;;; TidbitIntCode.scheme
;;; Copyright Ó 1989, 1991 by Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved.
;;; Last changed by Pavel on August 11, 1989 6:26:54 pm PDT
(export (compile-expr)
(define (compile-if condition then-expr else-expr env ctxt top code k)
(compile-expr condition env 'value top code
(lambda (cname ccode ccalls?)
(compile-expr then-expr env ctxt top '()
(lambda (tname tcode tcalls?)
(compile-expr else-expr env ctxt top '()
(lambda (ename ecode ecalls?)
(let ((my-name #f))
;; Get the name right
(when (eq? ctxt 'value)
((name=? tname ename)
(set! my-name ename))
(unless (name=? tname temp-name)
(set! tcode
`((← ,temp-name ,tname)
(unless (name=? ename temp-name)
(set! ecode
`((← ,temp-name ,ename)
(set! my-name temp-name))))
(k my-name
`((if ,(or tcalls? ecalls?)
,(reverse tcode)
,(reverse ecode))
(or ccalls? tcalls? ecalls?))))))))))
(define (compile-begin body env ctxt top code k)
((null? body)
(when (or (eq? ctxt 'value) (eq? ctxt 'push))
(cerror "Using #!unspecified as the value."
"Program uses unspecified value of (begin)."))
(compile-expr '(#!quote #!unspecified) env ctxt top code k))
(let loop ((code code)
(tail body)
(my-calls? #f))
(if (null? (cdr tail))
(compile-expr (car tail) env ctxt top code
(lambda (name code calls?)
(k name code (or calls? my-calls?))))
(compile-expr (car tail) env 'effect top code
(lambda (name code calls?)
(loop code
(cdr tail)
(or calls? my-calls?)))))))))
(define (compile-atom name ctxt top code k)
(case ctxt
(k #f code #f))
(k name code #f))
(k #f
`((← ,(stack-name top) ,name)
(k #f
(← ,result-name ,name)
(error 'compile-expr ctxt "BUG: Unrecognized context"))))
(define (compile-assignment target expr env ctxt top code k)
(compile-expr expr env 'value top code
(lambda (name code calls?)
(let ((code `((← ,(id->name target env) ,name)
((eq? ctxt 'effect)
(k #f code calls?))
(when (or (eq? ctxt 'value) (eq? ctxt 'push))
(cerror "Using #!unspecified as the value."
"Program uses unspecified value of (set! ~S ...)."
(cadr expr)))
(compile-expr '(#!quote #!unspecified) env ctxt top code
(lambda (name code ignore)
(k name code calls?)))))))))
(define (compile-lambda name params body env ctxt top code k)
(define (inner)
(dynamic-bind ((*literals* '())
(*literal-count* 0)
(*globals* '())
(*global-count* 0)
(*last-env-slot* -1)
(*env-names* '())
(*max-top* 0)
(*name* (cons (or name (next-name-index!))
(dynamic-ref *name*)))
(*last-name-index* -1))
(let* ((doc #f)
(name-list (gathering ((names (collecting)))
(let loop ((params params))
(define (check-param param)
(if (symbol? param)
(gather param names)
(cerror "Ignore the offending name"
"~S is an illegal identifier"
((pair? params)
(check-param (car params))
(loop (cdr params)))
((not (null? params))
(check-param params))))))
(dotted? (or (symbol? params)
(and (pair? params)
(symbol? (cdr (last-pair params))))))
(if dotted? (- (length name-list) 1) (length name-list))))
((and (string? (car body))
(not (null? (cdr body))))
(set! doc (car body))
(set! body (cdr body))
(unless (char=? (string-ref doc 0) #\()
; ) for paren-matching
(set! doc (format #f "~S ~A" params doc))))
(set! doc (format #f "~S" params))))
(compile-expr `(#!begin ,@body)
(lambda (name code calls?)
(let ((initial-pc (next-pc!)))
