Mna, September 27, 1991 2:55 pm PDT
Mike Agostino
Ó Copyright 1991 Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved.
Abstract: A viewers tool to monitor page space remaining on a workstation
Created by: Mike Agostino
Maintained by: Mike Agostino
Keywords: viewers, page space, Unix, swap
XEROX  Xerox Corporation
   Palo Alto Research Center
   3333 Coyote Hill Road
   Palo Alto, California 94304

For Internal Xerox Use Only
1. Using the PageSpaceMonitor Button
Typing PageSpaceMonButton will place a top-level button that records the amount of page space remaining on your workstation. The button displays the amount of paging space remaining in megabytes. When the remaining space falls below 1 Mb the amount is displayed in Kb. The page space is checked at a frequency of 60 seconds. The page space left at any instant in time can be determined by clicking on the button. When the amount of page space remaining becomes critical (below 100 Kb) the user is warned by displaying the button in reverse video. Both the frequency and warning level are configurable, see below.
PageSpaceMonButton gets its info by spawning a Unix process to run "/etc/pstat -s". The output is placed in a file which is parsed to determine the page space remaining.
2. Profile Options
PageSpaceMonitor.CheckFrequency: 60
The frequency in seconds to check the page space remaining.
PageSpaceMonitor.WarningLevel: 100
The number of kBytes remaining when the button is video inversed. If the number of pages free should rise above the warning level the button is restored to its non-inversed state.