WELCOME TO SLIDESHOW HELP To return to SlideShow Move the mouse into the dark caption bar above and click on the Destroy button that appears. Loading your slides SlideShow can load any (multi-page) Interpress master as a set of slides. To load a master, first edit the FILE text window to contain the full path name of the master. To completely edit the contents of the FILE text window, click on the word FILE and type new text. To simply edit existing text, left-click past the rightmost character in the window then backspace as needed. The usual Tioga text editing features are also available. Click the Get button to retreive your master and display the first slide in the display area. Paging through your slides The At slide window contains the number of the currently displayed slide. In the display area, middle-button down, drag, and release changes slides. Drag to the right to advance to the next slide. Drag to the left to return to the previous slide. Click left-button to abort paging in progress. The gray bar at the top of the SlideShow is a gauge. Left-click or left-button down and drag in the bar causes a new slide number to appear in the At slide window. When you release the left-button inside the gauge, the newly selected slide is displayed, and the bar grays to show the relative place of the new slide within the slide set. Scrolling within a slide In the display area, right-button down, drag, and release scrolls the slide, "grab" style. Click left-button to abort scrolling in progress. A vertical scroll bar will appear when the cursor is moved to the left edge of the display area. Left-button scrolls up, middle-button thumbs vertically, and right-button scrolls down. A horizontal scroll bar will appear when the cursor is moved to the bottom edge of the display area. Left-button scrolls left, middle-button thumbs horizontally, and right-button scrolls right. Scaling a slide Each slide has its own viewing transformation. Click on the Bigger button to make the display 20% bigger. Click on the Smaller button to make the display 20% smaller. Repeated invocations work. Click on the Fill button to have the current slide fill the display area. Fill takes a long time for many small characters the first time it is calculated. Click on the Reset button to restore the default view. Views is a pop-up button. Press on the Views button to pop-up a menu of viewing transformations that can be applied to all slides automatically. Each menu choice displays documentation when the cursor moves over it. Resize Push the Resize button to toggle the SlideShow window between filling the entire Cedar window vs. a reasonable right column which is useful for doing file searches.  Κ-–(cedardoc) style•NewlineDelimiter ™centeršΠbl˜head˜IbodyšΟl\˜\—˜šžlž9˜©Mšž'ž ž½˜Œ—Mšž žP˜]—˜Mšžž˜©Mšž.Πelžaž·˜Σ—šœ˜Mšž˜MšžΉ˜ΉMšžΒ˜Β—˜Mšž.˜.Mšž ž6žD˜”Mšž žšž$˜ΤMšΡbilž# ž¬˜Ω—˜Mšž ž•˜€——J˜—…— € Ω