<<>> <> <> <> <<>> Cedar Scheme FOR INTERNAL XEROX USE ONLY Cedar Scheme An implementation of a descendant of Lisp Pavel Curtis and Michael F. Plass © Copyright 1987, 1988, 1989, 1990 Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved. Abstract: Scheme is an applicative order, statically scoped and properly tail-recursive descendant of the Lisp programming language. This package provides a Scheme interpreter in Cedar that supports all of the essential syntax and semantics described in the Revised3 Report on Scheme (except for bugs, of course). N.B. This is Cedar Scheme, an interpreted implementation of Scheme. This is not SchemeXerox, the PCR-based native-code implementation. Created by: Michael F. Plass Maintained by: Michael Plass:PARC:Xerox Keywords: Interpreter, Language, LISP, programming tools, Scheme XEROX Xerox Corporation Palo Alto Research Center 3333 Coyote Hill Road Palo Alto, California 94304 For Internal Xerox Use Only Introduction As a reference for Scheme, refer to the "Revised3 Report on the Algorithmic Language Scheme" (Rees, Clinger, Ed. SIGPLAN Notices V21 #12 December 1986). (Michael has an unbound copy you can photocopy; also, Pavel has TEX sources). This Scheme implements all of the essential syntax and semantics described therein, along with most of the optional features and a fair number of local extensions. Other Scheme packages: There are many other Cedar Scheme functions that may be loaded beyond those described in this document. Refer to [CedarChest®]SchemeEnvironment.df for a collection of them. Interactive help When you print a procedure value, you will see the formal argument list, and in most cases, a short description as well. If you know what procedure you want, this is usually the easiest way to fifgure out how to call it. When you don't know the full name of a procedure, but can make a guess about a part of it, then the apropos procedure is what you want: apropos pattern-string [ list-result? ] [Procedure] Prints (or if list-result? is #t, returns a list of) all symbols in the environment that have a print-name that matches pattern-string. Example: % Scheme (user) (apropos "string*?") string? string-ci=? string-ci>? string-ci<=? string-ci=? string? string=? string>=? string-match? string-ci-match? 13 (user) string-ci (user) (define syms (apropos "*" #t)) ; All symbols currently defined! syms (user) syms (* + - / < <= = > >= abs acos and andmap angle . . .) ; [this has been fictionalized] (user) (length syms) 439 (user) (quit) % Unimplemented Optionals number->string* string->number transcript-off transcript-on *Not fully implemented. The given implementation simply prints the number to a string; it doesn't take any radix or other formatting options. Extensions Metalingual operations Primitive syntax The Cedar Scheme interpreter directly understands only a few, ``primitive'' kinds of Scheme expressions. All others are treated as ``syntactic extensions'' and are expanded into equivalent primitive expressions before evaluation. A special kind of data object, the primitive syntax marker, is used as the first element of lists representing non-function-application primitive expressions. There is a fixed set of such markers, notated as follows: #!lambda #!quote #!if #!define #!begin #!set! A set of procedures is defined for manipulating such markers: primitive-syntax-marker? object [Procedure] True is returned if and only if object is a primitive syntax marker. primitive-syntax-marker->symbol psm [Procedure] The symbol with the same name as the primitive syntax marker psm is returned. symbol->primitive-syntax-marker symbol [Procedure] The primitive syntax marker with the same name as symbol is returned. Syntactic extension expand form [Procedure] A form equivalent in meaning to form is returned with all uses of derived expression types and syntactic extensions expanded into primitive Scheme syntax. expand-file file-name-base [Procedure] The Scheme code in the file named ``file-name-base.scheme'' is expanded into primitive Scheme syntax and the output is written to the file named ``file-name-base.$cheme''. This procedure is more-or-less obsolete in the presence of the procedure compile-file, described elsewhere in this manual. expand-once form [Procedure] A form equivalent in meaning to form is returned with one step in the expansion of its outermost expression having been performed. extend-syntax (name keywords ...) clauses ... [Syntax] See The Scheme Programming Language, by R. Kent Dybvig, for complete documentation of this facility. The Cedar Scheme implementation provides one extra feature beyond what is described there, though. The symbols { and } can be used in patterns and expansion template to group sub-patterns and sub-templates for the application of ellipses. Thus, with these two definitions: (extend-syntax (flat-let) ( (flat-let ({ var val } ...) body ...) (let ((var val) ...) body ...))) (extend-syntax (doublet) ( (doublet ((var1 var2 val1 val2) ...) body ...) (let ({(var1 val1) (var2 val2)} ...) body ...))) the following forms would have the indicated expansions: (flat-let (a 1 b 2) body) => (let ((a 1) (b 