Copyright Ó 1987, 1991 by Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved.
Michael Plass, March 3, 1989 12:56:07 pm PST
Last changed by Pavel on March 20, 1989 3:53:24 pm PST
BigCardinals USING [BigCARD],
SafeStorage USING [Type];
Primitive Syntax
PrimitiveSyntax: TYPE ~ REF PrimitiveSyntaxRep;
PrimitiveSyntaxRep: TYPE ~ {quote, define, setBang, lambda, begin, if};
Cons cells
Pair: TYPE ~ REF PairRep;
PairRep: TYPE ~ RECORD [car, cdr: Any];
ProperList: TYPE ~ Pair;
Symbol: TYPE ~ ATOM;
SimpleVector: TYPE ~ REF SimpleVectorRep;
SimpleVectorRep: TYPE ~ RECORD [SEQUENCE length: NAT OF Any];
Vector: TYPE ~ REF VectorRep;
VectorRep: TYPE ~ RECORD [
length: INT,
ref: PROC [self: Vector, index: INT] RETURNS [Any],
set: PROC [self: Vector, index: INT, value: Any],
data: REF ANY
Characters and Strings
String: TYPE ~ REF StringRep;
StringRep: TYPE ~ RECORD [
base: Rope.ROPE,
buffer: REF TEXT ¬ NIL,
where: INT ¬ 0
I/O Ports
Numeric types
Fixnum: TYPE ~ REF INT; -- small integers; always exact
NumberKind: TYPE ~ {flonum, bignum, ratnum, complex, general};
Number: TYPE ~ REF NumberRep;
NumberRep: TYPE ~ RECORD [
exact: BOOL,
v: SELECT tag: NumberKind FROM
flonum => [real: REAL],
bignum => [neg: BOOL, magnitude: BigCardinals.BigCARD],
ratnum => [numerator, denominator: Any],
complex => [x, y: Any],
general => [class: REF, data: Any],
Flonum: TYPE ~ REF NumberRep.flonum;
Bignum: TYPE ~ REF NumberRep.bignum;
Ratnum: TYPE ~ REF NumberRep.ratnum;
Complex: TYPE ~ REF NumberRep.complex;
Record: TYPE ~ REF RecordRep;
RecordRep: TYPE ~ RECORD [SEQUENCE length: NAT OF Any];
Environment: TYPE ~ REF EnvironmentRep;
EnvironmentRep: TYPE ~ RECORD [
parent: Environment, -- the static link
names: SimpleVector, -- of Symbols
mark: CARDINAL ¬ 0, -- for internal use
values: SEQUENCE size: NAT OF Any
if names # NIL, these are the slots for local variables
if name = NIL, env[0] is a RefTab.Ref, and env[1] is the identifier for this environment
Procedure: TYPE ~ Any;
May be a Primitive or some kind of compiled procedure. Concrete types for compiled procedures are defined elsewhere to allow them to evolve more freely.
Primitive: TYPE ~ REF PrimitiveRep;
PrimitiveRep: TYPE ~ RECORD [
minArgs: [0..256), -- minimum number of args
maxArgs: [0..256), -- max. number of args, not including rest
dotted: BOOL, -- if TRUE, allow extra args
proc: PROC [Primitive, Any, Any, Any, ProperList] RETURNS [Any],
Up to 3 required args are passed in the Any slots. Any additional required args are consed to the front of the list of optional args and passed in the ProperList slot.
doc: Rope.ROPE, -- documentation
data: REF, -- implementation's data
symbol: Symbol -- for error reporting
Syntax: TYPE ~ REF SyntaxRep;
SyntaxRep: TYPE ~ RECORD [
expander: Procedure -- maps the (unevaluated) parameters to the form.
Special Values
NIL represents an empty list
false: READONLY Any;
true: READONLY Any;
endOfFile: READONLY Any;
unspecified: READONLY Any; -- when there is nothing better to return
undefined: READONLY Any; -- a value a Scheme program cannot get to
emptyString: READONLY String;
symbolForPrimitiveSyntaxRep: READONLY REF ARRAY PrimitiveSyntaxRep OF Symbol;
primitiveSyntaxForPrimitiveSyntaxRep: READONLY REF ARRAY PrimitiveSyntaxRep OF PrimitiveSyntax;
External Binary Representation
This defines the codes used for binary (fast-loading) external representations. ReadBinary is used by the Read implemention, and is here only for completeness.
