Copyright Ó 1987, 1989, 1990 by Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved.
Last edited by Nix, December 2, 1983 1:16 pm
Last edited by vanLeunen, October 31, 1983 2:45 pm
Rick Beach, March 14, 1987 6:35:35 pm PST
Bob Hagmann May 15, 1986 8:26:53 am PDT
Tim Diebert: August 18, 1989 12:38:51 pm PDT
Last tweaked by Mike Spreitzer on February 17, 1989 7:43:38 pm PST
Jack Kent: August 24, 1987 3:45:25 pm PDT
Wes Irish, January 18, 1989 4:53:11 pm PST
Kenneth A. Pier, March 21, 1990 5:27 pm PST
PCEDAR 2.0 —
Robert Nix
© Copyright 1985, 1987, 1989, 1990 Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved.
Abstract: The SpellingTool is a lightweight tool intended to free the user from many of the rote tasks associated with writing. Among the services it provides are electronic access to a spell-checker, an on-line dictionary and a thesaurus. Strictly speaking, the name SpellingTool is a misnomer, an artifact of days past when spell checking was the only service that the spelling tool provided.
Created by: Robert Nix
Maintained by: Mike Spreitzer <Spreitzer.pa>
Keywords: definition, dictionary, pronunciation, proofread, spelling checker, synonym, thesaurus, Tioga documents, user profile, wordnerd, writing aids
XEROX  Xerox Corporation
   Palo Alto Research Center
   3333 Coyote Hill Road
   Palo Alto, California 94304

Important Notes for PCedar2.0 Version of Spelling Tool
Spelling Tool was muscled over the wall through the efforts of Ken Pier, Bill Jackson, and Tim Diebert. No attempt to fix or improve it occurred. In fact, the desire for the port was to have the dictionary server rather than the spelling checker available in PCedar. It appears that the Synonym and the Pronunciation buttons are identically broken in both DCedar and PCedar. The various file-based means of saving corrections may not work in the PCedar world since the notion of a "Commands" directory is gone; be careful of the working directory when you invoke SpellingTool. If you wish, use the User Profile entries to have SpellingTool work with local wordlists. The default wordlists and BitTable will come from /PCedar/FamousFiles/ for now. Essentially no testing has been done.
The Spelling Tool.
The Spelling Tool performs one of the steps of proofreading a document: that of pointing out words whose spellings seem doubtful. The Tool breaks a document up into words, checks whether the words are in a list of known words, and complains about those words that are not. It lets you fix the offending words by using Tioga or by using a semi-automatic correction facility. Or, if you think that a word is correctly spelled, the Tool lets you add it to a list of known words. This is all the Spelling Tool does for you; the rest of your proofreading must be handled by other means.
For each document you check, the Spelling Tool reads an encoded representation of the standard system word list from the file SpellingTool.BitTable. It then reads the auxiliary word lists appropriate for that document and merges those words into a copy of the standard system word list. (The Spelling Tool avoids wasting storage for duplication of tables obviously equivalent). Once these lists have been read, the Tool is ready to check your spelling.
For example
As a first example, suppose you want to know whether the word auxilliary is correctly spelled. Select it and left-click the Spelling Tool's Check button. The word auxilliary is not in the Spelling Tool's word list, so the Tool tells you that the word is misspelled. Note that the Spelling Tool's word list is far from complete, so this forthright statement may not be correct; however, in this case auxilliary is indeed a misspelling. If you know the correct way to spell auxilliary, then you can use Tioga to correct the document. On the other hand, if you don't know how auxilliary should be spelled, then the Spelling Tool offers you some assistance by displaying the words in its word list that are similar to auxilliary:
auxilliary --> auxiliary
The Tool is telling you that its word list contains the word auxiliary, which is spelled similarly to auxilliary. The proposed correction looks like it might be right, so you can bug the ``auxiliary'' button and it performs the correction by replacing the text auxilliary with the text auxiliary.
As a second example, suppose that you've written a long memo:
Walnut is a mail system that runs in Cedar. Walnut provides facilties to send and retrieve mail (using the Grapevine mail transport system), and to display and classify stored (i.e. previously retrieved) messages. Walnut uses the Tioga editor for message display and typein. Walnut uses the Cypress database system to maintain information about stored messages: we hope that this will allow Walnut...
