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 * Threads.h
 * Basic public type definitions
 *   for Xerox Runtime threads package.
 * Demers, January 25, 1991 4:24:55 pm PST

#ifndef	←XR←THREADS←
#define ←XR←THREADS← 1

#ifndef ←XR←BASIC←TYPES←
#   include "BasicTypes.h"

#   include "ThreadsInlines.h"

#   include "ThreadsSharedMem.h"

 * Exported to CedarExtra.h
 *   XR←MonitorEntry
 *   XR←MonitorExit
 *   XR←WaitCV
 *   XR←Notify
 *   XR←Broadcast
 *   XR←Fork
 *   XR←JoinCT

 * Exported thread creation interceptor
 *   XR←RegisterThreadStartProc

 * Exported signal/error stuff
 *   XR←RegisterHandler
 *   XR←CallHandler
 *   XR←RestartHandlee
 *   XR←GetNextHandlee
 *   XR←GetHandlerStackOf
 *   XR←GetHandlerStack
 *   XR←SetHandlerStack
 *   XR←CallDebugger
 *   XR←Exit

 * Exported property stuff
 *   XR←GetThreadProperty
 *   XR←GetThreadInheritedProperty
 *   XR←SetThreadProperty
 *   XR←SetThreadInheritedProperty
 *   XR←GetPerThreadDataID
 *   XR←GetPerThreadDataAddress

 * Exported to Process
 *   XR←InitializeMonitor
 *   XR←InitializeCondition
 *   XR←MsecToTicks
 *   XR←TicksToMsec
 *   XR←SetTimeout
 *   XR←DisableTimeout
 *   XR←PauseAbortable
 *   XR←AbortPending
 *   XR←CancelAbort
 *   XR←DetachCT
 *   XR←GetCurrent
 *   XR←SetPriority
 *   XR←GetPriority
 *   XR←AbortCT
 *   XR←DisableAborts
 *   XR←EnableAborts
 *   XR←Yield
 *   XR←ValidateCT

 * Exported for use by the brave:
 *   XR←ExitWorld
 *   XR←KillWorld

 * Exported for use by profiling tools:
 *   XR←RegisterSwitchCallback
 *   XR←RegisterSwitcheeCallback
 *   XR←RegisterSetReadyCallback
 *   XR←RegisterForkCallback

 *   compiler and other runtime support assumes every data structure
 *   can be initialized to zeroes!

#define XR←Thread	struct XR←ThreadRep *	/* breaks recursion in dcls */

 * Time
 * ... for cv timeouts, pausing, etc.

typedef unsigned XR←Ticks;


#define XR←WAIT←FOREVER ((XR←Ticks) 0)
#define XR←END←OF←TIME	((XR←Ticks)(0xffffffff))

extern XR←Ticks		XR←ticksPerSecond;
extern unsigned		XR←msecsPerTick;
extern unsigned		XR←usecPerTick;

extern XR←Ticks		XR←waitForever;
extern XR←Ticks		XR←endOfTime;

extern XR←Ticks
XR←TicksSinceBoot (/* */);
    Return time in ticks since boot.
    Wraparound is ignored.

extern XR←Ticks
XR←MsecToTicks (/* msec */);
    unsigned msec;

    Convert milliseconds to ticks.
    Rounds up.
    Overflow if msec > LAST(unsigned)-1000.
#   define XR←MsecToTicks(msec) \

extern unsigned
XR←TicksToMsec (/* ticks */);
    XR←Ticks ticks;

    Convert ticks to milliseconds.
    Undefined if it would overflow.
#   define XR←TicksToMsec(ticks)	((ticks)*XR←MSECS←PER←TICK)

extern bool
XR←TicksLater (/* a, b */);
    XR←Ticks a, b;

    Return TRUE iff a is strictly later than b.
#   define XR←TicksLater(a,b) ( ((int)((a)-(b))) > 0 )

 * Spin Locks
 * Spin locks come in two flavors:
 *   Primitive spin locks (PSL's) are acquired by vprocessors.
 *   General spin locks (GSL's) are acquired by threads.

