<<>> <> <> <> <<>> BeginStyle (AnacapaCedar) AttachStyle (letterHead1) "top node of a letter (should be empty)" { block 60 pt .neg bottomLeading } PrintRule (letterHead2) "letterhead address" { block AlternateFontFamily BasicIncrement smaller size 60 pt .neg topLeading 96 pt bottomLeading } StyleRule (logo) "for Xerox logo" { LogoFont 24 pt size 24 bp topIndent -1.5 in leftIndent 96 pt 20 pt 5 pt topLeadingGlue 48 pt 20 pt 5 pt bottomLeadingGlue 75 pageBreakAfterLastLinePenalty 1.5 in tabStops } PrintRule (logo) "Xerox logo: screen" { "Logo" family 24 pt size 36 bp topIndent 96 pt topLeading 48 pt bottomLeading 75 pt tabStops } ScreenRule (DefaultLineLength) "for print" {5.25 in lineLength} PrintRule (root) "Letter head style" { cedarRoot 2 firstVisibleFolio 2 firstHeaders 1.75 in leftMargin 1.5 in rightMargin } StyleRule EndStyle