And on and on. You're about to send this opus off to your local rhetorician for comment; you think that it's sterling prose, and you'd be most embarrassed if she found spelling mistakes in the first paragraph (or, for that matter, in subsequent ones). To check the spelling of the text, you make a point or single-character selection at the beginning of the document, say before the W in Walnut, and left-click the Check button in the Spelling Tool. Left-clicking Check when you've selected a point or single character tells the Spelling Tool to search from that point to the end of the document for the next misspelled word. In this case, it finds the word ``facilties'', which has two plausible corrections:
facilties --> facilities faculties
This word ``facilities'' is correct, so you bug that word with a right click, which corrects it and invokes Check on the text that follows it. The next misspelled word is Tioga. You think that Tioga is spelled just fine, the Spelling Tool doesn't because it's not in its list of known words. You add it to a private word list by left-clicking the name of the word list (where it is found after the non-functional "Insert in:" command), and you continue searching for misspelled words by moving the selection to the point after Grapevine and left-clicking Check. Alternatively, you could have combined these two operations of inserting and continuing your search by right-clicking the word list name. The next word found is typein; it too is simply an unknown word that must be inserted. Fifty-four insertions and twenty-two misspellings later, you now have a little more confidence in your document's correctness.
Details, details.
Auxiliary Wordlists
For each document, the total set of words considered correct is the union of those specified in the standard system wordlist, and those specified in a number of auxiliary wordlists. Each document can be associated with a different set of auxiliary wordlists. For each document, that set is the union of the wordlists named in the SpellingTool.BitTable user profile entry and the wordlists named in the Wordlists property of the Tioga root node of the document. A wordlist can "live" either in a file or on the Wordlist property of the root node of a document. A wordlist living in a file is named by the file's name. The working directory used for interpreting file names depends on where the file name is found: if it's on the Wordlists property of a document's root node, the working directory used is the directory containing the document; if the file name is coming from the SpellingTool.BitTable user profile entry, the working directory used is /PCedar/FamousFiles/. The name of the wordlist local to a document is "(local)".
Marking Particular Occurrences `Correct'
Sometimes the spelling tool picks out a piece of your document, and claims it's an incorrectly spelled word; you disagree---but you don't want to put it in any wordlist. But you would like a way to mark that particular stretch of characters so that the spelling tool won't complain about it again the next time you spell-check that document. That's what the `MarkOK' button does. Of course, the mark stays with the characters as you edit the document. If you edit in and/or around those characters in a way that changes what the Spelling Tool considers a word, the mark will be ignored (unless and until you restore that word).
Here's how it works. A certain character property-value pair is put on every character in the word. The property is $SpellingToolUserLikesThisWord, and the value is a ROPE containing the word. A word is considered marked if and only if every character in it has the word as the value of the $SpellingToolUserLikesThisWord property.
User.profile entries
The Spelling Tool draws its defaults from several entries in your User.Profile. The profile entry SpellingTool.BitTable gives the name of the file that holds the compact representation of the word list. If the filename is relative, it is relative to the installation directory of the Spelling Tool:
SpellingTool.BitTable: SpellingTool.BitTable
The profile entry SpellingTool.Wordlists should consist of a list of wordlist names separated by blanks. Each wordlist in the list will be merged into the word list used for every document:
SpellingTool.Wordlists: SpellingTool.Wordlist (local)
The profile entry SpellingTool.InsertionInterval determines how often the Spelling Tool writes your insertions to your private word lists. It is in units of seconds; a value of zero will make it write the file every time you do an insertion:
SpellingTool.InsertionInterval: 60
The profile entry SpellingTool.PluralStripping has a boolean value that determines whether plural stripping is done. If this switch is TRUE, then if the Spelling Tool fails to find a word in the word list, and that word ends in an s, then the Spelling Tool will automatically check if the word with the s dropped off is in the word list, and not bother the user if it is.
SpellingTool.PluralStripping: TRUE
The profile entry SpellingTool.NonWordLooks says which looks mean a string of characters should not be considered a word. Examples are looks for math fonts and subscripts. This profile entry should consist of a list of elements of the form style~looks, with only white space between list elements.
SpellingTool.NonWordLooks: cedar~mgdu
The Dictionary.Server profile entry identifies an XNS Dictionary.Server resource (as of now, there is only one). It defaults to "DictServer:PARC:Xerox".
Dictionary.Server: DictServer:PARC:Xerox
The profile entry identifies the Dictionary.Server resource and is intended
What is a ``word''?
