Copyright Ó 1987, 1989, 1992 by Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved.
Wes Irish, October 4, 1991 3:28 pm PDT
Michael Plass, May 20, 1992 5:09 pm PDT
Telnet Viewer
CEDAR 10.1
Telnet Viewer
TCP/IP "Chat"
Wesley Irish
Ó Copyright 1989, 1992 Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved.
Abstract: A client implementation of Telnet.
Created by: Wesley Irish <>
Maintained by: Wesley Irish <>
Keywords: Chat, communications, IP, network tools, protocols TCP/IP, Telnet
XEROX Xerox Corporation
Palo Alto Research Center
3333 Coyote Hill Road
Palo Alto, California 94304
How to use Telnet
Command line:
Telnet [-p port] [-l] [-d] host
Telent to the specified host. The host my be specified as an address or a name that will be looked up via the domain name service.
NB: Access to machines outside of Xerox is tightly controlled for security reasons. Access control is implemented in such a way that you will not be explicitly told that you can not connect for access control reasons -- the other end will simply "not respond".
-p port number, defaults to the standard remote terminal port 23 (27B).
-l auto login
-d do not auto login
"TypeScript" operation:
When the TypeScript is "free" (no connection) it operates in local echo mode. If you type the LF key it will attempt to open a connection to the machine named to the left of the cursor on the current line. Shift-LF will do the same thing but additionally attempt to login.
Menu Buttons:
Just as you would expect.
Just as you would expect.
Create another Telnet viewer.
Disconnect from the remote machine.
Connect to the machine specified by the current selection and then login. If there is no current selection then the previous machine (if any is used).
Beware: Telnet has no (protocol specified) means of determining how to send login information to the remote machine. All Login really does is to send a rope to the remote machine before passing along your typed in characters. Login assumes that the other end will understand the login information that is sent.
Connect to the machine specified by the current selection. If there is no current selection then the previous machine (if any is used).
Send the Telnet Break (BRK) command. Similar to hitting the Break key on a local machine.
Send the Telnet Synch signal. Basically a "flush everything up to here" command.
Send the Telnet Interrupt Process (IP) command.
Make sure the viewer log is flushed to the backing file.
Output to the viewer the current status of all Telnet Options that are currently desired and / or active.
With the control key, dumps an octal trace of the recent history; this feature is enabled by the first such click.
UserProfile entries and options:
When FALSE (the default) the user must specify -l on the command line if they want to be automatically logged-in. When TRUE the user must specify -d on the command line if they don't want to be automatically logged-in.
An example Telnet.AutoLogin entry:
Telnet.AutoLogin: FALSE
Telnet.LoginButton is a BOOLEAN that simply removes the Login button from the Telnet menu thereby removing any confusion associated with it.
An example Telnet.LoginButton entry:
Telnet.LoginButton: FALSE -- don't even give me a login button
Specifies the default Login format, defaults to: "%gvLocalName\n%gvPassword\n". Check Telnet.SpecialLogins for details.
Telnet.SpecialLogins takes a list of paired
ROPEs. The first of each pair is a machine name and the second is a format specifying the login procedure for that machine. (The default login format can be specified via the Telnet.DefaultLogin entry.) This format will be passed straight through to the remote machine with the exception that the following will be replaced with its real value:
%unixName => your UNIX login name
%xnsPassword => your XNS password
%xnsFullName => your full (all three parts) XNS login name
%xnsLocalName => the local part of your XNS login name
%xnsDomainName => the domain part of your XNS login name
%xnsOrgName => the organization part of your XNS login name
%currentSelection => the value of the current selection
%% => %
%d => pause for 2 seconds (does not generate any characters)
An example SpecialLogins entry:
Telnet.SpecialLogins: "foo" "%d%unixName\n%d%xnsPassword\n" "Arisia" "" -- the second basically says to ignore the login button for "Arisia"
Telnet.FunctionButtons takes a list of paired
ROPEs. The first of each pair is the name that you wish to give to the button and the second is the value associated with that button. These buttons will be added to the second line of the viewer menu. When clicked they will be expanded following the same rules as Telnet.SpecialLogins and then sent to the remote machine. By using the mouse button in conjunction with the shift and control keys you may change the name and value of any button, create new buttons, and deleting existing ones:
no shift, no control
left, middle, right => send the (expanded) value to the remote machine
shift, no control
left => update the value to the current selection
middle => display the name and value in the message window
right => update the name to the current selection
control, no shift
left => create a new function button with the name of the current selection
middle => display the name and value in the message window
right => delete this function button
An example Telnet.FunctionButtons entry:
Telnet.FunctionButtons: "F1" "do function #1\n" "cc" "cc -%currentSelection\n"