DIRECTORY Atom, Basics, Commander, IO, TonePlay, Process, Real, RealFns, Rope, TuneParse, UnixErrno, UnixTypes, UnixSysCalls, UXIO; TonePlayImpl: CEDAR PROGRAM IMPORTS Atom, IO, Process, Real, RealFns, UXIO, UnixErrno, UnixSysCalls EXPORTS TonePlay ~ BEGIN ROPE: TYPE = Rope.ROPE; ampScale: NAT = 256; MuLawByte: TYPE = TonePlay.MuLawByte; AudioBuf: TYPE = TonePlay.AudioBuf; pi: REAL ¬ 3.14159; K: CARD = 64*1024; L: CARD = 8*1024; M: CARD = 8159; audioDrain: INT = 04000040403B; -- Hex 20004103; ioctl for audio device drain. audioFlush: INT = 04000051405B; -- Hex 20005305; ioctl for audio device flush. decodeArray: REF DecodeArray ¬ InitDecodeArray[]; DecodeArray: TYPE = ARRAY BYTE OF TonePlay.Scaled; InitDecodeArray: PROC RETURNS [REF DecodeArray] ~ { array: REF DecodeArray ¬ NEW[DecodeArray]; FOR b: BYTE IN BYTE DO m: MuLawByte = [byte[b]]; i: INT ¬ 0; rem: BYTE = m.rem; SELECT m.octant FROM 0 => i ¬ 8159-256*rem; 1 => i ¬ 4063-128*rem; 2 => i ¬ 2015-64*rem; 3 => i ¬ 991-32*rem; 4 => i ¬ 479-16*rem; 5 => i ¬ 223-8*rem; 6 => i ¬ 95-4*rem; 7 => IF rem # 15 THEN i ¬ 31-2*rem; ENDCASE; IF NOT m.positive THEN i ¬ -i; i ¬ i * (K/L); array[b] ¬ [int[i]]; ENDLOOP; RETURN [array]; }; encodeArray: REF EncodeArray ¬ InitEncodeArray[]; EncodeArray: TYPE = PACKED ARRAY EncodeArrayIndex OF BYTE; EncodeArrayIndex: TYPE = [0..M]; InitEncodeArray: PROC RETURNS [REF EncodeArray] ~ { array: REF EncodeArray ¬ NEW[EncodeArray]; adj: REAL ¬ 1.0/L; FOR i: EncodeArrayIndex IN EncodeArrayIndex DO array[i] ¬ HeavyEncode[REAL[i]*adj]; ENDLOOP; RETURN [array]; }; EncodeScaled: --PUBLIC-- PROC [s: TonePlay.Scaled] RETURNS [BYTE] ~ { neg: BOOL ¬ FALSE; b: BYTE ¬ 0; index: EncodeArrayIndex ¬ EncodeArrayIndex.LAST; IF < 0 THEN { ¬; neg ¬ TRUE}; s.card ¬ s.card / (K/L); IF s.card < index THEN index ¬ LOOPHOLE[s.card, EncodeArrayIndex]; b ¬ encodeArray[index]; IF neg THEN b ¬ b MOD 128; RETURN [b]; }; HeavyEncode: --PUBLIC-- PROC [r: REAL] RETURNS [BYTE] ~ { hiIndex: BYTE ¬ 255; loIndex: BYTE ¬ 0; increasing: BOOL ¬ TRUE; r ¬ r * K; IF r <= 0 THEN hiIndex ¬ 127 ELSE loIndex ¬ 128; IF decodeArray[hiIndex].int < decodeArray[loIndex].int THEN increasing ¬ FALSE; DO IF (hiIndex-loIndex) > 1 THEN { midIndex: BYTE = (hiIndex+loIndex)/2; midValue: REAL = REAL[decodeArray[midIndex].int]; IF increasing THEN IF r >= midValue THEN loIndex ¬ midIndex ELSE hiIndex ¬ midIndex ELSE IF r <= midValue THEN loIndex ¬ midIndex ELSE hiIndex ¬ midIndex; } ELSE { hiValue: REAL = REAL[decodeArray[hiIndex].int]; loValue: REAL = REAL[decodeArray[loIndex].int]; IF ABS[hiValue-r] < ABS[loValue-r] THEN RETURN [hiIndex] ELSE RETURN [loIndex]; }; ENDLOOP; }; RealToScaled: PROC [r: REAL] RETURNS [TonePlay.Scaled] ~ { RETURN [[int[Real.Floor[r*K+0.5]]]]; }; ScaledToReal: PROC [s: TonePlay.Scaled] RETURNS [REAL] ~ { RETURN [REAL[] / K]; }; AddScaled: --PUBLIC-- PROC [s1, s2: TonePlay.Scaled] RETURNS [TonePlay.Scaled] ~ { RETURN [[int[]]]; }; SubScaled: PROC [s1, s2: TonePlay.Scaled] RETURNS [TonePlay.Scaled] ~ INLINE { RETURN [[int[]]]; }; MulScaled: PROC [s1, s2: TonePlay.Scaled] RETURNS [TonePlay.Scaled] ~ { neg: BOOL ¬ FALSE; res: CARD ¬ 0; IF < 0 THEN { ¬ -; neg ¬ TRUE}; IF < 0 THEN { ¬ -; neg ¬ NOT neg}; IF s1.card > s2.card THEN {t: TonePlay.Scaled ¬ s1; s1 ¬ s2; s2 ¬ t}; IF s1.card # 0 THEN { lo1: CARD = s1.card MOD K; lo2: CARD = s2.card MOD K; hi1: CARD = s1.card / K; hi2: CARD = s2.card / K; IF lo2 = 0 THEN { IF hi1 # 0 THEN res ¬ (hi1 * hi2) * K; IF lo1 # 0 THEN res ¬ res + (lo1 * hi2); } ELSE { IF hi1 # 0 THEN res ¬ (hi1 * hi2) * K + (lo2 * hi1); IF lo1 # 0 THEN res ¬ res + (lo1 * hi2) + (lo1 * lo2) / K; }; IF neg THEN res ¬ 0 - res; }; RETURN [[card[res]]]; }; SinScaled: PROC [s: TonePlay.Scaled] RETURNS [TonePlay.Scaled] ~ INLINE { RETURN [sinScaled[(s.card / (K/L)) MOD L]]; }; sinScaled: REF ScaledArray ¬ InitSinScaled[]; ScaledArray: TYPE = ARRAY ScaledArrayIndex OF TonePlay.Scaled; ScaledArrayIndex: TYPE = [0..L); InitSinScaled: PROC [debug: TonePlay.STREAM ¬ NIL] RETURNS [REF ScaledArray] ~ { table: REF ScaledArray ¬ NEW[ScaledArray]; cvt: REAL ¬ 2.0*pi/L; FOR i: ScaledArrayIndex IN ScaledArrayIndex DO r: REAL = i*cvt; sin: REAL = RealFns.Sin[r]; s: TonePlay.Scaled ¬ RealToScaled[sin]; table[i] ¬ s; IF table[i] # s THEN ERROR; IF debug # NIL AND = 0 THEN { IO.PutF[debug, "In InitSinScaled, i = %g, i*cvt = %g, sin = %g\n", [integer[i]], [real[r]], [real[sin]] ]; }; ENDLOOP; RETURN [table]; }; GenTone: PUBLIC PROC [buf: TonePlay.AudioBuf] ~ { r1, r2: GenSampleResult ¬ skip; sample1, sample2: TonePlay.Scaled; buf.toneA.amp ¬ buf.toneB.amp ¬ [int[0]]; buf.toneA.rem ¬ buf.toneA.fadeInSteps; buf.toneB.rem ¬ buf.toneB.fadeInSteps; buf.toneA.state ¬ buf.toneB.state ¬ fadeIn; DO out: TonePlay.Scaled ¬ [int[0]]; [r1, sample1] ¬ GenSample[buf, buf.toneA]; [r2, sample2] ¬ GenSample[buf, buf.toneB]; IF r1=quit AND r2=quit THEN EXIT; IF r1=takeSample THEN out ¬ sample1; IF r2=takeSample THEN out ¬ AddScaled[out, sample2];[buf.pos] ¬ EncodeScaled[out]; buf.pos ¬ (buf.pos + 1) MOD TonePlay.audioDataMod; IF buf.pos = 0 THEN buf.flush[buf, TonePlay.audioDataMod]; ENDLOOP; }; GenSampleResult: TYPE ~ { skip, takeSample, quit }; GenSample: PROC[buf: TonePlay.AudioBuf, tone: TonePlay.FMToneSpec] RETURNS[result: GenSampleResult ¬ skip, out: TonePlay.Scaled ¬ [int[0]]] ~ { SELECT tone.state FROM fadeIn => { ¬ +; IF > THEN ¬; IF tone.rem = 0 THEN { tone.state ¬ normal; tone.rem ¬ tone.normalSteps; RETURN[skip, out];}; }; normal => { tone.amp ¬ tone.ampInit; IF