How does the Spelling Tool break a document up into words? To the spelling checker, a word is a sequence of alphabetic characters with embedded apostrophes, all of which have the same looks, and those looks do not include any non-word looks (as specified in your user profile). The default alphabetic characters are the upper- and lower-case letters, and the accents  (005octal) and (013octal). Character set doesn't matter (ha, ha). These strings are words: "This", "that", "isn't"; these are not words: "Ellis'", "Mary-Claire", "eip".
The set of alphabetic characters may be altered, on a document-by-document basis, with property-value pairs on the root node of the document. The value of the property $AlphabeticChars is a ROPE, whose characters are to be considered alphabetic, in addition to the default set. The value of the property $NonAlphabeticChars is a ROPE, whose characters are to be considered NOT alphabetic, even if they are in the default set. As an example, a file that is TeX source might add the backslash character to the set of alphabetic characters.
I will be glad to entertain suggestions for alternate tokenization schemes.
Capitalization is not significant.
Dictionary lookup and insertion are done ignoring the capitalization of the word inserted. Happily, automatic correction tries to preserve capitalization.
Updating word lists
The Spelling Tool is willing to add words to the auxiliary word lists. Due to the current limitations of FS, it will not consider doing this for auxiliary word lists that are stored in remote files. The list of available word lists is found after the "Insert in:" button in the first row of the menu of the Spelling Tool. The directory part is not displayed, nor is the extension, if it's ".Wordlist". Clicking one of these menu entries inserts the current selection in the indicated word list. Henceforth any document whose collection of word lists includes the clicked one will recognize the selection as being correctly spelled.
An auxiliary word list will be considered for availability if it's one of the ones collected for some document you are currently spell-checking. Exactly which documents are considered "current" is intentionally left vague. However, they should at least include the one in which the most recent Spelling Tool operation was performed, unless that operation was something like Reset or deleting the Spelling Tool.
Where is the text of the standard word list?
Nowhere; read on.
How it works.
The current implementation of the Spelling Tool uses a compact representation of the word list that was suggested in the paper ``Space/Time tradeoffs in hash coding with allowable errors'' by Bloom (CACM, July 1970) and in the paper ``Exact and approximate membership testers'' by Carter, Floyd, Gill, Markovsky, and Wegman (Proc. 10th ACM Symp. on Theory of Computing, May 1978, pp. 59-65). To illustrate the technique, suppose that we wish to represent a list L of 1,000 words so that the question ``Does a word x occur in L?'' can be answered in a space-efficient manner. The algorithm represents the list using a 20,000-element bit table T and accesses T through ten independent hashing functions h1, h2, ..., h10 that map words to numbers in the range 1 to 20,000. All 20,000 bits in T are initially set to zero. Each word w in L is inserted into T by setting bits T[h1(w)], T[h2(w)], ..., T[h10(w)] to one. After all 1,000 words have been inserted into T, one would expect somewhat less than 10,000 of the 20,000 bits to be one, and at least 10,000 to be zero.
This collection of 20,000 bits can be used to test membership in L. A word x is looked up by testing bits T[h1(x)], T[h2(x)], ..., T[h10(x)]. If any of these bits is zero, then x is definitely not a member of L, because all of the bits in T that correspond to members of L have been set to one. If all of the bits T[h1(x)], T[h2(x)], ..., T[h10(x)] are one, then the algorithm says that x is a member of L. The algorithm is probabilistic because it will occasionally give a false positive; the algorithm will occasionally say that a word x is in L when in fact it is not.
False positives will not happen very often. Suppose that the table is less than half filled with ones and that the ten hashing functions produce uniformly distributed and independent results. The probability that T[h1(x)] will contain a one on a randomly chosen word x that is not in L is no more than 1/2, because no more than half of the bits in T are ones. Since the hash functions are independent, the probability that all 10 of the bits T[h1(x)], T[h2(x)], ..., T[h10(x)] are equal to one is no more than (1/2)10. Given these assumptions about the hash functions, the chances that the algorithm will accept a word that is not actually in the list are less than one in a thousand.
To generalize the analysis a bit, suppose that there are n words in the word list L, that there are k different hash functions h1, h2, ..., hk, and that there are b bits per word or a total of bn bits in T. Then the probability of a false positive on a randomly chosen word x that is not in L is less than or equal to (kn/bn)k, or (k/b)k. For a particular value of k, (k/b)k is minimized when b=ek (e~2.71828...).
In the current version of the Spelling Tool, k is set to 7 and b is set to 19 (7*2.71828=19.02796). Ideally then, the chances of the Tool falsely declaring that a word x is correctly spelled are less than (7/19)7, which is around 0.00092, or 1 in 1086.