typedef unsigned XR←LockBit;

 * PSL's

typedef struct XR←PSLRep {
    XR←LockBit psl←locked;		/* lock is held */
} * XR←PSL;

 * GSL's

typedef struct XR←GSLRep {
    XR←LockBit gsl←locked;		/* lock is held */
} * XR←GSL;

#define XR←NULL←GSL←REP	{ ((XR←LockBit)(0)) }

 * Thread Queues
 * Conceptually there's a thread queue for each <sstat,pri>.
 * Must hold metalock to manipulate these.

typedef struct XR←TQRep {
    XR←Thread tq←tail;			/* -> tail of circ list by t←next */
    unsigned long tq←schedCtlInfo;	/* scheduler control per pri */
} * XR←TQ;

#define XR←NULL←TQ←REP	{ NIL, 0 }

 * Wait Queues
 * Every wait queue is protected by a GSL.
 * This GSL is overloaded to protect ml, cv structures, so it is
 *   acquired/released separately from wait queue operations.
 * Caller of wait queue operations must hold the GSL.

typedef struct XR←WQRep {
    struct XR←GSLRep wq←gsl;
    XR←Thread wq←tail;		/* -> tail of circular list using t←wNext */
} * XR←WQ;


 * Monitor Locks

typedef struct XR←MLRep {
    struct XR←WQRep ml←wq;		/* (:0) waiters queue */
    XR←Thread ml←holder;		/* holds mon←lock */
} *XR←ML;

#define ml←gsl	ml←wq.wq←gsl


/* for assembly language */
#if( defined(sparc) )
#   define XR←MONITOR←ENTRY	0
#   define XR←MONITOR←EXIT	0

extern void
XR←InitializeMonitor (/* ml */);
    XR←ML ml;
    Initialize `ml'.
    Call only once, before handing out the object.

extern void
XR←MonitorEntry (/* XR←ML ml */);

extern void
XR←MonitorEntryOutOfLine (/* XR←ML ml */);
    Acquire `ml'.

    Defining XR←MONITOR←ENTRY replaces the C version of XR←MonitorEntry
      by an assembly language one, which may call XR←MonitorEntryOutOfLine.

extern void
XR←MonitorExit (/* XR←ML ml */);

extern void
XR←MonitorExitOutOfLine (/* XR←ML ml */);
    Release `ml', waking up next thread waiting on it.

    Defining XR←MONITOR←EXIT replaces the C version of XR←MonitorEntry
      by an assembly language one, which may call XR←MonitorExitOutOfLine.

 * Condition Variables (CV's)

typedef struct XR←CVRep {
    struct XR←WQRep cv←wq;	/* (:0) waiting threads */
    XR←Ticks cv←timeout;	/* timeout for waiting threads */
    bool cv←abortable;		/* aborts enabled? */
    bool cv←wakeupWaiting;	/* a wakeup is waiting */
} *XR←CV;

#define cv←gsl	cv←wq.wq←gsl


extern void
XR←InitializeCondition (/* cv, timeout */);
    XR←CV cv;
    XR←Ticks timeout;
    Initialize `cv'.  
    Call only once per variable.

extern void
XR←SetTimeout (/* cv, timeout */);
    XR←CV cv;
    XR←Ticks timeout;

    Set the timeout associated with `cv'.
    Has no effect on currently waiting threads.

extern void
XR←DisableTimeout (/* cv */);
    XR←CV cv;

    Disable timeouts for `cv'.
    Has no effect on currently waiting threads.
#   define XR←DisableTimeout(cv) (cv)->cv←timeout = XR←WAIT←FOREVER

extern XR←Ticks
XR←GetTimeout (/* cv */);
    XR←CV cv;

    Get the timeout associated with `cv'.
#   define XR←GetTimeout(cv) ((cv)->cv←timeout)

extern void
XR←EnableAborts (/* cv */);
    XR←CV cv;