Marker: TYPE ~ MACHINE DEPENDENT { list0, list1, list2, list3, listN, dottedList, symbolTable, symbol, quote, define, setBang, lambda, begin, if, true, false, char, string, vector, zero, one, inexact, negFixnum, fixnum, negFlonum, flonum, negBignum, bignum, ratnum, complex, unspecified, byteCodes, byteCodeTemplate };
ReadBinary: PROC [stream: IO.STREAM, symbolTable: SimpleVector ¬ NIL, encodingID: BYTE ¬ 0] RETURNS [Any];
WriteBinary: PROC [a: Any, stream: IO.STREAM, encodingID: BYTE ¬ 0];
encodingID allows for the possibility of supporting different encodings.
Cons: PROC [a, b: Any] RETURNS [Pair];
Note: Car and Cdr also work for LIST OF REF ANY
Car: PROC [any: Any] RETURNS [Any];
Cdr: PROC [any: Any] RETURNS [Any];
ListLength: PROC [a: Any] RETURNS [INT];
Reverse: PROC [a: Any] RETURNS [Any];
MakeBoolean: PROC [b: BOOL] RETURNS [Any];
Requires #t or #f
True: PROC [any: Any] RETURNS [BOOL];
Scheme semantics for truth values (i.e., what if does)
False: PROC [any: Any] RETURNS [BOOL];
NOT True[any]
MakeChar: PROC [char: CHAR] RETURNS [Char];
Keeps a table of small values to avoid having to allocate
TheChar: PROC [any: Any] RETURNS [Char];
StringFromRope: PROC [rope: Rope.ROPE] RETURNS [String];
RopeFromString: PROC [string: String] RETURNS [Rope.ROPE];
StringLength: PROC [string: String] RETURNS [INT];
StringRef: PROC [string: String, i: INT] RETURNS [CHAR];
StringSet: PROC [string: String, i: INT, c: CHAR];
TheString: PROC [any: Any] RETURNS [String];
MakeFixnum: PROC [int: INT] RETURNS [Fixnum];
Keeps a table of small values to avoid having to allocate
MakeReal: PROC [negative: BOOL, numerator, denominator: BigCardinals.BigCARD, exponent: INT, radix: INT, exact: BOOL] RETURNS [Any];
Compute and return the appropriate real number that is (perhaps approximately) equal to
(IF negative THEN -1 ELSE 1) * (numerator / denominator) * (radix ^ exponent)
MakeRectangular: PROC [realPart, imagPart: Any] RETURNS [Any];
MakePolar: PROC [magnitude, angle: Any] RETURNS [Any];
KCheck: PROC [any: Any, max: INT ¬ INT.LAST] RETURNS [INT];
any must represent an exact non-negative integer not exceeding max, or we Complain
TheINT: PROC [any: Any] RETURNS [INT];
any must represent an integer that can fit in an INT, or we Complain
any must represent an integer that can fit in a CARD, or we Complain
IsInteger: PROC [a: Any] RETURNS [BOOL];
TheInteger: PROC [a: Any] RETURNS [Any];
Result will be either a Fixnum or a Bignum, or else we Complain
TheFlonum: PROC [a: Any] RETURNS [Flonum];
TheComplex: PROC [a: Any] RETURNS [Complex];
Negative: PROC [any: Any] RETURNS [BOOL];
Tests for a negative real number; complains if not real.
Exact: PROC [a: Any] RETURNS [BOOL];
ConvertExactness: PROC [a: Any, exact: BOOL] RETURNS [Any];
Arith: PROC [op: ArithOp, a: Any, b: Any] RETURNS [Any];
ArithOp: TYPE ~ {plus, minus, mult, divide, quotient, remainder, equality, compare};
VectorFromList: PROC [a: Any] RETURNS [Any];
VectorLength: PROC [a: Any] RETURNS [INT];
VectorRef: PROC [a: Any, i: INT] RETURNS [Any];
VectorSet: PROC [a: Any, i: INT, value: Any];
ThePort: PROC [a: Any] RETURNS [Port];
Read: PROC [stream: IO.STREAM, forceLower: BOOL ¬ TRUE] RETURNS [Any];
ReadRope: PROC [rope: Rope.ROPE, forceLower: BOOL ¬ TRUE] RETURNS [Any];
Print: PROC [a: Any, stream: IO.STREAM, depth: INT ¬ INT.LAST, width: INT ¬ INT.LAST];
The absolute value of depth controls how deeply the printer recurs. If depth is negative, the printer behaves as if the Scheme primitive display were used, as opposed to write. The width parameter is only used in the printing of lists and vectors.