The principal advantage of the bit-table word list representation is that it is space efficient. The average English word consists of around 8.6 characters. If such a word were represented as an ASCII string, then it would each take up 68.8 bits of storage. Even if the word were more compactly represented as a base-26 integer, it would still take up around 40.4 bits (lg 26 ~ 4.7). A bit-table representation of the word list that delivers 99.9% accuracy uses 19 bits per word, which is 27% of the space used by the ASCII representation, and 47% of the space used by the base-26 representation.
Why is space efficiency important? Let me tell you a little history. This same algorithm was implemented by Steve Wood and myself to run within Wood's Z editor (Steven R. Wood, ``Z - The 95% program editor'' in Proc. of the ACM SIGPLAN/SIGOA Symp. on Text Manipulation, June, 1981, pp. 1-7, and Robert Nix, ``Experience with a space-efficient way to store a dictionary,'' CACM, 24(5), May 1981, pp. 297-298). Z runs on crowded time sharing systems that sit atop machines, DEC-20s, in which programs have a fairly small virtual address space. Z runs very well in this environment, providing seemingly instantaneous response to keystrokes even when there are more than 50 users on the machine. It was important that a spelling checker for Z not take up too much of the editor's address space. There were at least two reasons for this: First, Z had more important things to do with its address space than to give an enormous chunk of it to a spelling checker; and second, programs with large working sets tend to perform poorly on heavily loaded DEC-20's. We chose the bit-table representation because it was space-efficient and easy to implement. The bit table representation of a 34,958 element word list takes up 18K 36-bit words, or 7.0% of the DEC-20's address space. This can be contrasted with Goren's well-known DEC-20 SPELL program, whose representation for the same word list takes up 95K words, or 36.4% of the -20's address space. A program like SPELL is a resource hog; Z's spelling checker is not.
What does this have to do with a Cedar spelling checker? Are these same performance considerations important within Cedar? I think so. Are the same constants significant? I doubt it. Wouldn't a spelling/dictionary server provide more efficient and general service? Perhaps it could. In the meantime, the Spelling Tool can serve as a performance yardstick by which to judge a more sophisticated spelling checker, and a user interface setting in which a more sophisticated spelling checker can be presented.
A second advantage of the bit-table representation is that it allows for easy implementation of the insertion operation, so that the user's own word list can be easily merged with a copy of the standard word list. 'The insertion code is a simple variant of the lookup code: rather than testing the bits indicated by the hash functions, it turns them on. The table can be over-allocated by a few percent to allow for insertions, and even if the table is not over-allocated, its performance will degrade only slightly when a few more words are added.
A final advantage of this representation is that it is very easy to implement the lookup and insertion procedures. The insertion, lookup, and hash procedure is 79 lines long and has a trivial control structure. The full implementation of the bit table abstraction, including all ancillary procedures for making new bit tables and schlepping them into and out of the file system, comes to 223 lines of Cedar.
This representation has several disadvantages. The obvious one is the probability for error in deciding that a word is a member of the word list. A little back of the envelope calculations seems in order: If your 10,000 word document actually contains 100 different misspellings, what are the chances that the Spelling Tool will get a false positive on at least one of 100 "words" and cause you endless embarrassment? Well, 1 - (1 - 0.00092)100 is 0.088, so your chances are a pretty good, 11 to 1, that the Spelling Tool will let you off. And if you make 100 different spelling mistakes in 10,000 words, I suggest that you cultivate your local proofreader, because you've probably also made a large number of grammatical errors that even a perfect spelling checker wouldn't catch.
The checker's probability for error becomes significant when it is used by the automatic word correction procedure. The word correction procedure finds plausible corrections by fiddling around with a misspelled word: adding, deleting, replacing and swapping characters and testing if the modified word is in the word list. It tries a large number of words; for example, in the course of finding corrections to a nine-letter misspelled word, 502 possible corrections will be tried. The probability that the Tool will get a false positive on at least one of these corrections is around 1 - (1 - 0.00092)502, which is about 0.37. Thus there is better than a 1 out of 3 chance that the Tool will screw up and propose a nonsense word as a correction. In practice, the probability of encountering a false positive while correcting a word seems to be closer to 1 in 5. Most false positives are outrageous words, e.g. algkebra as a correction for algebra or clonstant as a correction for constant, so most of them are easy to ignore. However, since this has impact on the Spelling Tool's user interface, this is a serious drawback of this representation.