2)) body) (doublet ((a b 1 2) (c d 3 4)) body) => (let ((a 1) (b 2) (c 3) (d 4)) body) Note that the characters "{" and "}" are simply Scheme symbols, so they must be written with spaces separating them from other symbols, as in the flat-let example above. Note: In contrast to other implementations of Scheme and Lisp, syntactic extensions are not available in the file in which they are defined. To define a syntactic extension that is local to a given file (or other, smaller scope), use let-syntax, below. let-syntax bindings body ... [Syntax] Extends the syntax of the language over the scope of the body forms. Bindings should be a list of lists, each in one of the following two forms: (name procedure) ((name keywords ...) clauses ...) Bindings of the first form establish procedure (as evaluated in the USER environment) as the syntax expander for forms whose car is name. Bindings of the second form similarly establish a syntax expander for name, but are interpreted as though the keywords and clauses had been given in an extend-syntax form. macro name procedure [Syntax] Expressions beginning with the symbol name are enabled as a syntactic extension. Whenever an expression of this form is evaluated by the Scheme system, procedure will be applied to the form. Procedure should return a new form to be evaluated in its place. This form of syntactic extension facility is provided for compatibility with other Scheme implementations. Definitions using the extend-syntax facility, described above, are to be preferred in general. make-syntax procedure [Procedure] Creates and returns a syntax object, the kind of value used by the interpreter to expand uses of syntactic extensions into more primitive expressions. If an expression of the form (identifier args ...) is seen and identifier is bound to a syntax object, then the corresponding procedure will be applied to the given args. It should return a new form to be evaluated in place of the one above. The procedure make-syntax is not usually called directly by Scheme programmers. It is more usual for the macro or extend-syntax expressions to be used for the definition of new syntactic extensions. syntax? object [Procedure] Returns true if and only if object is a syntax object. syntax-expander syntax [Procedure] Extracts and returns the prcoedure passed to make-syntax when syntax was created. Operations on Scheme expressions kwote value [Procedure] Returns a Scheme expression that evaluates to value. The expression will be simply ``value'' if it is self-evaluating and ``(quote value)'' otherwise. Operations on procedures procedure-environment procedure [Procedure] Returns the lexical environment in which procedure is closed. This returns #f for primitive procedures. procedure-name procedure [Procedure] Returns, as a symbol, the name of the given procedure if it is a primitive, or #f if not. Compilation into Cedar compile-file file-name-base [Procedure] The Scheme code in the file named ``file-name-base.scheme'' is compiled and the output is written to the file named ``file-name-base.$cheme'', along with other files needed to support the compiled code. Compilation into bytecodes hobbit-file file-name-base [Procedure] The Scheme code in the file named ``file-name-base.scheme'' is compiled into bytecodes and the output is written to the file named ``file-name-base.$cheme''. I/O facilities String input/output ports get-output-string port [Procedure] Port should have been created by a call to open-output-string (see below). This returns all of the characters remembered by the port in the form of a string. It also causes the port to forget those characters. open-input-string string [Procedure] Returns a new input port ranging over the characters in string. Changes made to string after the port is created will not be seen by readers of the port. open-output-string [Procedure] Returns a new output port that remembers all characters written to it. The procedure get-output-string (see above) can be used to retrieve those characters as a string. Customizing the printer register-print-proc proc value [Procedure] Whenever a value of the same type as value is to be printed, proc will be called to do the printing. proc should accept three arguments: the port on which to print, the value to be printed, and a boolean which is true is the value is being printed by display and false if by write. The returned value is ignored. value should not be a ``native'' Scheme value, such as a number, boolean, list, record, etc. There is another mechanism for specifying print procs for records; see make-record-type. The printed appearance of other native Scheme values cannot be customized. Generic port operations binary-write object [port] [Procedure] Like write, but writes object in a binary representation that is understood by read, and which is not very human-readable or portable, but is fast to parse. change-looks string [port] [Procedure] The current Tioga ``looks'' of the given port are changed according to the characters in string. Lowercase letters turn on the associated looks and uppercase letters turn them off. This procedure is currently a no-op in