    Enable aborts on `cv'.
    No effect on threads currently waiting.
#   define XR←EnableAborts(cv) (cv)->cv←abortable = TRUE

extern void
XR←DisableAborts (/* cv */);
    XR←CV cv;

    Disable aborts on `cv'.
    No effect on threads currently waiting.
#   define XR←DisableAborts(cv) (cv)->cv←abortable = FALSE

extern int
XR←WaitCV (/* cv, ml */);
    XR←CV cv;
    XR←ML ml;
    Wait for `cv'.
    Assumes `ml' is held; releases it while waiting.
    If `ml' is NIL, that's okay - this is a wait on an icv.
    Return 0 if okay, -1 if ABORTED.

extern void
XR←Notify (/* cv */);
    XR←CV cv;

    Notify `cv'.

extern void
XR←Broadcast (/* cv */);
    XR←CV cv;

    Broadcast `cv'.

extern void
XR←NakedNotify (/* cv */);
    XR←CV cv;

    Naked notify of `cv'.
    This is intended to be used by an ioprocessor rather than a thread.

 * context save/restore
 * The following stuff replaces Unix ←setjmp/←longjmp.
 * It's faster, and XR←longjmp works for switching away from a stack
 *   that you're subsequently going to switch back to.
 *   ←setjmp/XR←longjmp or XR←setjmp/←longjmp pairs will blow up!
 * Also here is some processor-dependent information about the format
 *   of a procedure frame (arguably this belongs somewhere else).
 * We assume a frame is described by a <fp,sp> pair, and contains enough
 *   information to get the caller's resume pc and frame.
 * On some processors (e.g. sparc) we don't need the fp, and it disappears
 *   from the macro-generated code.

#if defined(sparc)

#   define JMPBUFSIZE	3	/* could be 2 ... */

#   define XR←PC←FROM←JMP←BUF(b) (((XR←Pointer *)(b->jb←data))[0])
#   define XR←FP←FROM←JMP←BUF(b) --> not used on sparc <--
#   define XR←SP←FROM←JMP←BUF(b) (((XR←Pointer *)(b->jb←data))[2])

#   define XR←SAVED←PC(t) ((XR←Pointer)(((XR←Thread)(t))->t←resume.jb←data[0]))
#   define XR←SAVED←FP(t) --> not used on sparc <--
#   define XR←SAVED←SP(t) ((XR←Pointer)(((XR←Thread)(t))->t←resume.jb←data[2]))

#   define XR←GET←SAVED←FRAME(t,fp,sp) \
	(sp) = XR←SAVED←SP(t)

#   define XR←OLD←PC←FROM←FRAME(fp,sp)	((XR←Pointer *)(sp))[15]
#   define XR←OLD←FP←FROM←FRAME(fp,sp)	--> not used on sparc <--
#   define XR←OLD←SP←FROM←FRAME(fp,sp)	((XR←Pointer *)(sp))[14]

/* following must work for aliased fp=ofp and for aliased sp=osp */
#   define XR←GET←OLD←FRAME←FROM←FRAME(fp,sp,ofp,osp) \
	(osp) = ((XR←Pointer *)(sp))[14]

#   define XR←RSA←BYTES		(16*4)	/* size of register save area */


    --> fix me for this cputype <--

typedef struct XR←JmpBufRep {
    unsigned jb←data[JMPBUFSIZE];
} *XR←JmpBuf;

extern int
XR←setjmp(/* jb */);
    XR←JmpBuf jb;

    Save context in *jb.
    On a sparc this is very cheap.
#pragma unknown←control←flow(XR←setjmp)

extern void
XR←longjmp(/* jb, rv */);
    XR←jmpbuf jb;
    int rv;

    Return value rv to the context saved in *jb.