Another serious disadvantage of this representation is that the text of the word list is not available. Therefore no accurate affix analysis can be done, no information about parts of speech is available, etc. This is a problem for those who want such information.
A minor disadvantage is that this method is a significant constant factor slower than most. If one ignores space usage considerations like working set size, the bit-table lookup procedure is three or four times slower than, for example, a lookup procedure using an in-core tree representation. This is because the bit-table lookup procedure must compute seven hash functions, incurring a significant overhead for each character, whereas a tree representation simply chases a pointer per character. The Spelling Tool currently scans text at a rate of 2150 words per second on a Dorado, and while one could probably push this to over 4000 words per second using a faster lookup procedure, 2150 seems to be adequate for interactive use.
Appendix: Spelling Tool Commands.
name Check
Select and left-click Check. If the selection is a point or single-character selection, Check searches from there to the end of the document and then from the beginning of the document to the selection. If you select text of a word or more than a word, Check searches the selection. In either case, Check then changes the selection to be a pending-delete selection of the first misspelled word it finds.
Right-clicking Check will skip over the selection and search from the end of the document and then from the beginning of the document to the selection. Ignores the selected word and searches for the next misspelled word. If the ignored word occurs again, the Tool will bother you about it again.
Suppose you want to know whether bogus is a ``real'' word. Select it and left-click Check. Sure enough, the message in the control window says, ``The selected word is correctly spelled.''
Left-click Check gets you to the word invigilate. It looks moderately OK to you but not so wonderful that you want to insert it, especially considering how irritating it is to have to clean out a wrongly inserted word. So you use right-click Check to ignore it.
Unsolicited character analysis: You are perhaps paralyzed in the fingers and arms that you cannot open your desk dictionary to check this word?
Unsolicited character analysis: You are perhaps so feature-averse that you never bothered to understand MarkOK?
Because Check changes the selection to be the first misspelled word it finds, left-clicking Check again just selects that word again. The commands you probably have in mind when you do that (again and again, more and more angrily) are Insert or right-click Check.
Because that selection is a pending-delete selection, absent-mindedly typing a character overwrites it. (But the deleted word is stored in the Paste buffer, and Paste is assigned to Control-P in the default Tioga.tip, so you can probably get the word back by typing Control-P.)
keyword hints
spell proofread check misspell
to be supplied by the Index Czar at the appropriate time in the future
name MarkOK
Marks a particular occurrence of a word as being correct, without inserting it in any wordlist. Does not affect other occurrences. The marked occurrence stays marked in spite of edits, unless those edits affect the word itself.
If invoked with the right mouse button, will then continue spell checking.
Your text includes SpellingTool.DF. The Spelling Tool complains about SpellingTool (what a fool!), and you do something about it. Now the spelling tool complains about DF. You don't want to insert DF into any wordlist; perhaps because it's so short that you worry about it's being too `near' real words. You right-click MarkOK to mark it as being correct, and get on to some real words.
Better example: Left-click Check gets you to the last name of your friend Simon Pastery. You know from experience that you often misspell the word pastry as pastery, perhaps because you associate sweet rolls with your friend. So you mark this use of Pastery as correct, but don't insert it in any wordlist.
Life is fatal.
keyword hints
word mark correct OK
to be supplied by the Index Czar at the appropriate time in the future
name Insertion Button
There will be a number of these buttons, all appearing after the "Insert in:" button. Each one will be named after an auxiliary word list. Such a button adds the selected word to the named word list. The Spelling Tool will henceforth recognize the word as being correctly spelled in all documents that use this word list.
If you right-click an insertion button, then after doing the insertion the Spelling Tool will search from the end of the selection to the end of the document and then from the beginning of the document to the selection.
You user profile gives you a global word list, ///Writing/Global.Wordlist, which is identified by an insertion button named Global. A document you wish to spell-check indicates an additional word list, ///Working/Private.Wordlist. The first time you run the Spelling Tool on that document, you discover that it identifies your name, your spouse's name, all your children's names, and every technical term you can think of as misspelled. But on each of these in turn you left-click an insertion button, and then you won't be pestered about any of them again. For instance, on the names you might click Private, and on the technical terms click Global.
Spell gets you to the word chastening; after staring long and hard, you decide that it is indeed correctly spelled, but you haven't lost all faith in the Spelling Tool. Right-click an insertion button to give the tool another chance.
Be wary of corrupting your word list with incorrectly spelled words; the Spelling Tool knows nothing about spelling, it just has a fairly good idea of what's in your word list.
