoff amount to fatten text background horizontally, or, if no background box is specified, amount of extra white space to leave around the font box, both horizontally and vertically.
outlineBoxThickness thickness of outline around text background.
outlineboxHue, outlineBoxSaturation, outlineBoxBrightness, outlineBoxColor, outlineBoxNamedColor
parameters describing the color
of the text outline box
letterspacing space to add between visible characters
hShift distance to offset text, positive to the right
vShift distance to raise text above baseline (can be negative) 
Fancy Tabs
The style machinery allows for a fairly elaborate specification of fancy tabs, but only a tiny subset of this is actually used by the formatter. What is documented here is what currently works.
clearTabStops remove fancy tab stops
flushLeft tabStop define a new tab stop. The only form of fancy tabs currently implemented is of this form.
Example: to set up tab stops for old-fashioned assembly code, use something like
10 sp flushLeft tabStop
16 sp flushLeft tabStop
35 sp flushLeft tabStop
72 sp flushLeft tabStop
In many cases, you will want to use an actual unit instead of "sp".
This lets you do silly things like
 LA R1, 1(R1) NEXT BYTE 00300
OUT EQU *  00400
Graphics Parameters
areaHue, areaSaturation, areaBrightness, areaColor, areaNamedColor, outlineHue, outlineSaturation, outlineBrightness, outlineColor, outlineNamedColor
Leading Parameters
Leading parameters are stored as triples of <size, stretch, and shrink> which, following Knuth, we refer to as `glue'. You can set the separate components individually, or you can push three values on the stack and use one of the leading glue commands to set them all at once.
There are three kinds of leading corresponding to the spaces between lines in a node, the space above a node, and the space below it. The actual space between two adjacent nodes is the maximum of the `below' leading of the first node and the `above' leading of the second.
leading distance between baselines within a node
leadingStretch how much leading can increase
leadingShrink how much leading can decrease
leadingGlue size, stretch, and shrink for leading
topLeading distance between baselines above a node
topLeadingStretch how much top leading can increase
topLeadingShrink how much top leading can decrease
topLeadingGlue size, stretch, and shrink for top leading
bottomLeading distance between baselines below a node
bottomLeadingStretch how much bottom leading can increase
bottomLeadingShrink how much bottom leading can decrease
bottomLeadingGlue size, stretch, and shrink for bottom leading
Layout Parameters
lineFormatting FlushLeft, FlushRight, Justified, Centered
lastLineFormatting FlushLeft, FlushRight, Justified, Centered; applies to last line of node.
hyphenation Takes a name (i.e., (English) or (No)) that tells what hyphenation routine to use (applies at node level).
hyphenCode Takes a numeric character code specifying what to use for a hyphen (default 45 is the ASCII hyphen/minus).
maxHorizontalExpansion Spaces in justified lines are never stretched by more than this amount, possibly resulting in a somewhat ragged right margin. Applies at the node level.
minLineGap min distance between line top and
previous bottom (can be negative)
leftIndent all lines indent this much on left
rightIndent all lines indent this much on right
firstIndent first line indents this much more on left
firstIndentRight first line this much shorter on right
restIndent other lines indent this much more on left
runaroundLeft depth of first indent on the left
runaroundRight depth of first indent on the right
topIndent top baseline at least this much down from top of viewer/column
bottomIndent bottom baseline at least this up from bottom of page
lineLength maximum width of lines of text
Page Layout Parameters
Parameters with italicized names are actually implemented by the TiogaImager CedarChest component; OpenH TiogaImagerDoc for further information
column number of columns
pageWidth width of the paper
pageLength height of the paper
leftMargin whitespace at left of the page
rightMargin whitespace at right of the page
topMargin whitespace at top of the page
bottomMargin whitespace at bottom of the page
headerMargin height of area below topMargin
reserved for headers
footerMargin height of area above bottomMargin
reserved for footers
bindingMargin extra margin on the bound edge of page
firstFolio Number associated with first formatted page
firstVisibleFolio Folios smaller than this will not be printed. Use a large value to kill page numbers.
