Michael Plass, June 28, 1985 1:32:21 pm PDT
Doug Wyatt, July 2, 1985 11:58:44 am PDT
Bertrand Serlet June 25, 1986 6:12:23 pm PDT
Willie-Sue, November 3, 1989 12:19:57 pm PST
Last changed by Pavel on March 8, 1990 6:41 pm PST
Kenneth A. Pier, July 7, 1992 6:06 pm PDT
CEDAR 7.0 —
© Copyright 1985, 1986, 1989, 1990 Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved.
Abstract: Peanut is a simple mail reading and sending package. It maintains sets of messages as structured Tioga documents.
Created by: Bill Paxton
Maintained by: Pavel Curtis
Keywords: mail, message, Grapevine, Tioga, XNS Mail
XEROX  Xerox Corporation
   Palo Alto Research Center
   3333 Coyote Hill Road
   Palo Alto, California 94304

Peanut Buttons
The Peanut viewer has a button for each mail file on your peanut working directory. The actions are as follows:
Left click => copy the selected message to the mail file.
Middle click => open the mail file.
Right click => move the selected message to the mail file, and proceed the cursor.
Select messages just by putting the selection anywhere in the body.
It is handy to keep a mail file just for deleted messages (it is easier to move a message than to select it all and delete it); naming this file something like ``000'' puts it at the front of the button set, where it is easy to find.
Click ``GetMail'' to retrieve any new mail; the messages get appended to ``Active.mail'' on your peanut working directory. Active.mail will be opened up with first levels only and the first new message scrolled to the top.
Click ``SaveAll'' to save all the currently open mail files. If you click with the right-hand mouse button, all of the mail file viewers will be destroyed and the main Peanut viewer will be closed.
Click ``NewMailFile'' while your Tioga selection comprises the name of a desired new mail file; Peanut will create it for you and add a button to the Peanut viewer.
If you select the Peanut viewer icon and hit ``s'', it is the same as opening the icon and left-clicking the ``SaveAll'' button.
Click the ``Answer'' button with your selection in some message to have Peanut construct a new mail form for answering that message. If you hold down the SHIFT key while clicking ``Answer'', a copy of the original message will be included in the new form.
Click the ``Forward'' button with your selection in some message to have Peanut construct a new mail form for forwarding a copy of that message to someone else along with your comments.
Peanut User Profile Options
Peanut.ActiveMailFile: TOKEN ← Active
The name of the mail file for incoming mail.
Peanut.AutomaticNewMail: BOOLFALSE
Will cause peanut to fetch new mail willy-nilly.
Peanut.CarbonCopyField: BOOLTRUE
If TRUE, new message form includes a "cc:" field.
Peanut.CarbonCopyToSelf: BOOLTRUE
If TRUE, fills in "cc:" field with your own name.
Peanut.CommentNewHeaders: BOOLTRUE
If TRUE, the header line for new messages is commented.
Peanut.gvMail: TRUE
if TRUE, tries to retrieve grapevine mail
Peanut.MessageNodeFormat: TOKENNIL
Node format for the Message field in new message form.
Peanut.OutgoingMailFile: TOKENNIL
The name of a mail file in which to put copies of every message you send out. NOTE that these messages are just copied directly into this file without separators between them.
Peanut.PlainTextMessageFormat: TOKEN ← default
Format given to the nodes containing messages without Tioga formatting.
Peanut.Recipients: TOKEN ← Recipients
The default field "To: ".
Peanut.Signature: TOKENNIL
If non-NIL, this line is added at the end of new forms.
Peanut.StartIconic: BOOLTRUE
If someone tries this, say here what it does.
Peanut.ToBeforeSubject: BOOLFALSE
If TRUE, new message form puts "To:" field before "Subject:" field.
Peanut.WindowHeight: INT ← 80
Height of the log window in the peanut viewer.
Peanut.WorkingDirectory: TOKENNIL
The working directory where your mail files live. You probably always want to specify this entry.
Peanut.xnsMail: TRUE
if TRUE, tries to retrieve xns mail
Peanut.FixupXNSAddresses: LIST OF TOKEN ← NIL
for each token t, changes XNS addresses in To: and cc: fields as follows:
mumble@a.t changes to mumble@a:t
mumble@a.b.c.t changes to mumble@a.b.c:t
t is always the final token in the address
typical value of the LIST OF TOKEN might be: edu com mil us ca
n.b.: no double quotes surrounding the LIST.
PeanutShell -- a version of Peanut for a standard Unix environment
PeanutShell is designed for those who wish to read and write mail within a Cedar environment that does not support the XNS mail protocol. It will work for those persons receiving and transmitting mail via SMTP (the simple mail transfer protocol). Messages transmitted and received by PeanutShell are expected to contain (or are so converted to contain) only ASCII text.
PeanutShell polls /var/spool/mail/ to obtain messages, which are parsed and structured to look like standard Peanut Tioga files. Messages composed via Tioga are, when sent, converted to plain text and transmitted via /usr/lib/sendmail.
PeanutShell looks and operates like Peanut with some minor differences:
When a message is sent, the message viewer is rewritten as plain text; this allows one to see the message as a Unix user would see it.
An optional user profile option, Peanut.spoolDirectory, specifies the location of spooled mail. It should be something like /net/chroma/var/spool/mail/ and defaults to /var/spool/.
An optional user profile option, Peanut.mailMachine, is provided for those environments in which sendmail can be executed from only one "mail" machine.
Some buttons have changed:
The GetMail button is called Get.
The NewMessage button is called Message.
The SaveAll button is called Bye (left click to save messages, right click to save and close viewer).
The Answer button is called Reply.
The Forward and AbortSend buttons have been eliminated.
The SendMessage button is called Send and is now guarded.
There are three new buttons:
The SaveMessage button allows an edited message viewer to be saved.
The MakePlain button rewrites the message viewer to its plain text equivalent.
The Tiogaify button converts a plain text viewer to a Tioga structured viewer.
An additional program, PeanutShellUnixToTioga, converts existing Unix mail files to a Peanut-like Tioga file.