 * signal/error interface
 * A handler proc is invoked
 *   - as a result of a trap (in Unix, one of a collection of signals)
 *   - explicitly by XR←CallHandler(...).
 * When it is invoked:
 *   It starts with an empty stack.
 *   It can call XR←RestartHandlee(...) instead of returning.
 *   It can terminate the thread by calling XR←Exit.
 *   IF the handlee is prepared to resume, the handler can resume it
 *     by just returning.
 * A handler proc is registered with each thread, and is inherited across
 *   XR←Fork calls.
 * It is okay to register NIL; a NIL handler just calls the debugger.

/* Args to Unix signal handler -- see <sys/signal.h> */

typedef struct XR←TrapArgsRep {
    int ta←sig;
    int ta←code;
    struct sigcontext *ta←scp;
    XR←Pointer ta←addr;
} *XR←TrapArgs;

/* type code for handler */

typedef unsigned XR←HandlerWhich;
    /* 0 => not a handler call */
    /* low values are reserved for machine- or OS- traps */
    /* low-order bit => not resumable */


#   define XR←HANDLER←WHICH←MK←FATAL(which)	((which) | 0x1)
#   define XR←HANDLER←WHICH←IS←FATAL(which)	((which) & 0x1)

#   define XR←HANDLER←WHICH←TRAP←UNIX		(0x2)


#define XR←HANDLER←WHICH←TRAP←LIM	((XR←HandlerWhich)(1024))

/* registered handler proc */

typedef void (*XR←HandlerProc)(/*
    XR←Thread handlee,		-- obsolete, always XR←currThread
    XR←HandlerWhich which,	-- exception type code
    XR←Pointer arg		-- XR←TrapArgs for trap, else arbitrary
    XR←Pointer clientData	-- client data registered with proc

/* XR←HandlerData is private */

typedef struct XR←HandlerDataRep {
    XR←HandlerProc hd←proc;	/* registered handler proc */
    XR←Pointer hd←clientData;	/* passed to proc when invoked */
    XR←HandlerWhich hd←which;	/* saved XR←HandlerProc `which' argument */
    XR←Pointer hd←arg;		/* saved XR←HandlerProc `arg' argument */
    struct XR←JmpBufRep
	hd←resume;		/* resume after trap or CallDebugger ... */
    unsigned hd←result;		/* ... by XR←longjmp(&hd←resume, hd←result) */
} * XR←HandlerData;

extern void
XR←InitHandlerData (/* XR←HandlerData handler, XR←Thread next */);

extern void
XR←RegisterHandler (/* XR←HandlerProc proc, XR←Pointer data */);
    Register a handler `proc' for this thread and its descendants.

/* Debugger request/response messages */

typedef int XR←DBMsg;

#   define XR←DB←MSG←NONE		0

#   define XR←DB←MSG←IS←REQUEST(msg)	((msg) > 0)

    /* etc */

#   define XR←DB←MSG←IS←REPLY(msg)	((msg) < 0)

#   define XR←DB←MSG←PROCEED←REPLY	(-1)
#   define XR←DB←MSG←EXIT←REPLY		(-2)
#   define XR←DB←MSG←ABORT←REPLY	(-3)
    /* etc */

extern XR←DBMsg
XR←CallDebugger2(/* XR←Pointer arg, XR←DBMsg msg */);
    Call the debugger, making arg and msg available to it.

    The supplied msg should be of kind XR←DB←MSG←xxx←REQUEST.
    Result is of kind XR←DB←MSG←xxx←REPLY.

extern XR←DBMsg
XR←CallDebugger(/* XR←Pointer arg */);
    Equivalent to XR←CallDebugger2(arg, XR←DB←MSG←CLIENT←REQUEST).

extern void
    Simulate return from top level procedure of the current thread.
    Do not release monitor locks, ...

 *  Storage management -- imports

extern XR←Pointer
XR←ExtensionAlloc (/* nWords */);
    int nWords;

    Allocate a frame extension of given size (in words).

XR←ExtensionFree (/* x */);
    XR←Pointer x;

    Assuming x is the address of a frame extension allocated with
    XR←ExtensionAlloc, free it and return NIL.