lastDropFolio Last folio to be placed at the bottom center of the page.
firstHeaders Page headers and footers will first appear on the page with this folio. Folios will not be visible before this, either.
sided Should be 1 or 2.
columnGap Minimum gap between columns.
topIndentStretch Stretchability at the top of the column
bottomIndentStretch Stretchability at the bottom of the column
maxVerticalExpansion Extra fil is inserted if the vertical glue expansion ratio would exceed this (helps avoid "spaced out" pages)
pageRotation Degrees of counterclockwise rotation for the whole page
keep Asserts that a new column or page should be started if there is less than this amount of vertical space remaining when the first line of the node is formatted.
keepStretch Added to the bottomIndentStretch when a new column is started because of a keep.
pageBreakAfterFirstLinePenalty not implemented
pageBreakAfterLastLinePenalty not implemented
pageBreakBeforeFirstLinePenalty not implemented
pageBreakBeforeLastLinePenalty not implemented
pageBreakPenalty  not implemented
pt point (72.27 pt/in)
bp big point (72 bp/in)
pc pica
in inches
cm centimeters
mm millimeters
dd Didot points
em size of em quad in current font
en one-half em
sp width of one space in the current font
fil 10^4 points
fill 10^8 points
filll 10^12 points
style the name of the current style
isComment pushes .true or .false according to comment property of node
isPrint pushes .true if executing print rules, else .false 
nestingLevel pushes integer; 0 for root, 1 for top level, etc.
Making new style parameters
A new style parameter may be defined by
(name) <initialValue> StyleParam
This creates a new style parameter that behaves just like the built-in style parameters, except for performance. It is useful for communicating information between parts of a style definition, and for adding new formatting parameters without having to change Tioga's interfaces.
The conditionals provided by JaM (namely .if and .ifelse) are a bit clumsy to use and hard to read; to alleviate this, the style machinery provides constructs of the form
IF condition THEN {truePart} FI
IF condition THEN {truePart} ELSE {falsePart} FI
These may not look much like postfix operations, but they are. The "IF", "THEN", and "ELSE" commands just leave atoms on the stack, and "FI" examines the stack and does the appropriate thing, also checking to make sure the rest of the construct is well-formed.
Style errors
The operation `ReportStyleError' expects the stack to be of the form
<msg1> <msg2> ... <msgn> <n>
where each msg is a rope or atom. The messages are joined together with spaces and displayed either in the message window or in the standard output, whichever is appropriate. This is usually used by the style machinery itself for reporting errors, but it may also be used in style definitions.
Tioga Commands
Causes Tioga to read its TIP tables again. If your user category is advanced, you can also invoke this operation by selecting in any Tioga document and hitting CTRL-!.
Make Tioga files unformatted by eliminating everything except the plain text. Inserts leading tabs before each node according to its nesting in the tree and terminates each node with a newline character.
Same as WritePlain, except inserts double dashes at start of comment nodes.
Build Tioga files with one node per line of source with indenting based on white space at the start of lines.
Convert Mesa files to Tioga format by combining a ReadIndent with a CTRL-M over the entire file.
Convert all newlines in the documents to be ASCII LINE-FEEDs (octal 012)
Convert all newlines in the file to be ASCII CARRIAGE-RETURNs (octal 015)
Expects a command line containing operations in the same format as in the EditTool operations field. Among other things, you can use this to initialize various EditTool choices such as IgnoreCase or MatchWords.
Creates a system button, TiogaProps, to annotate Tioga documents with comments describing the node properties and the document nesting structure. LEFT-click TiogaProps with the selection in a document and the annotations are added; RIGHT-click TiogaProps and the annotations are removed from the selected document.
When a list of file names is given as command arguments, AnnotateProperties writes new versions of the files with the annotations in place.
PruneAnnotations takes a list of files and writes new versions of the files with the annotations removed.