PCedar. format [port] string args ... [Procedure] Uses string and args as specifications for formatted output to port. If port is #f or not given, a string containing the formatted output is returned; otherwise, the result is unspecified. If port is #t, the value of (current-output-port) is used instead. string may contain normal characters, which are simply output unchanged, and format directives, marked by a tilde (``~'') followed by one of the following characters (case is not significant): S The next argument in args is output as if by the write procedure. ``S'' is used for compatibility with Common Lisp, where it stands for ``s-expression''. A The next argument in args is output as if by the display procedure. ``A'' is used for compatibility with Common Lisp, where it stands for ``ASCII''. C The next argument in args, which should be a character, is output as if by the write-char procedure. L The next argument in args, which should be a string, is interpreted as a set of changes to be made to the current Tioga ``looks'' of the port, as if by the change-looks procedure, described above. % A newline is output, as if by the newline procedure. ~ A tilde is output. newline The newline character and all following whitespace characters in string are discarded. This is useful for situations in which a long format string appears in a program and needs to be broken (and then indented properly) without causing such formatting in the output. unread-char character [port] [Procedure] Undoes the effect of the most recent call to read-char on port. Character should be the character most recently read from port. Port defaults to the result of (current-input-port). Streams These are as used in Ableson & Sussman2 cons-stream hd tl [Syntax] Syntax for (cons hd (delay tl)) head stream [Procedure] Gets the first element of a stream tail stream [Procedure] Returns the tail of a stream, which is also a stream empty-stream? stream [Procedure] Tests for the empty stream the-empty-stream [Constant] The empty stream New data structures Record types make-record-type type-id field-names [parent [print-proc]] [Procedure] Creates a new data type and returns a ``descriptor'' object for the new type. type-id should be a symbol; it has no semantic interest and is used only by the default printing procedure. field-names should be a proper list of symbols. Every value of the new type is a ``record'', a tuple of values, one for each name in field-names. Each field can be set and/or referenced independently. parent, if provided, should be either #f or a descriptor returned from a previous call to make-record-type. If it is a descriptor, then the new type is a ``subtype'' of that earlier type; that is, every value of the new type is also a member of the earlier type. Such a value has all of the fields of values of the earlier type in addition to the ones named in field-names. print-proc is a procedure of three arguments: a port on which to print, a value to be printed, and a boolean which is true if and only if the value is being printed by display as opposed to write. print-proc will be called to print any value of the new type. If print-proc is not supplied, then the print-proc associated with parent will be used instead. If parent is #f, then the default printing procedure will be used. record-constructor descriptor [Procedure] Returns a procedure for constructing values of the type described by descriptor, which should have been returned from a call to make-record-type. The value-construction procedure takes one argument for each field, in the order given by field-names in the call to make-record-type. If parent was supplied and not #f in that call, then the fields for the parent type should be given before those of the child type. record-predicate descriptor [Procedure] Returns a procedure for deciding if a given value is of the type described by descriptor. The procedure takes one argument and returns #t if the argument has the appropriate type and #f otherwise. record-accessor descriptor name [Procedure] Returns a procedure for reading one of the fields in values of the type described by descriptor. name should be one of the symbols in the list of field-names given when descriptor was created. The returned procedure takes one argument, a record value of the appropriate type, and returns the value of the named field in that record. record-updater descriptor name [Procedure] Returns a procedure for modifying one of the fields in values of the type described by descriptor. name should be one of the symbols in the list of field-names given when descriptor was created. The returned procedure takes two arguments: a record value of the appropriate type and a new value for the named field in that record. The returned value is unspecified. Examples (define yow-descriptor (make-record-type 'yow '(a b c))) (define make-yow (record-constructor yow-descriptor)) (define yow-b (record-accessor yow-descriptor 'b)) (define set-yow-b! (record-updater yow-descriptor 'b)) (define one-yow (make-yow 1 2 3)) one-yow => # (yow-b one-yow) => 2 (set-yow-b! one-yow 17) one-yow => # (yow-b one-yow) => 17 (define