Customizing the printer
PrintProc: TYPE ~ PROC [stream: IO.STREAM, value: Any, display: BOOL] RETURNS [ok: BOOL ¬ TRUE];
display is true iff this PrintProc is being called from within a use of the Scheme primitive display as opposed to write.
RegisterPrintProc: PROC [proc: PrintProc, type: SafeStorage.Type];
When it is convenient to provide a SafeStorage.Type, this form of registration is prefered, as the PrintRefProc will be registerd in a hash table. The type is that of the referent.
RegisterFallbackPrintProc: PROC [proc: PrintProc];
When it is clumsy to get a SafeStorage.Type for the referent (for example, for LIST types), use this form of registration. The fallback printers are called in order (most-recently-registered first) until one of them returns TRUE.
RegisterSimplePrintProc: PROC [typeName: Rope.ROPE, type: SafeStorage.Type];
For many purposes, any printed representation will do as long as it contains the name of the type of the object. This registers procs that simply print the name of the type and the address of the object. For example: #<Viewer @ 22831A>. Again, the type is that of the referent.
Convenience for implementations of Primitives; coerces Strings into ROPEs
SymbolFromRope: PROC [Rope.ROPE] RETURNS [Symbol];
RopeFromSymbol: PROC [Symbol] RETURNS [Rope.ROPE];
IsProcedure: PROC [any: Any] RETURNS [BOOL];
ProcedureDocumentation: PROC [procedure: Procedure] RETURNS [Rope.ROPE];
MakeContinuation: PROC RETURNS [Procedure];
Gets the current continuation, packaged as a procedure of one argument
Expand: PROC [form: Any, env: Environment] RETURNS [Any];
Calls the system syntax expander to expand the form
Compile: PROC [form: Any, env: Environment] RETURNS [Any];
Performs a relatively fast compilation, returning a Procedure if successful and #!unspecified otherwise. Applying the returned Procedure (which takes no arguments) evaluates the compiled version of the given form in the given environment.
Eval: PROC [exp: Any, env: Environment] RETURNS [Any];
Essentially an abbreviation for Apply[Compile[Expand[exp, env], env], NIL].
Apply: PROC [proc: Procedure, arguments: Any] RETURNS [Any];
Applys proc to arguments; arguments is a ProperList.
Any continuations formed within proc or its callees become unusable when Apply returns or UNWINDs.
Note: the apply primitive does not use this. It is provided for primitives that cannot be implemented using CallWith, e.g., because they need to apply a function form within a Cedar callback.
GetUserEnvironment: SIGNAL RETURNS [env: Environment];
Raised by the evaluator (i.e., Expand, Eval, and Apply) and certain primitives that need to know the USER environment, in which they are virtually "closed". Top-level callers of Expand, Eval or Apply need to handle this.
ReadEvalPrintLoop: PROC [in, out: IO.STREAM, userEnv: Environment];
Uses in and out as the (current-input-port) and (current-output-port) and userEnv as the USER environment for a Scheme read-eval-print loop. Calling the Scheme procedure (quit), defined in the USER environment, will exit the loop and cause this Cedar procedure to return. Unlike Expand, Compile, Eval, and Apply, callers of this need not handle any special signals.
Complain: ERROR [object: Any, msg: Rope.ROPE]; -- primitives raise this to bail out
NewEnvironmentStructure: PROC RETURNS [userEnv: Environment];
This creates a new, initialized copy of the initial environment structure as documented in the Scheme manual.
InitializeEnvironmentStructure: PROC [userEnv: Environment];
This assumes that userEnv is linked to the "right" ancestors, as described in the Scheme manual; it redefines all of the built-in variables.
LookupVariableValue: PROC [variable: Any, env: Environment] RETURNS [Any];
SetVariableValue: PROC [variable: Any, value: Any, env: Environment] RETURNS [ok: BOOL];
DefineVariable: PROC [variable: Any, value: Any, env: Environment];
DefinePrimitive: PROC [name: Rope.ROPE, nArgs: NAT, dotted: BOOL, proc: PROC [Primitive, Any, Any, Any, ProperList] RETURNS [Any], doc: Rope.ROPE, env: Environment, data: REF ¬ NIL, optional: NAT ¬ 0];
ExportVariable: PROC [fromEnv, toEnv: Environment, fromName, toName: Symbol];
RegisterInit: PROC [initProc: PROC [Environment]];
The initProc will get called with the USER environment whenever a new top-level environment is created. This is how an initial environment is set up.