Provides a way of editing node and character properties without having to wrestle with the EditTool. The idea is to have one operation that `explodes' nodes (and all their properties) into a more editable form, and another operation to put it back into the usual WYSI~WYG form. OpenH TiogaExecCommandsDoc.tioga for more details.
Starts up hyphenation routines for Tioga. OpenH TiogaExecCommandsDoc.tioga for more details.
Tioga User Profile Entries
Default keep
This determines the default number of versions to keep for files created by Tioga.
Tioga.DefaultKeep: 2
Default file extensions
This determines what extensions Tioga should look for in opening files. The entry is of the form
Tioga.SourceFileExtensions: mesa tioga df cm config style
You may also have an entry for implementation extensions to be used with the `load impl' commands.
Tioga.ImplFileExtensions: cedar mesa
Default Styles Determined by File Extensions
This entry specifies the default style to be used with documents that do not explicitly name a style. The style is determined by the extension in the file name. The entry is of the form
Tioga.ExtensionStyles: <extension1> <stylename1> <extension2> <stylename2> ...
To specify a default style for files with no extension in their name, use the fake extension name `null' in this list.
Default Style
This entry specifies the default style to be used with documents that do not explicitly name a style and do not have an extension given in the ExtensionStyles list. The entry is of the form
Tioga.DefaultStyle: Cedar
Default submenus
This entry specifies which menus, if any, should automatically be displayed when you create a new Tioga viewer by clicking one of the buttons in the upper right corner or by using the Open or New commands. The entry is of the form
Tioga.DefaultTiogaMenus: places levels
Tioga.DefaultTiogaMenus: none
You may delete or reorder the menu names to suit your tastes.
Open First Level Only
If set to true, documents will be opened with only their first level showing. Default is false.
Tioga.OpenFirstLevelOnly: TRUE
Style Search Rules
This controls how Tioga uses the short style names to find files containing the style and abbreviation definitions. When a style is first requested, Tioga looks in these directories in the specified order for the first matching name that has the ".style" extension, and uses that. The same thing happens with abbreviations, except the ".abbreviations" extension is used instead. Tioga will notice when this name-to-file binding changes, and automatically reload the appropriate internal tables.
Tioga.StyleSearchRules: []<>7.0>Commands> []<>7.0>System>
Scroll bottom offset
When you are typing and the caret goes to a new line just off the bottom of the viewer, Tioga will automatically scroll the viewer up a little to make the caret visible again. This parameter controls how far up to scroll; a big number causes larger but less frequent glitches.
Tioga.ScrollBottomOffset: 3
Scroll top offset
When you do a Find command you may want to see a few lines in front of the match to give you more context. This parameter tells Tioga how many extra lines to want in such situations. The entry is of the form
Tioga.ScrollTopOffset: 1
Selection Caret
The default behavior for Tioga is to place the caret at the end nearer the cursor when the selection is made. Some people have requested to have the caret always placed at one end or the other, hence this profile entry. The choices are before, after, and balance. The entry is of the form
Tioga.SelectionCaret: before
Selection Displacement
This lets you specify a vertical displacement for making selections. Tioga behaves as if you had pointed this number of points higher up the screen so that you can point at things from slightly below them. The entry is of the form
Tioga.YSelectFudge: 2
TIP Table
This entry specifies the TIP tables to use with Tioga documents. The entry is of the form
Tioga.TiogaTIP: MyOwnTip.tip Default
See the section on TIP tables for more information.
Unsaved Documents Cache Size
This controls the number of unsaved documents the system will remember. The entry is of the form
Tioga.UnsavedDocumentsCacheSize: 4
Show Unsaved Documents List
If this is true, a viewer will be created holding an up-to-date list of the unsaved documents that can still be reloaded. The entry is of the form
Tioga.ShowUnsavedDocumentsList: TRUE
User category
As described above, this entry lets you control your user category. The alternatives are Beginner, Intermediate, and Advanced. The entry is of the form
Tioga.UserCategory: Intermediate
Version Map lookup
If this is true, Get, GetImpl, Open, and LF will look for the requested file in the Cedar version map if their earlier attempts to open a file fail. The entry is of the form
Tioga.TryVersionMap: FALSE
Command Summary
This is a short summary of the Tioga commands available using the keyboard and mouse. Other commands are available through the EditTool, the EditHistory Tool, and various command operations.
