-- TiogaUtils.JaM
-- Copyright Ó 1985, 1987, 1991 by Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved.
-- last written by Bill Paxton, January 27, 1983 2:37 pm
-- Michael Plass, November 20, 1987 3:57:43 pm PST

(StyleError) {ReportStyleError .clrstk .stop} .cvx .def

(prin1) { .cvs .print } .cvx .def

(showReal) { .dup 0 .eq {.pop .pop} {prin1 prin1 "\n" .print} .ifelse .cvx .exec } .cvx .def

(ss) (
 the family prin1 " font family" =
 " pt font size" the size showReal
 the face prin1 " face" =
 the lineFormatting prin1 " lineFormatting" =
 " pt leftIndent" the leftIndent showReal
 " pt rightIndent" the rightIndent showReal
 " pt firstIndent" the firstIndent showReal
 " pt restIndent" the restIndent showReal
 " pt topIndent" the topIndent showReal
 " pt bottomIndent" the bottomIndent showReal
 " pt leading" the leading showReal
 " pt leadingStretch" the leadingStretch showReal
 " pt leadingShrink" the leadingShrink showReal
 " pt topLeading" the topLeading showReal
 " pt topLeadingStretch" the topLeadingStretch showReal
 " pt topLeadingShrink" the topLeadingShrink showReal
 " pt bottomLeading" the bottomLeading showReal
 " pt bottomLeadingStretch" the bottomLeadingStretch showReal
 " pt bottomLeadingShrink" the bottomLeadingShrink showReal
 " sp tabStops" the tabStops showReal
 " pt lineWeight" the lineWeight showReal
 " areaHue" the areaHue showReal
 " areaSaturation" the areaSaturation showReal
 " areaBrightness" the areaBrightness showReal
 " outlineHue" the outlineHue showReal
 " outlineSaturation" the outlineSaturation showReal
 " outlineBrightness" the outlineBrightness showReal
 " textHue" the textHue showReal
 " textSaturation" the textSaturation showReal
 " textBrightness" the textBrightness showReal
 " textRotation" the textRotation showReal
 " in pageWidth" the pageWidth inches showReal
 " in pageLength" the pageLength inches showReal
 " in leftMargin" the leftMargin inches showReal
 " in rightMargin" the rightMargin inches showReal
 " in topMargin" the topMargin inches showReal
 " in bottomMargin" the bottomMargin inches showReal
 " in headerMargin" the headerMargin inches showReal
 " in footerMargin" the footerMargin inches showReal
 " in bindingMargin" the bindingMargin inches showReal
 " in lineLength" the lineLength inches showReal
 " pageBreakPenalty" the pageBreakPenalty showReal
 " pageBreakAfterFirstLinePenalty" the pageBreakAfterFirstLinePenalty showReal
 " pageBreakAfterLastLinePenalty" the pageBreakAfterLastLinePenalty showReal
 " pageBreakBeforeFirstLinePenalty" the pageBreakBeforeFirstLinePenalty showReal
 " pageBreakBeforeLastLinePenalty" the pageBreakBeforeLastLinePenalty showReal
 ) .cvx .def

(inches) { 1.0 in .div } .cvx .def

(raggedRight) { flushLeft } .cvx .def
(raggedLeft) { flushRight } .cvx .def

(ObsoleteDefine) {2 .copy .pop (- obsolete usage) 2 (ReportStyleError).cvx 5 .array .astore .cvx .def}.cvx .def
(flush.left) { flushLeft } .cvx ObsoleteDefine
(flush.right) { flushRight } .cvx ObsoleteDefine
(line.formatting) { lineFormatting } .cvx ObsoleteDefine
(left.indent) { leftIndent } .cvx ObsoleteDefine
(right.indent) { rightIndent } .cvx ObsoleteDefine
(first.indent) { firstIndent } .cvx ObsoleteDefine
(rest.indent) { restIndent } .cvx ObsoleteDefine
(top.indent) { topIndent } .cvx ObsoleteDefine
(bottom.indent) { bottomIndent } .cvx ObsoleteDefine
(leading.stretch) { leadingStretch } .cvx ObsoleteDefine
(leading.shrink) { leadingShrink } .cvx ObsoleteDefine
(leading.glue) { leadingGlue } .cvx ObsoleteDefine
(top.leading) { topLeading } .cvx ObsoleteDefine
(top.leading.stretch) { topLeadingStretch } .cvx ObsoleteDefine
(top.leading.shrink) { topLeadingShrink } .cvx ObsoleteDefine
(top.leading.glue) { topLeadingGlue } .cvx ObsoleteDefine
(bottom.leading) { bottomLeading } .cvx ObsoleteDefine
(bottom.leading.stretch) { bottomLeadingStretch } .cvx ObsoleteDefine
(bottom.leading.shrink) { bottomLeadingShrink } .cvx ObsoleteDefine
(bottom.leading.glue) { bottomLeadingGlue } .cvx ObsoleteDefine
(vshift) { vShift } .cvx ObsoleteDefine
(tab.stops) { tabStops } .cvx ObsoleteDefine
(line.weight) { lineWeight } .cvx ObsoleteDefine
(path.type) { pathType } .cvx ObsoleteDefine
(area.hue) { areaHue } .cvx ObsoleteDefine
(area.saturation) { areaSaturation } .cvx ObsoleteDefine
(area.brightness) { areaBrightness } .cvx ObsoleteDefine
(area.color) { areaColor } .cvx ObsoleteDefine
(outline.hue) { outlineHue } .cvx ObsoleteDefine
(outline.saturation) { outlineSaturation } .cvx ObsoleteDefine
(outline.brightness) { outlineBrightness } .cvx ObsoleteDefine
(outline.color) { outlineColor } .cvx ObsoleteDefine
(text.hue) { textHue } .cvx ObsoleteDefine
(text.saturation) { textSaturation } .cvx ObsoleteDefine
(text.brightness) { textBrightness } .cvx ObsoleteDefine
(text.color) { textColor } .cvx ObsoleteDefine
(page.break.penalty) { pageBreakPenalty } .cvx ObsoleteDefine
(page.break.after.first.line.penalty) { pageBreakAfterFirstLinePenalty } .cvx ObsoleteDefine
(page.break.after.last.line.penalty) { pageBreakAfterLastLinePenalty } .cvx ObsoleteDefine
(page.break.before.first.line.penalty) { pageBreakBeforeFirstLinePenalty } .cvx ObsoleteDefine
(page.break.before.last.line.penalty) { pageBreakBeforeLastLinePenalty } .cvx ObsoleteDefine
(is.comment) { isComment } .cvx ObsoleteDefine

{"**JaM Style Interpreter Stack Underflow" 1 StyleError } .cvx .def

{"**JaM Style Interpreter Undefined Symbol: " .exch 2 StyleError } .cvx .def

{"**JaM Style Interpreter Bad File Name" 1 StyleError}.cvx .def

{"**JaM Style Interpreter Type Error" 1 StyleError}.cvx .def

{"**JaM Style Interpreter Dictionary Full" 1 StyleError}.cvx .def

{"**JaM Style Interpreter Syntax Error -- isolated right paren" 1 StyleError}.cvx .def

{"**JaM Style Interpreter Exec Overflow" 1 StyleError}.cvx .def

{"**JaM Style Interpreter Numeric Overflow" 1 StyleError}.cvx .def

{.pop .pop "**JaM Style Interpreter Stack Overflow" 1 StyleError}.cvx .def

{"**JaM Style Interpreter Range Error" 1 StyleError}.cvx .def

{"**JaM Style Interpreter Limit Error" 1 StyleError}.cvx .def