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Date: 7-Feb-92 10:48:09
Sender: Russ Housley:McLean CSD:Xerox
Subject: Forwarding: Specifications of the SHA
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From: (Miles E. Smid)
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Please use this as the Specifications for the SHA rather than the copy
distributed by Dennis Branstad.
Federal Information
Processing Standards Publication YY
DRAFT 1992 January 22 DRAFT
Specifications for a
The Secure Hash Algorithm (SHA) specified in this standard is
necessary to ensure the security of the Digital Signature Standard.
When a message of length < 2^64 bits is input, the SHA produces a
160-bit representation of the message called the message digest.
The message digest is used during generation of a signature for the
message. The same message digest should be computed for the
received version of the message, during the process of verifying
the signature. Any change to the message in transit will, with
very high probability, result in a different message digest, and
the signature will fail to verify.
The SHA is designed to have the following properties: it is
computationally infeasible to recover a message corresponding to a
given message digest, or to find two different messages which
produce the same message digest.
The following terminology related to bit strings and integers
will be used:
a. hex digit = 0, 1, ... , 9, a, ... , f. A hex digit is the
representation of a 4-bit string. Examples: 7 = 0111, a =
b. word = 32-bit string b(31) b(30) ... b(0). A word may be represented
as a sequence of 8 hex digits. To convert the latter to
a 32-bit string, each hex digit is converted to a 4-bit
string as in (a). Example:
a103fe23 = 1010 0001 0000 0011 1111 1110 0010 0011.
A word is also the representation of an unsigned integer
between 0 and 2^32 - 1, inclusive, with the most significant
bit first. Example: the hex string a103fe23 represents
the decimal integer 2701393443.
c. block = 512-bit string. A block may be represented as a
sequence of 16 words.
d. integer: each integer x in the standard will satisfy 0 <=
x < 2^64. For the purpose of this standard, "integer" and
"unsigned integer" are equivalent. If an integer x
satisfies 0 <= x < 2^32, x may be represented as a word as in
(b). If 2^32 <= x < 2^64, then x = 2^32 y + z where 0 <= y < 2^32
and 0 <= z < 2^32. Hence y and z can be represented as words A and B,
respectively, and x can be represented as the pair of
words (A,B).
Suppose 0 <= x < 2^32. To convert x to a 32-bit string, the
following algorithm may be employed:
y(0) = x;
for i = 0 to 31 do
b(i) = 1 if y(i) is odd, b(i) = 0 if y(i) is even;
y(i+1) = (y(i) - b(i))/2;
Then x has the 32-bit representation b(31) b(30) ... b(0). Example:
25 = 00000000 00000000 00000000 00011001
= hex 00000019.
If 2^32 <= x < 2^64, the 2-word representation of x is obtained
2^35 + 25 = 8 * 2^32 + 25
= 00000000 00000000 00000000 00001000
00000000 00000000 00000000 00011001
= hex 00000008 00000019.
Conversely, the string b(31) b(30) ... b(0) represents the integer
b(31) * 2^31 + b(30) * 2^30 + ... + b(1) * 2 + b(0).
The following logical operators will be applied to words:
AND = bitwise logical and.
OR = bitwise logical inclusive-or.
XOR = bitwise logical exclusive-or.
~x = bitwise logical complement of x.
XOR 01100101110000010110100110110111
= 00001001011110001011101111001100.
Another operation on words is A + B. This is defined as
follows: words A and B represent integers x and y, where 0 <= x < 2^32
and 0 <= y < 2^32. Compute
z = (x + y) mod 2^32.
Then 0 <= z < 2^32. Convert z to a word, C, and define A + B = C.
Another function on words is S(n,X), where X is a word and n is
an integer with 0 <= n < 32. This is defined by
S(n,X) = (X << n) OR (X >> 32-n).
In the above, X << n is obtained as follows: discard the
leftmost n bits of X and then pad the result with n zeroes on the
right (the result will still be 32 bits). X >> m is obtained by
discarding the rightmost m bits of X and then padding the result
with m zeroes on the left. Thus S(n,X) is equivalent to a circular
shift of X by n positions to the left.
The SHA takes bit strings as input. Thus, for the purpose of
this standard, a message will be considered to be a bit string.
The length of the message is the number of bits (the empty message
has length 0). If the number of bits in a message is a multiple of
8, for compactness we can represent the message in hex.
Suppose a message has length L < 2^64. Before it is input to the
SHA, the message is padded on the right as follows:
a. "1" is appended. Example: if the original message is
"01010011", this is padded to "010100111".
b. If necessary, "0"s are then appended until the number of bits
in the padded message is congruent to 448 modulo 512.