The extra keys on the keyboard are used for common editing actions. Recall that the bottom right blank key can be used as another CTRL key, and you can use either CTRL key and either SHIFT key interchangeably.
The word CLICK refers to the action of rapidly pressing, releasing, and repressing a key.
ESC Repeat last action
SHIFT-ESC Undo last action
ESC-select Automatic repeat of last action when finish selection
DEL Delete
LF Load file in `No Name' viewer
CTRL-LF Load Impl file in `No Name' viewer
BS Backspace character
SHIFT-BS Delete next character
CTRL-BS Backspace word
CTRL-SHIFT-BS Delete next word
NEXT Find next placeholder (middle blank key)
SHIFT-NEXT Find previous placeholder
RETURN Insert newline character with leading spaces copied
 from previous line
SHIFT-RETURN Insert newline character
CTRL-RETURN Break node
Mouse button clicks are used for making selections. Selection granularities are point, character, word, node, branch, document.
SINGLE Select letter Select word  Extend selection at current granularity
DOUBLE Select node Select branch Reduce selection granularity & extend
TRIPLE          Increase selection granularity & extend
Selections are used for delete, copy, and move.
CTRL-select Delete when finish selection
SHIFT-select Copy to primary
CTRL-SHIFT-select Move to primary
LOOK commands are used for editing looks. (The LOOK shift is the top blank key.)
LOOK-char Add look to selection
LOOK-SHIFT-char Remove from selection
LOOK-space Remove all from selection
Except for CTRL-A, CTRL-H, and CTRL-W, the following commands are not enabled for beginning users. We provide both CTRL-A and CTRL-H as a convenience to users with strong habits from previous systems. A `*' indicates a command enabled for advanced users only.
CTRL-A Backspace character
CTRL-SHIFT-A Delete next character
CTRL-B Insert matching placeholder brackets
CTRL-C Lower case
CTRL-SHIFT-C Upper case
CTRL-CLICK-C First cap
CTRL-D Select document
CTRL-E Expand abbreviation
CTRL-F-select Copy format to primary *
-H Backspace character
CTRL-SHIFT-H Delete next character
CTRL-I Indent (does Break and Nest) *
-SHIFT-I Unindent (does Break and UnNest) *
-J Join nodes *
-K Make control character
CTRL-SHIFT-K Unmake control character
CTRL-M Automatic MESA formatting
CTRL-N Nest *
-SHIFT-N UnNest *
-O Make octal character
CTRL-SHIFT-O Unmake octal character
CTRL-P Paste
CTRL-Q-select Copy looks to primary
CTRL-RRomp to end of node, or to next node if already at end
CTRL-SHIFT-RRomp to beginning of node, or to previous node if already at beginning
CTRL-S-select Copy primary to selected destination
CTRL-V Select visible (expand to selection to blanks)
CTRL-U Explode nodes to visible, textually-editable form
CTRL-SHIFT-U Unexplode nodes
CTRL-W Backspace word
CTRL-SHIFT-W Delete next word
CTRL-X-select Select for transpose with primary
CTRL-Z-select Move primary to selected destination
CTRL-] Select matching [..]'s (same for }, ), and >)
CTRL-[ Add matching [..]'s (same for ", ', -, {, (, and <)
CTRL-! Have Tioga read its TIP tables again *
-. Make a point selection (CaretOnly)
CTRL- Set format to word before caret *
-SHIFT- Insert format name *
-\ Set comment property TRUE *
-SHIFT-\ Set comment property FALSE *