pow-descriptor (make-record-type 'pow '(d e) yow-descriptor)) (define make-pow (record-constructor pow-descriptor)) (define yow? (record-predicate yow-descriptor)) (define pow? (record-predicate pow-descriptor)) (define one-pow (make-pow 'one 'two 'three 'four 'five)) one-pow => # (yow? one-pow) => #t (pow? one-pow) => #t (pow? one-yow) => #f (define (print-meow port meow display?) (format port "#" (meow-name meow))) (define meow-descriptor (make-record-type 'meow '(name) #f print-meow)) (define make-meow (record-constructor meow-descriptor)) (define meow-name (record-accessor meow-descriptor 'name)) (make-meow "Snookums") => # Defining new types of objects The define-structure facility is not supported currently. Use the make-record-type facility described above. define-structure (name id1,1 ... id1,k) [Syntax] [((id2,1 expr1) ... (id2,n exprn))] Defines a new type of data object and several kinds of procedures for manipulating such objects. The symbol name is the conceptual name of the type and appears in the names of the procedures that are defined. The identifiers are the names of the ``fields'' or ``slots'' in each name object. The following procedures are defined: make-name val1 ... valk Create and return a new object of type name. The id1,i fields in the object will be initialized to the values of the corresponding arguments. The id2,i fields are initialized one-by-one to the values of the expri expressions. Each of these expressions is in the scope of all variables with the names of all earlier-appearing fields and may use the values of those fields. Example: (define-structure (foo vec) ((len (vector-length vec)) (big? (> len 1000)))) The expression (make-foo '#(1 2 3)) will create a foo object with the len field equal to 3 and the big? field equal to #f. name? object Returns true if and only if object is a value of type name. name-idi,j object Object should be a value of type name. The value of the idi,j field of that object is returned. There are (k+n) procedures of this kind defined, one for each field in a name object. set-name-idi,j! object value Object should be a value of type name. The value of the idi,j field of that object is set to value. There are (k+n) procedures of this kind defined, one for each field in a name object. Hash tables eq-hash object [Procedure] Returns an integer with the property that (eq? a b) implies (= (eq-hash a) (eq-hash b)) The implementation attempts to make the converse true as well in as many cases as possible. eqv-hash object [Procedure] Returns an integer with the property that (eqv? a b) implies (= (eqv-hash a) (eqv-hash b)) The implementation attempts to make the converse true as well in as many cases as possible. make-table [initial-size {comparison-fn hash-fn}] [Procedure] Creates and returns a hash table with room initially (that is, before rehashing) for initial-size entries, using the given comparison-fn and hash-fn. Initial-size defaults to something reasonably small. Comparison-fn and hash-fn default to eqv? and eqv-hash, respectively. table? object [Procedure] Returns true if and only if object is a hash table. table-ref table key [Procedure] Returns the value stored under key in table, returning #f if key has no entry in table. table-remove! table key [Procedure] Remove the entry for key from table, if such an entry exists. Return a boolean indicating whether or not the entry existed. table-set! table key value [Procedure] Either change the current entry for key in table to refer to value, if such an entry exists, or add an entry mapping key to value. table-size table [Procedure] Returns the number of entries currently in table. table-walk fn table [Procedure] Applies fn to the key and value for each entry in table. No changes should be made to the table during the walk. Syntax Lexical conventions Cedar Scheme uses the syntax for the tokens given in the Revised3 Report on the Algorithmic Language Scheme, with a few minor extensions. The set of ``character names'', aside from the standard ones of the form #\c, are as follows (case is insignificant in all cases): #\onnn The character whose ASCII code is, in octal, nnn. Note that this does not constitute a guarantee that (= (char->integer #\onnn) #onnn), though that is, in fact, the case at the moment. #\OpenPar #\OpenParen The opening parenthesis character. #\ClosePar #\CloseParen The closing parenthesis character. #\Return The ASCII carriage-return character. Identical to #\015. #\LineFeed The ASCII line-feed character. Identical to #\012. #\Newline The system-dependent end-of-line character. #\Tab The ASCII horizontal tab character. Identical to #\010. #\Space The ASCII space character. Identical to #\040. #\FormFeed The ASCII form-feed (new page) character. Identical to #\014. The syntax of symbols is somewhat enhanced. The characters ``{'' and ``}'' are added to the set named in the report and are thus legal constituents of the names of symbols. Also, any token made up of a string of more than one period (e.g., the token ``...'') is a valid symbol. Finally, the syntax #"characters" is also a legal syntax for symbols; the name of the symbol is precisely the