(if (>= (dynamic-ref *max-top*) stack-limit)
`((← "a.sEx"
,(format #f "NEW[SimpleVectorRep[~S]]"
(- (dynamic-ref *max-top*)
(- stack-limit 1))))
,@(reverse code))
(reverse code))
(make-tidbit-fn (if (null? (cdr (dynamic-ref *name*)))
(car (dynamic-ref *name*))
(reverse (dynamic-ref *name*)))
(reverse (dynamic-ref *env-names*))
(dynamic-ref *code-proc-name*)
(if (eq? ctxt 'effect)
(k #f code #f)
(let* ((fn (inner))
(name (new-literal fn)))
(case ctxt
(k `(close ,name) code #f))
(k #f
`((← ,(stack-name top) (close ,name))
(k #f
(← ,result-name (close ,name))
(define (compile-let params args body env ctxt top code k)
(let ((body-env (extend-env env params)))
(let loop ((params params)
((null? params)
(unless (null? args)
(cerror "Ignore the extra arguments"
"Extra arguments to inline LAMBDA: ~S"
(compile-expr `(#!begin ,@body) body-env ctxt top code
(lambda (name code bcalls?)
(k name code (or calls? bcalls?)))))
((null? args)
(cerror "Supply '#!unspecified for the missing arguments"
"Too few arguments to inline LAMBDA")
(loop params
(map (lambda (ignore)
'(#!quote #!unspecified))
(compile-expr (car args) env 'value top code
(lambda (name code acalls?)
(cdr params)
(cdr args)
`((← ,(id->name (car params)
(or calls? acalls?)))))))))
(define (compile-application expr env ctxt top code k)
(let loop ((exprs expr)
(cur-top top)
(code code)
(calls? (not (eq? ctxt 'return))))
(if (null? exprs)
(k (stack-name top)
`((,(if (eq? ctxt 'return) 'tail-call 'call)
,(length expr)
(compile-expr (car exprs) env 'push (try-top cur-top) code
(lambda (name code ecalls?)
(loop (cdr exprs)
(+ cur-top 1)
(or calls? ecalls?)))))))
(define (compile-letrec bindings body env ctxt top code k)
(let* ((ids (map (lambda (binding)
((symbol? (car binding))
(car binding))
(cerror "Use FOO instead."
(body-env (extend-env env ids)))
(define (possibly-name-lambda id expr)
(let ((expr (expand-syntax* expr body-env)))
(if (and (pair? expr)
(eq? '#!lambda (car expr)))
`(%%lambda-with-name%% ,id ,(cadr expr) (let () ,@(cddr expr)))
(let loop ((ids ids)
(exprs (map cadr bindings))
((null? ids)
(compile-expr `(let () ,@body) body-env ctxt top code
(lambda (name code bcalls?)
(k name code (or calls? bcalls?)))))
(possibly-name-lambda (car ids) (car exprs))
body-env 'value top code
(lambda (name code acalls?)
(cdr ids)
(cdr exprs)
`((← ,(id->name (car ids)
(or calls? acalls?)))))))))
(define (compile-expr expr env ctxt top code k)
(let ((expr (expand-syntax* expr env)))
(if (pair? expr)
(case (car expr)
(compile-if (cadr expr) (caddr expr) (cadddr expr)
env ctxt top code k))
(compile-begin (cdr expr) env ctxt top code k))
(compile-atom (new-literal (cadr expr)) ctxt top code k))
(compile-assignment (cadr expr) (caddr expr) env ctxt top code k))
(compile-lambda #f (cadr expr) (cddr expr) env ctxt top code k))
(compile-lambda (cadr expr) (caddr expr) (cdddr expr) env ctxt top code k))
(compile-letrec (cadr expr) (cddr expr) env ctxt top code k))
(let ((bindings (cadr expr))
(body (cddr expr)))
`(#!begin ,@body)
(extend-env-with-syntax env (map car bindings)
(map (lambda (binding) (eval (cadr binding) user))
ctxt top code k)))
(cerror "Using '#!unspecified as the expression."
"Misplaced (define ~S ...)."
(cadr expr))
(compile-expr '(#!quote #!unspecified) env ctxt top code k))
(let ((fn (expand-syntax* (car expr) env)))
;; Is it a LET? It is if the FN is a LAMBDA expression
;; with an undotted parameter list.
(if (and (pair? fn)
(eq? (car fn) '#!lambda)
(or (null? (cadr fn))
(null? (cdr (last-pair (cadr fn))))))
(compile-let (cadr fn) (cdr expr) (cddr fn) env ctxt top code k)
(compile-application expr env ctxt top code k)))))
;; EXPR is not a pair
((symbol? expr)
(compile-atom (id->name expr env) ctxt top code k))
(unless (or (char? expr)
(number? expr)
(string? expr)
(boolean? expr))
(cerror "Quote the value"
"~S cannot be evaluated"
(compile-expr `(#!quote ,expr) env ctxt top code k))))))
) ; end export