Example: suppose the original message is the bit string
01100001 01100010 01100011 01100100 01100101.
After step (a) this gives
01100001 01100010 01100011 01100100 01100101 1.
The number of bits in the above is 41; we pad with 407 "0"s
to make the length of the padded message congruent to 448
modulo 512. This gives (in hex)
61626364 65800000 00000000 00000000
00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
00000000 00000000.
Note that the padding is arranged so that at this point
the padded message contains 16s + 14 words, for some s >=
c. Obtain the 2-word representation of L = the number of bits in
the original message. If L < 2^32 then the first word is all
zeroes. Append these two words to the padded message.
Example: suppose the original message is as in (b). Then L =
40 (note that L is computed before any padding). The two-word
representation of 40 is hex 00000000 00000028. Hence the
final padded message is hex
61626364 65800000 00000000 00000000
00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
00000000 00000000 00000000 00000028.
The final padded message will contain 16N words for some N > 0.
Example: in (c) above, the final padded message has N = 1. The
final padded message may be regarded as a sequence of N blocks M(1)
, M(2), ... , M(N), where each M(i) contains 16 words and M(1) is leftmost.
A sequence of logical functions f(0,x,y,z), ... , f(79,x,y,z) is used in
SHA. Each f operates on three 32-bit words {x,y,z} and produces a 32-bit
word as output. f(t,x,y,z) is defined as follows: for words x,y,z,
f(t,x,y,z) = (x AND y) OR (~x AND z) (0 <= t <= 19)
f(t,x,y,z) = x XOR y XOR z (20 <= t <= 39)
f(t,x,y,z) = (x AND y) OR (x AND z) OR (y AND z) (40 <= t <= 59)
f(t,x,y,z) = x XOR y XOR z (60 <= t <= 79).
A sequence of constant words K(0), K(1), ... , K(79) is used in the SHA.
In hex these are given by
K(t) = 5a827999 (0 <= t <= 19)
K(t) = 6ed9eba1 (20 <= t <= 39)
K(t) = 8f1bbcdc (40 <= t <= 59)
K(t) = ca62c1d6 (60 <= t <= 79).
The message digest is computed using the final padded message.
The computation uses two buffers, each consisting of five 32-bit
words, and a sequence of eighty 32-bit words. The words of the
first 5-word buffer are labeled A,B,C,D,E. The words of the second
5-word buffer are labeled h0, h1, h2, h3, h4. The words of the 80-
word sequence are labeled W(0), W(1), ... , W(79). A single word buffer
TEMP is also employed.
To generate the message digest, the 16-word blocks M(1), M(2), ...
, M(N) defined in Section 4 are processed in order. The processing
of each M(i) involves 80 steps.
Before processing any blocks, the {hj} are initialized as
follows: in hex,
h0 = 67452301
h1 = efcdab89
h2 = 98badcfe
h3 = 10325476
h4 = c3d2e1f0.
Now M(1), M(2), ... , M(N) are processed. To process M(i), we proceed as
a. Divide M(i) into 16 words W(0), W(1), ... , W(15), where W(0) is the
leftmost word.
b. For t = 16 to 79 let W(t) = W(t-3) XOR W(t-8) XOR W(t-14) XOR W(t-16).
c. Let A = h0, B = h1, C = h2, D = h3, E = h4.
d. For t = 0 to 79 do
TEMP = S(5,A) + f(t,B,C,D) + E + W(t) + K(t);
E = D; D = C; C = S(30,B); B = A; A = TEMP;
e. Let h0 = h0 + A, h1 = h1 + B, h2 = h2 + C, h3 = h3 + D, h4
= h4 + E.
After processing M(N), the message digest is the 160-bit string
represented by the 5 words
h0 h1 h2 h3 h4.
The above assumes that the sequence W(0), ... , W(79) is implemented
as an array of eighty 32-bit words. This is efficient from the
standpoint of minimization of execution time, since the addresses
of W(t-3), ... , W(t-16) in step (b) are easily computed. If space is at
a premium, an alternative is to regard { W(t) } as a circular queue,
which may be implemented using an array of sixteen 32-bit words
W[0], ... W[15]. In this case, in hex let MASK = 0000000f. Then
processing of M(i) is as follows:
aa. Divide M(i) into 16 words W[0], ... , W[15], where W[0] is the
leftmost word.
bb. Let A = h0, B = h1, C = h2, D = h3, E = h4.
cc. For t = 0 to 79 do
s = t AND MASK;
if (t >= 16) W[s] = W[(s + 13) AND MASK] XOR W[(s + 8) AND
MASK] XOR W[(s + 2) AND MASK] XOR W[s];
TEMP = S(5,A) + f(t,B,C,D) + E + W[s] + K(t);
E = D; D = C; C = S(30,B); B = A; A = TEMP;
dd. Let h0 = h0 + A, h1 = h1 + B, h2 = h2 + C, h3 = h3 + D, h4
= h4 + E.