set of characters between the quotes. This allows symbols with essentially arbitrary names to be input through the read procedure. Normal, unquoted symbols have the uppercase letters in their names mapped automatically to lowercase by the reader. Thus, the tokens foo and #"foo" are read identically. See also the discussion of identifiers containing colons in the section on environments in SchemeObsoleteDoc.tioga. New syntactic constructs unless expression body ... [Syntax] The expression is evaluated. If a false value results, the body expressions are evaluated in order and the value of the unless expression is that of the last body expression. If expression evaluated to a true value, the body expressions are not evaluated and the value of the unless expression is unspecified. when expression body ... [Syntax] The expression is evaluated. If a true value results, the body expressions are evaluated in order and the value of the when expression is that of the last body expression. If expression evaluated to a false value, the body expressions are not evaluated and the value of the when expression is unspecified. export (name ...) defn ... [Syntax] This is used to provide a simple way of hiding implementation procedures. The defn ... must consist of a valid lambda body (normally just a sequence of internal definitions) that provides internal definitions of name ... ; the expansion will do top-level defines of name ... , and copy the values from the internal definitions. export should be used only at top level. Unless all definitions in a file are to be publicly accessible, export should normally be used to hide the private ones. Because of the restricted nature of internal definitions, don't try to use definition-generating syntax like define-structure and extend-syntax inside of an export body. Portable Tendrils into Cedar The facilities described in this section provide access to a few Cedar system facilities. Commander The following procedure provides a modicum of access to the facilities of the Commander, but this is plenty of rope to hang yourself with: do-command string [output-port] [Procedure] Assuming the process has a Cedar Commander, this procedure does the command line contained in string. If output-port is supplied, the command's standard output goes there instead of to the typescript. install component-name-string [env] [Procedure] Looks for a corresponding .require file, and uses it to install the component. This is quick if the component has been previously installed. Initialization procedures are then called to register things in env [which defaults to the USER environment]. reinstall component-name [env] [Procedure] Like install, but forgets the installation name first. installation-names [Procedure] Returns a list of names of components that have been installed. Viewers eval-selection [Procedure] Evaluate the contents of the Tioga selection. This is most useful when attached to a button in the Commander. get-selection-contents [Procedure] Returns the contents of the Tioga selection, as a string. Timing/garbage collection Timer objects allow programs to gather some statistics about elapsed time: make-timer [Procedure] Create a timer object. timer-ref timer [Procedure] Get the number of microseconds since the timer creation or start. timer? object [Procedure] Test for a Timer object timer-start! timer [Procedure] (Re)start a Timer set-priority priority-symbol [Procedure] Sets new process priority level, returns old priority level (often useful for getting more precise timings; refer to CedarProcess.mesa for the meaning of the priority levels). words-allocated [Procedure] Returns the total number of words of collectable memory that have been allocated. gc [trace-and-sweep?] [Procedure] Calls the garbage collector explicitly. Information about the machine this-machine-name [namespace] [Procedure] Returns a string; namespace is 'arpa, 'xns, 'pup, ... this-machine-address [namespace] [Procedure] Returns a string; namespace is 'arpa, 'xns, 'pup, ... this-machine-id [Procedure] Returns a string like "1-435-140-188". this-machine-type [Procedure] Returns 'princops, 'sun3, 'sun4, ... Miscellaneous Dynamic binding make-dynamic obj [Procedure] Create and return a new ``dynamic variable'' whose initial global value is obj. dynamic? obj [Procedure] Returns true if and only if obj is a dynamic variable. dynamic-ref dvar [Procedure] Return the value of the given dynamic variable in the current dynamic environment. dynamic-set! dvar obj [Procedure] Change the value of the given dynamic variable to obj in the current dynamic environment. The returned value is unspecified. call-with-dynamic-binding dvar obj thunk [Procedure] Invoke and return the value of thunk in a new, nested dynamic environment in which dvar has been bound to a new location whose initial contents are obj. This dynamic environment has precisely the same extent as the invocation of thunk and is thus captured by continuations created within that invocation and re-established by those continuations when they are invoked. dynamic-bind ((var-expr val-expr) ...) body ... [Syntax] Evaluates the