 * Stack description

typedef struct XR←StackRep {
    struct XR←SegRep stack←seg;	/* shared memory segment containing stack */
    XR←Pointer stack←handlerInitial;	/* initial value for handler stack */
    XR←Pointer stack←clientInitial;	/* initial value for client stack */
    XR←Pointer stack←warmLimit;	/* warm stack limit -- checked by e.g. Switch */
} * XR←Stack;

/* NOTE: the following work for machines on which the stack "grows"	*/
/*   toward smaller addresses -- e.g. sparc, 68K, vax, ...		*/

#define stack←physInitial stack←handlerInitial
#define stack←physLimit stack←seg.seg←addr

#define XR←WITHIN←STACK(sp,t,bytes)	\
	( (((sp)+(bytes)) <= (t)->t←stack.stack←physInitial) \
		&& ((sp) >= (t)->t←stack.stack←physLimit) )

#define XR←WITHIN←WARM←STACK(sp,t,bytes)	\
	( (((sp)+(bytes)) <= (t)->t←stack.stack←physInitial) \
		&& ((sp) >= (t)->t←stack.stack←warmLimit) )

#define XR←WARM←STACK←EXCEEDED(sp,t) \
	( (sp) < (t)->t←stack.stack←warmLimit )

#ifdef sparc
# define XR←STACK←ALIGNMENT←OK(sp) (((sp) & 0x7) == 0)
# define XR←STACK←ALIGN(sp) ( ((XR←Pointer)(sp)) & ~0x7 )
--> fix me <--

 * Thread descriptors

/* Scheduling State */

typedef unsigned XR←SStat;
#   define XR←SSTAT←NONE	((XR←SStat)(0))
#   define XR←SSTAT←FREE	((XR←SStat)(1))	/* free, with stack  */
#   define XR←SSTAT←READY	((XR←SStat)(2))	/* ready */
#   define XR←SSTAT←RUN		((XR←SStat)(3))	/* running */
#   define XR←SSTAT←WAIT←ML	((XR←SStat)(4))	/* waiting ml */
#   define XR←SSTAT←WAIT←CV	((XR←SStat)(5))	/* waiting cv */
#   define XR←SSTAT←LAST 	((XR←SStat)(5))

/* Priority */

typedef unsigned XR←Pri;
#   define XR←PRI←IDLE			((XR←Pri)(0))
#   define XR←PRI←USER←BACKGROUND	((XR←Pri)(1))
#   define XR←PRI←SYS←BACKGROUND	((XR←Pri)(2))
#   define XR←PRI←USER←NORMAL		((XR←Pri)(3))
#   define XR←PRI←USER←FOREGROUND	((XR←Pri)(4))
#   define XR←PRI←SYS←NORMAL		((XR←Pri)(5))
#   define XR←PRI←SYS←FOREGROUND	((XR←Pri)(6))
#   define XR←PRI←SYS←EXCLUSIVE		((XR←Pri)(7))
#   define XR←PRI←LAST 7

/* Switch State */

typedef unsigned XR←SwStat;

#   define XR←SWSTAT←NONE		((XR←SwStat)(0))
#   define XR←SWSTAT←DONT←PREEMPT	((XR←SwStat)(1))
#   define XR←SWSTAT←THREAD		((XR←SwStat)(2))
#   define XR←SWSTAT←HANDLER		((XR←SwStat)(3))
#   define XR←SWSTAT←HSTACK		((XR←SwStat)(4))
#   define XR←SWSTAT←LAST 4

/* Join State */

typedef unsigned XR←JStat;
#   define XR←JSTAT←NONE		((XR←JStat)(0))
#   define XR←JSTAT←EXITING		((XR←JStat)(1))
#   define XR←JSTAT←JOINING		((XR←JStat)(2))
#   define XR←JSTAT←JOINED		((XR←JStat)(3))
#   define XR←JSTAT←DETACHED		((XR←JStat)(4))
#   define XR←JSTAT←DONE		((XR←JStat)(5))
#   define XR←JSTAT←LAST 5