Both (a) - (d) and (aa) - (dd) yield the same message digest.
Although using (aa) - (dd) saves sixty-four 32-bit words of
storage, it is likely to lengthen execution time due to the
increased complexity of the address computations for the { W[t] }
in step (cc). Other computation methods which give identical
results may be implemented in conformance with the standard.
Examples are given in the appendices.
This appendix is for informational purposes only and is not
required to meet the standard.
Let the message be the ASCII binary-coded form of "abc", i.e.
01100001 01100010 01100011.
This message has length L = 24. In step (a) of Section 4, we
append "1", giving a new length of 25. In step (b) we append 423
"0"s. In step (c) we append hex 00000000 00000018, the 2-word
representation of 24. Thus the final padded message consists of
one block, so that N = 1 in the notation of Section 4. The single
block has hex words
W[ 0] = 61626380
W[ 1] = 00000000
W[ 2] = 00000000
W[ 3] = 00000000
W[ 4] = 00000000
W[ 5] = 00000000
W[ 6] = 00000000
W[ 7] = 00000000
W[ 8] = 00000000
W[ 9] = 00000000
W[10] = 00000000
W[11] = 00000000
W[12] = 00000000
W[13] = 00000000
W[14] = 00000000
W[15] = 00000018
Initial hex values of h:
h0 h1 h2 h3 h4
67452301 efcdab89 98badcfe 10325476 c3d2e1f0
Hex values of A,B,C,D,E after pass t of the "for t = 0 to 79"
loop (step (d) or (cc)) in Section 7:
t = 0: 0116fc33 67452301 7bf36ae2 98badcfe 10325476
t = 1: 8990536d 0116fc33 59d148c0 7bf36ae2 98badcfe
t = 2: a1390f08 8990536d c045bf0c 59d148c0 7bf36ae2
t = 3: cdd8e11b a1390f08 626414db c045bf0c 59d148c0
t = 4: cfd499de cdd8e11b 284e43c2 626414db c045bf0c
t = 5: 3fc7ca40 cfd499de f3763846 284e43c2 626414db
t = 6: 993e30c1 3fc7ca40 b3f52677 f3763846 284e43c2
t = 7: 9e8c07d4 993e30c1 0ff1f290 b3f52677 f3763846
t = 8: 4b6ae328 9e8c07d4 664f8c30 0ff1f290 b3f52677
t = 9: 8351f929 4b6ae328 27a301f5 664f8c30 0ff1f290
t = 10: fbda9e89 8351f929 12dab8ca 27a301f5 664f8c30
t = 11: 63188fe4 fbda9e89 60d47e4a 12dab8ca 27a301f5
t = 12: 4607b664 63188fe4 7ef6a7a2 60d47e4a 12dab8ca
t = 13: 9128f695 4607b664 18c623f9 7ef6a7a2 60d47e4a
t = 14: 196bee77 9128f695 1181ed99 18c623f9 7ef6a7a2
t = 15: 20bdd62f 196bee77 644a3da5 1181ed99 18c623f9
t = 16: ed2ff4a3 20bdd62f c65afb9d 644a3da5 1181ed99
t = 17: 565df73c ed2ff4a3 c82f758b c65afb9d 644a3da5
t = 18: 550b1e7f 565df73c fb4bfd28 c82f758b c65afb9d
t = 19: fe0f9e4b 550b1e7f 15977dcf fb4bfd28 c82f758b
t = 20: b4d4c943 fe0f9e4b d542c79f 15977dcf fb4bfd28
t = 21: 43993572 b4d4c943 ff83e792 d542c79f 15977dcf
t = 22: f7106486 43993572 ed353250 ff83e792 d542c79f
t = 23: 775924e6 f7106486 90e64d5c ed353250 ff83e792
t = 24: 45a7ef23 775924e6 bdc41921 90e64d5c ed353250
t = 25: ccead674 45a7ef23 9dd64939 bdc41921 90e64d5c
t = 26: 02d0c6d1 ccead674 d169fbc8 9dd64939 bdc41921
t = 27: 070c437f 02d0c6d1 333ab59d d169fbc8 9dd64939
t = 28: 301e90be 070c437f 40b431b4 333ab59d d169fbc8
