Copyright © 1992 by Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved.
Bier, December 4, 1992 1:24 pm PST
Contents: More routines on the REF TEXT data type.
ObtainScratch16: PROC [] RETURNS [REF TEXT] = INLINE {RETURN ObtainInternal[pool16]};
Obtains a REF TEXT of length 16 characters from a pool. Remember to return this storage using ReleaseScratch16 below.
ObtainScratch100: PROC [] RETURNS [REF TEXT] = INLINE {RETURN ObtainInternal[pool100]};
Obtains a REF TEXT of length 100 characters from a pool. Remember to return this storage using ReleaseScratch100 below.
ObtainScratch512: PROC [] RETURNS [REF TEXT] = INLINE {RETURN ObtainInternal[pool512]};
Obtains a REF TEXT of length 512 characters from a pool. Remember to return this storage using ReleaseScratch512 below.
ObtainScratch8192: PROC [] RETURNS [REF TEXT] = INLINE {RETURN ObtainInternal[pool8192]};
Obtains a REF TEXT of length 8192 characters from a pool. Remember to return this storage using ReleaseScratch8192 below.
ReleaseScratch16: PROC [t: REF TEXT] = INLINE {ReleaseInternal[pool16, t]};
Frees a REF TEXT that was allocated using ObtainScratch16 to be reused.
ReleaseScratch100: PROC [t: REF TEXT] = INLINE {ReleaseInternal[pool100, t]};
Frees a REF TEXT that was allocated using ObtainScratch100 to be reused.
ReleaseScratch512: PROC [t: REF TEXT] = INLINE {ReleaseInternal[pool512, t]};
Frees a REF TEXT that was allocated using ObtainScratch512 to be reused.
ReleaseScratch8192: PROC [t: REF TEXT] = INLINE {ReleaseInternal[pool8192, t]};
Frees a REF TEXT that was allocated using ObtainScratch8192 to be reused.
For Special Uses
CreatePool: PROC [charsPerText: CARD, textsInPool: CARD] RETURNS [pool: Pool];
For clients who need texts of a custom size or larger than 8192 characters.
For INLINEs Only
These types and routines help implement the above INLINE routines. They should probably not be used directly.
Pool: TYPE = REF PoolObj;
PoolObj: TYPE;
pool16, pool100, pool512, pool8192: Pool; -- global variables representing the storage pools
ObtainInternal: PROC [pool: Pool] RETURNS [REF TEXT];
ReleaseInternal: PROC [pool: Pool, t: REF TEXT];