/* Debugger request/response messages */

    /* see XR←DBMsg above */


/* Thread Data Structure */

typedef struct XR←ThreadRep {

    /* result of last UNIX system call */
    /* ThreadsMachDep.s depends on these fields being at offset 0 and 4 */

    int t←errno;		/* result of last system call ... */
    int t←errnoLock;		/* ... that was invoked with lock false */

    /* rescheduling hints for monitor entry/exit */
    /*  ThreadsMachDep.s depends on these fields being at offset 8 and 12 */

    void * t←vpeToReschedOnMonitorExit;
    XR←ML t←mlNeeded;

    /* index values */

    int t←index;		/* index in thread table */
    int t←timeoutIndex;		/* >0 ==> waiting for timeout */
    unsigned t←gen;		/* generation number (won't repeat) */

    /* scheduling state, thread queue -- must hold metaLock to change */

    XR←SStat t←sStat;		/* scheduling state */
    XR←Pri t←pri;		/* scheduling priority */
    XR←Ticks t←when;		/* ticks-since-boot when timeout wanted */

    XR←Thread t←next;		/* next in thread queue */
    XR←TQ t←tq;			/* queue containing this thread */

    unsigned long
        t←schedCtlInfo;		/* see ThreadsSchedCtl.h */
    unsigned long
        t←disabled;		/* see ThreadsSchedCtl.h */

    /* wait queue */

    XR←Thread t←wNext;		/* next pointer in wait queue */
    XR←WQ t←wq;			/* wq containing this thread */

    /* free queue */

    XR←TQ t←fq;			/* free queue for this thread */

    /* slow timeout */

    struct XR←CVRep t←timerCV;

    /* context */

    struct XR←JmpBufRep t←resume;
    XR←SwStat t←swStat;

    /* handler data */

    struct XR←HandlerDataRep t←handlerData; /* ??? */

    /* memory map info */

    struct XR←StackRep t←stack;	/* thread stack description */

    /* ABORT state */

    bool t←abortable;		/* significant when waiting on cv/icv	*/
    bool t←abortRequest;	/* abort requested but not yet acted on	*/

    /* thread (re)starting */

    XR←Pointer t←jumpSP;		/* non-NIL ==> call XR←Jumpee with */
					/*   sp set to this */
    void (*t←jumpProc)(/*arg*/);	/* called with t←jumpArg by XR←Jumpee */
    unsigned t←jumpArg;


    struct XR←MLRep t←ml;	/* lock on remaining fields */
    XR←MesaProc t←startProc;	/* start proc for this thread */ /* ??? */
    XR←Pointer t←result;	/* result data for joiner */
    XR←JStat t←jStat;		/* JOIN/Detach state */
    struct XR←CVRep t←jCVc;	/* for join-detach, child waits */
    struct XR←CVRep t←jCVp;	/* for join-detach, parent waits */

    /* debugger */

    XR←DBMsg t←dbMsg;		/* for communication with debugger */
    bool t←dbFreeze;		/* freeze request from debugger */
    bool t←dbFrozen;		/* thread is frozen */

    /* per-thread client data */

    XR←Pointer t←dynEnv;	/* dynamic environment */
    XR←Pointer t←perThreadData[XR←NUM←PER←THREAD←DATA];

#undef XR←Thread
} * XR←Thread;

extern XR←Thread XR←currThread;	/* current thread, PER PROCESSOR */

 * Thread Priorities

extern XR←Pri
XR←GetPriority ();
    Return priority of current thread.
#   define XR←GetPriority()	(XR←currThread->t←pri)

extern void
XR←SetPriority (/* pri */);
    XR←Pri pri;

    Set priority of current thread.

extern void
XR←Yield (/* */);
    Yield processor, usually to the most eligible
    nonrunning thread.