t = 29: b898c685 301e90be c1c310df 40b431b4 333ab59d
t = 30: 669723e2 b898c685 8c07a42f c1c310df 40b431b4
t = 31: d9316f96 669723e2 6e2631a1 8c07a42f c1c310df
t = 32: db81a5c7 d9316f96 99a5c8f8 6e2631a1 8c07a42f
t = 33: 99c8dfb2 db81a5c7 b64c5be5 99a5c8f8 6e2631a1
t = 34: 6be6ae07 99c8dfb2 f6e06971 b64c5be5 99a5c8f8
t = 35: c01cc62c 6be6ae07 a67237ec f6e06971 b64c5be5
t = 36: 6433fdd0 c01cc62c daf9ab81 a67237ec f6e06971
t = 37: 0a33ccf7 6433fdd0 3007318b daf9ab81 a67237ec
t = 38: 4bf58dc8 0a33ccf7 190cff74 3007318b daf9ab81
t = 39: ebbd5233 4bf58dc8 c28cf33d 190cff74 3007318b
t = 40: 825a3460 ebbd5233 12fd6372 c28cf33d 190cff74
t = 41: b62cbb93 825a3460 faef548c 12fd6372 c28cf33d
t = 42: aa3f9707 b62cbb93 20968d18 faef548c 12fd6372
t = 43: fe1d0273 aa3f9707 ed8b2ee4 20968d18 faef548c
t = 44: 57ad526b fe1d0273 ea8fe5c1 ed8b2ee4 20968d18
t = 45: 93ebbe3f 57ad526b ff87409c ea8fe5c1 ed8b2ee4
t = 46: f9adf47b 93ebbe3f d5eb549a ff87409c ea8fe5c1
t = 47: 875586d2 f9adf47b e4faef8f d5eb549a ff87409c
t = 48: d0a22ffb 875586d2 fe6b7d1e e4faef8f d5eb549a
t = 49: c12b6426 d0a22ffb a1d561b4 fe6b7d1e e4faef8f
t = 50: ebc90281 c12b6426 f4288bfe a1d561b4 fe6b7d1e
t = 51: e7d0ec05 ebc90281 b04ad909 f4288bfe a1d561b4
t = 52: 7cb98e55 e7d0ec05 7af240a0 b04ad909 f4288bfe
t = 53: 0d48dba2 7cb98e55 79f43b01 7af240a0 b04ad909
t = 54: c2d477bf 0d48dba2 5f2e6395 79f43b01 7af240a0
t = 55: 236bd48d c2d477bf 835236e8 5f2e6395 79f43b01
t = 56: 9b4364d6 236bd48d f0b51def 835236e8 5f2e6395
t = 57: 5b8c33c9 9b4364d6 48daf523 f0b51def 835236e8
t = 58: be2a4656 5b8c33c9 a6d0d935 48daf523 f0b51def
t = 59: 8ff296db be2a4656 56e30cf2 a6d0d935 48daf523
t = 60: c10c8993 8ff296db af8a9195 56e30cf2 a6d0d935
t = 61: 6ac23cbf c10c8993 e3fca5b6 af8a9195 56e30cf2
t = 62: 0708247d 6ac23cbf f0432264 e3fca5b6 af8a9195
t = 63: 35d201f8 0708247d dab08f2f f0432264 e3fca5b6
t = 64: 969b2fc8 35d201f8 41c2091f dab08f2f f0432264
t = 65: 3cac6514 969b2fc8 0d74807e 41c2091f dab08f2f
t = 66: 14cd9a35 3cac6514 25a6cbf2 0d74807e 41c2091f
t = 67: ba564047 14cd9a35 0f2b1945 25a6cbf2 0d74807e
t = 68: c241f74d ba564047 4533668d 0f2b1945 25a6cbf2
t = 69: 2896b70f c241f74d ee959011 4533668d 0f2b1945
t = 70: 564bbed1 2896b70f 70907dd3 ee959011 4533668d
t = 71: 8fa15d5a 564bbed1 ca25adc3 70907dd3 ee959011
t = 72: 9a226c11 8fa15d5a 5592efb4 ca25adc3 70907dd3
t = 73: f0b94489 9a226c11 a3e85756 5592efb4 ca25adc3
t = 74: 1809d5e2 f0b94489 66889b04 a3e85756 5592efb4
t = 75: b86c5a40 1809d5e2 7c2e5122 66889b04 a3e85756
t = 76: dfe7e487 b86c5a40 86027578 7c2e5122 66889b04
t = 77: 70286c07 dfe7e487 2e1b1690 86027578 7c2e5122
t = 78: 24ff7ed5 70286c07 f7f9f921 2e1b1690 86027578
t = 79: 9a1f95a8 24ff7ed5 dc0a1b01 f7f9f921 2e1b1690
After processing, values of h:
h0 h1 h2 h3 h4
0164b8a9 14cd2a5e 74c4f7ff 082c4d97 f1edf880
Message digest = 0164b8a9 14cd2a5e 74c4f7ff 082c4d97 f1edf880
This appendix is for informational purposes only and is not
required to meet the standard.