tone.rem = 0 THEN { tone.state ¬ fadeOut; tone.rem ¬ tone.fadeOutSteps; RETURN[skip, out];}; }; fadeOut => { ¬ -; IF < 0 THEN ¬ 0; IF tone.rem = 0 THEN { tone.state ¬ zero; tone.rem ¬ tone.zeroSteps; RETURN[skip, out]; }; }; zero => { ¬ 0; IF tone.rem = 0 THEN RETURN[quit, out]; }; ENDCASE; IF > 0 THEN { sin2: TonePlay.Scaled = MulScaled[SinScaled[tone.phase2], tone.phaseRatio]; temp: TonePlay.Scaled = [int[]]; trueAmp: TonePlay.Scaled = [card[tone.amp.card / ampScale]]; out ¬ MulScaled[SinScaled[temp], trueAmp]; }; IF tone.delaySteps # 0 THEN { delayPos: TonePlay.AudioHistoryIndex = LOOPHOLE[tone.histPos - tone.delaySteps, CARDINAL] MOD TonePlay.audioHistoryMod; delayValue: TonePlay.Scaled ¬ tone.history[delayPos]; delayValue ¬ MulScaled[delayValue, tone.delayRatio]; out ¬ [int[ +]]; }; tone.history[tone.histPos] ¬ out; tone.histPos ¬ (tone.histPos + 1) MOD TonePlay.audioHistoryMod; ¬ +; ¬ +; tone.rem ¬ tone.rem - 1; RETURN[takeSample, out]; }; BufFlush: PROC [buf: TonePlay.AudioBuf, len: NAT] ~ TRUSTED { ENABLE UXIO.Error => { errno: UnixErrno.Errno ¬ GetErrno[]; IF errno = EINTR OR errno = EABORTED THEN ERROR ABORTED ELSE ERROR; }; Process.CheckForAbort[]; IF len # 0 AND # NIL THEN IO.UnsafePutBlock[, [LOOPHOLE[], 0, len]]; buf.pos ¬ 0; }; GetErrno: PROC RETURNS [UnixErrno.Errno] ~ { RETURN[UnixErrno.GetErrno[]]; }; OpenAudioDeviceForWrite: PUBLIC PROC[defaultAmplitude: REAL] RETURNS [buf: AudioBuf] ~ { buf ¬ NEW[TonePlay.AudioBufRep]; buf.toneA ¬ NEW[TonePlay.FMToneSpecBody]; buf.toneB ¬ NEW[TonePlay.FMToneSpecBody]; buf.toneA.ampDefault ¬ buf.toneB.ampDefault ¬ defaultAmplitude; buf.flush ¬ BufFlush; ¬ UXIO.CreateFileStream["/dev/audio", write]; buf.self ¬ Process.GetCurrent[]; }; CloseWriteAudioDevice: PUBLIC PROC[buf: AudioBuf, discardQueued: BOOL¬FALSE] ~ TRUSTED { IF THEN { fd: UnixTypes.FD; res: UnixTypes.RES; st: IO.STREAM ¬; fdRef: REF UnixTypes.FD; IF buf.self=NIL THEN RETURN; IF buf.self#Process.GetCurrent[] THEN ERROR; Process.CheckForAbort[]; fdRef ¬ NARROW[Atom.GetPropFromList[st.propList, $FD]]; IF fdRef=NIL THEN RETURN; fd ¬ fdRef­; IF ~discardQueued THEN res ¬ UnixSysCalls.IOCtl4[d: fd, request: audioDrain, argp: LOOPHOLE[@res], doInIOP: TRUE] ELSE res ¬ UnixSysCalls.IOCtl4[d: fd, request: audioFlush, argp: LOOPHOLE[2], doInIOP: TRUE]; IO.Close[st]; }; ¬ NIL; buf.self ¬ NIL; }; PlayTonePair: PUBLIC PROC [buf: AudioBuf, time: REAL, freq1: REAL, freq2: REAL] ~ { PlayTonePairReally[buf, time, 0, freq1, freq2]; BufFlush[buf, buf.pos]; }; PlayTonePairReally: PROC [buf: AudioBuf, time: REAL, ampAdj: INT, freq1: REAL, freq2: REAL] ~ { amp: REAL ¬ buf.toneA.ampDefault; fadeInTime: REAL ¬ 0.00; fadeOutTime: REAL ¬ 0.00; phaseRatio: REAL ¬ 1.0; delayTime: REAL ¬ 0.0; delayRatio: REAL ¬ 0.8; pauseTime: REAL ¬ 0.0; IF buf.self=NIL THEN RETURN; IF buf.self#Process.GetCurrent[] THEN ERROR; Process.CheckForAbort[]; SELECT ampAdj FROM < 0 => amp ¬ amp / ampAdj*(-1.4); > 0 => amp ¬ amp * ampAdj * 1.4; ENDCASE; buf.toneA.phaseStep1 ¬ RealToScaled[freq1/L]; buf.toneB.phaseStep1 ¬ RealToScaled[freq2/L]; buf.toneA.ampInit ¬ buf.toneB.ampInit ¬ RealToScaled[amp*ampScale]; buf.toneA.phaseStep2 ¬ buf.toneB.phaseStep2 ¬ RealToScaled[0.0]; buf.toneA.phaseRatio ¬ buf.toneB.phaseRatio ¬ RealToScaled[phaseRatio]; buf.toneA.delaySteps ¬ buf.toneB.delaySteps ¬ (RealToScaled[delayTime].card / (K/L)) MOD TonePlay.audioDataMod; buf.toneA.delayRatio ¬ buf.toneB.delayRatio ¬ RealToScaled[delayRatio]; buf.toneA.fadeInSteps ¬ buf.toneB.fadeInSteps ¬ RealToScaled[fadeInTime].int / (K/L); buf.toneA.normalSteps ¬ buf.toneB.normalSteps ¬ RealToScaled[time].int / (K/L); buf.toneA.fadeOutSteps ¬ buf.toneB.fadeOutSteps ¬ RealToScaled[fadeOutTime].int / (K/L); buf.toneA.zeroSteps ¬ buf.toneB.zeroSteps ¬ RealToScaled[pauseTime].int / (K/L); IF buf.toneA.fadeInSteps <= 0 THEN ¬ ¬ 0 ELSE ¬ ¬ / buf.toneA.fadeInSteps; IF buf.toneA.fadeOutSteps <= 0 THEN ¬ ¬ 0 ELSE ¬ ¬ / buf.toneA.fadeOutSteps; GenTone[buf]; }; PlayRingTune: PUBLIC PROC [buf: AudioBuf, toneSpec: TuneParse.ToneSpec] ~ { FOR tones: TuneParse.ToneList ¬ toneSpec.tones, WHILE tones#NIL DO IF tones.first.on#0 THEN PlayTonePairReally[buf, (tones.first.on+0.0)/1000.0, toneSpec.volume, tones.first.f1, tones.first.f2]; IF THEN PlayTonePairReally[buf, (, 0, 0.0, 0.0]; ENDLOOP; BufFlush[buf, buf.pos]; }; Stop: PUBLIC PROC [buf: AudioBuf] ~ { self: PROCESS; IF buf#NIL AND (self¬buf.self)#NIL THEN Process.Abort[self]; }; END. readSt: TonePlay.STREAM; readFD: UnixTypes.FileDescriptor; audioDeviceReadOpen: BOOL ¬ FALSE; InitSumArray: --PUBLIC-- PROC RETURNS [REF TonePlay.SumArray] ~ { array: REF TonePlay.SumArray ¬ NEW[TonePlay.SumArray]; FOR a: BYTE IN BYTE DO scaledOfa: TonePlay.Scaled ¬ DecodeScaled[LOOPHOLE[a]]; FOR b: BYTE IN BYTE DO scaledOfb: TonePlay.Scaled ¬ DecodeScaled[LOOPHOLE[b]]; scaledSum: TonePlay.Scaled ¬ AddScaled[scaledOfa, scaledOfb]; array[a][b] ¬ EncodeScaled[scaledSum]; ENDLOOP; ENDLOOP; RETURN[array]; }; DecodeScaled: PUBLIC PROC [m: MuLawByte] RETURNS [TonePlay.Scaled] = { RETURN [decodeArray[m.byte]]; }; DecodeReal: PUBLIC PROC [m: MuLawByte] RETURNS [REAL] = { RETURN [REAL[decodeArray[m.byte].int] / K]; }; OpenAudioDeviceForRead: --PUBLIC-- PROC ~ { [readFD, readSt] ¬ UXIOExtras.FileStreamAndFD["/dev/audio", read]; [] ¬ UnixSysCallExtensions.SetBlocking[readFD, allData]; audioDeviceReadOpen ¬ TRUE; }; CloseReadAudioDevice: --PUBLIC-- PROC ~ { IF audioDeviceReadOpen THEN { IO.Close[readSt]; audioDeviceReadOpen ¬ FALSE; }; }; ReadNextSample: PUBLIC PROC RETURNS [REF TEXT, NAT] ~ { nBytesRead: NAT; nextBlock: REF TEXT ¬ MemoryAllocate.GetNewAudioSample[]; [nBytesRead] ¬ IO.GetBlock[self: readSt, block: nextBlock, count: VoiceProtocol.audioSampleSize]; RETURN [nextBlock, nBytesRead]; }; WriteToAudioDevice: --PUBLIC-- PROC [buffer: VoiceProtocol.OutputBuffer, startIndex: VoiceProtocol.OutputBufferIndex, length: INT] ~ { IF length # 0 AND writeSt # NIL THEN TRUSTED{IO.UnsafePutBlock[writeSt, [LOOPHOLE[@buffer], startIndex, length]];}; }; J TonePlayImpl.mesa Copyright Σ 1989, 1990, 1992 by Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved. Michael Plass, October 23, 1989 4:09:32 pm PDT Atkinson, April 6, 1990 7:43 pm PDT Vin, September 10, 1990 11:55 am PDT Swinehar, October 23, 1992 8:35 am PDT Should worry about Monitors, etc., with all that aborting going on. Note, amp is kept scaled up by ampScale for better precision A power of 2 scale is more efficient This information is derived from the data sheet on the Intel 2910A (mu-Law). Encodes for s in the range [-1.0 .. 1.0], clipping if s is not in that range. Binary search assuming decodeArray is valid, but not using encodeArray. r is assumed to be in the range [-1.0 .. 1.0]. Assert: s1 <= s2 This actually returns Sin[s*twoPi] Could check here or somewhere for nothing to do for this frequency. Note, amp is kept scaled for better precision This generates a fair amount of buffer space that must later be reclaimed. Consider a way to re-use buf's instead of regenerating them. There's now enough concurrency in all this to warrant some monitors. None in place at the moment. freq1: REAL _ 440.0; -- examples freq2: REAL _ 457.0; time: REAL _ 1.0; What's the write way to right silence into one of these streams? Bulk of logic retained for ring tune stuff, but output modified as needed for use with RF mixer. Also modified to create genuine sums of sine waves for freq1 and freq2 in PlayRingTune. DCS August 12, 1992 4:35:44 pm PDT Name Changed from TonePlayImpl September 29, 1992 5:06:24 pm PDT; generic Cedar access to SPARC audio device. Stuff that's not used at the moment Κ=•NewlineDelimiter –"cedarcode" style™code™Kšœ Οeœ=™HK™.K™#K™$K™&K™K™EK™—šΟk œžœ^˜ƒK˜—šΟn œžœž˜Kšžœžœžœ˜HKšžœ ˜Kšœž˜K˜Kšžœžœžœ˜K˜šœ žœ˜Kšœ<™Kšœžœ ˜ K˜š Ÿ œžœžœžœžœžœ˜PKšœžœžœ˜*Kšœžœ ˜šžœžœž˜.Kšœžœ ˜Kšœžœ˜K˜'K˜ Kšžœžœžœ˜šžœ žœžœ žœ˜#Kšžœh˜jKšœ˜—Kšžœ˜—Kšžœ ˜K˜—K˜šŸœžœžœ˜1K˜K˜"K˜)K˜&K˜&K˜+šž˜K˜ K˜*K˜*Kšžœ žœ žœžœ˜!Kšžœžœ˜$Kšžœžœ˜4K˜&Kšœžœ˜2Kšžœ žœ'˜:Kšžœ˜—K˜K˜—Kšœžœ˜3K˜šŸ œžœ3˜BKšžœE˜LK™Cšžœ ž˜˜ K˜1Kšžœ!žœ!˜Hšžœžœ˜Kšœ2žœ˜F—K˜—˜ K˜šžœžœ˜Kšœ4žœ˜H—K˜—˜ K˜2Kšžœžœ˜*šžœžœ˜Kšœ.žœ˜C—K˜—˜ K˜Kšžœžœžœ ˜'K˜—Kšžœ˜—šžœžœ˜K˜KK˜8˜šžœžœ ˜K˜$Kšžœ žœžœ žœžœžœžœžœžœ˜CK˜—K˜šžœ žœ žœž˜ Kšžœžœ˜9—K˜ K˜K˜—šŸœžœžœ˜,Kšžœ˜K˜—K˜K™ˆšŸœžœžœžœ˜