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 * PZone.h
 * Demers, July 24, 1989 10:17:37 am PDT
 * Simple Zones for "Permanent" or "Pascal-like" applications.
 * Most operations correspond to those in the standard malloc/free/...
 *   package, and default to those if the zone argument is NIL.
 * PZones give better reference locality than the standard package.
 * They also support a stack-like free: free everything allocated after
 *   a remembered time.

#ifndef ←XR←PZONE←
#define ←XR←PZONE← 1

#ifndef ←XR←BASIC←TYPES←
#include "xr/BasicTypes.h"

typedef char * XR←PZone;	/* opaque */

extern XR←PZone
XR←PZCreate(/* bool ptrFree, unsigned growBytes */);
    Create a zone.
	Parameter ptrFree controls whether garbage collector traces thru zone.
	Parameter growBytes is amount by which zone is grown when necessary.

extern char *
XR←PZmalloc(/* XR←PZone z, unsigned bytes */);

extern void
XR←PZfree(/* XR←PZone z, char *ptr */);

extern char *
XR←PZcalloc(/* XR←PZone z, unsigned bytes */);

extern void
XR←PZcfree(/* XR←PZone z, char *ptr */);

extern char *
XR←PZremember(/* XR←PZone z */);
    Return a "magic cookie" for use in XR←PZrevert.

extern void
XR←PZrevert(/* XR←PZone z, char *cookie */);
    Free everything allocated in zone since the cookie was created.
    Special cases:
        cookie == XR←PZ←FREE←NOTHING (== NIL) ==> free nothing
        cookie == XR←PZ←FREE←ALL (== (char *)(1)) ==> free everything in z
    Behavior with other cookies is unpredictable.

#define XR←PZ←FREE←ALL ((char *)(1))