Let the message be the binary-coded form (cf. Appendix A) of the
ASCII string
Since each of the 56 characters is converted to 8 bits, the
length of the message is L = 448. In step (a) of Section 4, we
append "1", giving a new length of 449. In step (b) we append 511
"0"s, producing a new message of length 960 which is congruent to
448 modulo 512 (note that 511 "0"s are the most that ever need to
be appended). In step (c) we append the 2-word representation of
448, i.e., hex 00000000 000001c0. This gives N = 2.
Initial values of h:
h0 h1 h2 h3 h4
67452301 efcdab89 98badcfe 10325476 c3d2e1f0
Start processing block 1. Words of block 1:
W[ 0] = 61626364
W[ 1] = 62636465
W[ 2] = 63646566
W[ 3] = 64656667
W[ 4] = 65666768
W[ 5] = 66676869
W[ 6] = 6768696a
W[ 7] = 68696a6b
W[ 8] = 696a6b6c
W[ 9] = 6a6b6c6d
W[10] = 6b6c6d6e
W[11] = 6c6d6e6f
W[12] = 6d6e6f70
W[13] = 6e6f7071
W[14] = 80000000
W[15] = 00000000
Hex values of A,B,C,D,E after pass t of the "for t = 0 to 79"
loop (step (d) or (cc)) in Section 7:
t = 0: 0116fc17 67452301 7bf36ae2 98badcfe 10325476
t = 1: ebf3b452 0116fc17 59d148c0 7bf36ae2 98badcfe
t = 2: 5109913a ebf3b452 c045bf05 59d148c0 7bf36ae2
t = 3: 2c4f6eac 5109913a bafced14 c045bf05 59d148c0
t = 4: 33f4ae5b 2c4f6eac 9442644e bafced14 c045bf05
t = 5: 96b85189 33f4ae5b 0b13dbab 9442644e bafced14
t = 6: db04cb58 96b85189 ccfd2b96 0b13dbab 9442644e
t = 7: 45833f0f db04cb58 65ae1462 ccfd2b96 0b13dbab
t = 8: c565c35e 45833f0f 36c132d6 65ae1462 ccfd2b96
t = 9: 6350afda c565c35e d160cfc3 36c132d6 65ae1462
t = 10: 8993ea77 6350afda b15970d7 d160cfc3 36c132d6
t = 11: e19ecaa2 8993ea77 98d42bf6 b15970d7 d160cfc3
t = 12: 8603481e e19ecaa2 e264fa9d 98d42bf6 b15970d7
t = 13: 32f94a85 8603481e b867b2a8 e264fa9d 98d42bf6
t = 14: b2e7a8be 32f94a85 a180d207 b867b2a8 e264fa9d
t = 15: 42637e39 b2e7a8be 4cbe52a1 a180d207 b867b2a8
t = 16: 66036329 42637e39 acb9ea2f 4cbe52a1 a180d207
t = 17: b59a89e4 66036329 5098df8e acb9ea2f 4cbe52a1
t = 18: 90b9433e b59a89e4 5980d8ca 5098df8e acb9ea2f
t = 19: db5227e2 90b9433e 2d66a279 5980d8ca 5098df8e
t = 20: 91241034 db5227e2 a42e50cf 2d66a279 5980d8ca
t = 21: 4c06bd64 91241034 b6d489f8 a42e50cf 2d66a279
t = 22: 8665831e 4c06bd64 2449040d b6d489f8 a42e50cf
t = 23: 3f62d9ec 8665831e 1301af59 2449040d b6d489f8
t = 24: cd40e178 3f62d9ec a19960c7 1301af59 2449040d
t = 25: d83e484e cd40e178 0fd8b67b a19960c7 1301af59
t = 26: d70940fe d83e484e 3350385e 0fd8b67b a19960c7
t = 27: 39b6981b d70940fe b60f9213 3350385e 0fd8b67b
t = 28: 694303ae 39b6981b b5c2503f b60f9213 3350385e
t = 29: 8e08fd0a 694303ae ce6da606 b5c2503f b60f9213