 * Checked Thread Data Structure -- includes ref and generation number

typedef struct XR←CTRep {
    XR←Thread ct←thread;	/* -> thread */
    unsigned ct←gen;		/* generation number */
} *XR←CT;

extern void
XR←DirectedYieldCT(/* XR←CT ct */);
    Yield processor to another thread, usually to ct.
    If ct is invalid, we may yield to a random thread, but otherwise
    this is safe.

extern void
XR←GetCurrent (/* result */);
    struct XR←CTRep *result;

    Return the current thread in *result.

 * Thread Create/Destroy runtime support

extern void
XR←Fork (/*
    struct XR←CTRep *result,
    XR←MesaProc mp

extern int
XR←TryFork (/*
    struct XR←CTRep *result,
    XR←MesaProc mp

extern int
XR←TryFork3 (/*
    struct XR←CTRep *result,
    XR←MesaProc mp,
    unsigned minStackBytes

      `mp' takes no arguments and returns a result record (possibly NIL?).
      It is the responsibility of the joiner to free this record
        using XR←ExtensionFree.

    Fork a new thread running `mp'.
    Return the checked thread in *result.
    XR←TryFork returns 0 on success or (-1) if thread slot is unavailable.
    XR←TryFork3 returns 0 on success or (-1) if no thread slot with at least
      the requested number of stack bytes is available.
    XR←Fork waits (not abortable) if no thread slot is available.

    extern void
    XR←RegisterThreadStartProc (/* startProc */);
        XR←MesaProc startProc;

        Register startProc as the "start proc" for this thread and its
        Ordinarily, the effect of
          XR←Fork(result, forkProc);
          result = (*forkProc->mp←proc)(forkProc);
        After RegisterThreadStartProc(startProc) the effect will be
          result = (*startProc->mp←proc)(forkProc, startProc);
        allowing the startProc to catch uncaught signals, etc. 
        It is okay to register NIL.
#      define XR←RegisterThreadStartProc(startProc) \
	   XR←currThread->t←startProc = (startProc)
#   endif

extern XR←Pointer
XR←JoinCT (/* ct */);
    XR←CT ct;
    JOIN with `ct' returning (pointer to) its results.
    The caller is presumed to know how many results to expect.
    If cp is an invalid thread, return ((XR←Pointer)(-1)), which is
      guaranteed not to be a valid pointer.

extern int
    XR←CT ct,
    bool abortable,
    XR←Pointer *resultp
    Try to join thread ct, storing (pointer to) its results in *resultp.
    Return 0 on success, -EINVAL, -ESRCH or -EABORTED on failure.

extern int
XR←PauseAbortable (/* ticks */);
    XR←Ticks ticks;

    Pause the specified number of ticks, with aborts enabled.
    Ticks may be XR←WAIT←FOREVER.
    Return 0 ordinarily, or -1 if aborted.

extern bool
XR←AbortPending ();
    Check whether an abort has been requested.
    This does not clear the p←abortRequest flag.
#   define XR←AbortPending() (XR←currThread->t←abortRequest)

extern int
XR←CancelAbort (/* ct */);
    XR←CT ct;
    Cancel any abort request for `ct' (i.e. clear the t←abortRequest flag).
    If `ct' == NIL it means the current thread.
    Return 0 if okay, or -1 if `ct' is invalid.

extern int
XR←DetachCT (/* ct */);
    XR←CT ct;
    Detach `ct'.
    Return 0 if okay, or -1 if `ct' is invalid.

extern int
XR←AbortCT (/* ct */);
    XR←CT ct;
    Abort `ct'.
    Return 0 if okay, or -1 if `ct' is invalid.

extern int
XR←ValidateCT (/* ct */);
    XR←CT ct;

    Return 0 if okay, -1 if `ct' is invalid.

 * Per-Thread data

extern int
XR←GetPerThreadDataID(/* XR←Pointer key, bool create, bool inherit */);
    Return an id for per-thread data to be associated with the
      (non-NIL) value of key. 
    <Result, XR←GetErrno()>:
      key == NIL => <-1, EINVAL>
      create == FALSE and no registration exists for key => <-1, EINVAL>
      create == TRUE and a registration already exists => <-1, EINVAL>
      no more slots => <-1, ENOMEM>
      okay => <id, ?>
    If the call is successful with create == TRUE, then the corresponding
      per-thread data is inherited across FORKs iff inherit == TRUE.

extern XR←Pointer *
XR←GetPerThreadDataAddress(/* int id */);
    Return address of per-thread data slot.

