Copyright Ó 1992 by Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved.
Warning: As this is a little hack only I do NOT really promise to fully maintain it.
Weiser, November 16, 1992 10:47 pm PST
Usage: ThreadsVis filename [Threadlist: "Tx.Gy Tx.Gy..."]
Writes output to a fixed filename,
Reads fixed filename ThreadsVis.aliases, which consists of pairs of ropes in quotes. The first member of each pair is a string to match against a stack name somewhere, the second member is the desired human readable label of the thread with that stack name. For instance:
"*CaretProcess*" "Caret Process"
"*TIPMatcherImpl*" "TIP Matcher"
"*SystemDaemon*""System Daemon"
"*commanderonstandardstreamsimpl*" "Unix Commander"
"*GCmon*" "GC daemon"
"*Repaint*" "Repaint"
"*TEdit*" "TEdit"
Notes the '*'s, for don't cares in the match.
[Artwork node; type 'Artwork on' to command tool]