t = 30: fbff1ba5 8e08fd0a 9a50c0eb ce6da606 b5c2503f
t = 31: 8ab96092 fbff1ba5 a3823f42 9a50c0eb ce6da606
t = 32: 4206057a 8ab96092 7effc6e9 a3823f42 9a50c0eb
t = 33: 2cbcfc1a 4206057a a2ae5824 7effc6e9 a3823f42
t = 34: 505759f3 2cbcfc1a 9081815e a2ae5824 7effc6e9
t = 35: 05bb8ec9 505759f3 8b2f3f06 9081815e a2ae5824
t = 36: a0fc08a0 05bb8ec9 d415d67c 8b2f3f06 9081815e
t = 37: 8664f5e1 a0fc08a0 416ee3b2 d415d67c 8b2f3f06
t = 38: fe3d2a4f 8664f5e1 283f0228 416ee3b2 d415d67c
t = 39: 07d02aa9 fe3d2a4f 61993d78 283f0228 416ee3b2
t = 40: 38d7321c 07d02aa9 ff8f4a93 61993d78 283f0228
t = 41: 1f3ca4c0 38d7321c 41f40aaa ff8f4a93 61993d78
t = 42: df27aa0c 1f3ca4c0 0e35cc87 41f40aaa ff8f4a93
t = 43: 84e2dba6 df27aa0c 07cf2930 0e35cc87 41f40aaa
t = 44: 8797eb77 84e2dba6 37c9ea83 07cf2930 0e35cc87
t = 45: 9d220100 8797eb77 a138b6e9 37c9ea83 07cf2930
t = 46: cb326b71 9d220100 e1e5fadd a138b6e9 37c9ea83
t = 47: 505de66f cb326b71 27488040 e1e5fadd a138b6e9
t = 48: ffdf8e6f 505de66f 72cc9adc 27488040 e1e5fadd
t = 49: 47a17a6f ffdf8e6f d417799b 72cc9adc 27488040
t = 50: 2c742cf4 47a17a6f fff7e39b d417799b 72cc9adc
t = 51: 692c82f3 2c742cf4 d1e85e9b fff7e39b d417799b
t = 52: 741a7aeb 692c82f3 0b1d0b3d d1e85e9b fff7e39b
t = 53: e89625b3 741a7aeb da4b20bc 0b1d0b3d d1e85e9b
t = 54: bb527c29 e89625b3 dd069eba da4b20bc 0b1d0b3d
t = 55: 609a8616 bb527c29 fa25896c dd069eba da4b20bc
t = 56: 5e259ced 609a8616 6ed49f0a fa25896c dd069eba
t = 57: fdce04c4 5e259ced 9826a185 6ed49f0a fa25896c
t = 58: 2a35958f fdce04c4 5789673b 9826a185 6ed49f0a
t = 59: 029a9dbb 2a35958f 3f738131 5789673b 9826a185
t = 60: 651604ab 029a9dbb ca8d6563 3f738131 5789673b
t = 61: 3f163f73 651604ab c0a6a76e ca8d6563 3f738131
t = 62: 60e30527 3f163f73 d945812a c0a6a76e ca8d6563
t = 63: da53f35e 60e30527 cfc58fdc d945812a c0a6a76e
t = 64: 59f8e302 da53f35e d838c149 cfc58fdc d945812a
t = 65: be75732c 59f8e302 b694fcd7 d838c149 cfc58fdc
t = 66: 8d8dfd49 be75732c 967e38c0 b694fcd7 d838c149
t = 67: 556247fc 8d8dfd49 2f9d5ccb 967e38c0 b694fcd7
t = 68: c416c3e2 556247fc 63637f52 2f9d5ccb 967e38c0
t = 69: 64c244c9 c416c3e2 155891ff 63637f52 2f9d5ccb
t = 70: b0df5b97 64c244c9 b105b0f8 155891ff 63637f52
t = 71: 905723fe b0df5b97 59309132 b105b0f8 155891ff
t = 72: 49946022 905723fe ec37d6e5 59309132 b105b0f8
t = 73: b3a64db3 49946022 a415c8ff ec37d6e5 59309132
t = 74: 281589bc b3a64db3 92651808 a415c8ff ec37d6e5
t = 75: 4623888d 281589bc ece9936c 92651808 a415c8ff
t = 76: 74eb04b7 4623888d 0a05626f ece9936c 92651808
t = 77: 035d4cd9 74eb04b7 5188e223 0a05626f ece9936c
t = 78: b2bdd7d0 035d4cd9 dd3ac12d 5188e223 0a05626f