If you realize that you have incorrectly inserted a word, reset the Spelling Tool. Then open a Tioga Viewer on your insertion file and delete the word manually. Save the file. If you are of the cautious religion, get yourself back to a point at which you have not yet run the Spelling Tool by rolling back to a checkpoint that does not include it or by booting. If you are of the risky religion, don't bother; but don't complain.
keyword hints
mistake change error misspell
to be supplied by the Index Czar at the appropriate time in the future
name Correction Buttons
These buttons show proposed corrections for a misspelled word. Left-clicking one of these buttons will perform the correction and will leave you there to consider the new word in its new context. If you don't like the way it looks, you can click one of the other buttons. There is also a correction button that restores the original mispelling (in case you decide it's not really a mispelling). Right-clicking will perform the change and then will immediately press on to look for more misspelled words.
The corrections proposed are those members of the word list that occur within a single-character typographical error of the given word. Shorter words tend to have more corrections. Sometimes a word has no corrections -- that doesn't mean that the word is right, just that it isn't close to any word in the word list.
Check gets you to the word siad and proposes:
siad --> sad said shad
Clicking the ``said'' button will probably fix the typo. But if, after examining the sentence with ``said'', you decide that you really did mean ``siad'', then click the ``siad -->'' button and that word will be restored.
The corrections proposed for proper names can provide a source of endless childish amusement.
Some of these buttons may be nonsense words; see the "How it works" section for an explanation of this aberrant behavior.
keyword hints
correct check right
to be supplied by the Index Czar at the appropriate time in the future
name Definition
Left-clicking Definition retrieves the text of the definition of the selected text from the dictionary server. The dictionary server is in LISP-land, and is due to Martin Kay, Henry Thompson, Ron Kaplan, John Maxwell and Ed McCreight.
This command is newly rejuvinated (on July 28, 1986) --- try it, you'll like it.
Select the word "Select" and left-click Definition. The spelling tool prints in its typescript something like this:
Looking up definition of "Select"...
se|lect v. -lected, -lecting, -lects. --tr. To choose from among several; take in preference; pick out. --intr. To make a choice or selection; choose. --See Synonyms at choose. --adj. Also se|lect|ed Abbr. sel. 1. Singled out in preference; chosen; picked out. 2. Of special value or quality; preferred. [Latin seligere (past participle selectus), to choose out : se, apart (see seu-2 in Appendix) + legere, to choose (see leg- in Appendix).] --se|lect"ness n.
It is not known whether you can get definitions only for root forms and certain kinds of inflected forms, but not for most derived forms.
The spelling list and the dictionary are different; do not be surprised to find a word included in one and left out of the other.
The dictionary is missing the second half of the letter G.
John Maxwell
keyword hints
word dictionary meaning
to be supplied by the Index Czar at the appropriate time in the future
name Synonyms
Clicking Synonyms retrieves synonyms of the selected word from the dictionary server.
Select the word "write" and click Synonyms. The spelling tool prints in its typescript something like this:
Looking up synonyms for "write"...
v catalog enroll inscribe list register sign-up
v copy note record summarize transcribe type
v author compose create draft pen prepare type
v doodle draw jot scratch scrawl scribble sketch
Many words have no synonyms. You are not informed as such by the spelling too.
John Maxwell
name Pronunciation
Clicking Pronunciation retrieves the pronunication of the selected word from the dictionary server.
Select the word "casuistry" and click Pronunciation. The spelling tool prints in its typescript something like this:
Looking up pronunciation for "casuistry"...
The table defining the standard linguistic equivalents of the dictionary server pronunication symbols is not yet on-line. Please be patient. In the future, this service might be tied into the voice server.
John Maxwell
name WordNerd
Clicking WordNerd retrieves the "wordNerding" of the selected words from the dictionary server. The wordNerding of a list of words is defined as all those words whose definition contains at least WNMinKeyWords (see following comment) of the selected words.
Note: If invoked with the right mouse button then WNMinKeyWords will be defaulted to the number of words in the selection. If the first "word" of the selected words is a valid number then it is used as the WNMinKeyWords value for this wordNerding -- it does not affect WNMinKeyWords for future WordNerding.
Three WordNerd parameters can be set from the command tool.
WNMinKeyWords: displays the current value of WNMinKeyWords.
WNMinKeyWords x: defines the threshhold WNMinKeyWords as x.
WNMaxWords: displays the current value of WNMaxWords.
WNMaxWords x: return no more than x words in result. Words are returned starting from most intersections down to fewest interesections.