var-exprs and val-exprs in an unspecified order; the var-exprs should yield dynamic variables. Returns the result of evaluating the body in a new, nested dynamic environment in which the given dynamic variables have new bindings, initialized to the given values. This dynamic environment has precisely the same extent as the evaluation of the body and is thus captured by continuations created within the body and re-established by those continuations on invocation. fluid-let ((id expression) ...) body ... [Syntax] This is like let except that the id's are not bound to the values of the expression's, they are set. Thus, the id's must already be bound by some other means. The new values for the id's remain in effect as long as control is in the body forms. When the fluid-let is exited, the id's are restored to the values they had upon entry. If control re-enters the fluid-let (by invoking a continuation made inside the body forms), the id's will re-acquire the values they had when the fluid-let was last exited. In essence, fluid-let gives you a facility equivalent to dynamic binding (implemented by shallow binding). For more information and examples, see the description of the equivalent facility in Chez Scheme, found in Kent Dybvig's book on Scheme. Control constructs dynamic-wind prelude body postlude [Procedure] Prelude, body and postlude should all be thunks (procedures of zero arguments). Dynamic-wind behaves as if it were defined as follows: (prelude) (let ((value (body))) (postlude) value) except that the postlude thunk is invoked even if control leaves the body by invocation of a continuation created outside. Furthermore, if control re-enters the body (by invocation of a continuation created inside), the prelude code will be re-invoked. This is most frequently used in code that wishes some resource to be held whenever control is in the body; the prelude acquires the resource and the postlude releases it. For more information and examples, see the description of the equivalent facility in Chez Scheme, found in Kent Dybvig's book on Scheme. Controlling the read-eval-print loop set-rep-environment! env [Procedure] Change the environment used by the read-eval-print loop to env. It will be reset to the USER environment if you terminate the loop and reinvoke the Scheme command. quit [Procedure] Terminates the real-eval-print loop immediately. Operations on lists any pred lists ... [Procedure] Returns the first true value of pred applied to successive elements of the given lists, or #f if pred never returns a true value. every pred lists ... [Procedure] Return the last value of pred applied to successive elements of the given lists if none of the applications yielded false, and #f otherwise. list* args ... [Procedure] Like list, but uses the last argument, rather than (), as the tail of the resulting list. pairwise pred args ... [Procedure] Applies the binary predicate pred to each consecutive pair of elements in args, returning #f if pred ever returns a false value and #t otherwise. proper-list? object [Procedure] Returns true if and only if object is a ()-terminated list of length greater than zero. remove-if predicate list [Procedure] Return a list of the elements of list such that predicate is false of them. remove-if-not predicate list [Procedure] Return a list of the elements of list such that predicate is true of them. reverse! list [Procedure] Destructively reverse and return list. sort list pred [key-fn] [Procedure] Makes a sorted version of list according to the binary order predicate pred, using key-fn to extract the keys form the elements. Key-fn defaults to the identity function. The sort is not stable. Example: (user) (sort '(("f" x) ("o" y) ("b" z)) string :q "Back to top level" (user) add-1 ; printing a procedure tells you something about it # (user) + ; this is a primitive procedure # (user) (trace +) (+) (user) (map add-1 '(1 2.0 3)) Entering: (+ 0 1) Exiting + => 1 Entering: (+ 1 1) Exiting + => 2 Entering: (+ 0 1) Exiting + => 1 Entering: (+ 2 1) Exiting + => 3 Entering: (+ 3 1) Exiting + => 4 Entering: (+ 1 1) Exiting + => 2 Entering: (+ 1 2.0) Exiting + => 3.0 Entering: (+ 1 3) Exiting + => 4 (2 3.0 4) (user) (untrace) Entering: (+ 0 1) Exiting + => 1 Entering: (+ 0 1) Exiting + => 1 Entering: (+ 1 1) Exiting + => 2 Entering: (+ 0 1) Exiting + => 1 Entering: (+ 2 1) Exiting + => 3 Entering: (+ 3 1) Exiting + => 4 Entering: (+ 0 1) Exiting + => 1 Entering: (+ 4 1) Exiting + => 5 Entering: (+ 2 1) Exiting + => 3 Entering: (+ 0 1) Exiting + => 1 #!unspecified (user) (quit) {00:01:17 seconds, 94956 words, 15 page faults} % Bugs, Problems: LifeIsHard Because the Scheme read-eval-print loop just runs in the Commander, you will find that some Cedar hacks that are meant to talk to the Commander end up talking to Scheme instead. Noteworthy examples are the Commander buttons and things like "NoteNewUser". SchemeImager Refer to SchemeImagerDoc for documentation. InterpressToScheme Refer to InterpressToScheme.load for documentation. Defining New Primitives The easiest way to add new primitives is to use MixMaster. Refer to MixMaster on CedarChest for details.