t = 79: 1d750196 b2bdd7d0 40d75336 dd3ac12d 5188e223
Block 1 processed. Values of h:
h0 h1 h2 h3 h4
84ba2497 a28b8359 d9923034 ed6d15a3 155bc413
Start processing block 2. Words of block 2:
W[ 0] = 00000000
W[ 1] = 00000000
W[ 2] = 00000000
W[ 3] = 00000000
W[ 4] = 00000000
W[ 5] = 00000000
W[ 6] = 00000000
W[ 7] = 00000000
W[ 8] = 00000000
W[ 9] = 00000000
W[10] = 00000000
W[11] = 00000000
W[12] = 00000000
W[13] = 00000000
W[14] = 00000000
W[15] = 000001c0
Hex values of A,B,C,D,E after pass t of the "for t = 0 to 79"
loop (step (d) or (cc)) in Section 7:
t = 0: d508e54e 84ba2497 68a2e0d6 d9923034 ed6d15a3
t = 1: 42ae69cc d508e54e e12e8925 68a2e0d6 d9923034
t = 2: 738c64e9 42ae69cc b5423953 e12e8925 68a2e0d6
t = 3: d5b4a0fe 738c64e9 10ab9a73 b5423953 e12e8925
t = 4: 870f3c0b d5b4a0fe 5ce3193a 10ab9a73 b5423953
t = 5: 46574e97 870f3c0b b56d283f 5ce3193a 10ab9a73
t = 6: 1405102f 46574e97 e1c3cf02 b56d283f 5ce3193a
t = 7: 297306df 1405102f d195d3a5 e1c3cf02 b56d283f
t = 8: 30185ce2 297306df c501440b d195d3a5 e1c3cf02
t = 9: 10d7ba0c 30185ce2 ca5cc1b7 c501440b d195d3a5
t = 10: 0c28cf6b 10d7ba0c 8c061738 ca5cc1b7 c501440b
t = 11: 6eabfec0 0c28cf6b 0435ee83 8c061738 ca5cc1b7
t = 12: 7e85f170 6eabfec0 c30a33da 0435ee83 8c061738
t = 13: f964f1a3 7e85f170 1baaffb0 c30a33da 0435ee83
t = 14: 26e19055 f964f1a3 1fa17c5c 1baaffb0 c30a33da
t = 15: 156937e7 26e19055 fe593c68 1fa17c5c 1baaffb0
t = 16: 6295f273 156937e7 49b86415 fe593c68 1fa17c5c
t = 17: b81a706e 6295f273 c55a4df9 49b86415 fe593c68
t = 18: a5620a0d b81a706e d8a57c9c c55a4df9 49b86415
t = 19: 2dbc9cff a5620a0d ae069c1b d8a57c9c c55a4df9
t = 20: bf89c409 2dbc9cff 69588283 ae069c1b d8a57c9c
t = 21: 239a6d9b bf89c409 cb6f273f 69588283 ae069c1b
t = 22: adec9cd5 239a6d9b 6fe27102 cb6f273f 69588283
t = 23: 1cdd463f adec9cd5 c8e69b66 6fe27102 cb6f273f
t = 24: e0da5334 1cdd463f 6b7b2735 c8e69b66 6fe27102
t = 25: b947bdab e0da5334 c737518f 6b7b2735 c8e69b66
t = 26: ad4e620c b947bdab 383694cd c737518f 6b7b2735
t = 27: ca67cf14 ad4e620c ee51ef6a 383694cd c737518f
t = 28: fe343974 ca67cf14 2b539883 ee51ef6a 383694cd
t = 29: 7cfd680a fe343974 3299f3c5 2b539883 ee51ef6a
t = 30: e4d7304c 7cfd680a 3f8d0e5d 3299f3c5 2b539883
t = 31: a6fd2352 e4d7304c 9f3f5a02 3f8d0e5d 3299f3c5
t = 32: c57dadcd a6fd2352 3935cc13 9f3f5a02 3f8d0e5d
t = 33: 5f146ab9 c57dadcd a9bf48d4 3935cc13 9f3f5a02
t = 34: 469dc798 5f146ab9 715f6b73 a9bf48d4 3935cc13
t = 35: 03bcf3da 469dc798 57c51aae 715f6b73 a9bf48d4
t = 36: f03f67ba 03bcf3da 11a771e6 57c51aae 715f6b73
t = 37: 2e04e8c4 f03f67ba 80ef3cf6 11a771e6 57c51aae
t = 38: e8b3497e 2e04e8c4 bc0fd9ee 80ef3cf6 11a771e6
