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  endcopyright */
 * ThreadsStatsPrivate.h
 * Demers, October 27, 1988 3:36:09 pm PDT
 * Xerox threads package statistics.


#include "ThreadsBackdoor.h"

#define XR←STATS	0

#   define XR←IncStats(index, increment) \
	{ XR←sysArea->sa←stats[index] += increment; }
#   define XR←IncStats(index, increment)  \
	{ }

#define XR←STATS←Switch				0
#define XR←STATS←SwitchIdle			1
#define XR←STATS←SwStack			2
#define XR←STATS←SwThread			3

#define XR←STATS←HndResched			4
#define XR←STATS←WhenHndResched			5
#define XR←STATS←HndAlarm			6
#define XR←STATS←WhenHndAlarm			7
#define XR←STATS←HndIntr			8
#define XR←STATS←WhenHndIntr			9
#define XR←STATS←HndTtin			10
#define XR←STATS←WhenHndTtin			11

#define XR←STATS←UIO←IOPOpenF			20
#define XR←STATS←UIO←IOPWrongDescriptor		21
#define XR←STATS←UIO←Close			22
#define XR←STATS←UIO←SendDescriptor		23
#define XR←STATS←UIO←WaitReady			24
#define XR←STATS←UIO←WaitReadyCancel		25
#define XR←STATS←UIO←WaitFDELocked		26

#define XR←STATS←UIO←IOPSocket			27

#define XR←STATS←UIO←IOPDup2			28

#define XR←STATS←LAST				28