#   define XR←GetPerThreadDataAddress(id) ((XR←Pointer *) \
	(((char *)(XR←currThread))+((int)(id))) )

    /* obsolete versions ... */

    extern int
    XR←GetPerThreadDataOffset(/* XR←Pointer key, bool create */);
        Return a byte offset from XR←currThread
          to be used for per-thread client data
          associated with the (non-zero) value of key.
        The offset will be word-aligned but might be negative.
        <Result, XR←GetErrno()>:
          key == 0 => <-1, EINVAL>
          create == FALSE and no registration exists for key => <-1, EINVAL>
          create == TRUE and a registration already exists => <-1, EINVAL>
          no more slots => <-1, ENOMEM>
          okay => <offset, ?>

    extern XR←Pointer *
    XR←GetPerThreadDataSlot(/* int byteOffset */);
        Return address of per-thread data slot at given offset.

    extern XR←Pointer
    XR←GetThreadProperty (/* */);
        Return property value of current thread.

    extern XR←Pointer
    XR←GetThreadInheritedProperty (/* */);
        Return inherited property value of current thread.

    extern void
    XR←SetThreadProperty (/* p */);
        XR←Pointer p;

        Set property value of current thread.

    extern void
    XR←SetThreadInheritedProperty (/* p */);
        XR←Pointer p;

        Set inherited property value of current thread.

 * Terminate the world ...

extern void
XR←ExitWorld (/* int status */);
    Terminate PCR; in Unix(tm) this looks like


    to the invoker of PCR. 

    Tries to free all allocated resources
	(e.g. system semaphores, swap file, ...).

    extern void
    XR←KillWorld (/* */);
        Equivalent to XR←ExitWorld(-1).

 * Thread switch recording (for performance monitoring)

extern void
    XR←MesaProc proc,
    XR←MesaProc *oldProcP
    Register a proc to be called whenever a thread is switched away from.
    The proc is called by
          nextThread,	(* dest thread for handoff scheduling *)
          nextState,	(* state this thread is changing to *)
          swStat,	(* from handler? (see XR←SWStat) *)
    Return old registration in *oldProcP.
      (This may be NIL, => don't return anything.)
    The proc may not acquire locks, or do anything else that might
      induce a switch (e.g. call XR←Yield() ... ).

extern void
    XR←MesaProc proc,
    XR←MesaProc *oldProcP
    Register a proc to be called whenever a thread is switched to.
    The proc is called by
          nextThread,	(* thread being switched too *)
    Return old registration in *oldProcP.
      (This may be NIL, => don't return anything.)
    The proc may not acquire locks, or do anything else that might
      induce a switch (e.g. call XR←Yield() ... ).

extern void
    XR←MesaProc proc,
    XR←MesaProc *oldProcP
    Register a proc to be called whenever a thread is made runnable.
    The proc is called by
          runnableThread,	(* thread to be made runnable *)
    Return old registration in *oldProcP.
      (This may be NIL, => don't return anything.)
    The proc may not acquire locks, or do anything else that might
      induce a switch (e.g. call XR←Yield() ... ).

extern void
    XR←MesaProc proc,
    XR←MesaProc *oldProcP
    Register a proc to be called whenever a thread is forked.
    The proc is called by
          currThread,	(* calling thread *)
          newThread,	(* Newly created thread *)
    Return old registration in *oldProcP.
      (This may be NIL, => don't return anything.)
    The proc may not acquire locks, or do anything else that might
      induce a switch (e.g. call XR←Yield() ... ).

bool XR←StackPushTest(/* int nbytes */);
   Return TRUE if it's possible to push nbytes onto the current
   stack without causing a thread stack overflow.
#endif ←XR←THREADS←