t = 39: a9ce9b40 e8b3497e 0b813a31 bc0fd9ee 80ef3cf6
t = 40: f261bb65 a9ce9b40 ba2cd25f 0b813a31 bc0fd9ee
t = 41: 42ef9dd9 f261bb65 2a73a6d0 ba2cd25f 0b813a31
t = 42: b2f2664a 42ef9dd9 7c986ed9 2a73a6d0 ba2cd25f
t = 43: 1291092a b2f2664a 50bbe776 7c986ed9 2a73a6d0
t = 44: 7c6aef48 1291092a acbc9992 50bbe776 7c986ed9
t = 45: a9cb9df6 7c6aef48 84a4424a acbc9992 50bbe776
t = 46: c5f82e71 a9cb9df6 1f1abbd2 84a4424a acbc9992
t = 47: 8868c238 c5f82e71 aa72e77d 1f1abbd2 84a4424a
t = 48: b052f768 8868c238 717e0b9c aa72e77d 1f1abbd2
t = 49: 61102ac0 b052f768 221a308e 717e0b9c aa72e77d
t = 50: 8bee2ff1 61102ac0 2c14bdda 221a308e 717e0b9c
t = 51: 9e700133 8bee2ff1 18440ab0 2c14bdda 221a308e
t = 52: 877a43cd 9e700133 62fb8bfc 18440ab0 2c14bdda
t = 53: c4e901d6 877a43cd e79c004c 62fb8bfc 18440ab0
t = 54: 2c7a07f0 c4e901d6 61de90f3 e79c004c 62fb8bfc
t = 55: 67344973 2c7a07f0 b13a4075 61de90f3 e79c004c
t = 56: 7ebaee45 67344973 0b1e81fc b13a4075 61de90f3
t = 57: eb9659b3 7ebaee45 d9cd125c 0b1e81fc b13a4075
t = 58: 0ebfb62a eb9659b3 5faebb91 d9cd125c 0b1e81fc
t = 59: 4dbf216a 0ebfb62a fae5966c 5faebb91 d9cd125c
t = 60: 08089f12 4dbf216a 83afed8a fae5966c 5faebb91
t = 61: 601aba34 08089f12 936fc85a 83afed8a fae5966c
t = 62: e1685b50 601aba34 820227c4 936fc85a 83afed8a
t = 63: ec956f26 e1685b50 1806ae8d 820227c4 936fc85a
t = 64: 6bed4126 ec956f26 385a16d4 1806ae8d 820227c4
t = 65: 96d6e5e6 6bed4126 bb255bc9 385a16d4 1806ae8d
t = 66: a5d83970 96d6e5e6 9afb5049 bb255bc9 385a16d4
t = 67: 74ccf6e4 a5d83970 a5b5b979 9afb5049 bb255bc9
t = 68: b9bdca6d 74ccf6e4 29760e5c a5b5b979 9afb5049
t = 69: 9526a197 b9bdca6d 1d333db9 29760e5c a5b5b979
t = 70: a2e5a7c9 9526a197 6e6f729b 1d333db9 29760e5c
t = 71: 3708b81b a2e5a7c9 e549a865 6e6f729b 1d333db9
t = 72: f27081ec 3708b81b 68b969f2 e549a865 6e6f729b
t = 73: 41daeb9b f27081ec cdc22e06 68b969f2 e549a865
t = 74: 4215a57b 41daeb9b 3c9c207b cdc22e06 68b969f2
t = 75: 2655c2d6 4215a57b d076bae6 3c9c207b cdc22e06
t = 76: 11dc8a86 2655c2d6 d085695e d076bae6 3c9c207b
t = 77: 69364641 11dc8a86 899570b5 d085695e d076bae6
t = 78: 0a6ed856 69364641 847722a1 899570b5 d085695e
t = 79: 4d974a4a 0a6ed856 5a4d9190 847722a1 899570b5
Block 2 processed. Values of h:
h0 h1 h2 h3 h4
d2516ee1 acfa5baf 33dfc1c4 71e43844 9ef134c8
Message digest = d2516ee1 acfa5baf 33dfc1c4 71e43844 9ef134c8
This appendix is for informational purposes only and is not
required to meet the standard.
Let the message be the binary-coded form of the ASCII string
which consists of 1,000,000 repetitions of 'a'.
Message digest = 3232affa 48628a26 653b5aaa 44541fd9 0d690603