PROC [domainName: Rope.
Manipulate default YP domain name (used by default if a NIL domainName is passed to ObtainHandle).
There is (supposed to be) an initial default domain that is reasonable for the system site.
! Error [$noDefaultDomain, ...]
PROC [domainName: Rope.
NIL, addressHint: Arpa.Address ¬ Arpa.nullAddress]
RETURNS [address: Arpa.Address, port: ArpaUDP.Port];
Get address and port of YP server for given domain.
NIL domainName means use GetDefaultDomain[].
If addressHint is specified, the effect is to look up the YP port on that host and check that it serves the desired domain.
! Error [$noDefaultDomain, $noServer, $noYP, ...]