Copyright Ó 1990 by Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved.
Willie-Sue, March 1, 1990 1:42:48 pm PST
Willie-s, November 1, 1991 11:29 am PST
Theimer, April 30, 1990 11:27 pm PDT
PCEDAR 2.0 —
Willie-Sue Orr
© Copyright 1990 Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved.
Abstract: Cedar programs to send electronic mail. SendMail (also available as SendMailTool) creates a Tioga viewer in which the user can compose a mail message. SendMailFile takes a file name as an argument and uses that file as the mail message to send.
Created by: Willie-Sue Orr
Maintained by: Willie-Sue Orr <>
Keywords: electronic mail
XEROX  Xerox Corporation
   Palo Alto Research Center
   3333 Coyote Hill Road
   Palo Alto, California 94304

1. SendMailTool
To create a SendMailTool, type SendMailTool to a command tool A Sender is a Tioga viewer for typing in the header fields and body of a message you want to send.
SendMailTool will save copies of the messages you have sent. The profile option:
SendMailTool.OutBoxLength: number (defaults to 1)
specifies how many to save. Setting this option to 0 (or some negative number) will save all the messages that have been sent, but the the popup menu will show you no more than 25. The others would be available for postmortems. See Forms below.
The Sender menu:
Send is well named. StopSending! pops up during part of the sending process; clicking it gives you a last-minute chance to change your mind about sending a message. Right-clicking Send makes the Sender become iconic after syntax checking. (In iconic form a Sender is the back of an envelope.) A Sender will not allow itself to be destroyed while sending is in progress. Send may appear as gvSend and/or xnsSend, depending on which mail sending protocols have been loaded and allowed.
USend sends a message without tioga formatting, with the text "prettyprinted". Top level nodes are not line-folded, but lower level nodes are (so that they do look like lower level nodes).
Get is similar Tioga Get -- Will load a local or remote file and allow editing
Store is like Tioga Store. If you right-click, the viewer will be left in edited mode, so that it won't get re-used.
Save is like Tioga Save. If you right-click, the viewer will be left in edited mode, so that it won't get re-used.
Forms shows the Forms popup menu, which provides three options plus forms supplied by the user.
NewSender creates another Sender.
DefaultForm replaces the current Sender with the default. (You can specify a non-standard default in your user profile.)
Previous Msg if your outBox has only one message, that will get stuffed into the Sender; otherwise you'll be given a popup menu of selections.
You specify your own forms (see below).
Get and Store change the name of the Sender to be the file name. Clicking the Forms items will cause any backing file association for the Sender to be cleared and the caption will revert to Sender.
Crs changes all LFs to CRs in the viewer.
Split is the Tioga Split.
Places is the Tioga Places.
Levels is the Tioga Levels.
The default Sender form has node structure and uses a small bold font (looks) for the header fields. Added header fields use the same looks; to get added fields to have some other looks, include in your User.profile the key SendMailTool.MsgHeadersLooks, set to whatever you like.
If you want to change the default forms, you can create your own and specify them in your User.profile with the entries:
SendMailTool.DefaultForm: filename
SendMailTool.AnswerForm: filename
SendMailTool.ForwardForm: filename
The answer form must have header lines in the same order as the standard form and provide placeholders in the appropriate header positions. The forward form must have a node with the contents "ForwardedMessage"; Forward replaces this node with the message being forwarded. These private defaults can be local or remote.
If you need additional sending forms, you can specify them in your User.profile with the entry:
SendMailTool.MsgForms: {list of file names}
These additional forms will then appear in the pop-up Forms menu. Like private defaults, these additional forms can be local or remote. (You might, for instance, want to specify remote forms from /Cedar/CedarChest®/Top/Forms.df.) Only the short name pops up; the default extension is .form, and only non-default extensions pop up. At the moment, there is no way to create additional answer or forward forms.
A message to a public distribution list or to more than ten individuals probably needs a Reply-to: field. If your message doesn't contain one, Send will show a menu with the items Self, All, and Cancel. Self means insert the Reply-to: field and fill in my name; All means do not insert a Reply-to: field (replies then go to the full list); Cancel means whoops, don't send the message yet. To get Reply-to: sender when appropriate, without being asked, insert the entry
SendMailTool.ReplyToSelf: TRUE
in your User.profile. (With this entry, if at some point you want Reply-to: all you have to insert it by hand.)
SendMailTool will use a (local or remote) file as a private distribution list. To invoke this feature, put the file name, followed immediately by ":;" (colon semicolon) in the To: or Cc: field. The file format is quite restricted; anything up to a colon is ignored; the addressees must be separated by commas, and parsing terminates at the first semicolon or end of file; no CR's are allowed. A default extension of .dl is assumed.
Watch the SendMailTool typescript for errors in transmission. If the transmission is successful, the message is saved and a new default form appears.
Profile Options
SendMailTool.AlwaysNewSender: FALSE
if TRUE, always creates a new sender.
SendMailTool.AlwaysOpenSender: FALSE
if TRUE, the first time SendMailTool is typed to the exec, the sender will be opened and grab the input focus.
SendMailTool.AnswerForm: ""
The file name of the answering SendMailTool form (used when Answer is clicked in a message viewer).
SendMailTool.DefaultForm: ""
The file name for filling in SendMailTool form.
SendMailTool.DefaultDLDir: ""
value is the default working directory for private DL files.
SendMailTool.DestroyAfterSend: FALSE
if TRUE, causes sender to be destroyed after a successful delivery, if Send was clicked with RIGHT
SendMailTool.ForwardForm: ""
The file name of the forwarding SendMailTool form (used when Forward is clicked in a message viewer).
SendMailTool.GlobalSenderButton: FALSE
If TRUE, a button labeled Sender appears in the message window; clicking it creates a new Sender.
SendMailTool.MaxRecipientsWithoutReplyTo: 10
If there are more than MaxRecipientsWithoutReplyTo recipients, Walnut will require a Reply-to field in the message being sent
SendMailTool.MsgForms: ""
A list of file names to be used as Walnut message forms (buttons for each file listed are added to SendMailTool viewers).
SendMailTool.MsgHeadersLooks: "sb"
The looks to be used for the fieldNames for the added headers of sent messages
SendMailTool.OutBoxLength: 1
The number of previously sent message to keep in an outBox; 0 or negative means keep all.
SendMailTool.ReplyToSelf: FALSE
if TRUE, causes Walnut to automatically supply a Reply-To: field, if appropriate.
SendMailTool.SendWaitSeconds: 8
will wait this many seconds from the time (one of) the send menu item is clicked, to give the user a chance to abort the send.
2. SendMailFile
If you already have composed your mail message and put it into a file then you can send it directly using the SendMailFile command. SendMailFile takes as argument a list of one or more filenames and attempts to send each file as an XNS mail message. Filenames will be interpreted relative to the current directory of the command tool from which SendMailFile is invoked if they are not absolute filenames.
Note: You must already have authenticated yourself to the mail system for SendMailFile to succeed.