WNRef NerdName: defines the Nerd reference to be used. The EtymologyNerd is reverse-indexed only on the etymological portion of a definition (the part contained within the brackets). The WordNerd is reverse-indexed on the non-etymological portion of a definition portion. (NerdName defaults to WordNerd)
The WordNerd also accepts more complex queries than those described above. More specifically, the "Nerding" of the lists of words (Wa1, Wa2, ..., Wan) (Wb1, Wb2, ..., Wbn)....(Wz1, Wz2, ...Wzn) is evaluated as the disjunction of the successive nerdings "Wa1 Wb1 Wz1" , "Wa1 Wb1 Wz2", ...."Wan Wbn Wzn-1" "Wan Wbn Wzn". Refer to the last example below.
Select the words "army officer" and click WordNerd. (Assume MinKeyWord is set to 1 and MaxWords to 200) The spelling tool prints in its typescript something like this:
Wordnerding for "army officer"...
army officer
adjutant general Andre Arnold, Benedict batman brigadier general captain centurion chief of staff Clinton, James colonel Colonel Blimp commanding officer commissary commissioned officer corporal2 Custer Doniphan Doubleday Dreyfus first sergeant Hale, Nathan jemadar Johnston, Albert Johnston, Joseph judge advocate Judge Advocate General Kirby-Smith lieutenant general Longstreet major major general master sergeant military attache Montgomery Oglethorpe Pickett Pike Pilsudski platoon sergeant Portola Potemkin provost marshal Putnam, Rufus Ridgway Rochambeau Rommel Romulo Saint-Simon, Duc second lieutenant sergeant sergeant first class sergeant major soldier specialist staff sergeant Surgeon General Uriah

A.R. A.T.S. AACS AAF Aberdeen acronym Admiral of the Fleet Air Medal allegiance Anzac APO armor army Army Air Forces Army of the United States Arnold, Hap Aspern baggage banner behind Black Watch blouse blue Booth bounty jumper Bowie Bradley, Omar Bren gun brigade Bronze Star busby Cadmus camp follower camp1 centurial century chassepot chasseur commissariat continental Continental Congress corps counteroffensive Cunaxa demobilize Dien Bien Phu Distinguished Service Cross dogface double time Edgehill evzone field army field artillery fighter command fling fusilier GAR garrison cap Hastings havoc Heraclea Hessian Holofernes home guard Horatius Cocles host2 I.R.A. infantry Joint Chiefs of Staff K ration lance corporal leaguer1 legion MacArthur Manhattan District marksman Marshall, George Meade mercenary military intelligence militia move National Guard National Guard of the United States on Ordnance Corps pace1 palatine1 pi2 pink1 pip3 police pour press2 private private first class quartermaster corps Quartermaster General R.A. RA rank and file regular Regular Army resign Rubicon S.A. salvationist school1 section sick list siege Signal Corps Springfield rifle standing army Sternberg Steuben stratocracy take territorial Tommy Atkins train trainband tramp triumph Trojan horse USA USAR USAREUR vanguard vaunt-courier vexillary vulnerable WAAC Wac WAC Ward, Artemas wing yeomanry Zouave

adjutant administration admirable affidavit . . .+192 more
Select the word "voice" and click WordNerd. (Assume WNRef is set to EtymologicalNerd) The spelling tool prints in its typescript something like this:
Wordnerding for "voice"...
-phone. anthem aphonia arsis Calliope cantillate dialect dialogue diaphysis diphthong equivocal hypostatic union phone1 phoneme phonetic phono- prosody sotto voce symphony tract3 univocal viva voce vocal vociferate voix celeste vowel vox angelica vox humana vox populi
Select the word "voice" and click WordNerd. (Assume WNRef is set to WordNerd) The spelling tool prints in its typescript something like this:
active aloud alto approve auxiliary verb babble baritone bark1 bass2 basso profundo bawl be bellow bleat breath breathy bullhorn buzz1 cadence calculate Campion carry catch challenge change chant chest register compass confidential conjugate Continental Congress contralto controvert countertenor crack croak discommend double drop Echo elect excellent expostulation fall falsetto find first flat1 foghorn force full1 galvanize halting hoarse honeyed hound1 husky1 imitation implicit inflect inflection inimical insinuating intonate intonation intone jar2 kazoo key1 leader lilt low1 lyric meaning megaphone mezzo-soprano middle modulate modulation monody monotone mumble murmur music musical part song passive past participle peep1 phonetic alphabet phono- pipe pitch2 place playful portamento project quaver range rasp register representation resonant rich say score scream screech second2 secondary sex characteristic sing small soft-spoken solemn solo soprano sounding board speak spoken squeak stentorian stifle1 Supreme Soviet telephone tenor thick thready throat thrum1 timbre tone tone color trail transcribe transmission treble turtle2 turtledove twang una voce unsteady v2 vanish vocal vocalism vocalize voice voice-over voiced voiceful voiceless voiceprint vox humana waver whisper wobble yodel
Select the string "( greedy stingy ) (man person)" [To verify that the query worked, look up the definitions for cheapskate and comorant]
greedy+ man+
cheapskate cormorant hunks mercenary miser moneybag niggard penny pincher pig piker shark2 swine

a1 account accusation ace acquaintance acquittal acromegalic act of God actinomycosis actor ad hominem adaptive address addresser adjunct adman administrator adolescent adultery advise adviser advocate aesthete affair affiliate after age agitator agrarian agree agreement agriculture ahoy airman airman basic alarm reaction alarmist albinism albino alcoholic alien alienate alienee alienor alimony alive all all fours alley cat allograph allonym allopath alternate am1 amateur ambidexter ambivalence ament2 amicus curiae amputee ana1 analysand anaphylactoid anarchist ancestor anchorite ancient1 android anecdotist anesthetist angel angler anima animal animalism animality annuitant anonym anopheles antediluvian anterior anthrax anthropic anthropo-. anthropocentric anthropogenesis anthropoid anthropology anti anti-Semite antipope anybody anyone ape ape-man apollo apologist apostrophe2 apply appoint appointee appointment approach appropriate aquanaut arbitrator archaeology architecture are1. aristocrat armiger armorer arrival art2 articulator artificer artificial artificial respiration artisan artist ascendant ascetic ass1 assailant assassin assassinate assess assets assignee assignor associate astronaut athlete atlas atomy2 atonement attache attachment attend attorney attribute auctioneer audile aura aureole auscultate austere authority autobiography autocracy autocrat autodidact autograph autosuggestion avoirdupois axman babe baboon baby bachelor back number back-seat driver back1 backbite backer background backslapper bagman bail1 bailee bailiwick bailment bailor baldhead baldpate banker1 banker2 bankroll bankrupt bantam baptize barbarian barkeeper baron base2 bass2 bastard battery . . .+2814 more.

29 entries.
active aloud alto approve auxiliary verb babble baritone bark1 bass2 basso profundo bawl be bellow bleat breath breathy bullhorn buzz1 cadence calculate Campion carry catch challenge change chant chest register compass confidential conjugate Continental Congress contralto controvert countertenor crack croak discommend double drop Echo elect excellent expostulation fall falsetto find first flat1 foghorn force full1 galvanize halting hoarse honeyed hound1 husky1 imitation implicit inflect inflection inimical insinuating intonate intonation intone jar2 kazoo key1 leader lilt low1 lyric meaning megaphone mezzo-soprano middle modulate modulation monody monotone mumble murmur music musical part song passive past participle peep1 phonetic alphabet phono- pipe pitch2 place playful portamento project quaver range rasp register representation resonant rich say score scream screech second2 secondary sex characteristic sing small soft-spoken solemn solo soprano sounding board speak spoken squeak stentorian stifle1 Supreme Soviet telephone tenor thick thready throat thrum1 timbre tone tone color trail transcribe transmission treble turtle2 turtledove twang una voce unsteady v2 vanish vocal vocalism vocalize voice voice-over voiced voiceful voiceless voiceprint vox humana waver whisper wobble yodel
name Reset
This button causes the Spelling Tool to pare down its in-memory data structures as much as possible, while still maintaing correct behavior. One consequence is that it tries to write out any word list insertions not yet written to their files. Another is that it deletes all the bit tables it has computed from the various collections of word lists it has dealt with. A consequence of this that you'll see is that the list of word lists available for inserting into will become empty.
You just realized that the last three insertions shouldn't really have been inserted. So you reset the Spelling Tool, then edit the file you mistakenly inserted into. When you resume spell-checking, the first thing the Spelling Tool will do is read again the appropriate files to build a bit table, and it will thus see the effects of your edits.
If garbage collection really works, this should only cost some time --- the time to rebuild the bit tables once you start using them again. If garbage collection is less that wonderful, you could conceivably lose more VM when the new bit tables are built.
keyword hints
reset restart clear empty forget store destroy
to be supplied by the Index Czar at the appropriate time in the future